Features of ethnic and moral self -awareness of a person in a foreign ethnic environment

Lugovoi, Ruslan AleksandrovichFeatures of ethnic and moral self -awareness of a person in a foreign ethnic environment: on the material of the study of traditional student youth of Dagestan: abstract of dis.... candidate of psychological sciences: 19.00.01 / Lugovoi Ruslan Aleksandrovich;[Place of protection: Mosk.ped.state.un-t].- Moscow, 2012. -27 s .. -.1. The people (collection).2. Territory (collection).3. Russian Territory: Dagestan, Republic (collection).4. General psychology, psychology of personality, the history of psychology.5. Dagestan.BBK 63.3 (2ros. Dag) 64-284.2ya031BBK 88.542.5y031BBK 60.545.1y031Electronic copy source: MPGU.Website
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