Trends in the education of the culture of the health of schoolchildren (harmonization of Russian and European approaches)

Garkusha, Natalya SergeevnaTrends in the education of the culture of the health of schoolchildren (harmonization of Russian and European approaches): abstract of the dissertation for the degree of doctor of pedagogical sciences: specialty 13.00.01 / Garkusha Natalya Sergeevna;[Moscow Pedagogical State University].- Moscow, 2015. -40 p.: Il.;21 cm .. -Bibliography: p.35-40 (55 names)..-100 copies..1. The people (collection).2. The history of education in Russia (collection).3. General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education.BBK 75.110y031BBK 74.002y031BBK 74.200.554y031Electronic copy source: MPGU.Website
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