Spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren in the process of cognition of their native land

Vedeneeva, Galina IvanovnaThe spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren in the process of knowing the native land: abstract of dis.On Soi.Uch.step.Doctors of pedagogical sciences: specialty 13.00.01 / Vedeneeva Galina Ivanovna;[Place of protection: Mosk.ped.state.un-t].- Moscow, 2018. -40 p.: Il.;21 cm .. -Bibliography: p.34-40 (69 names)..1. The history of education in Russia (collection).2. General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education.3. Culture.The science.Education is a popular education.Pedagogical sciences - a comprehensive school.School pedagogy - school pedagogy - Russian Federation - education - types of education - moral education.4. Culture.The science.Education is a popular education.Pedagogical sciences - a comprehensive school.School pedagogy-school pedagogy-Russian Federation-upbringing-extracurricular work-certain types of extracurricular work-excursion-tourist and local history work-local history work.BBK 74.200.51ya031BBK 74.266.329y031Electronic copy source: MPGU.Website
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