Chelyabinsk State Academic Drama Theater named after Naum Orlov.The performance "number 6".Artist Mikhail Greben and other theat...

Chelyabinsk State Academic Drama Theater named after Naum Orlov.The performance "number 6".Artist Mikhail Greben and other theater artists: [photography] / Tulenkov, Alexey Borisovich.- 2019. -Nomer-6-4;Persons.Treaty of April 16, 2019;Field date: February 2019. Scene from the play "Number 6".Director-winner Danil Chashchin.In the photo, the artist Mikhail Greben and the artists of the Chelyabinsk Drama Theater named after Naum Orlov..Source of an electronic copy: Chelyabinsk State Academic Drama Theater named afterNauma Orlova

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