On the recognition of real military titles, documents on education and (or) on the qualification of the citizens of the Russian ...

On recognition by valuable military titles, documents on education and (or) on the qualification of the citizens of the Russian Federation living in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, who received the military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and documents on their military service: Decree of the PresidentRussian Federation dated 11/26/2016 No. 628. - Electronic text data (1 file).-(Moscow: Glavnivz UDP of the Russian Federation, 2018).-Access mode: Internet portal of the presidential library.Plug.From the title page.Electronic version: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated November 26, 2016 No. 628 "On recognition by actual military ranks, documents on education and (or) on the qualification of those living in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol of the Russian Federation who entered military service under a contract in the armed for armedThe forces of the Russian Federation, and documents on their military service. " .Electronic copy source: PB

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