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On the approval of the Rules for the implementation of the implementation of the alcoholic market and its territorial bodies of internal control of the compliance of personal data with the requirements for the protection of personal data established by the Federal Law "On Personal Data" adopted in accordance with it by regulatory legal acts and local acts of the Federal Service forRegulation of the alcoholic market ": Order of the Federal Service for the Regulation of the Alcohol Market dated 31.03.2016 No. 78. - Electronic text data (5 files). - (Moscow: Glavnivz UDP RF, 2018). -Access mode: Internet portal of the presidential library.Plug.From the title page.Electronic version: Order of the Federal Service for the Regulation of the Alcohol Market dated 03/31/2016 No. 78 "On approval of the Rules for the implementation in the Federal Service for the Regulation of the Alcoholic Market and its territorial bodies of internal control of the processing of personal data with the requirements for the protection of personal data established by the Federal Law" On Personaldata ", the regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with it and local acts of the Federal Service for the Regulation of the Alcohol Market.".Electronic copy source: PB