Institutional contradictions in the system of protection of children left without parental care

Nelyubova, Yanina Kamilievna (candidate of sociological sciences).Institutional contradictions in the system of protection of children without parental care: abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of sociological sciences: specialty 22.00.04 / Nelyubova Yanina Kamilievna;Saratov State Technical University named afterYu. A. Gagarin.- Saratov, 2011. -20 p.;21 cm. -Place of protection: Saratov State Technical University.Yu. A. Gagarin.- Bibliography: p.18-19 (11 names)..1. The people (collection).2. Family and traditional family values ​​in Russia as the basis of Russian statehood (collection).3. Children left without parental care - social protection - the Russian Federation - author of dissertations.4. Social structure, social institutions and processes.BBK 60.542.4 (2ros) I031BBK 63.3 (2ros) 64-284.1y031Source of an electronic copy: Saratov
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