Carrying around.1926. No. 12

Carrying around: weekly.lit.-art.Journal.- Riga, 1925-1929.-In Children's corner.Publishing House: No. 24 (1926) - 43 (1929) Salamander.Subtit.: No. 1 (1925) - 14 (1926) weekly.lit.-art.Zhurne.;No. 15 (1926) - 43 (1929) lit. -art.Journal..1. Russian language (collection).Electronic copy source: PBPlace of storage of the original: cultural and historical fund "Communication of times".Faberge Museum1926. No. 12. - ed.ACC.Froke Pech.Cases "Salamander", 1926. -[2], 321-352, [2] p., 2 l.Il.: silt .. the text.- Ex.: Without Titus.l..1. The people (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: PB
Publisher Изд. Акц. о-ва печ. дела "Саламандра"

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