On amendments to the operator of the unified automated information system "Unified register of domain names, signs of sites on t...

On amendments to the operator of the unified automated information system "Unified register of domain names, signs of sites on the Internet and network addresses that allow identifying sites on the Internet, containing information that is prohibited in the Russian Federation" with a providerHosting, approved by order of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications dated February 21, 2013 No. 170 ": Order of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications dated 13.04.2015 No. 28. - ElectronicText data (2 files). -(Moscow: Glavnivz UDP of the Russian Federation, 2018). -Access mode: Internet portal of the presidential library.Plug.From the title page.Electronic version: Order of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications dated 04/13/2015 No. 28 "On amendments to the interaction procedure of the operator of the unified automated information system" Unified register of domain names, signs of sites on the Internet "Internet" andNetwork addresses that allow identifying sites on the Internet, containing information that is prohibited in the Russian Federation "with the hosting provider, approved by order of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications of February 21, 2013 No. 170"..Electronic copy source: PB

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