Service documents G.E.Zenger

Identifier 9d19bccb-e950-4441-bfd2-605235e85d1d
Title Service documents G.E.Zenger
Dates 1869
Text language Russian
Level Lists
Call number РГИА. 1634 / 1
Cataloguing source RGIA
Extent 54 units.
Fonds Zenger Grigory Eduardovich (1853-1919), philologist, Minister of Education
Contents В описи представлены: уставы и другие материалы, связанные с деятельностью Варшавского университета и средних учебных заведений Варшавского учебного округа; статьи Г.Э. Зенгера, письма императора Николая II Г.Э. Зенгеру, связанные с прошением его об отставке с поста министра народного просвещения; письма попечителей, инспекторов, директоров, профессоров и преподавателей учебных заведений Варшавского учебного округа
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 1. A letter of awarding a professor of Warsaw University G.E.Zengera Order of St. Anna of the 3rd degree
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 10. Message of the President of the city of Lodz, the state adviser V.I.Penkovsky trustee of the Warsaw training district G.E.Zengera about the costs of maintaining educational institutions of the city of Lodzi
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 11. Professor A.S.Taubera at the Department of the Surgical Faculty of Clinic to the rector of the Warsaw University G.E.Zenger about the incident with the student
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 12. Letter of the teacher of the Bezhetsky female gymnasium V.F.Adman G.E.Zenger with an explanation of the reasons for the transfer to the city of Bezhetsk Tver province and a request to accept him again to serve in the Warsaw training district
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 13. Letter of Professor D.I.Azarevich G.E.Zengera and explanatory note by the Secretary of the Council of Warsaw University N.P.Slavina, in connection with the complaint of the first relating to the execution of foreign leave to him
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 14. Letter A.L.Apukhtin, the trustee of the Warsaw training district, G.E.Zenger with an explanation of the reason for the failure to appear at a meeting of the professor of the medical faculty of the University F.F.Neurotsky
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 15. Letter M.N.Berezhkova, professor of the Nezhinsky Historical and Philology Institute G.E.Zenger with a request for patronage to former pupils of the Institute M.I.Luchko and M.L.Savich
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 16. Letter I.S.Ignatenko, director of the Plotsky gymnasium, G.E.Zenger on the state of affairs in the gymnasium (staffing, allocation of allocations, room)
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 17. Letter V.Ya.Kanevsky, retired captain, G.E.Zengera with the application of the announcement of the prosecutor of the Vladikavkaz District Court on the proceedings of the preliminary investigation on charges of a doctor Tauber, surgeon of the Clinic of the University of Warsaw, in the official
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 18. Letter V.N.Ligina, the trustee of the Warsaw training district G.E.Zenger and a copy of the letter of the comrade Minister of Education N.A.Zvereva V.N.Ligin about the refusal to assign the construction of anatomical and pathological museums and the equipment of the clinic in pain
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 19. RGIA
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 2. Explanatory note (draft) G.E.Zengera to the project of the state of Warsaw University
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 20. Letter I.L.Morozova, Teachers of the Belian Teacher Seminary and P.L.Stefanovich, Warsaw District Military Medical Institute, G.E.Zenger with a request for the transfer of the first to the post of inspector of public schools
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 21. Letters of the director of the Warsaw Real School F.I.Pavlova G.E.Zengera on the attempt on the suicide of students of Yu. Mashinsky and A. Piotrovsky, with the application of the statement about their performance and behavior
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 22. Letters R.V.Putyato-Korshbaumer, Doctor of Medicine, G.E.Zengera with an autobiography application and copies of letters from different persons about her work as a doctor, including in Siberia, in connection with the possible appointment of it for the service in the ophthalmological clinic and to the department of VA
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 23. Letters G.V.Stankevich, director of Sedletsky gymnasium, G.E.Zenger about the protection of a number of people - his colleagues and acquaintances, on the preparation of the program of the Russian history course for the first or second classes
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 24. Letter V.I.Farmakovsky, clerk of the Department of Education, G.E.Zenger, with the application of a certificate of the growth of the number of real schools in Russia and the provinces of the Warsaw training district
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 25. The letter (signature is not legible) inspector of the First Warsaw Progimonasia A.P.Kosminsky, G.E.Zengera, on teachers' submission to the Ministry of Education of the taught history in the first and second grades of the gymnasium (about its opinion on
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 26. A letter that corrects the position of inspector of the First Warsaw Gymnasium K.I.Zaustinsky trustee of the Warsaw training district [G.E.Zenger] on the teaching of Russian history in the elementary grades of the gymnasium
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 27. The draft manifesto of Emperor Nicholas II about the abolition of bodily punishments (fragments) partially by the hand of G.E.Zenger
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 28. An extract from the journal of a special department of the scientist of the Ministry of Education (printed text).At the request of the trustee of the Chernogorod library in the city of Baku about admission to the library of books in Armenian, it is mentioned about the distribution of books on
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 29. Regulation on uniforms for the ranks of the department of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 3. Manuscript G.E.Zengera "Considerations regarding some paragraphs" Rules "for students of Warsaw University"
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 30. A note on the history of the issue of establishing an equalization fee for the maintenance of elementary schools of the Warsaw training district (typewritten text) for submission to the Ministry of Education to take measures to improve the material state
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 31. Appendix to Protocol No. 1 of the subcommission on the issue of teaching the Law of God in secondary educational institutions and moral education
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 32. The draft resolution on teaching pupils of the Roman Catholic Confession in the gymnasiums and gymnasiums of Lublin, Sedletsky and Suvalka provinces in their native language
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 33. The draft rules of the Special Construction Commission for the construction of the Warsaw Polytechnic Institute
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 34. The petition (draft with the hand of G.E. Zenger) of the rector of the Warsaw University to the trustee of the Warsaw training district on granting the university the right to carry out the unnsourcerative receipt of the newspapers of political maintenance and the attitude of the Chief of Warsaw on
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 35. "Content of universities for 1898"
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 36. Charter, the draft charter and the rules of the Warsaw University for students and extraneous students
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 37. The text of the speech of the rector of the Warsaw University N.A.Lavrovsky, uttered at a solemn act on August 30, 1890
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 38. "Review of the teaching of subjects at Warsaw University in 1897-1898"
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 39. Schedule of public lectures of professors of Warsaw University
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 4. Black notes and notes G.E.Zengera on various issues
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 40. Appeal of the Committee for Assistence to insufficient students of the University of Warsaw (printed text) about cash donations
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 41. Letter of the rector of the Warsaw University P.I.Kovalevsky Dean of the Historical and Philology Faculty G.E.Zengera with a notification of the inclusion of the latter in the commission to develop a draft Rules for tests for the acquisition of scientific degrees
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 42. List of students [Warsaw University] indicating the faculty, course, religion
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 43. The project of the Charter of the Warsaw Society for Promoting the Education and Pupporting of Children
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 44. Manuscript [G.E.Zengera] "Polish language in educational institutions. Teaching language"
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 45. Manuscript [G.E.Zengera] "Monthly Chronicle" on the establishment of the case of public education in the Warsaw training district
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 46. Manuscript [G.E.Zengera] On Language Languages ​​at Universities
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 47. Manuscript [G.E.Zengera] On the States of University Libraries and comments about the draft library rules
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 48. RGIA
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 49. Letter of the head of the Kholmsky educational directorate V.A.Istomin to the trustee of the Warsaw training district V.N.Ligin (copy) on the issue of teaching the Law of God in the educational institutions entrusted to him
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 5. Questions in the case of refusal by the medical faculty of the University of Warsaw A. Schnab in the degree of doctor, certificates and draft notes G.E.Zenger in this case
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 50. Letter of the director of the Warsaw Real School F.I.Pavlov "Alexei Alexandrovich" [Bryilovsky] with the application "Rudortichka" on the movement of the amounts for 1890-1900 at the Warsaw Real School
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 51. The appellation review to the Warsaw Budal Chamber (copy) of a doctor of medicine, a former professor of Warsaw University M.K.Zenets convicted of attempt to rape the sick Kozlinskaya
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 52. Translation of §13 Tokarskaya will, regarding the purpose of scholarships to the pupils of educational institutions
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 53. "Warsaw University Izvestia", No. 7, 1897, published during the period of the G.E.Zenger
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 54. Newspapers "Warsaw Diary", "Kurjer Warszawski", "Dziennik Poznanski" and "Kremlin"
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 6. Explanatory note (draft) of the rector of the Warsaw University [G.E.Zenger] to the trustee of the Warsaw training district to the complaint of the senior assistant of the Pakgauznaya Overseer Verzhbolovskaya customs of S. Slaritovsky for the refusal to issue him a diploma of the end of the end
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 7. Letters, telegram of Emperor Nicholas II G.E.Zenger in connection with the passage of the latter about the resignation from the post of Minister of Education
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 8. A copy of the letter of the Minister of Education to the trustee of the Warsaw training district, the letter of the trustee of the Warsaw training district G.E.Zenger on the education of the commission to improve high school, the list of personnel of the commission, a note (Chernovaya) G.E.Zen
РГИА. 1634 / 1 / 9. Notices of the Chairman of the Special Commission on the Study of Peasant Affairs in the Kingdom of Poland I.G.Podgorodnikova G.E.Zenger with the application of his notes on the tasks of the commission and the brief note by D.I.Zasyadko on the transformation of a system of special fees in the kingdom
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