Yes, the workers of the Chesov Acupoured Garado Belarusai: [Listok: Zamlik Rashchi Veszi Baratsba to the Fashystskiykimi, Sabaty...

Yes, the workers of the Chesov Acupoured Garado Belarusai: [Listok: Strong Rashchi Vesza Baratsba to the Fashystskiykimi, Sabatyravats I Zlitzi mustard il measurements] / Central Committee of the Communist Party (b) b.- [B.m.]: issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party (b) Belarusai, 1942. -605: GPAMET about the Great Victory 096/16078l..Electronic copy source: National Library of Belarus
Publisher [Б. м.] : Выданне ЦК КП(б) Беларусі

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