Electronic educational resources with elements of autodidactics as a means of self -development of students of a professional ed...

Belova, Elena AlexandrovnaElectronic educational resources with elements of autodidactics as a means of self -development of students of a professional educational organization: abstract of dis.... candidate of pedagogical sciences: 13.00.01 / Belova Elena Aleksandrovna;[Place of protection: Tamb.state.University named afterG.R.Derzhavina].- Tambov, 2017. -23 s .. -.1. The people (collection).2. General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education.3. Culture.The science.Education is a popular education.Pedagogical sciences - secondary specialized education.Pedagogy of secondary special education - pedagogy of secondary specialized education - Russian Federation - didactics - programmed training.4. Culture.The science.Education is a popular education.Pedagogical sciences - secondary specialized education.Pedagogy of secondary specialized education - pedagogy of secondary specialized education - Russian Federation - didactics - organizational forms of training - independent work of students.BBK 74.464.7ya031BBK 74.044.4Y031Source of an electronic copy: Tambov GU.Website
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