History of Assyria

Ragozina, Z.A.History of Assyria: From the rise of the Assyrian power to the fall of Nineveh: from 101 Fig.and 2 cards., Printing.Paints / [Op.] Z.A.Ragozina, a member of the London and Great British "Society of the Study of Asia", "American Society of Oriental Studies", the Parisian "Ethnological Society", a corresponding member of the Parisian "East ATENIA", etc.-St. Petersburg: ed.A.F.Marx, 1902. -[4], XVI, 5-500 p., 2 l.kart.: silt .. - (the oldest history of the East).-Bibliogr.In the text and subscription.Note .. - Ex.: With a manpower.litter..1. Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage place: St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Publisher Изд. А.Ф. Маркса

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