An agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of South Ossetia on the procedure for pension provision of military...

The agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of South Ossetia on the procedure for pension provision of military personnel and their families of January 28, 2014.- Moscow, 2014. -4 sheets.-At the end of the signature: for the Russian Federation, for the Republic of South Ossetia.Place and date of signing: Moscow, January 28, 2014.Ratified by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated March 30, 2015 No. 59-ФЗ, entered into force for the Russian Federation on April 15, 2015.Electronic version of a legal act (4 files, JPEG: 2.8 MB)..I. Russian Federation.Government.II.Republic of South Ossetia.The administration of the President and the Government 1.Power (collection).2. The people (collection).3. Russia and countries of the world (collection).4. Territory (collection).5. Family and traditional family values ​​in Russia as the basis of Russian statehood (collection).6. Families of military personnel - social assistance - Russian Federation - legal acts.7. Families of military personnel - social assistance - South Ossetia, the republic - legal acts.8. The Russian Federation - relations - South Ossetia, the republic - legal acts.9. South Ossetia, the Republic - Relations - the Russian Federation - legal acts.BBK 68.426 (2ros) K13BBK 68.426 (235.1) K13Electronic copy source: PB
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