Pimokatny Providence in the Shadrinsky district of the Perm province

Egorovskaya, Raisa Alexandrovna (1878-1943).Pimokatny Providence in the Shadrinsky district of the Perm province / [Op.] Sanitary doctor R. A. Egorovskaya.-St. Petersburg: printing house of the Ministry of the Interior, 1913. -36 p.: table .. -Bibliography in the text.- A separate print from the magazine "Bulletin of public hygiene, forensic and practical medicine."1913, No. 10..1. The people (collection).2. Perm Territory: Pages of History (collection).3. The year of the cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia (collection).4. Felted shoes - production - Shadrinsky district (Perm province).BBK 63.521 (= 411.2) -4Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: Kurgan Ounb
Publisher типография Министерства внутренних дел
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