Experience in the separation of Siberia and Turkestan into landscape and morphological areas

Berg, L.S.The experience of dividing Siberia and Turkestan into landscape and morphological regions = Versuch Einer Gliederung von Sibirien und Turkestan in Landschaftliche und Geeomorphology Regionen: from 2 cards.- Moscow: Typo-Lit.T-va I.N.Kushnerev and Co., 1913. -[2], 37 p., 2 l.cards .. -Part of the text on it.ulcer.Tit.l.and region.paralle.on Russian.And him.ulcer.Bibliogr.in the text.- Dep.Ott.From the "Collection in honor of the 70th anniversary of D.N. Anuchin."FestSchrift Fur Dn Anutschin Zu Seinem 70-Ten GeburtStage..1. Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: Ban RAS
Publisher типо-литогафия Товарищества И. Н. Кушнерев и К°
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