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On the inclusion of the identified objects of cultural heritage in the Unified State Register of Cultural Heritage Objects (Monuments of History and Culture) of the Peoples of the Russian Federation as objects of cultural heritage of federal significance as part of the cultural heritage object of the federal significance "Ensemble of the Estate" Arkhangelskoye ", XVII-G. Age of the 20th century (MoscowThe region, Krasnogorsk district, the village of Arkhangelskoye) and the approval of the boundaries of their territory ": Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated 01.09.2016 No. 1995. - Electronic text data (14 files).-(Moscow: Glavnivz UDP of the Russian Federation, 2018).-Access mode: Internet portal of the presidential library.Plug.From the title page.Electronic version: Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated 01.09.2016 No. 1995 "On the inclusion of identified cultural heritage objects in the Unified State Register of Cultural Heritage (History and Culture Monuments) of the Peoples of the Russian Federation as objects of cultural heritage of federal significance as part of the cultural heritage of the federalThe values of the "ensemble of the estate" Arkhangelskoye, the 17th-beginning of the 20th century (Moscow region, Krasnogorsk district, the village of Arkhangelskoye) and the approval of the boundaries of their territory. ".Electronic copy source: PB