Manuscript [G.E.Zengera] On the States of University Libraries and comments about the draft library rules

Identifier f6db4b7b-6bbd-484d-a9d9-3283a29f0c25
Title Manuscript [G.E.Zengera] On the States of University Libraries and comments about the draft library rules
Dates 1869
Notes Documentary materials of an official natureOrig.Title of the case: manuscript (without signature) about the states of university libraries and comments about the draft library rules.Without dateAutographDraft
Text language Russian
Level Case
Call number РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 47
Cataloguing source RGIA
Series Service documents G.E.Zenger
Extent 7 l.
Fonds Zenger Grigory Eduardovich (1853-1919), philologist, Minister of Education
Summary Документальные материалы служебного характера
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