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Letter A.M.Bezobrazova to the "Grand Duke" [Alexander Mikhailovich], about the political situation and economic policy of Russia in the Far East (Manchuria, North Korea, China), criticizing the position and actions of S.Yu.Witte, diplomats, N.N.Muravyov-Amursky, A.N.Kuropatkina;His notes: "Memorandum" about Russia's policy in China and relations with other countries that have commercial and other interests here (England, France, Germany);"Project of the fundamental formulation of the issue" (on the project of the establishment of the East Asian Industrial Company as a "private society with the state program" and for a special high command-the positions of the state secretary for "intercourse" with departments);His (?): "Synopsis for analysis of the situation" (about the causes of failures in Russia in the Far East, starting with its penetration into southern Manchuria, the Treaty on March 26, 1902 and ending with the war with Japan; on the actions of S.Yu. Witte, and. N. Kuropatkina, [D.D.] Podrotilova);Lieutenant General Lashkarev in a logical case;A copy of the order of the Minister of the Interior Lashkarev, an article (without a signature) about Dobrolyubov (intertwined) |