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Materials of the lawsuit between N.V.Muravyov and his stepmother N.F.Muravyova with the children of his father V.N.Muravyov from marriage with her on the inheritance of property, which was carried out in the Novgorod and St. Petersburg district courts, the Moscow Court of Civil Chassent and the Civil Cassation Department of the Senate (decrees of his Imperial Majesty from the Moscow noble guardianship, court rulings and magazines of court sessions, power of attorney for conducting cases, petitions for the lastingAt the courts and their correspondence, as well as the correspondence of N.V. Muravyov with the Minister of Justice D.N. Nabokov, managing the Ministry of Justice N.A. Manasein and the head of the Ministry of Justice A.L. Kazem-beke in this case; conditions, conditionsSettlements and other economic documents on the Muravyev estates: Tereboni of the Novgorod district, Nikolskoye of the Podolsky district and cottage at the villages of Alferovo and Ishino Serpukhovsky district of the Moscow province, which personally belonged to N.V. Muravyev) |