The library of traveling of the famous, such as: Columbus, Cook, Bridon, Tournbull, Biron and many others, in which entertaining...

The library of traveling of the famous, such as: Columbus, Cook, Bridon, Turnbull, Biron and many others, in which entertaining and extraordinary objects in nature and human life are described: trans.With him.- Moscow: Type.Imp.Mosk.Theater, 1826. -.I. Turnbull.II.Biron.III.Brididon.IV.Columbus.V. Cook. 1.Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: UrFUPart 3: With engraved paintings.- 1826. - [2], 376, [1] p., 3 l.Il .. -Ex.: Without region..1. Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: UrFU
Publisher Тип. Имп. моск. театра

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