To the bibliography of materials about Gogol.[Issue.3]

Bertenson, SergeyTo the bibliography of materials about Gogol.- St. Petersburg: Type.Imp.Acad.sciences, [1910-1917].-Ext.1 went out under the head.: Bibliographic indicator of literature for 1900-1909..I. Gogol 1.Russian language (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: Samara OUNB[Issue.3]: 1911-1913.- 1914. - [2], 9 s .. the text.- Dep.Ott.From the news of the branch of the Russian language and the literature of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, vol. XIX (1914), book.2..1. Russian language (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: Samara OUNB
Publisher типография Императорской Академии наук
Catalogue object