On amendments to the form of a conclusion on the reliability of determining the estimated cost of construction, reconstruction, ...

On amendments to the form of conclusion on the reliability of determining the estimated cost of construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities, approved by order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated March 29, 2017 No. 655/Pr: Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Housing and Housing and HousingCommunal Economy of the Russian Federation dated 10.10.2017 No. 1455/Ave.- electronic text data (3 files).-(Moscow: Glavnivz UDP of the Russian Federation, 2018).-Access mode: Internet portal of the presidential library.Plug.From the title page.Electronic version: Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated 10.10.2017 No. 1455/Pr "on amendments to the form of conclusion on the reliability of determining the estimated cost of construction, reconstruction, overhaul of capital construction facilities, approved by order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing-Communal Economy of the Russian Federation dated March 29, 2017 t. No. 655/pr ".".Electronic copy source: PB

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