On post-in-law support for orphans, children left without parental care, people from among orphans and children left without par...

Leningrad region.Laws.On the post-navigation of orphans, children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, in the Leningrad Region: the Law of the Leningrad Region dated June 16, 2015 No. 59-OZ.-St. Petersburg, 2015. -6 sheets.-At the end of the text, the signature: temporarily acting Governor of the Leningrad Region A. Drozdenko.Place of signing: St. Petersburg.Electronic version of the right act (6 files, JPEG: 6.1 MB).Published in publications: Official Internet portal of the Administration of the Leningrad Region (www.lenobl.ru) dated 06/22/2015;Official Internet portal of legal information (www.pravo.gov.ru) dated 05.22.2015.I. Leningrad region.Legislative assembly.II.Leningrad region.Governor 1.Power (collection).2. The people (collection).3. Family and traditional family values ​​in Russia as the basis of Russian statehood (collection).4. Territory (collection).5. Territory of Russia: Leningrad Region (collection).6. Children left without parental care - pedagogical support - Leningrad region - legal acts.7. Children left without parental care - social protection - Russian Federation - legal acts.BBK 67.404.214-32 (2ros-4len) K124BBK 74.660.1 (2ros-4len) K124Electronic copy source: PB
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