Coins of the reign of Empress Anna Ioannovna and Emperor John III

Georgy Mikhailovich (Grand Duke; 1863-1919).Coins of the reign of the Empress Anna Ioannovna and Emperor John III / Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich.-St. Petersburg: printing house A. Benke, 1901. -[406] p.Section.pag.: il., Portr., table.;41 cm.-([corps of Russian coins. 1682-1890; T. 1-13, issue 10]).-Dedicated to the sovereign Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich.Without a common title sheet.It is described by the cover, the private title of each part on a separate title sheet.On the title sheet: No. 79..1. Anna Ivanovna (Empress Russian; 1693 - 1740).2. Power (collection).3. Romanov’s house (collection).4. Mint - History - Russia - 18 in ..BBK 63.3 (2) 512-2BBK 63.221Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage: PB
Publisher Типография А. Бенке
Catalogue object