The formation of museum collections and their influence on the cultural life of the province in the 20-40s.XX century.

Shcherbinina, Julia ValerievnaThe formation of museum collections and their influence on the cultural life of the province in the 20-40s.XX century.: on the materials of the Tambov province and the Tambov region: abstract of dis.... candidate of historical sciences: 07.00.02 / Shcherbinina Julia Valerievna;[Place of protection: Tamb.state.University named afterG.R.Derzhavina].- Tambov, 2016. -25 p.: Il.;21. -Bibliography: p.24-25 (6 names)..1. The people (collection).2. Territory of Russia: Tambov region (collection).3. Domestic history.4. Culture.The science.Education is a museum business.Museum -History - History - Russian Federation - Tambov region.5. Sociology - social institutions - the sociology of the spiritual development of society - the sociology of printing and reading, journalism, libraries.BBK 79.13y031BBK 63.3 (2) 6-7ya031Source of an electronic copy: Tambov GU.Website
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