Social Mission of the University in the context of the multidimensionality and polyvarian development of higher education

Karpenko, Anastasia YuryevnaThe social mission of the university in the context of the multidimensionality and the development of higher education: the abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of philosophical sciences: specialty 09.00.11 / Karpenko Anastasia Yuryevna;[Place of protection: South.Feder.un-t].-Rostov-on-Don, 2018. -33 p.;21. -Bibliography: p.33 (6 names) and in the settings.Note..1. Power (collection).2. Social philosophy.3. Sociology - social institutions - sociology of education.Pedagogical sociology.4. Culture.The science.Education is a popular education.Pedagogical sciences are higher education.Pedagogy of higher education - higher education - countries of the world - a system of higher education - university education.BBK 60.561.9ya031BBK 74.484 (0) I031Source of an electronic copy: YuFu.Website
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