The universal journey around the world containing the extraction of travels of the famous navigators from the bottom, once: Mage...

Dumon-DurvilleThe universal journey around the world containing the extraction of travels of the famous navigators from the bottom, once: Magellan, Tasman, Dampier ... and many others, compiled by Dumon-Durville, captain of the French Royal Fleet, with adding maps, plans, portraits and images of the most remarkable objectsNature and hostels in all parts of the world, according to the drawings of the senses, accompanied by Dumon-Terville in his journey around the worldPart 8. - 1837. -349, VII s .. -To Shmutzite.: VIII.Plug.Schmutzite.: Universal journey.Ex.: Without region..1. Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: Ban RAS

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