Socio-contrast relations as a mechanism for overcoming poverty of a modern Russian family

Voronova, Ksenia Andreevna (teacher, sociology).Socio-contract relations as a mechanism for overcoming the poverty of a modern Russian family: an abstract of a dissertation for the degree of candidate of sociological sciences: specialty 22.00.04 / Voronova Ksenia Andreevna;Perm State National Research University.- Nizhny Novgorod, 2018. -22 p.;21 cm. -Place of protection: National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University named afterN.I.Lobachevsky (NSU).- Bibliography: p.20-22 (9 names) and in substitution notes..1. The people (collection).2. Family and traditional family values ​​in Russia as the basis of Russian statehood (collection).3. Social structure, social institutions and processes.4. Family-socio-economic research-Russian Federation-Author of dissertations.5. Poverty - overcoming - Russian Federation - Author of dissertations.BBK 60.561.51 (2ros) I031BBK 65.240.5-21 (2ros) I031Source of an electronic copy: NSU.Website
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