Directorate of Imperial Theaters (1879-1918)

Identifier 6d2858c7-947f-46a8-934e-c3d97596ebca
Title Directorate of Imperial Theaters (1879-1918)
Dates 1879
Text language Russian
Level Lists
Call number РГИА. 497 / 6
Cataloguing source RGIA
Extent 1457 units.
Fonds Directorate of Imperial Theaters MFA
Contents В описи представлены дела: о рассмотрении пьес в цензуре; о постановке драматических и оперных спектаклей и балетов; о заключении контрактов с авторами на право постановки их произведений; о спектаклях в загородных дворцах и благотворительных обществах; о театральном училище; об ангажементах с иностранными артистами, о бенефисах, о личном составе артистов и служащих; а также отчеты трупп
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3671. The case of the spiritual testament of the deceased provincial secretary Karl Karlovich Didlo of the Stone House in favor of the St. Petersburg Theater School so that the amount of the amount was contained in this school.
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3671. The case of the transmission of plays for consideration to censorship
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3671. The case of the presentation of lists of persons serving for the issuance of lump -sum allowances
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3672. The case of relations with the office of Moscow theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3673. The case of the delivery of the Moscow repertoire
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3674. The case of a hired servant at theaters and houses of the Directorate, as well as in other parts
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3675. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3676. The case of representing pensioners employees at the department of the Directorate of Imperial St. Petersburg theaters and Moscow theaters, as well as widows of such persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3677. The case on the appointment of a concert in favor of the disabled on March 26 with a general rehearsal and a repetition of a named concert in favor of the head of the chores of the Music of VURM
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3678. The case of the participation of artists of imperial theaters in performances, concerts and other things arranged by various charitable societies
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3679. The case of the transfer for consideration of the Main Directorate for Printing Play
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3680. The case of accepting papers that do not have
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3681. The case of the appointment in favor of the choir and the orchestra of the Italian opera troupe of the benefit
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3682. The case of the appointment of free performances for pupils and pupils of all educational institutions, in the morning at the oil week
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3683. The case of different incidents in theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3684. The case of duty-free passage from St. Petersburg Customs belonging to the Directorate of Things
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3685. The case of permission of the St. Petersburg Conservatory to arrange, according to former examples of past years, in the hall of the Bolshoi Theater, at the sixth week of the great post of opera exercises of students of the conservatory
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3686. The case of a all -mocking complaint with the emperor of gifts for their benefits, awarded the highest presence
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3687. The case of the dismissal of artists and other persons on vacation abroad and Russia
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3688. The case of the presentation of officials, artists and other persons, employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters to the Highest Awards
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3689. The case of the personnel and plan of the opera troupe for the season of 1885-1886 in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3690. The case of resolving various charitable societies, meetings and individuals of the device of performances, concerts and other things in the halls of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3691. The case of the dedication of the Augustus named after His Majesty Emperor and other highest persons by different faces of their musical works
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3692. The case of a all -mocking complaint with the emperor of benefits for raising children to the persons of the department of the theaters Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3693. The case of negotiations on the failed business trip to the city of Warsaw artists of the Russian drama troupe of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3694. The case of a change in the personnel of artists and other persons serving at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3695. The case of the opening of performances in the Krasnoselsky Theater and of different orders for this case
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3696. The case of approving prices for places in the Mariinsky Theater at the Russian-Opera and ballet performances, as well as the opening of the subscription to Russian-Opera performances
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3697. The case of representing the production of officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters in the ranks for length of service
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3698. The case of the delivery of information about persons about persons who may be indicated by the assessors in 1886
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3699. The case of the release of pupils and pupils from the St. Petersburg Theater School for the service of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3700. The case of correspondence on the production of the play "Magic Pills"
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3700. The case of an indispensable, according to the highest command, designation in the subject documents issued by the imperial theaters, the name of the "retired artist"
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3701. The case of the acquisition of the publisher of music in Paris Gartman's right to present on the Russian opera stage in St. Petersburg, in Russian, the operas "Manon"
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3702. The case of the production on the stage of the Russian opera troupe of the imperial theaters of the opera "Demon", the works of Baron B.A.Fitivkof-Schel renamed Tamara
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3703. The case on the note of the office of the Ministry of Court of the Yard on the correction of the print list of the ranks of the directorate, according to the latest changes
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3704. The case of establishing the highest permission from January 1, 1886 an independent position of the manager of the Imperial Moscow Theaters, as well as the positions of the head of the repertoire part
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3705. The case of the alleged budget of the French troupe for the season of 1886-1887
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3706. The case of resolving various charitable societies, meetings and private individuals of the devices of scibts, concerts and other things in the hall of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3707. 16 l.
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3708. The case of relations with the office of Moscow theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3709. The case of correspondence with the authors on the acceptance of plays
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3710. The case of the production of the Khorists who participated in the production of "Harlequin" for each rehearsal and a performance of 3 rubles to each
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3711. The case of different incidents in theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3712. The case of expenses at the performance, the former on December 16, 1885 at the Gatchina Palace Theater, as well as the outcome of the participants
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3713. The case of a change in personnel employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3714. The case of accepting papers that do not have
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3715. The case of duty-free passage from St. Petersburg Customs belonging to the Directorate of Things
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3716. The case of the submission to pensioners employees at the department of the Directorate of Imperial St. Petersburg Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3717. The case of vacation, with the highest permission, theatrical costumes for the ceremonial procession arranged on the occasion of the solemn celebration in honor of the composer A.G.Rubinstein
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3718. The case of a hired servant at theaters and houses of the Directorate, as well as in other parts
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3719. The case of the appointment of a concert in favor of the disabled, on March 19, with a general rehearsal and a repetition of a named concert in favor of the head of the chores of Mr. Vourm's music, in the hall of the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3720. The case of the appointment of free performances for pupils and pupils of all educational institutions, in the morning at the oil week
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3721. The case of resolving vacations with the preservation of a salary, those of the artists of the Russian-dramatic troupe, who will be invited to Warsaw to participate in the performances of the General Gurko, who are arranged there,
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3722. The case of the discovery instead of three French subscriptions of two, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, as well as subscriptions for ballet and Russian-Opera performances
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3793. The case of the representation of officials, artists and other persons, employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters to the highest award
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3794. The case in relation to the office of the Ministry of the Court with the adoption of the Code of Criminal and Penus, and the Charter on the punishments imposed by the justice of the peace, the publication of 1885 in two books
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3795. The case of the organization of the Italian opera in the post of 1887
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3796. The case of the acquisition from the gentlemen Wurzinger and Co. in Kyiv of one copy of the copied manual device "Cyclostil"
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3797. The case of resolving the St. Petersburg Conservatory, by former examples, in the hall of the Bolshoi Theater in the sixth week of Great Lent, the opera exercise of students
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3798. The case of delivering information about persons about persons who may be indicated by the assessors in 1887 to
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3799. The case of the opening of performances in the Krasnoselsky Theater and different orders for this occasion
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3800. The case of the all -mocking imperial awards of the benefit of raising children to the persons of the department of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3801. The case of the personnel and plan of the Russian opera troupe for the season of 1886-1887 in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3802. The case of the dismissal of artists and other persons on vacation abroad and Russia
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3803. The case of resolving (starting) the opening of French performances in 1886 from September 15
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3804. The case of the personnel of the artists of the Russian drama troupe for 1886
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3805. The case of various orders for the performance on the Olginsky Island in Peterhof July 22, 1886
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3806. The case of the highest transmission of gratitude to the photographer Bergamasco for the photographic majesty of the photographic cards of artists and artists of the imperial ballet troupe.
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3807. The case of approving the content of personnel arranged at the Directorate of the Workshop
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3808. The case of the following, with the highest permission to determine the right to build in the title of hereditary honorary citizenship of those of the artists of the first category, which, having served at least fifteen years, were in the mentioned category of at least ten years
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3809. The case of the release of pupils and pupils from the St. Petersburg Theater School to serve in the ballet troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3810. The case of representing the production of officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters in the ranks for length of service
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3811. 1886
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3812. The case of acquiring rights to represent plays and operetta of the German repertoire
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3813. The case of failed engagements of the artists of the German troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3814. The case of the outcome of the subsidy for teaching the singing of the daughter of the outbuilding of the Adjutant Colonel Ilyinsky
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3815. The case of the failed resolution of music artists consist of dropmasters in private collections
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3816. The case of approved temporary rules for using preferential tickets for the entrance to the Imperial theaters to the headquarters and chief officers, and the lower ranks of the non-commissioned officers
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3817. The case of leaving in the imperial theaters of permanent places (with a fee) for different educational institutions
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3818. The case of the production of a fee of the artists who will be entrusted to announce announcements from the scene to the public, 3 rubles for each
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3819. The case of fining artists of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3820. The case of the highest command on Monday, October 13, 1886 of a free performance for the lower ranks sent here by deputies from troops and navy for the presence of the opening of the monument to the past war
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3821. The case of the highest imperial permission to provide in favor of the "society for the benefit of needy writers and scientists" collecting from the performance on January 29, 1887 in the Alexandrinsky Theater (in memory of Pushkin)
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3822. The case of permission to Mr. Sivers to make plans of the visual room: Mariinsky, Alexandrinsky and Mikhailovsky Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3823. The case of ordering a sculptor in Paris to Mr. Bernstam Busts of Ostrovsky and Pushkin
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3824. The case of the hired serving of a fake workshop
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3825. The case of the permanent permissions for the expulsion of the annual collection from one performance (with the exception of expenses) in favor of the private pension institution of officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters from the highest imperial permission.
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3826. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3827. The case of the production of externs involved in Russian-dramatic representations, a fee of 50 kopecks for rehearsal and 1 ruble for the performance
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3828. The case of the significance of the highest permission of the morning of the morning free performance at the Mariinsky Theater for pupils and pupils of educational institutions
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3829. Russian
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3830. The case of the delivery to the Main Palace Directorate of the Name List about the gentlemen of the Order of St. George and the device on November 26 of the free performance for the lower ranks of this order
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3831. The case of the delivery of the Governmental Senate of the Senate of the Officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters to be applied to the addressee
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3832. The case of the appointment of a semi -Benes to strengthen funds, to build a monument to the composer Weber
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3833. The case of the centennial of the existence of the Berlin Theater "Schauspielhaus" and the introduction of the "statistical review" of the royal theaters in Berlin to his majesty to the emperor
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3834. The case of the procedure for terminating the production of pensions to artists receiving pensions for a reduced deadline for the disease, with a secondary admission to the recovery service
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3835. The case of approval in the service of artists and other persons serving at the imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3836. The case of the anniversary idea of ​​the opera "Life for the Tsar" on the day of the 50th anniversary of her initial production and the appointment of Glinka’s sister, Mrs. Shestakova, a lump-sum permanent issuance of 3,000 rubles
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3837. The case at the request of the Mr. St. Petersburg mayor regarding the demand from people of Jewish origin to their preliminary determination to the directorate’s service, the permission of Mr. mayor for the right to reside in the capital
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3838. The case of a non -fulfilling permission to arrange a masquerade in the Mariinsky Theater in favor of a French charitable society
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3839. The case of the fall of Luke in the Mariinsky Theater, along with the dancer Mikhailova, during the performance of the "daughter of the pharaoh" - December 10, 1886
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3840. The case of various orders for the performance at the highest yard in Gatchina, the former on December 22, 1886
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3841. The case of the submission on the basis of a circular in the Ministry of the Imperial Court, dated November 23, 1884, lists of employees of persons, their widows and children, to provide them with a lump -sum allowance
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3842. The case of the engagement of three foreign ballerinas
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3843. The case of the Chancellery of the Ministry of the Court for appropriate information regarding orders to the prevention of some persons to pedagogical activity and on excluded students
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3844. Technical report of the troupes for 1886-1887
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3845. The case of the budget of French troupes for the season of 1887-1888
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3846. The case on the submission on the basis of the circular of the Ministry of the Imperial Court of November 23, 1884 of the lists of employees of persons, their widows and children to provide them with a one -time benefit
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3847. The case of accepting papers that do not have
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3848. The case of changing the personnel of artists and other persons serving at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3849. The case of the appointment of free performances for pupils and pupils of all educational institutions in the morning at the oil week
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3850. The case of the provision of the Red Cross Society of the Hall of the Mariinsky Theater for the device of the performance with the participation of the Little Russian troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3851. The case of the submission to pensioners at the department of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, as well as the widows of such persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3851. The case of delivering him to the Mr. to the Minister of the Imperial Court of Information about the places of receiving artists of the orchestra and the choir of musical education
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3852. The case of relations with the office of Moscow theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3853. The case of the appointment of a concert in favor of the disabled on March 19 with a general rehearsal and with a repetition of a named concert, in favor of Mr. Vourm's music heads, in the Hall of the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3854. The case of different incidents in theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3855. The case of a all -mocking complaint of gifts for their benefits, awarded the highest presence
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3856. The case of the presentation of officials, artists and other persons, employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters for the highest award in 1887
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3857. The case of incorrect receipt of money by civilian tailors from the office of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3858. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3859. The case of the acquisition of the right of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters for the production of the Othello opera composed by Verdi on the Russian stage
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3860. The case of the construction with the highest permission at the Mariinsky Theater on March 27, 1887 of the concert in favor of the Red Cross Society
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3861. The case of delivering ideas about persons awarded to award the orders of St. Vladimir of the 4th degree and St. Anne of the 3rd degree-according to the Order of St. Vladimir by July 1 and on the Order of St. Anna by November 1
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3862. The case of the adoption by the Chancellery of the Ministry of the Imperial Court of the new 1886 publications of individual parts of the Code of Laws and the consolidated continuation of 1886 in twenty -seven books and the list of such
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3863. The case of duty -free passage from St. Petersburg Customs belonging to the Directorate of Things
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3864. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3865. The case of the delivery of a card with photographic portraits from the main palace control of a model of a card, which are supplied with persons entitled to enter the palace
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3865. The case of hiring premises for staff
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3866. The case of determining the counter at the central cash desk of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3867. The case of the service of tailors and tailorship under the maintenance of the costumer Kaffi Pavlov
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3868. The case of approving prices to places in St. Petersburg Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3869. The case of the acquisition from Mr. Lishin of the opera "Don Caesar de Bazan" for staging on the stage of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3870. The case of the personnel and plan of the Russian opera troupe for the season of 1887-1888 in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3871. The case of the acquisition of the right to the Directorate of Imperial Theaters for the production of the opera "Gioconda" on the Russian scene, the compositions
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3872. Directorate of Imperial Theaters of the Ministry of the Imperial Court.The case of allowing the choir of the Russian opera to arrange wind concerts in private premises in St. Petersburg and Moscow.
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3873. The case of dismissal with the end of the engagement of artists of foreigners
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3874. The case of the opening of performances in the Krasnoselsky Theater and about different orders for this occasion
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3875. Дело о самовольном отпуске гардеробмейстером Мариинского театра Гладковым костюмов из складов Дирекции в цирк Шумана для публичного ими пользования
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3876. The case of a hired servant at theaters and houses of the Directorate, as well as in other parts
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3877. 1887
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3878. The case of the dismissal of artists and other persons on vacation abroad and Russia
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3879. The case of concert expenses that former at the Gatchina Palace Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3880. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3881. The case of the delivery of information about persons about persons who may be indicated by the assessors in 1888
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3882. The case of the release of the St. Petersburg Theater School of Pupils and Pupils to serve in the ballet troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3883. The case of the abolition of the position of the positions manager of the Imperial Moscow Theaters and the head of the repertoire part of these theaters and is still about the subordination of the direct jurisdiction of the director of the imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3884. The case of the provision of a "society for the benefit of needing stage figures" by proxy of the author’s fee for the performance of the playing theaters of the play "The Tall Fuck" on the stage of the imperial theaters, the works
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3885. [The case with messages to the office of the Ministry of the Court about the number of different papers received by the Directorate of Theaters, such as petitions, statements, letters and telegrams]
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3886. The case on the submission on the basis of the proposal of the Cabinet of His Imperial Majesty of June 11, 1887 for No. 1286 in January and July demanding statements to receive benefits for the education of children employees at the Directorate of Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3887. The case of various orders for the abandonment of officials in the St. Petersburg and Moscow offices of Imperial Theaters and the outcome of the depreciation
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3888. The case of opening the performances of the French troupe on September 15, 1887
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3889. The case of representing the production of officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters in the ranks for length of service
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3890. The case of relations with the St. Petersburg Imperial Theater School
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3891. The case of the delivery of plays of the repertoire of imperial Moscow theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3892. The case of leaving the staff of the mounting part
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3893. The case of the delivery of the Governmental Senate of the List of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters to the Department of the Government Senate to make them to the address-calendar
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3894. The case of resolving the St. Petersburg Philharmonic Society to arrange a concert in the Mariinsky Theater in favor of widows and orphans under the auspices of this society
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3895. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3896. The case of the delivery of the nasty list of the cavaliers of the Order of St. George to the Main Palace Directorate of the Main List of the Cavalry and the device on November 26 of the free performance for the lower ranks of this order
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3897. The case of the drama "Pskovite", the works of Meya
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3898. The case of the appointment of the Emperor on December 6 of the morning free performances in the Mariinsky and Alexandrinsky theaters for pupils and pupils of all educational institutions of the capital
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3899. The case of a all -mocking complaint with the emperor of benefits for raising children of the Department of the Directorate of Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3900. 61 l.
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3901. The case of various orders for the performance at the highest yard in the city of Gatchina until December 20, 1887
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3901. The case of the general rules approved by the Minister of the Imperial Court of the Imperial Court for an oath to the citizenship of Russia foreigners serving in the Ministry of the Imperial Court
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3901. The case of unceasing viewing of foreign newspapers, magazines discharged for the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3902. The case of reports on troupes for 1887
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3902. The case of subscriptions for the representations of Russian opera, ballet and French troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3902. The case of the instructions of Mr. Director to the manager of the Russian drama troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3903. The case of intercourse with the Moscow office
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3904. The case of permission to artists to participate in concerts for charity purposes
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3905. The case of accepting papers that do not have
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3906. The case of a change in the personnel of artists and other persons serving at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3907. The case of a hired servant at theaters and houses of the directorate, as well as in other parts
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3908. The case of the delivery of the Moscow repertoire
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3909. The case of the abused permission to artists of imperial theaters to take part in concerts arranged by various charitable societies
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3910. The case of correspondence with the authors of the acquisition of plays
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3911. The case of resolving the ideas of the French troupe in the Imperial Mal Theater under the direction of the artist Hittemans in Moscow
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3912. The case on the message of the office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court for appropriate information regarding orders to prevent some persons to pedagogical activity and on excluded students
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3913. The case of the submission to pensioners serving in the department of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, as well as the widows of such persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3914. The case of fining artists and other persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3915. The case on the appointment of a concert in favor of the disabled on March 20 with a general rehearsal and with a repetition of a named concert in favor of the head of the chores of Mr. Vourm's music in the hall of the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3916. The case of duty -free passage from St. Petersburg Customs belonging to the Directorate of things
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3917. The case of representing the production of officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters in the ranks for length of service
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3918. The case of the Emperor Giving Gifts for their benefits, in the presence of the emperor
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3919. The case of the vacation abroad of the artists of the Russian opera for improvement in singing
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3920. The case on the submission on the basis of a circular of the Ministry of the Imperial Court of November 23, 1884 of the lists of employees of persons, their widows and children to provide them with a one -time benefit
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3921. The case of the acquisition of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters of Music of the Ballet "Vestalka", the works of M. Ivanov
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3922. The case of the appointment of the Emperor on February 26 of the morning free performances in the Mariinsky and Alexandrinsky Theaters for pupils and pupils of all educational institutions of the capital on February 26
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3923. The case of leaving the editorial offices of newspapers and journals of the right to preserve the benefit of tickets to 4 hours of the day of the performance submitted by him according to the evidence of the office
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3924. The case of the establishment of the Office of theater tickets
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3925. The case of resolving various charitable societies of performances, concerts and other things
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3926. The case of the transfer to the Printing Department of the Podelia of the Afish of Imperial Theaters, announcements of private public spectacles and amusements
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3927. The case of the closure of imperial theaters on the occasion of the death of the Emperor of the German
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3928. The case of buying in an optical store and a physical store of Richter for Moscow theaters of two new tuning forces in the tone of "LA", a new range, 35 rubles for each for each
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3929. The case of the development and publication of manuals on dramatic art at the St. Petersburg and Moscow Theater Schools
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3930. The case that did not follow the resolution of concerts, performances with the participation of artists of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3931. The case of the opening of two subscriptions for the presentation of the Russian opera
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3932. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3933. The case of the final calculation with foreign artists on the occasion of the deadline for their contracts
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3934. The case of the personnel and plan of the Russian opera troupe for the season of 1888-1889 in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3935. The case of the plan of the composition of the Russian drama troupe from January 1, 1888 to January 1, 1889
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3936. The case of proposals of different persons to take the position of chief director of the French troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3937. The case of alleged changes in the states of the artistic part of the theaters directorate in 1888
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3938. The case of the opening of performances in the Krasnoselsky Theater and about different orders for this occasion
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3939. The case of establishing the distribution of the duties of assistants to the head of the mounting part
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3940. The case of the issuance of additional content to the holidays of the Nativity of Christ and the Holy Easter officials, stationery officials and others (according to the circular of the Ministry of the Imperial Court of April 24, 1888 for No. 450)
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3941. The case of the delivery of information about persons who have the right to be jury in 1889 to
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3942. The concert case May 1, 1888 at the Gatchina Palace
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3943. The case of restoring the law of the theater printing house to print the posters of private amusements and spectacles
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3944. The case of the engagement of artists in the French troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3945. The case of the release of pupils and pupils from the St. Petersburg Theater School to serve in the ballet troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3946. The case of the schedule of medical establishments to which the patients must be sent during the closure of the St. Petersburg Hospital of the Palace Department
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3947. The case of the presentation for the annual benefit of raising children of the department of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3948. The case of the performance at the highest court in Gatchina August 3, 1888
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3949. The case of the Highest States of St. Petersburg and Moscow Theater Schools
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3950. The case of different incidents in theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3951. The case of the performance in the Mariinsky Theater during the great post of Wagner's Tetralogy "The Ring of the Nibelung"
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3952. The case of appointment on the occasion of deliverance of the family, their imperial majesties and august children, from the danger that threatened the imperial train during the collapse of October 17, and the service of thanksgiving prayers
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3953. The case of the appointment with the permission of the highest permission of the emperor on October 26 of the morning free performances in Mariinsky, Alexandrinsky and Mikhailovsky theaters for pupils of all educational institutions of the capital
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3954. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3955. The case of the delivery of the Governmental Senate of the list of officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters to the Department of the Senate for Entry to the Address Calendar
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3956. The case of the establishment of classes of choral singing under the Imperial Russian Opera
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3957. The case of the appointment of the Emperor on November 14, 1888 of the morning free performance in the Mariinsky and Alexandrinsky Theaters for pupils and pupils of educational institutions on November 14
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3958. The case of the presentation of officials, artists and other persons, employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, to the highest awards in 1888
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3959. The case of approval in the service of artists and other persons consisting of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3960. The case of the opening of the third subscription for the presentation of the Russian opera in the season of 1889-1890
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3961. The case of the device of a free performance on November 27 for lower ranks having the Order of St. George
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3962. The case of the presentation for the annual benefit of raising children of the department of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3963. The case of the establishment for artists of imperial theaters of a special insignia - the Golden Lyra
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3964. The case of the production of the Mikhailovsky Theater of the play "Marion de Lorme"
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3965. The case of the hall of the Mariinsky Theater for a concert of the United choirs of the cantonists of the guard troops on December 25, 1888
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3966. The case of the construction of the artistic part of the imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3967. The case of the demand from the Imperial Academy of Sciences of the Composition "Russian Theater" in three copies
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3968. Report of Russian opera for troupes for 1888
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3969. The case of the delivery of the lists of artists and other persons of the department of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters with detailed information about them with information about them with detailed information
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3969. The case of the appointment of a concert in favor of the disabled on April 11 with a general rehearsal and with a repetition of a named concert in favor of the master of the head of the chores of Mr. VURMA Music in the Hall of the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3970. Relations case with the Moscow Office
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3971. The case of accepting papers that do not have
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3972. The case of correspondence with the authors of the acquisition of plays
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3973. The case of the delivery of the Moscow repertoire
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3974. The case of fining artists and other persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3975. The case of the submission to pensioners serving in the department of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, as well as the widows of such persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3976. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3977. The case of duty -free passage from St. Petersburg Customs belonging to the Directorate of Things
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3978. The case on the submission on the basis of a circular of the Ministry of the Imperial Court of November 23, 1884 of the lists of employees of persons, their widows and children to provide them with a one -time benefit
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3979. The case of the production on the stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater of the play "Princess Ulyana Vyazemskaya"
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3980. The case of the Highest Pressure Justle of the Orchestra of the Russian Opera in the performance of the general rehearsal of the opera "Merchant Kalashnikov"
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3981. The case of a civilian servant at theaters and houses of the directorate, as well as in other parts
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3982. The case of representing the production of officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters in the ranks for length of service
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3983. The case of the construction of agents in Paris for coronation on the affairs of the French troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3984. The case in relation to the main palace department on the departure of infected patients to hospitals in particularly arranged carriages for this in the Tauride Palace
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3985. The case of permission to participate in the concert in favor of the St. Petersburg Patriotic Society
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3986. The case of a all -mocking complaint of gift artists for their benefits, awarded the highest presence of the emperor
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3987. The case of different incidents in theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3988. The case of the appointment of monthly manuals to students in dramatic courses in St. Petersburg and Moscow and the release of some of them from a fee for teaching them
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3989. The case of the appointment of the Emperor on February 17 of the morning free performances in Mariinsky, Alexandrinsky Theaters for pupils and pupils of all educational institutions of the capital
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3990. The case of relations with the common archive of the Ministry of the Imperial Court
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3991. The case of resolving the society of fans of Russian literature at the Imperial Moscow University to arrange during the Holy Week according to one morning performance in St. Petersburg and Moscow, with the appeal of the collection (minus evening expenses) in capital, composition
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3992. The case of the benefits of artists of the Russian drama troupe in the season of 1889-1890
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3993. The case of the provision of officials, artists and other persons, employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, to the highest awards in 1889
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3994. The case of the issuance of additional content to the holidays of the Nativity of Christ and the Holy Easter officials, stationery officials and others (according to the circular of the Ministry of the Imperial Court of April 24, 1888 for No. 450)
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3995. The case of the budget of the French troupe for the season of 1889-1890
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3996. The case of the plan of the composition of the Russian opera troupe from January 1, 1889 to January 1, 1890
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3997. The case of approving the draft program of musical music and a solemn performance on the occasion of the marriage of his imperial highness Grand Duke Nikolai Alexandrovich
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3998. The case of the provision of the Hall of the Mariinsky Theater for the construction of a concert in favor of the Red Cross society
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 3999. The case of the plan of the composition of the Russian drama troupe from January 1, 1888 to January 1, 1889
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4000. A case of a concert on April 2, 1889 at the Gatchina Palace
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4001. The case of ceremonial performances on the occasion of arrival in the capital of Shah of Persian
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4002. The case of the dismissal of artists and other persons on vacation abroad
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4003. The case of a change in the personnel of artists and other persons serving at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4004. The case of a performance at the Gatchina Palace Theater April 30, 1889
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4005. The case of the opening of performances in the Krasnoselsky Theater and about different orders for this occasion
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4006. The case of the release of pupils and pupils from the St. Petersburg Theater School to serve in the ballet troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4007. The case of the delivery of information about persons who have the right to be jury in 1890 to the commission to compile the lists of jury
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4008. The case of termination of admission to the dramatic troupe of strangers
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4009. The case of the opening on Sundays of the morning performances in the Alexander Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4010. The case of the production in the great post of 1890 of the dramatic legend of the composition of Berlioz "Death of Faust", translator of Spassky
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4011. The case of the proposal of the International Agency for the Performances of the Meiningen troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4012. The case of the issuance of certificates to the editorial offices of newspapers and magazines for places in theaters left until four in the afternoon of the performance for the season of 1889-1890
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4013. The case of the submission to the archive of the administration of the administrative department for 1879
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4014. The case of the production of plays, the works of D.V.Averkieva "From the Darkness to the Light" and "Theofano"
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4015. The case about the production on the imperial scene of the drama I.V.Puppeteer of 1889 "General-Luke Patkul"
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4016. The case of the delivery of the descriptions of fake credit tickets of twenty -five and five -ruble dignity, and three -ruble dignity, and one -time dignity
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4017. 1889
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4018. The case of resolving the editor of the magazine "Artist" Kumanin on the premises in his journal of pictures from the scenery, costumes, accessories and Mise En Scene of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4019. The case of the provision of candidate choirs of the rights of the Russian opera to actual service
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4020. The case of intercourse with the St. Petersburg mayor about the transportation of scenery
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4021. The case of the dedication to the Augustment of His Majesty and other highest persons by different faces of their musical works
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4022. The case of prohibiting the artists of the exit to applause during the course of the stage action
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4023. The case of the formation of a special amount for the issuance of loans to the counters of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4024. The case of the delivery of the Governmental Senate of the lists of officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters to the Department of the Senate for Appeal to the Calendar
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4025. The case of permission on November 14 [1889], on the birthday of her Imperial Majesty Empress, the Empress, one morning free performance in the Mariinsky and Alexandrinsky theaters for pupils and pupils of all educational institutions of the capital
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4026. The case of a universal subscription for the construction of a monument to A. N. Ostrovsky
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4027. The case of a free performance in the Alexandrinsky Theater for lower ranks having signs of the Order of St. George
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4028. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4029. The case of the delivery at the request of his Majesty’s cabinet of the track record of all the officials and office officials who are in the service at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4030. The case of performances and concerts at the Gatchina Palace December 17, December 17
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4031. The case of his Majesty's Cabinet for proper information regarding orders to the prevention of some persons to pedagogical activity and on excluded students
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4032. The case of technical reports on troupes for 1889
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4033. The case of the delivery of information about the marital status of persons consisting of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4033. The case of the performances given by the artists of the Meiningen troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4034. The case of accepting papers that do not have
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4035. The case of correspondence with the authors of the acquisition of plays
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4036. The case of the presentation for the annual manual for raising children, persons of the department of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4037. The case of the fines of artists and other persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4038. The case of relations with the Moscow Office of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4039. The case of the delivery of the Moscow repertoire
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4040. The case of his Majesty's Cabinet for proper information regarding orders to the prevention of some persons to pedagogical activity and on excluded students
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4041. The case of the production on the stage of the Hermitage Theater in the Winter Palace of the Tragedy "Tsar Boris"
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4042. The case of duty-free passage from St. Petersburg Customs belonging to the Directorate of Things
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4043. The case of different incidents in theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4044. The case of a change in the personnel of artists and other persons serving at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4045. The case of a civilian servant at theaters and houses of the directorate, as well as in other parts
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4046. The case of appointment with the highest permission of the emperor on February 9, on Friday, at the oil week of free performances for pupils and pupils of educational institutions of both capitals
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4047. The case of the provision of persons at the department of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, as well as the widows of such persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4048. The case of the recovery of targeted and sick leave from some employees in imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4049. The case of the provision of the former director of the Alexandrinsky Theater for the construction of German performances in the great post
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4050. The case of the presentation of officials, artists and other persons, employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, to the highest award in 1890
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4051. The case of the failed setting of the opera "Maria Stuart", the works of Shel
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4052. The case of resolving the Moscow Philharmonic Society of student examination performances in the Imperial Moscow and Small Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4053. The case of the issuance of additional content to the holidays of the Nativity of Christ and the Holy Easter officials, stationery officials and others (according to the circular of the Ministry of the Imperial Court of April 24, 1888 for No. 450) and festive money is laid down
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4054. The case of the resumption of tickets for the first, second and third subscriptions of the Russian-Opera performances of the season 1890-1891
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4055. The case of correspondence with the Moscow office regarding the concluded conditions for the production of "Prince Joseph Meshchersky"
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4056. The case of the all -mocking complaint with the emperor of gifts for their benefits, awarded the highest presence of the emperor
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4057. The case of the prices of the Mikhailovsky Theater with dramatic performances and the subscription on them
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4058. The case of the setting of the new ballet "Wedding of the smuggling" Libretto of the composition M.I.Tchaikovsky
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4059. The case on the appointment of a concert in favor of the disabled on March 19 with a general rehearsal and with a repetition of a named concert in favor of the master of the head of the chores of Mr. Vourm's music in the hall of the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4060. The case of the delivery of information about persons who have the right to be jury in 1891 to the commission to compile the lists of jury
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4061. The case of award beneficiaries on the Russian drama troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4062. The case of permitting to artists of imperial theaters to take part in a concert in favor of the Committee of the Proceed of Red Cross sisters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4063. The case of the plan of the composition of the Russian-Opera troupe from January 1, 1890 to January 1, 1891
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4064. The case of the discovery of commissioning for the director of the Imperial theaters in Berlin and the appointment by the commissioner left by the head of the chief director of the German troupe Philip Bok
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4065. The case of the dismissal of artists and other persons on vacation abroad
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4066. The case of satisfying the final calculation of the artists of the French troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4067. The case of the opening of the performance in the Krasnoselsky Theater and about different orders for this occasion
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4068. The case of an invitation to participate in the centenary of the Life Guards of the Pavlovsky regiment of the former ranks of this regiment, which is at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4069. The case of the highest confirmation not to leave persons who are not capable of ballet dancing to the school
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4070. The case of presentation for production in the following ranks for the length of service of officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4071. The case of permission to issue a women's costume to the artist of the expedition of the procurement of public securities
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4072. The case of the release of pupils from the St. Petersburg Theater School for service in the ballet troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4073. The case of the statement of the monument to the composer Weber
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4074. The case of the highest command to celebrate the birthday of her imperial highness Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna on April 6, and the namesake of July 22
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4075. The case of the adoption from the Archive of the Committee of theatrical Affairs of the former special meeting
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4076. The case of leaving the staff of employees at the Bolshoi Theater, on the occasion of transferring it to the maintenance of the Imperial Russian Musical Society
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4077. The case of the highest approved situation of the Imperial Theater School in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4078. The case of tickets for tickets to the editorial offices of newspapers and magazines preserved on a common basis
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4079. The case about the correspondence with the city administration on verification of the correctness of fees in the buildings of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4080. The case of permission on November 14, 1890 on the birthday of her Imperial Majesty Empress Empress, a morning free performance for pupils and pupils of educational institutions of the capital
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4080. The case of a free performance at the Alexandrinsky Theater for the lower military ranks having signs of the Order of St. George
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4081. The case of the delivery of the Senate of the Senate of the List of Officials of the Directorate of Theaters to make a calendar to the Department of the Governing Senate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4082. The case of the highest permission of the emperor to acquire from society for the benefit to needing stage figures donated by the artist Repin by the portrait of the famous artist M.S.Shchepkina for premises in the lobby of the Imperial Moscow Maly Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4083. The case of a play in the Gatchina Palace December 23
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4084. The case of relations with Warsaw government theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4084. The case of the abolition of the German troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4084. The case of the service of tailors and tailorses under the conduct of the costumer of the pipira and Nemensky
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4085. The case of correspondence with the authors of the acquisition of plays
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4086. The case of relations with the Moscow Office of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4087. The case of duty-free passage from St. Petersburg Customs belonging to the Directorate of Things
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4088. The case of the assumption to send a local ballet troupe to Moscow during the French exhibition
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4089. The case of accepting papers that do not have
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4090. The case of the delivery of the Moscow repertoire
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4091. The case on the report of His Majesty’s office for proper information, regarding orders to the prevention of some persons to pedagogical activity and on excluded students
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4092. The case of the fines of artists and other persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4093. The case of a change in the personnel of artists and other persons serving at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4094. The case of permission to artists of imperial theaters take part in a concert of the St. Petersburg Patriotic Society on February 3, 1891
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4095. The case of the dismissal of artists and other persons on vacation abroad
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4096. The case of the submission to pensioners serving in the department of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, as well as the widows of such persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4097. The case of the appointment of a concert in favor of the disabled on March 19, 1891 with a general rehearsal and with a repetition of a named concert in favor of the head of the chores of Mr. Vourm's music in the hall of the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4098. The case of the appointment with the highest permission of the emperor on February 26 on Tuesday at the oil week of free performances for pupils and pupils of educational institutions of both capitals
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4099. The case of resolving society for the benefit of the needleers of the masquerade device in the Alexandrinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4100. The case of the discovery of two subscriptions for Russian dramatic representations
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4101. Russian
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4102. The case of a business trip abroad to the artist of the ballet troupe Vladimir Stepanov to improve the method of graphic depiction of ballet body movements and dances approved by the protocol of a special commission
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4103. Russian
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4104. The case [on the presentation of the lists of officials and office officials for the issuance of a monthly salary for the Holy Easter Festival, according to the Regulation of April 24, 1888 and December 16, 1882 for institutions]
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4105. The case of the all -mocking complaint with the emperor of gifts for their benefits, awarded the highest presence of the emperor
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4106. The case of the production of the imperial theaters of the play "Fruits of Enlightenment" of the composition of Count Tolstoy
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4107. The case of resolving the Moscow Philharmonic Society for the installation of student performances in the Imperial Moscow Bolshoi Theater 7, 9 and 11, 1891
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4108. RGIA on the closure of theaters on the occasion of the death of her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Olga Fedorovna
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4109. The case of the delivery of information about persons who have the right to be them in 1892 to the commission to compile the lists of jury
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4110. The case of presentation for production in the following ranks for the length of service of officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4111. The case of the plan of the composition of the Russian drama troupe in 1891-1892
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4112. The case of resolving a concert in favor of the choir and orchestra of the Russian opera
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4113. The case of the production on the Russian dramatic scene of the dramatic poem "Don Juan", the works of Count A.K.Tolstoy
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4114. The case of satisfying the final calculation of the artists of the French troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4115. The case of determining the drama courses of the Imperial St. Petersburg Theater School with the certificates in the Russian drama troupe.
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4116. The case of the opening of two subscriptions of the French drama for the season of 1891-1892
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4117. The case of the opening of performances in the Krasnoselsky Theater and about different orders for this occasion
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4118. The case of the failed engagements of the gentlemen of the artists
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4119. The case of the composition of the Russian opera from January 1, 1891 to January 1, 1892
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4120. The case of the release of pupils and pupils from the St. Petersburg Theater School to serve in the ballet troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4121. The case of the highest command for the preservation in the full force of the Directorate of the Imperial Theaters of the Special Exceptional Right of printing Afish about performances, concerts, masquerades and all kinds of ideas
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4122. The case of different incidents in theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4123. The case of sending to the imperial Russian mission in the Karlsruhe score, Claviralsug and Mis En Scene Opera Ruslan and Lyudmila to represent its Highness Maria Maximilianovna the Great Duchess of Baden
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4124. The case of permission to bring it to the imperial highness to the heir to the Caesarevich by the capeldines of the Imperial Mariinsky Silver Theater, a miracle deliverance from the danger when attempting to the life of His Highness of the heir, in the town
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4125. The case of recovery by retired driver Vladimir Ponomarev 2400 rubles from the Directorate of Imperial Theaters for the injuries received by him when working in the building of the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4126. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4127. The case of the return of advances issued by the newly engaged artists of the French troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4128. The case of admission from the permission of his excellency minister in the Middle Tsarist Lodge in all the imperial theaters of the chamber-junker of Baron Zeyfar
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4129. The case of an invitation to participate in the World Music and Theater Exhibition in Vienna in 1892
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4130. The case of the highest command to celebrate the birthday of Grand Duke Dimitri Pavlovich on September 6, and namesake on the 21st day of September
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4131. The case of resolution on November 14 on the birthday of the emperor of morning free performances for pupils and pupils of all educational institutions of the capital
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4132. The case of a free performance in the Alexandrinsky Theater for lower ranks having insignia of the Order of St. George
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4133. The case of the delivery of the Governmental Senate of the Senate of the Officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters for Entrying Calendar
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4134. The case of the delivery of information about the number of places in the Imperial St. Petersburg Theaters, with free performances for educational institutions to the department
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4135. The case of the provision of the Alexandrinsky Theater for opera exercises of students at the St. Petersburg Conservatory
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4136. The case of the delivery of the administration of the administrative department for 1880
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4137. The case of resolving society for the benefit of the needy stage of the masquerade in the Mariinsky Theater and the performance in one of the Moscow theaters for charity purposes
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4138. The case of the corporate participation of artists of the Imperial St. Petersburg and Moscow theaters in Warsaw government theaters during the upcoming Great Lent of 1892
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4139. The case of resolving the annual concert in favor of the St. Petersburg Committee of the Proceed of the Red Cross sisters to strengthen the means of the latter
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4140. The case of the presentation for the annual benefit of raising children of the department of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4141. The case of the issuance of tickets for performances to the editorial offices of newspapers and magazines preserved on a common basis
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4142. The case of the fines of artists and other persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4143. The case of the delivery of the Moscow repertoire
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4144. The case of the submission to the annual benefit of raising children of the department of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4145. The case of different incidents in theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4146. The case of the presentation of officials, artists and other persons, employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters to the Highest Awards
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4147. The case of resolving society for the benefit of the needy stage figures to arrange a masquerade in the Mariinsky Theater and a masquerade in one of the Moscow theaters for charity purposes
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4148. The case of the closure of imperial theaters on the occasion of the death of his imperial highness Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4149. The case of taking into account papers that do not have
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4150. The case of a civilian servant at theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4151. The case of duty-free passage from St. Petersburg Customs belonging to the Directorate of Things
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4152. The case of relations with the Moscow Office of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4153. The case of stolen from the Central Musical Library of Musical Works
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4154. The case of a business trip to Paris of Forty Artists of a ballet troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4155. The case of the provision of persons at the department of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, as well as the widows of such persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4156. The case of the appointment of a concert in favor of the disabled on Thursday on March 19 at the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4157. The case of the appointment with the highest permission of the emperor on February 13 on Thursday at the oil week of free performances for pupils and pupils of both capitals
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4158. The case of admission to produce in the next season of 1892-1893 on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater of the Opera Mirra, the works of S. Yuferov
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4159. The case of the issuance of additional content to the holidays of the Holy Easter and the Nativity of Christ officials, stationery officials and others (according to the circulator in the Ministry of the Imperial Court of April 24, 1888 for No. 450) and festive position 16
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4160. The case of the plan of the composition of the Russian drama troupe in 1892
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4161. The case of the submission to the archive of the affairs of the administrative department for 1881
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4162. The case of a change in the personnel of artists and other persons serving at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4163. The case of a draft new provision on a repertoire meeting at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4164. The case of the composition of the Russian opera from January 1, 1892 to January 1, 1893
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4165. The case of the delivery by the Yaroslavl governor of statistical information about the Yaroslavl Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4166. The case of resolving society for the benefit of the in need of the Masquerade at the Mariinsky Theater and one of the Moscow theaters for a charity goal in 1893
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4167. The case of the dismissal of artists and other persons on vacation abroad
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4168. The case of satisfying the final calculation of the artists of the French troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4169. The case of the procedure for free use from the disease in the St. Petersburg hospital of the Palace Office of Persons employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4170. The case of the delivery to the commission on the compilation of the jury assessments of information about persons entitled to be them in 1893
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4171. The case of establishing an additional fee in favor of the department of the Empress Mary Empress and the introduction of the procedure for this fee in imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4172. The case of the publication of the archive of the emperor’s directorate and the mailing of copies of his highest persons and other persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4173. The case of resolving the choir of the imperial Russian opera for the institution in the fifth St. Petersburg gymnasium of the scholarship named after his Excellency Mr. Minister of the Imperial Court Count Illarion Ivanovich Vorontsov-Dashkov for teaching children of his companions
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4174. The case of the opening of performances in the Krasnoselsky Theater and of different orders for this case
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4175. The case of the adoption of sanitary measures due to the upcoming appearance of the cholera epidemic in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4176. The case of failed engagements of artists
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4177. The case of the dedication to the Augustment of His Majesty Emperor and other highest persons by different faces of their musical works
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4178. The case of tickets for tickets to the editorial offices of newspapers and magazines preserved on a common basis
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4179. The case of the issuance of advances and the warning artists of the French troupe by newly engaged
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4180. The case of the production of a preliminary inquiry on the disappearance of copper jewelry from the Tauride Palace from the boat stored there in the temporary decoration hall
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4181. The case of the provision of officials, artists and other persons, employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, to the highest awards
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4182. The case of the Vienna exhibition
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4183. The case of the closure of imperial theaters on the occasion of the death of Queen Virtemberg
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4184. The case of permission on November 14 on the birthday of her imperial majesty Empress Empress of morning free performances for pupils and pupils of all educational institutions of the capital
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4185. The case of leaving the minister of the Minister of the Imperial Court with the permission of his excellency weekly on Tuesdays for the representations of the Russian opera of the six seats of the last free rows for the blind schools
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4186. The case of the establishment by order of the Mr. Petersburg mayor of the rules for using cars when traveling from theaters for a fee of a certain size
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4187. The case on the report of His Majesty’s office for proper information regarding orders to the prevention of some persons to pedagogical activity and on excluded students
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4188. The case of the executing order of his Excellency Mr. Director: To establish order on the stage when changing the scenery to remove artists from the stage to the restrooms
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4189. The case of representing the production of officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters in the ranks for length of service
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4190. The case of the appointment of anniversary performances on the day of the century of memory of Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin in St. Petersburg and Moscow
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4191. The case of the delivery of the Senate of the Senate of the List of Officials of the Directorate of Theaters to make a calendar to the Department of the Governing Senate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4192. The case of a free performance in the Alexandrinsky Theater for lower ranks having insignia of the Order of St. George
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4193. The case of the participation of artists of imperial theaters in performances, concerts and other things arranged by various charitable societies
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4194. The case of the anniversary representation of the opera Ruslan and Lyudmila on the day of the 50th anniversary of its initial production and the arrangement of the temporary museum from objects related to the life and musical activity of the composer of the indicated opera Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4195. 1892
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4196. The case of the provision of the Imperial Mariinsky Theater on Saturday December 19, 1892 without the recovery of the expenses of the Permanent Commission on the construction of folk readings in St. Petersburg, established by the highest command
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4197. The case of a play in the Gatchina Palace on December 24, 1892
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4197. The case of the provision of the Alexander Theater for opera exercises of students at the St. Petersburg Conservatory
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4197. The case of the acquisition of the rights of the production in the Russian opera troupe of the Italian opera "Payats", the works of Leonkovallo
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4197. The case of resolving the editorial office of the "government messenger" to release the repertoire simultaneously with the posters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4198. The case of the composition of the Russian opera from January 1, 1893 to January 1, 1894
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4199. The case of the submission to pensioners serving in the department of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, as well as the widows of such persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4200. The case of hiring scribes for compiling in charge of the entire property of the decoration and lighting part
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4201. The case of relations with the Moscow Office of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4202. The case of the appointment of a special commission with the permission of his excellency of the minister of the Imperial Court to find ways to reduce the budget of opera and ballet orchestras under the chairmanship of the manager of the Moscow office of Pchelnikov, as well as about
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4203. The case of the submission to the annual benefit of raising children of the department of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4204. The case of the presentation of the Alexandrinsky Theater for the opera exercise of students in the St. Petersburg Conservatory
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4205. The case of the opening of the sale of coupons to places in the lodges of the Alexandrinsky Theater and the settlement of the prices of places for Russian dramatic performances in the Mikhailovsky Theater, as well as French performances in the Mikhailovsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4206. The case of different incidents in theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4207. The case of accepting papers that do not have
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4208. The case of the acquisition of the rights of the production in the Russian opera troupe of the French opera "Jamila", the works of Bizet
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4209. The case of a change in the personnel of artists and other persons serving at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4210. Дело о назначении с высочайшего соизволения императора 4 февраля в четверг на Масляной неделе бесплатных спектаклей для воспитанников и воспитанниц обеих столиц
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4211. The case of fining artists and other persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4212. The case of duty-free passage from St. Petersburg Customs belonging to the Directorate of Things
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4213. The case of continuation with the permission of his excellency of the minister of the imperial court in the spring season of performances, Russian drama, ballet and Russian opera until May 15
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4214. The case of the establishment with the permission of his Excellency Mr. Minister of the Imperial Court of Periodic contests for prizes for the best original Russian dramatic works
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4215. Дело о доставлении московского репертуара
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4216. The case of opening for the spring season of 1893 three subscriptions for Russian opera performances (four performances in each)
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4217. The case of a play in the Gatchina Palace
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4218. The case of a all -mocking complaint of gifts for their benefits, awarded the highest presence of the emperor
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4219. FundF. 497. Directorate of Imperial Theaters of the Ministry of the Imperial CourtInventoryOP.6. Directorate of Imperial Theaters (1879-1918)CaseRGIA.F. 497 op.6 D. 4219The case of the appointment of a concert in favor of the disabled on Friday on March 19 at the Mariinsky Theater.February 8 - March 30, 1893Identifier876F9CD5-34C3-489F-9AB5-D45F9053D5FDThe language of the textrusNameThe case of the appointment of a concert in favor of the disabled on Friday on March 19 at the Mariinsky Theater.February 8 - March 30, 1893DatesFebruary 8 - March 30, 1893Volume19 l.LevelCaseOrganization-Creanter of RecordingRGIAStorage cipherRGIA.497 / 6/4219NoteThe cover form indicates: "The case of the St. Petersburg Office of Imperial Theaters"
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4220. The case of the circular proposal of Mr. Minister of the Interior to the Governors of February 8, 1893 for No. 700 on the issue of the rights of Karaim
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4221. The case of the composition of the composition of the Russian drama troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4222. The case of correspondence with the authors of the acquisition of plays
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4223. Дело о вольнонаемной прислуге при театрах и домах Дирекции
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4224. 1893
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4225. The case of representing the production of officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters in the ranks for length of service
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4226. The case of the approved by the Mr. Minister of the Imperial Court of Rules for admission to the imperial scene of dramatic courses
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4227. Дело о несостоявшихся итальянских спектаклях в пользу русского патриотического общества
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4228. The case of the production of the Imperial St. Petersburg theaters of the Opera Falstaff on the Russian opera stage, the works of Verdi
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4229. The case of approval in the service of artists and other persons serving at the imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4230. The case of approving by Him by Mr. Mr. Minister of the Imperial Court of the Charter of the Charter of the Last Assistance at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4231. The case of a free hall with lighting, located in the house of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters at the Alexandrinsky Theater on Sundays from eight o’clock in the evening for a choral class, led by artists of the imperial Russian opera: soloist
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4232. The case of the release of pupils and pupils from the St. Petersburg Theater School for the service of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4233. Дело об увольнении артистов и других лиц в отпуск за границу
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4234. The case of the presentation by the publisher of the magazine "Niva" A.F.Marx is right to the author's fee for the works of N.V.Gogol
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4235. The case of the failed engagements of the gentlemen of the artists
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4236. The case of the installation of a competition from artists of foreigners to replace vacancies of responsible wind instruments
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4237. Дело по отношению административного отдела Кабинета его величества о циркулярном распоряжении господина министра финансов касательно применения правил для льготного проезда учащихся, о заготовлении бланков удостоверений для учащихся в Санкт-Петербургском
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4238. The case of the delivery of information about persons who have the right to be them in 1894 to the commission on the compilation of the jury
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4239. The case of the permission of the Mr. Minister of the Imperial Court for the adoption of the publication "Guide to stage dressing", compiled by the artist of the ballet troupe A. Voskresensky
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4240. The case of reduction in the summer days of the days in the office on Saturdays and Mondays
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4241. The case of the delivery of the Governmental Senate of the list of officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters to the Department of the Senate for Entry to the Address Calendar
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4242. The case of the opening of performances in the Krasnoselsky Theater and different orders for this occasion
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4243. Дело о переписке по ангажементу артистов французской труппы
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4244. The case of placing various persons for use from the disease in the St. Petersburg Hospital of the Palace Office
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4245. The case of leaving the staff at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters on the Montaining Part and Counters at the box office
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4246. The case of the appointment of the manager of the Office of the State Councilor V.P.Pogozheva by a representative from the directorate to the institutions of the Special Commission under the administrative department of his Majesty’s office to revise the existing provision on the procedure for the appointment of benefits
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4247. The case of the delivery of His Majesty in the office of the number of service posts of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4248. Дело о выдаче билетов редакциям газет и журналов, составляемых на общем основании накануне спектакля
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4249. The case of competitions for admission to orchestras
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4250. The case of the submission to the archive of cases of the administrative department for 1882
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4251. The case of the provision of the Mariinsky Theater during the Great Lent of 1894 to produce Wagnerian operas
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4252. The case of the delivery of one lodge of the second tier in the Russian opera for the Filarmonic Society on Tuesdays
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4253. The case of the device in favor of the children's shelter of the concert society on October 17
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4254. The case of the permission of the minister of the Imperial Court for education from the Russian drama troupe of a special corporation with the developed charter
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4255. The case of admission to young artists of long leave to acquire practice in art on private scenes
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4256. Дело о возложении с высочайшего соизволения императора на Дирекцию императорских театров распоряжений похоронами умершего 25 октября 1893 года композитора П.И. Чайковского
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4257. The case of permission on November 14 on the birthday of her imperial majesty Empress Empress of morning free performances for pupils and pupils of all educational institutions of the capital
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4258. The case of the permission of his excellency of the Mr. Minister of the Imperial Court to the imperial Russian patriotic society for a structure in the Mariinsky Theater in favor of the schools of the indicated physical society of two performances ("Paidas and Falstaff")
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4259. Дело о бесплатном спектакле в Александринском театре для нижних чинов, имеющих знаки отличия ордена Святого Георгия
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4260. The case of resolving the annual concert in favor of the "St. Petersburg Committee of the Proceed of the Red Cross sisters" to strengthen the means of the latter
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4261. The case of the delivery of Russian imperial and tsarist orders to the capitula, information about a change with gentlemen during the year
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4262. The case of the permission of the Mr. Minister of the Imperial Court on the arrangement of a special performance on the day of the 50th anniversary of literary activity D.V.Grigorovich and a all-member of the granted Order of St. Stanislav 1st degree
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4262. Дело о разрешении обществу для пособия нуждающимся сценическим деятелям маскарада в Мариинском театре в одном из московских театров с благотворительной целью
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4263. Дело о разных происшествиях в театрах и домах Дирекции
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4264. The case of relations with the Moscow Office of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4265. The case of the device in the Alexandrinsky Theater of a beneficial performance in favor of the second artists
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4266. The case of taking into account papers that do not have
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4267. The case of the provision of the Alexandrinsky Theater for opera exercises of students in the St. Petersburg Conservatory
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4268. The case of the Court of Court of Court of Court of Corridors of the theaters of ads about the exhibition of the things of his imperial highness of the heir to Tsesarevich who did not use the minister
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4269. Дело о вольнонаемной прислуге при театрах в домах Дирекции
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4270. The case of placing various persons for use from the disease in the St. Petersburg Hospital of the Palace Office
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4271. The case with the correspondence of the St. Petersburg mayor about the delivery of information on the reliability of persons employees at the Directorate of Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4272. The case of the submission to pensioners serving in the department of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, as well as the widows of such persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4273. The case of the subsequent permission to submit to the disposal of the head of the Ministry of the Imperial Court for free of the same chair in the Imperial St. Petersburg Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4274. The case of the appointment of the highest permission of the king on February 26 on Saturday of free morning performances for pupils and pupils of all educational institutions in St. Petersburg and Moscow
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4275. Дело о назначении концерта в пользу инвалидов 18 марта в Мариинском театре
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4276. The case of various orders for the construction of a ballet performance and a concert in the city of Peterhof on the occasion of the marriage of Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich with Grand Duchess Ksenia Alexandrovna
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4277. The case of fining artists and other persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4278. The case of resolving the artists of the Russian dramatic troupe of vacations for the performance of performances in Warsaw theaters by the great post of 1894
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4279. The case of the scene of the Mikhailovsky Theater for examination performances of students at the dramatic courses of the Imperial St. Petersburg Theater School
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4280. The case of the dismissal of artists and other persons on vacation abroad
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4281. The case of the acquisition from the publisher in Paris of the music of Eugel, the score of the ballet "Sylvia" for staging on imperial scenes
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4282. Дело об изменении в личном составе артистов и других лиц, служащих при Дирекции императорских театров
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4283. Дело о беспошлинном пропуске из санкт-петербургских таможен принадлежащих Дирекции вещей
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4284. Дело о доставлении в Кабинет его императорского величества списка должностей Дирекции императорских театров, которым квартира должна быть предоставлена натурой
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4285. Дело о возобновлении ангажементов с артистами французской труппы
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4286. Дело о плане состава русской оперы с 1 января 1894 года по 1 января 1895 года
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4287. The case of dedication to the Augustment of His Majesty Emperor and other highest persons by different faces of their musical works
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4288. The case of the invaluable passage of the musical material of the opera N.A.Rimsky-Korsakov "May Night"
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4289. The case of the delivery of information about the number of spare ranks consisting of the department of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters to the office
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4290. The case of the appointment of the manual: the coachman of the crew to Aleksandrov for the manufacture of an artificial leg - 85 rubles and the son of the carpenter of the Mariinsky Theater Terentyev for the manufacture of a corset - 40 rubles
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4291. The case of the delivery of information about the persons who have the right to be them in 1895 to the commission on the compilation of the jury
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4292. The case of representing the production of officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters in the ranks for length of service
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4293. The case of various orders on the occasion of the marriage of his imperial highness of the heir to Tsesarevich and Grand Duke Nikolai Alexandrovich
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4294. The case of satisfying the final calculation of the artists of the French troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4295. The case of the highest permitted performance in the Mikhailovsky Theater in favor of the affected by the earthquake in Greece
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4296. The case of the closure of theaters on the occasion of the death of her imperial highness Grand Duchess Ekaterina Mikhailovna
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4297. Дело об открытии в Красносельском театре спектаклей и разных по этому случаю распоряжениях
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4298. The case of establishing a council under Mr. Minister of the Imperial Court
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4299. The case of the contract concluded with the artists, the conditions that for temporary cases, not excluding illness, failure to fulfill the contract entails the obligation to pay the penalty
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4300. Дело о помещении трех картин Императорского Эрмитажа в фойе Мариинского театра
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4301. The case of the delivery of the Governmental Senate of the list of officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters to the Department of the Senate for Entry to the Address Calendar
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4302. Дело о назначении актеру русской драматической труппы И.Ф. Горбунову пособия на продолжение и отпечатание труда по составлению "Истории начала русского драматического театра с 1800 по 1880 годы"
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4303. The case of the provision of officials, artists and other persons, employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, to the highest awards in 1895
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4304. The case of the plan of the composition of the Russian drama troupe for 1894
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4305. The case of the presentation of officials, artists and other persons, employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, to the highest awards of 1894
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4306. The case of the presentation of the Director of the Hamburg Theater Pollyni of the Mariinsky Theater for the representation of Wagnerian operas in the great post of 1896
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4307. The case of permitting to artists of imperial theaters participation in concerts of various charitable societies
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4308. The case of the prohibition of artists and other persons who are at the service of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters to bother the highest special requests directly, that is, in addition to their closest authorities
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4309. Дело о не воспоследовавшем разрешении на сохранение кресла в Мариинском театре за заведующим электрической станцией
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4310. Дело о предоставлении обществу для пособия нуждающимся литераторам и ученым бесплатно Александринского театра 13 ноября для устройства спектакля в память баснописца И.А. Крылова по случаю 50-летия со дня его смерти
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4311. Дело о разных последовавших милостях артистам императорских театров по случаю предстоящего бракосочетания государя наследника цесаревича
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4312. The case of the establishment of a commission to develop questions about the reform of imperial theater schools in St. Petersburg and Moscow
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4313. The case of the adoption in the office of his Imperial Majesty oath promises of officials, artists and other persons who are under the imperial theaters, the acceptance of the faithfulness of the service to Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich and the heir to the Grand Duke of Grand Duke
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4314. The case of the closure of imperial theaters on the occasion of the mourning of the mourning in the bose of the deceased sovereign Emperor Alexander III and different orders on this subject
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4315. The case of the celebration of the highest command of the birthday and the namesake of Her Majesty Empress Empress Alexandra Fedorovna and his imperial highness heir to Tsarevich and Grand Duke Georgy Alexandrovich
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4316. The case of the delivery of the lists of persons who have the difference between St. George into the office of his imperial majesty
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4317. Дело о доставлении в Собственную его императорского величества канцелярию по инспекторскому отделу списков чиновников Дирекции императорских театров для внесения в адрес-календарь
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4318. The case of the permission of the artists of imperial theaters that did not follow the permission of the artists of the imperial mercy on the occasion of the marriage of their imperial majesties
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4318. The case of the designed places, which are turning on to streamline and chewed the mounting economy of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4319. The case of the demand from the St. Petersburg Treasury Chamber of one thousand passport books of a new model for issuing to artists and other persons serving at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4320. The case of the device in the Alexandrinsky Theater on January 4, 1895 of the anniversary performance on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of A. S. Griboedov
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4321. The case of the provision of the Alexandrinsky Theater for opera exercises of students at the St. Petersburg Conservatory
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4322. The case of vacation in the form of an exclusion from the main wardrobe warehouse of the Directorate of Imperial theaters of costumes from non-literary literary and artistic mugs for the construction of a performance from Shakespeare's works on December 30
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4323. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4324. The case of hiring for service at electric stations of Imperial St. Petersburg Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4325. The case of a all -mocking complaint of gift artists for their benefits, awarded the highest presence of the emperor
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4325. The case of determining the norm of the number of performances binding on orchestras for artists and the assignment of a spectacular fee to the artists of the United Orchestra of the Russian Opera and Ballet
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4326. Дело о вольнонаемной прислуге при театрах и домах Дирекции
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4327. The case of duty-free passage from St. Petersburg Customs belonging to the Directorate of Things
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4328. Дело о помещении в Санкт-Петербургский госпиталь Дворцового ведомства разных лиц для пользования от болезни
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4329. The case of fining artists and other persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4330. The case of relations with the Moscow Office of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4331. Дело о переписке с господином градоначальником о доставлении сведений о благонадежности лиц, вновь поступающих на службу при Дирекции императорских театров
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4332. The case of accepting papers that do not have
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4333. The case of the dismissal of artists and other persons on vacation abroad
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4334. The case of the device of the morning performance in the Alexandrinsky Theater for the formation of capital at scholarships, in memory of the artist M.S.Shchepkina
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4335. The case of the not -free permission of the Minister of the Imperial Court on the premises of the daughter of the grandson of the artist M.S.Shchepkina in one of the capital's institutes
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4336. The case of introducing the procedure for selling tickets for entering the performances in the Imperial St. Petersburg Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4337. The case of the appointment of free morning performances for pupils and pupils of educational institutions of both capitals from the highest permission of the emperor on February 9th on February 9.
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4338. The case of different incidents in theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4339. Дело об устройстве ученического спектакля 20 марта 1895 года в пользу московского филармонического общества
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4340. The case of the appointment of a concert in favor of the disabled on Sunday on March 19 at the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4341. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4342. The case of a highly approved on January 12, 1895, a provision on the Ministry of the Imperial Court on various kinds of benefits and the opening of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters of loans for the issuance of the indicated benefits to officials, artists and other employees and serving
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4343. The case of the provision of the 25% of the collection from the German performance arranged by Mr. Boking in the Alexandrinsky Theater on Sunday on February 19, to build the building named after her Imperial Majesty Empress Alexandra F
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4344. The case of the closure of imperial theaters on the occasion of the death in the Bose of the deceased Grand Duke Alexei Mikhailovich
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4345. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4346. The case of the scene of the Mikhailovsky Theater for examination performances of students at the dramatic courses of the Imperial St. Petersburg Theater School
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4347. The case of the provision of the Alexandrinsky Theater for opera exercises of students in the St. Petersburg Conservatory
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4348. The case of the resumption of the subscription to Russian opera performances in the season of 1895-1896
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4349. The case of the production of portioned and daily money for duty at the highest yard
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4350. The case of the authority of the Director of Imperial Theaters of the right to sell costumes and dressing belts that turned out to be superfluous behind the construction of new ones at their described value, but with a 5% discount for each year of the suit or thing.
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4351. The case of the procedure for drawing up reports on the Ministry of the Imperial Court
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4352. The case of the final calculation with the artists of the French troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4352. The case of the delivery of information about persons who have the right to be them in 1896 to the commission on the compilation of the lists of jury
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4353. The case of the followed permission of the Minister of the Court for the assumption of the authorized Russian historical society to consider the formular lists stored in the archive of the Directorate regarding the Service of Artists
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4354. The case of reporting of information about the director of the Directorate of Resignation of the Military Department
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4355. The case of the composition of the composition of the Russian drama troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4356. 2 l.
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4357. The case of approval in the service of artists and other persons consisting of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4358. The case of the highest resolution on the name of the picturesque hall of the Mariinsky Theater, where the late decorator Academician M.I.Bocharov, his name - "Workshop of the decorator of M.I. Bocharov", with the production of his bust
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4359. The case of the competition for the competition for the postmaster of the ballet orchestra
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4360. The case of admission to the cash desks of the Imperial theaters of the Golden Coin at the price determined by the state bank
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4361. The case of the provision of the Mikhailovsky Theater to the company for the benefit of needy writers and scientists to arrange a morning performance in December in the month of the meaning
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4362. The case of permission on November 14 on the birthday of her imperial majesty of the Dowager Empress Maria Fedorovna and in memory of the marriage of their monarchy majestic free performances for pupils and pupils of all educational heads
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4363. The case of providing society for benefits to needing writers and scientists of the Mikhailovsky Theater for a device in favor of the named Society of the performance
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4364. The case of the followed permission of the Minister of the Imperial Court for the establishment of temporary posts of the junior assistant driver and two divisors of costumes
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4365. The case of the proposal of the entrepreneur of the Prague Theater of Neumann about the structure of a number of German opera performances in the Mary theater in the great post of 1896
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4366. The case of the followed by the highest command to provide the widow of the deceased composer Serov of the full gathering from the anniversary performance of the opera "enemy power", the right to edition of the orchestra score of the Opera "Yudif"
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4367. 3 l.
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4368. The case of a free performance in the Alexandrinsky Theater for lower ranks having insignia of the Order of St. George
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4369. The case of permission to artists of imperial theaters take part in concerts, performances and other things arranged by various charitable societies
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4370. The case of permission on December 6 on the day of the namesake of his Imperial Majesty Sovereign Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich morning free performances for pupils and pupils of all educational institutions of the capital
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4371. The case of production with the permission of his Excellency of the Assistant Minister of the Imperial Court of Cavalry Statists for participating in performances: a non-commissioned officer with a horse for 1 ruble 20 kopecks and an ordinary one 1 ruble, leaving for participation in rehearsals the former plate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4372. The case of the provision of the St. Petersburg Conservatory of the Alexandrinsky Theater on Sunday January 14, 1896 to repeat the opera exercises of students
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4373. 1895
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4375. The case of the submission to pensioners serving in the department of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, as well as the widows of such persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4376. The case of a permit for the opening of imperial theaters in the season 1895-1896 on August 31
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4377. The case of the following the highest permission of the emperor to adopt under the augustment of their imperial highness of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich and Grand Duchess Elizabeth Fedorovna established by the artists of the imperial Moscow theaters about
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4377. Case [with lists presented for rewards for non -negligent differences]
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4378. The case of relations with the Moscow Office of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4379. The case of a civilian servant at theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4380. The case of duty-free passage from St. Petersburg Customs belonging to the Directorate of Things
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4381. The case of different incidents in theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4382. The case of taking into account papers that do not have
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4383. The case of the submission to pensioners serving in the department of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, as well as the widows of such persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4384. The case of appointing the highest permission of the emperor on January 30 at the oil week of free morning performances for pupils and pupils of educational institutions of both capitals
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4385. The case of the emperor’s highest permission to arrange a concert in the hall of a noble meeting of the Imperial Women's Patriotic Society, with the participation of artists of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4386. The case of the dismissal of artists and other persons on vacation abroad
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4387. The case of fines imposed on artists and other persons for service malfunctions
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4388. The case of a all -mocking complaint of gift artists for their benefits, awarded the highest presence of the emperor
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4389. The case of the construction in favor of the Directorate of Imperial theaters of four masquerades a year, in the Mariinsky Theater, starting from the season of 1896-1897 and the opening of the season of 1897-1898 of the subscription
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4390. The case of the highest will of the emperor in the Mariinsky Theater in the next season of the opera Esclarmonda with an invitation to the participation of Ms. Sanderson and Tenora Van Dick.
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4391. The case of the "St. Petersburg Society of Musical Assembly" of the Mariinsky Theater for three performances during the spring season of 1896
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4392. The case of the followed by all artists of the opera and dramatic troupe of concerts during Great Lent in St. Petersburg and Moscow in days by agreement with the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4393. The case of the appointment of a concert in favor of the disabled on March 14, 1896 at the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4394. The case of the construction of paid performances on the imperial stage for the formation of a fund for the issuance of benefits to students, at the dramatic courses of the Imperial St. Petersburg Theater School, with the participation of artists of the Russian dramatic troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4395. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4396. The case of the establishment of exalted prices for all the Russian operas for all representations with the permission of the Minister of Imperial Courtyard
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4397. The case of a change in personnel of artists
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4398. The case of approval in the service of artists and other persons in the service of imperial Moscow theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4399. The case of granting to officials, artists and other persons who served under Emperor Alexander III medals established by the nominal high decree on February 26, 1896
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4400. The case of the followed by the Minister of the Imperial Court for the provision of the Mikhailovsky Theater for the construction of a charitable performance in it, in favor of the House of Mercy, which is under the auspices of its imperial highness of the Grand Duchess
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4401. The case of the opening of performances in the Krasnoselsky Theater and of different orders for this occasion
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4402. The case of a non -supporting permit at the request of the director to enroll the artists of the Imperial theaters of the interrupted service
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4403. The case of the not -free permission of the Minister of the Imperial Court on the premises of the daughter of the grandson of the artist M.S.Shchepkina in one of the capital's institutes
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4404. The case on the reports of the Synod chief prosecutor on the ban, the prevention of blasphemy and temptation in stage representations, perform prayer and similar to church rites, as well as portray sacred objects and use spiritual robes
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4405. The case of penalties from artists for violation of the order of the director of imperial theaters to shave mustache and beard during their participation in stage performances
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4406. The case of the final calculation with the artists of the French troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4407. The case of delivering information about persons about persons who may be indicated by the assessors in 1897 to
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4408. The case of the release of pupils and pupils from the Imperial Petersburg Theater School in 1896
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4409. The case of the plan of the composition of the Russian drama troupe for 1896
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4410. The case of the plan of the composition of the Russian opera from January 1, 1896 to January 1, 1897
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4411. The case of the delivery of his Majesty in the office of the persons who are at the Directorate of Theaters to hire
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4412. The case of the followed permission to provide the Alexandrinsky Theater for the presentation of Lumier's symptuctor in it, Camille surf
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4413. The case of the opening of imperial theaters after the summer season of 1896, September 1, 1896
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4414. The case of the followed permission to take part of the orchestra of the Russian opera in three concerts in favor of the P.I.Tchaikovsky
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4415. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4416. The case of the presentation to Mr. The Minister of the Imperial Court of Comparative Generations of the Staffs from performances
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4417. The case of the seizure of places in the imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4418. The case of permission for the future, when concluding contracts with foreigners, allow transactions to francs
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4419. The case of resolving on November 14 on the birthday of her imperial majesty of the Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna and in memory of the marriage of their imperial majesty of the morning free performances for pupils and pupils of all educational
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4420. The case of a free performance in the Alexandrinsky Theater for lower ranks having insignia of the Order of St. George
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4421. The case of permission on December 6, on the day of the namesake of his Imperial Majesty Sovereign Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich, morning free performances for pupils and pupils of all educational institutions of the capital
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4422. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4423. The case of the presentation of the lower military ranks that served as the reign of Emperor Nicholas I, to awarded them medals, established on memory of the 100th anniversary of the birth of now in the Bose of the resting Emperor Nicholas I
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4424. The case of the followed permission to appoint award money for counters for the holidays of the Nativity of Christ and the Holy Easter
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4425. The case of the provision of the Entrepreneur Shurman of the Alexandrinsky Theater as of December 28, 1896 for the construction of one performance in it with the participation of the artist Ms. Duza and her troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4426. The case of the presentation to the Mr. The Minister of the Imperial Court of the comparative statement of fees and the performance for 1896, as well as for 1893.1894 and 1895
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4427. The case of the submission to pensioners, artists and persons serving in the department of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, as well as the widows of such persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4428. The case of duty-free passage from St. Petersburg Customs belonging to the Directorate of Things
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4429. The case of the presentation of officials, artists and other persons, employees at the Directorate of Theaters, to the highest awards in 1897
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4430. The case of taking into account papers that do not have
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4431. The case of a civilian servant at theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4432. The case of the order of the Minister of the Imperial Court to make an order to prohibit free use of lodges in imperial Moscow theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4433. The case of permission to participate in the artist of imperial theaters in private performances and concerts for charity purposes
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4434. The case of the followed by the Minister of the Imperial Court for the acquisition of a portrait of the late artist of the Russian drama troupe Gorbunov
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4435. The case of correspondence with Mr. Corodelor, of the delivery of information about the reliability of persons of newly arrived at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4436. The case of providing the congress of stage figures for meetings of the auditorium and the lobby of the Moscow Maly Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4437. The case of relations with the Moscow Office of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4438. The case of the followed by the Minister of the Imperial Court for the provision of the Mariinsky Theater by the chairman of the Nursery charity society, Countess Bobrinskaya for the device in it [the great post of 1897] living paintings
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4439. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4440. The case of the first general census of the Russian Empire
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4441. The case of permission to give students in favor of the dramatic courses of the Imperial Moscow Theater School one of the day Sunday performances of the current season
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4442. The case of the followed imperial of the highest permission to the construction of the noble collection of a concert in favor of the schools of the "Imperial Women's Patriotic Society" with the participation of artists of the imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4443. The case of the followed by the highest imperial permission to provide the Mariinsky Theater with the orchestra and choir of the Russian opera on February 16, 1897 in the morning for the construction of the starving Indians of the performance with the participation of artists of the Italian troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4444. The case of the dismissal of artists and other persons on vacation and abroad
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4445. The case of the appointment of a concert in favor of the disabled in the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4446. The case of the highest gifts appointed to artists whose benefits were awarded the highest visit to the emperor
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4447. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4448. The case of a change in personnel of artists
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4449. The case of the emperor’s highest approval by the emperor of the opinion of the State Council on serving military service by students of dramatic courses at St. Petersburg and Moscow Theater Schools
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4450. The case of different incidents in theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4451. The case of the following the highest permission of the emperor to represent the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow XII International Congress of Doctors for three meetings, presumably on August 7, 10 and 11, 1897
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4452. The case of the provision of free halls of the Moscow Maly Theater "to the ladies' charitable prison committee" for the construction of a concert and two rehearsals in it
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4453. The case of the establishment at the St. Petersburg Conservatory of the Imperial Russian Musical Society of the scholarship named after E.F.Dynnik and on the approval of the Regulation on this scholarship
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4454. The case of permission to adopt the imperial theaters in their account of lighting expenses, with the trustee of the St. Petersburg training district Kapustin, literary readings for students and students of average institutions
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4455. The debut case in Russian drama and opera
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4456. The case of the followed permission for the structure in the Alexandrinsky Theater in favor of the "society of zealots of Russian historical education" of the musical and literary evening one day after the holidays of the Holy Easter, with the presentation of the complete gathering in this
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4457. The case of the installation of a front performance during his stay in the city of St. Petersburg His Majesty King of Siamese
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4458. The case of the final calculation with the artists of the French troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4459. The case of the opening of performances in the Krasnoselsky Theater and different orders for this occasion
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4460. The case of the construction of a performance in the city of St. Petersburg and various orders on the occasion of the arrival of foreign higher persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4461. The case of the delivery of information about persons about persons who may be indicated by the assessors in 1898 to
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4462. The case of the release of pupils and pupils from the Imperial St. Petersburg Theater School in 1897
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4463. The case of the followed by the highest resolution for the awarding of the artists of the imperial theaters for participation for their participation in performances given on the occasion of the family celebrations of the imperial reigning house, but in no case for performances arranged in Che
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4464. The case of the celebration of the birthday and the namesake of her imperial highness Grand Duchess Tatyana Nikolaevna
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4465. The case of providing a committee for collecting donations in favor of the establishments of the St. Petersburg Council of Children's Prigules of the Imperial Peterhof Theater for the construction of three performances
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4466. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4467. The case of the highest resolution for the name of the picturesque hall in the house of the Directorate on Bolshaya Podoyachika Street, where the late decorator Academician M.A.Shishkov - workshop of the decorator M.A.Shishkova, with the production of his bust
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4468. The case of the provision of the Alexandrinsky Theater Impresario Shultsu for the performances of foreign guests
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4469. The case of the plan of the Russian drama troupe for 1897
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4470. The case of the plan of the composition of the Russian opera from January 1, 1897 to January 1, 1898
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4471. The case of the expulsion of five percent from the annual salary of the maintenance of all the heads of the ministry’s establishments for the formation of capital for the establishment of a scholarship named after the Adjutant General, Count Vorontsov-Dashkov
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4472. The case of accepting copies with the relationship of the Minister of Finance dated August 16, 1897 for No. 12086 on the cost of a foreign gold coin in the Russian gold coin of Chekan under the law on December 17, 1885
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4473. The case on various orders for the construction of performances in the Hermitage Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4474. The case of changing the existing procedure for supplying a dress for court miners
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4475. The case of the followed permission to take part in the artists of the imperial theaters in the literary and articular collection arranged by the capital
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4476. The case of the following on the 30th October 30 of the Emperor for the appointment for former examples for pupils and pupils of educational institutions of both capitals on November 14, December 6 and a cheese week in the morning, free performances
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4477. The case of permission to do announcements about the sale of all tickets even if tickets for the extreme lodges of all tiers, as well as for literary, will not be sold
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4478. The case of a free performance in the Alexandrinsky Theater for the insignia of the Order of St. George
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4479. The case of the delivery to the office of the Ministry of the Court of Information requested by the manager of the special meeting in the affairs of the noble estate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4480. Directorate of Imperial Theaters of the MIDV.The case of the permission of the Mr. Minister of the Imperial Court for education from the Russian dramatic troupe of a special corporation with the developed charter.
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4481. The case of the delivery of the lists of the lists of officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters to the inspectoral department of its imperial Majesty, for introduction to the address-calendar
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4482. The case of the presentation of officials, artists and other persons at the directorate, to the highest awards in 1898
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4483. Дело об утверждении на службе артистов и других лиц, состоящих при императорских театрах, по исключении из податного сословия
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4484. The case of the personnel of the French troupe for 1897
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4485. The case of a civil servant at theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4486. The cover form indicates: "The case of the St. Petersburg Office of Imperial Theaters"
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4487. The case of the highest gifts appointed to artists, whose benefits were awarded the highest visit to the emperor
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4488. The case of premises for use from diseases in the St. Petersburg hospital of the Palace Department of Persons employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4489. The case of the acceptance of a civilian servant for theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4490. The case of different incidents in theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4491. The case of duty-free passage from St. Petersburg Customs belonging to the Directorate of Things
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4492. The case of a change in the personnel of the artists of the theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4493. The case of delivering to the office department of the office of his imperial majesty lists of artists of the Imperial St. Petersburg theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4494. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4495. The case of the participation of artists of imperial theaters in private performances and concerts for a charity goal and the provision of imperial theaters for these purposes
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4496. The case of various orders on the occasion of the device at the Hermitage Theater of performances in the season 1898-1899
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4497. The case of the following the highest permission of the emperor for the provision of the Mariinsky Theater for the construction of the Ball of the French colonies on February 7, 1898
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4498. The case of the dismissal of artists and other persons on vacation abroad
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4499. The case of the appointment of a concert in favor of the disabled in 1898
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4500. The case of the submission to pensioners serving in the department of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, as well as the widows of such persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4501. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4502. 19 l.
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4503. The debut case in the Russian Opera
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4504. The case of the submission to the archive of cases of the administrative department for 1883-1884
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4505. The case of the followed permission from the beginning of the future of 1898-1899 of the season to put in the Mikhailovsky Theater on Sundays, instead of opera performances, Russians or French, and arrange such opera at the Mariinsky Theater, but in the afternoon and ordinary opera
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4506. The case of the followed by the highest command for the adoption by the Directorate of the device in the next season 1898-1899 of foreign opera performances without impresario (Imprassario)
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4507. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4508. The case of various orders for the adaptation of the Tsarskoye Selo Chinese theater for performances
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4509. The case of the provision of removal to the population of several provinces affected by inexpensive bread
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4510. The case of forged subscription tickets for the representations of the Russian opera (chair No. 400 and No. 401) of the season 1898-1899
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4511. The case of the final calculation with the artists of the French troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4512. The case of hiring by the Directorate of Imperial Theaters in St. Petersburg and Moscow of a special artizer under a contract for delivery from theatrical cash desks, to the cash desks of the Ministry of Health from performances, as well as subscriptions
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4513. The case of the followed disposal, so that artists receiving a maintenance of not more than 1200 rubles per year are required to take part in the exits in the performances, when such participation will be recognized as necessary
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4514. The case of the delivery of the next lists of jury assessments to the commission on persons entitled to be them in 1899
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4515. The case of the release of pupils and pupils from the Imperial St. Petersburg Theater School in 1898. The case of the opening of performances in the Krasnoselsky Theater and of various orders
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4516. The case of the opening of performances in the Krasnoselsky Theater and different orders for this occasion
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4517. The case of various orders for the occasion of the device of ceremonial performances in the city of Peterhof
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4518. The case of donating to various private institutions of theatrical supplies (wigs, costumes, shoes and other things), unsuitable for use in imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4519. The case of various orders on the occasion of participation in the coming in 1900 of the Paris World Exhibition
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4520. 1897
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4521. The case of permission to open performances in St. Petersburg on August 30, 1898
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4522. The case of the plan of the composition of the Russian opera troupe for the season 1898-1899
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4523. The case of the plan of the composition of the Russian drama troupe for the season 1898-1899
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4524. The case of the delivery of information about the number of students in ballet departments and at the dramatic courses of the Imperial St. Petersburg and Moscow Theater Schools to the office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4525. The case of the provision of places for various institutions for performances in the Imperial St. Petersburg Theater for free
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4526. The case of the delivery of photographic cards to the palace police in two copies of persons, newly determined in the service of St. Petersburg Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4527. The case of the adoption of copies to the leadership of the legal adviser of the Cabinet of His Majesty dated April 21 No. 3919 on the retention of a proportionate stamp on contracts concluded with the entrepreneurs
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4528. The case of closing, according to various cases of performances in imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4529. The case of the construction of concerts in the great post of 1900 under the direction of the French conductor of the column at the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4529. The case of the followed permission to open an additional loan in the amount of 30,000 rubles for the consumption this year for opera and Russian dramatic troupees of St. Petersburg theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4530. The case of the appointment of a concert in favor of the disabled in 1899
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4531. The case of the appointment of a competition for the position of a dropmaster of the orchestra of the Mikhailovsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4532. The case of the appointment with the highest resolution of free morning performances for pupils and pupils of educational institutions of both capitals: on November 14, December 6, 1898 and Maslenitsa of 1899
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4533. The case of the construction of a free performance in the Alexandrinsky Theater for persons with insignia of the Order of St. George
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4534. The case of the delivery of the office of the inspector department, lists of officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters for entry on the calendar to her own Majesty
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4535. The case on the issue of the Aleksandrovsky Committee on the Wounded " on the increase in the collection income from amusements in the imperial theaters in favor of the disabled
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4536. The case of accepting copies for information and leadership with highly approved provisions on the court medical part
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4537. The case of taking into account papers that do not have
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4538. The case of the placement of persons employees at the Directorate at the St. Petersburg Hospital of the Palace Department
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4539. The case of the appointment of a choir of an opera troupe for each participation more than five times a week of spokeship money, for the first category - 5 rubles, for the second category - 3 rubles 50 kopecks and a third category - 2 rubles
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4540. The case of the participation of artists of imperial theaters in private performances and concerts for a charity goal and the provision of imperial theaters for these purposes
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4541. The case of duty-free passage from St. Petersburg Customs belonging to the Directorate of Things theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4542. The case of the submission to pensions of employees at the department of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, as well as the widows of such persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4543. The case of relations with the Moscow Office of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4544. The case of the provision of places for various institutions for performances in the Imperial St. Petersburg Theater for free
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4545. The case of the provision of the Mariinsky Theater to the French ambassador Count Mongolel for the construction of the French ball in it on February 13/25, 1899
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4546. The case of the formation of a commission to draw up a general provision on imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4547. The case of different incidents in theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4548. The case of the participation of artists of imperial theaters in private performances and concerts without a charitable goal
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4549. The case of the followed permission for the appointment of the choir of the opera troupe and the cordobalet at the week of the Holy Easter of 1899 for one complete award beneficial benefit
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4550. The case of the dismissal of artists and other persons on vacation abroad
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4551. The case of providing the director of the St. Petersburg Conservatory of costumes and props for opera performances of students at the conservatory on February 21 and 25
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4552. The case of the scene of the Mikhailovsky Theater for examination performances of students in dramatic courses
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4553. The case of the participation of pupils of the Musical School of the Marine Department in opera performances at the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4554. The case of the following the highest permission of the Emperor for a device for guests of foreign powers who have to arrive as delegates and exhibitors on the opening day of the World Flower Exhibition, the solemn representation of the imperial ballet, not late
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4555. The case of the establishment of one common loan-saving box office for all establishments of the Ministry of Imperial Courtyard
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4556. The case of the emperor’s highest command for the production of the Hamlet - Prince Danish of the Hermitage Drama on the stage of the Hermitage Drama and different orders for this occasion
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4557. The case of the arrangement of a front performance on the occasion of the marriage of her imperial highness Grand Duchess Elena Vladimirovna
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4558. The case of the delivery to the commission to draw up the next lists of jurors of information about persons entitled to be them in 1900
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4559. The case of the opening of performances in the Krasnoselsky Theater and different orders for this occasion
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4560. The case of the delivery of information about the number of the Urals on the Superior Service of the Lower ranks in the department of the Directorate from 1894 to 1896
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4561. The case of the release of pupils and pupils from the Imperial St. Petersburg Theater School in 1899
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4562. The case of preventing the property of imperial theaters at the future, outside its direct purpose for the need for the imperial scene
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4563. The case of the submission of officials, artists and other persons at the directorate, to the highest awards in 1900
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4564. The case of the abolition of lawsuits about special official rights and benefits of birth, assigned to court ministers and their children
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4565. The case of the delivery to the editorial office of the Ministry of Finance of the Ministry of Finance of reports for the last reporting year, on income and expenses for the training unit in the Ministry of the Imperial Court
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4566. The case of changing the personnel of artists
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4567. The case of plans for the composition of artists of Russian opera and dramatic troupe of the Imperial St. Petersburg theaters for the season of 1899-1900
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4568. The case of various orders and orders of the master as the director of the imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4569. The case of the appointment of a debut for those who want to go to the service in the troupe of St. Petersburg Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4570. The case of the followed permission to open imperial theaters in St. Petersburg on August 30
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4571. The case of the request from the head of the security department of agent information about the reliability of persons entering the service
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4572. The case of the appointment of the highest permission of free morning performances for pupils and pupils of educational institutions of both capitals on November 14 and December 6, 1899 and Maslenitsa of 1900
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4573. The case of the arrangement of performances in the Hermitage Theater and about different orders for this case [1900]
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4574. The case of the provision of the Mariinsky Theater Impresario Ugetti, for four performances of Italian opera on Saturdays: December 18, 1899, January 29, February 5 and 12, 1900
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4575. The case of the construction of a free performance in the Alexandrinsky Theater for persons with insignia of the Order of St. George
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4576. The case of a report of the list of ranks of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters for Entrying Calendar
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4577. The case of the commanding of the choir of the Russian opera troupe to participate in dramatic performances, with a rehearsal fee of 2 rubles, and 3 rubles for a performance of 3 rubles
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4578. Private correspondence of the master as the director of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4579. The case of the demolition of the St. Petersburg Theater School with the head of the mounting part on the appointment of student performances of dramatic courses in the school
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4580. The case of the representation of artists, officials and other persons, employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, to the highest awards in 1899
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4581. The case of various orders on the occasion of the device of performances and concerts in the Tauride Palace
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4582. The case of the assumption of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters in the building for the production of inquiry about all kinds of incidents and accidents
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4583. The case of the issuance of countermers to persons employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4584. The case of taking into account papers that do not have
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4585. The case of the production of ballet in Warsaw P.I.Tchaikovsky "Swan Lake"
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4586. The case of the participation of artists of imperial theaters in private performances and concerts for a charity goal and the provision of imperial theaters for these purposes
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4587. The case of a civil servant at theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4588. The case of the provision of the Mariinsky Theater during the Great Lent for the construction of a number of performances of the Warsaw Polish troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4589. The case of duty-free passage from St. Petersburg Customs belonging to the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4590. The case of the placement of persons at the Directorate at the St. Petersburg Hospital of the Palace Department
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4591. The case of the appointment of an annual benefit since 1900
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4592. The case of the appointment of a concert in favor of the disabled in 1900
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4593. The case of relations with the Moscow Office of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4594. The case of the lower ranks of the combined detachment of naval crews on the scenes of carpentry theaters and other works
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4595. The case of different incidents in theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4596. The case of a petition for the provision of a fee from one of the concerts in a great post under the direction of Mr. Radnik in favor of the artists of the Russian Opera orchestra at the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4597. The case of the vacation of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters of the amounts for the need known to the Minister of the Imperial Court
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4598. The case of the provision of the Mariinsky Theater "Crusader Society" for the construction in favor of the society of living paintings in the third week of the Great Lent of 1901
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4599. The case of the dismissal of artists and other persons on vacation abroad
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4600. The case of various orders for the construction of performances in the Hermitage Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4601. The case of the submission to pensioners serving in the department of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, as well as the widows of such persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4602. The case of the device with the highest resolution of performances in the city of Peterhof on Olgin Island in 1900
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4603. The case of the decoration of the scenery in the Bolshoi Manege of the Life Guards Horse Regiment from May 8 to September 1, 1900
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4604. Дело об увеличении цен на места в Александринском театре с будущего сезона 1901 года
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4605. The case of the arrangement of the ceremonial performance with the highest permission of the emperor in the Mariinsky Theater, on the occasion of arrival in St. Petersburg Shah of Persian
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4606. The case of the closure of imperial theaters on April 13, 14, 15 on the occasion of the death of her imperial highness Grand Duchess Alexandra Petrovna
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4607. The case of a change in personnel of artists
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4608. The case of the delivery of the next lists of jury to the commission on the persons who have the right to be them in 1901
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4609. The case of the opening of performances in the Krasnoselsky Theater and different orders for this occasion
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4610. The case of the device in the Mikhailovsky Theater on Sundays of morning performances for students, with a message before each performance of the content of the play and the biography of the author
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4611. The case of the outcome of the master as the director of a special loan for expenses to put in the order of the archive of the Directorate of Imperial Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4612. The case of providing the Austro-Hungarian embassy of works "CIIMAROSA" from the Central Musical Library for the exhibition of works "CIIMAROSA" in Vienna and Naples
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4613. The case of an invitation of the fourth tutor of the violinist to rehearse ballets
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4614. The case of the provision of the emperor with the permission of the Committee "Society for the benefit of needy writers and scientists" of the "Alexandrinsky Theater for the performance in memory of Count A.K.Tolstoy
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4615. The case on the provision of the 1900-1901 season by the Alexander Mariinsky School of Blind Free lodges 4 tiers of the Mariinsky Theater for opera performances on Tuesdays
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4616. The case of the highest resolution in the provision of the Alexandrinsky Theater Kiselevich to arrange the four performances of the Vienna group of the Burg Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4617. The case of the appointment of the highest permission of free morning performances for pupils and pupils of educational institutions of both capitals on November 14, December 6, 1900 and on the 1901 Maslenitsa, and January 14, 1901 in the Alexander Theater "Tsar B.
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4618. The case of award benefits in favor of the artists of the orchestras of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4619. The case of organizing opera performances at the Mikhailovsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4620. The case of the provision of the highest permission of the Emperor of the Alexandrinsky Theater by the Naval Cadet Corps to celebrate the 200th anniversary on January 15, 1901
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4621. The case of the device of a free performance for persons with insignia of the Order of St. George
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4622. The case of the delivery of the lists of officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters for entering the calendar to the office of the lists of the Directorate of the Directorate of the Directorate of the Directorate of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4623. The case of the release of artists from compulsory service in exceptional cases, without paying money for education at the Imperial Theater School
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4624. The case of donations by employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters for the construction of a monument to the monument to the sailors who died on the battleship "Rusalka" in the city of Revel
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4624. The case of the presentation of officials, artists and other persons at the directorate, to the highest awards in 1901
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4625. The case of the placement of persons serving at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters in the St. Petersburg hospital
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4626. The case of accepting papers for note
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4627. The case of different incidents in theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4628. The case of relations with the Moscow Office of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4629. The case of a civilian servant at theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4630. The case of the provision of a third row chair in Mariinsky, Alexandrinsky and Mikhailovsky Theaters at the disposal of the director of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4631. The case of permission to give four French performances in the Mikhailovsky Theater during Lent, instead of six
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4632. The case of the appointment of a concert in favor of the disabled in 1901
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4633. The case of awarding gifts from the office of his imperial majesty of the artists of the Imperial theaters for their participation in charitable performances in favor of societies consisting under the highest protection of His Majesty
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4634. The case of the submission to pensioners serving in the department of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, as well as the widows of such persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4635. The case about the initiated issue regarding the time of the device of free performances on the birthday of the Empress Maria Fedorovna, and whether such performances were arranged on the birthdays of Empress Alexandra Fedorovna
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4636. The debut case for entering the scene of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4637. The case of the concentration of the musical material of imperial theaters in the Central Musical Library
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4638. The case of various orders for the preparation of the scene of the closed Peterhof Theater for Front performances
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4639. The case of intercourse with the St. Petersburg Provincial Treasury for the payment of contracts for the stem collection of contracts concluded with artists
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4640. Дело о всемилостивейшем пожаловании артистам подарков за их бенефисы, удостоенные высочайшего императора
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4641. The case of the opening of performances in the Krasnoselsky Theater and different orders for this occasion
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4642. The case of a change in personnel of artists
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4643. The case of the delivery of the next lists of jurors of the jurors of information about persons who have such in 1902
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4644. The case of the outcome of the approval of the draft charter "The funeral cash desk of artists by the orchestra of imperial theaters in St. Petersburg"
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4645. The case with a copy of the rules approved by the Minister of the Imperial Court, about the arrangement of the court orchestra of concerts and the participation of his ranks in private concerts
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4646. The case of the final calculation with the artists of the French troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4647. The case of duty-free passage from St. Petersburg Customs belonging to the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4648. The case of the appointment of a reward benefit on May 1, 1901 in favor of the director, assistants to the director and souffler of the Russian drama troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4649. The case of the dismissal of persons serving in the department of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters on vacation abroad
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4650. The case of reduction in the summer days of the days at the office, on Saturdays and Mondays
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4651. The case of various orders for the arrangement of ceremonial performances at the Gatchina Palace Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4652. The case of correspondence with the detective police regarding the exported scenery from the warehouse in Prison Lane and sold in the Apraxin market
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4653. The case at the request of the free artist Alexander Ziloti on the permission of the Russian Opera orchestra to take part in the concert on March 28, 1902 in the hall of the noble assembly under the direction of Arthur Nikish
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4654. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4655. The case of the appointment of free morning performances for pupils and pupils of educational institutions of both capitals on November 14 and December 6, 1901, and on Sholenitsa of 1902
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4656. The case of approval in the service of artists and other persons consisting of imperial theaters, to dismiss them from societies, with the exception of a tax state
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4657. The case of the outcome of permission to participate in secondary artists of the Russian drama troupe of imperial theaters in performances on club scenes
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4658. The case of the awards of artists and employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4659. The case of a free performance in the Alexandrinsky Theater for the insignia of the Order of St. George
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4660. The case of the delivery of the lists of officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters to the Chancellery of his Imperial Majesty for introducing to the address-calendar
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4661. The case of a followed permission to invite professors of singing to pass the party with young artists of the Russian opera troupe of St. Petersburg theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4662. The case of the reorganization of the medical service during imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4663. The case of the provision of impresario Anthony Knekhty Alexandrinsky Theater for the device in January and February three performances of Italian opera
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4664. The case of permission to arrange subscriptions for ballet performances only in the evenings
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4665. The case of the installation of performances in the Hermitage Theater and about different orders for this occasion
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4666. The case of submitting to the approval of the Project of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters in St. Petersburg and Moscow offices and Theater Schools
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4667. CARACH A CARA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4668. The case of a civilian servant at theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4669. The case of permission at the request of the entrepreneur of the Russian opera opera of the troupe of Lyubimov part of the choir to take part in the performances of the Russian opera in the St. Petersburg New Theater in the Great Post
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4670. The case of the invitation of the Parisian artist in the Russian Academy of Sciences in the form of experience for two months to execute artistic orders
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4671. The case of accepting papers that do not have
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4672. The case of the appointment of a concert in favor of the disabled
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4673. The case of the final calculation with the artists of the French troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4674. The case of the installation of a ceremonial performance at the Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Theater on the occasion of the arrival of the President of the French Republic of Luba in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4675. The case of the delivery of the next lists of jurors of the jurors of information about persons who have such in 1903
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4676. The case of the construction of a free ballet performance in the Mariinsky Theater for delegates to the seventh session of the international conference "The Society of the Red Cross"
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4677. The case of the submission to pensioners (employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters), as well as widows and children of these persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4678. The case of the presentation of officials, artists and other persons, employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, to the highest award in 1903
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4679. The case of a change in personnel of artists
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4680. The case of duty -free passage from St. Petersburg customs belonging to the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4681. The case of the followed permission to destroy two subscriptions to French performances in the Mikhailovsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4682. The case of opening at the Krasnoselsky Theater of performances and different orders
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4683. Дело о приглашении статистов для репетиций и спектакля в Александринском театре
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4684. Дело о рассмотрении проекта нормального устава ссудо-сберегательной и вспомогательной кассы служительского состава
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4685. The case of the installation of a front performance in the city of Peterhof on Olgin Island on the occasion of the marriage of Grand Duchess Elena Vladimirovna
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4686. The case of reducing prices for places at morning opera performances in the Mariinsky Theater and the opening of subscriptions
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4687. Дело об устройстве бесплатных спектаклей для воспитанников и воспитанниц учебных заведений столицы 14 ноября, 6 декабря 1902 года и на масленице 1903 года
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4688. Дело о бесплатном спектакле в Александринском театре для имеющих знаки отличия ордена Святого Георгия
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4689. The case of the outcome of the permission of the artists of the orchestra of the Imperial Russian Opera to give two public concerts in each season in order to increase their livelihoods
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4690. The case of permission to artists and artists of imperial theaters to perform on the stage of the Warsaw Bolshoi Theater during the Great Lent of 1903
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4691. The case of the highest orders on December 6, 1902 about the state at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4692. A common cause of relations with the palace police on general issues
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4693. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4694. Дело об увольнении хористов и хористок, и о выдаче единовременного пособия
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4695. Дело о доставлении в дворцовую полицию фотографических карточек в двух экземплярах лиц, вновь определяемых на службу Дирекции императорских театров
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4696. The debut case for entering the scenes of imperial St. Petersburg theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4697. Дело о всемилостивейшем пожаловании артистам подарков за бенефисы, удостоенные высочайшего присутствия императора
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4698. The case of relations with the Moscow Office of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4699. Дело по запросу юрисконсультанта при Кабинете его величества относительно вычетов в пенсионный капитал из содержания артистов императорских театров
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4700. The case of representing the production of officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters in the ranks for length of service
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4701. The case of different incidents in theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4702. The case of the dismissal of artists and other persons on vacation abroad
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4703. Дело о разрешении министром Императорского двора представить на настоящий сезон Александро-Мариинскому училищу слепых детей бесплатно одну ложу в четвертом ярусе Мариинского театра на опытные представления по вторникам
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4704. The case of the provision of the Mariinsky Theater on December 14, 1902 for the construction of a performance on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Page Corps
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4705. The case of the delivery of the lists of the lists of officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters to the address of the inspectoration department for introducing to the address-calendar
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4706. The case of an invitation from January 1, 1903 of a temporary person for entering a description of the cash decorative property of the directorate to the described book
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4707. The case of the construction of performances in the Hermitage Theater in 1903 and the orders of different cases of this case
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4708. Дело об устройстве концерта в пользу инвалидов
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4709. The case of representing the production of officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters in the ranks for length of service
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4710. The case of the presentation of officials, artists and other persons at the directorate, to the highest awards in 1904
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4711. The case on the formation of a commission under the chairmanship of the head of the control, for consideration of the forms of books of material and cash reports selected by the Directorate on the publication of "annual imperial theaters" and to discuss the proposed measures to streamlining
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4712. Materials on the revision of the staff of orchestras
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4713. 25, [114] p.
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4714. The case of putting the cases stored in the archive of the Directorate of Imperial St. Petersburg Theaters and send them to the general archive of the Ministry of the Imperial Court (there is a personnel indicating the inventory and units of storage)
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4714. The case of intercourse with the Moscow office
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4714. Дело о бесплатных утренних спектаклях 19 ноября и 6 декабря 1903 года, и на Сырной неделе в среду 1904 года
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4715. The case of a civilian servant at theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4715. The case of accepting papers that do not have
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4715. The case of hiring for the service of electric stations of the Imperial St. Petersburg theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4716. The case of duty -free passage of things belonging to the directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4716. Дело о переменах личного состава служащих при Дирекции
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4716. Дело по вопросу о пересмотре списков должностных лиц, занятие которых освобождает чинов запаса от призыва на действительную службу (приложение к статье 25 Устава о воинской повинности)
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4717. The case of different incidents in theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4717. The case of the subsequent disposal is that the posters, programs, newspaper ads and announcements about the performances arranged in the imperial theaters with the highest permission for charity purposes, as well as the programs, were printed only from the preliminary RA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4717. Дело о последовавшем разрешении во время присутствий их императорских величеств в театрах, оставлять по одному креслу тринадцатого ряда в Мариинском, Михайловском и Александринском театрах - место за креслами на первой скамейке заведующего охранной агенту
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4718. The debut case for admission to imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4718. The case of vacation abroad of artists, artists and other persons serving in the department of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4718. Дело о прекращении бенефисов по русской драматической труппе
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4719. The case of the delivery to the commission to draw up the next lists of jurors of information about persons entitled to be them in 1904
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4719. The case of permission by the Minister of the Imperial Court of a certain composition of the choir of the Russian opera and the establishment of their salaries according to the categories
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4719. Дело о возбужденном Кабинетом его величества вопросе порядка несения денных и ночных дежурств чинами Санкт-Петербургской и Московской контор императорских театров
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4720. The case of the construction with the highest permission of the emperor of the performance at the Mariinsky Theater on the occasion of the celebration of the 200th anniversary of St. Petersburg
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4720. The case of the issuance of loans to artists with their repayment from the content they receive
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4720. The case of the request of the Ministry of Court of the Court of Information about the persons participating in the defense of Sevastopol
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4721. The case of the outcome of permission on the basis of societies and the consumer society of artists of St. Petersburg Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4721. The case of the provision of the first congress of the organizational society of gynecologists and obstetricians, at their disposal at the time of the congress of a famous number of tickets in the stalls, balcony and gallery of the Imperial Mariinsky and Alexandrinsky Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4721. The case of the outcome of the service life of the artists of the ballet troupe from the age of sixteen
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4722. Дело о доставлении в Собственную его императорского величества канцелярию по инспекторскому отделу списков чиновников Дирекции императорских театров для внесения в адрес-календарь
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4722. Дело о пересмотре инструкций дежурных врачей императорских театров
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4722. Дело об утверждении на службе лиц, состоящих при императорских театрах
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4723. The case of a request from the opinions of gentlemen of teachers of the theater school on issues set forth in the pre -managed program of classroom dancing
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4723. The case of the permission of the Mr. Minister of the Imperial Court to the artists of the Russian Opera orchestra to arrange, following the example of the choir of Russian opera, annually in the private premises of two concerts
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4723. Дело о лицах, не принятых на службу Дирекции по медицинскому освидетельствованию
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4724. The case of compliance with strict gradualness in awarding by subsequent medals of lower service posts in the posts held by them
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4724. The case of opening in the Krasnoselsky Theater for camp time of the performance
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4724. Дело об устройстве спектакля в Эрмитажном театре в 1904 году и о разных по этому случаю распоряжениях
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4725. The case of the emperor’s highest resolution of the emperor for a device in the Mikhailovsky Theater during the great post of the performance with the provision of half the collection in favor of the Association de Seconds Mutuel des Artistes Dramatiques in Paris and the other gender
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4725. The case of duty -free passage of things belonging to the directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4725. The case of accepting papers for information that does not have production
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4726. The case of a civilian servant at theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4726. Дело о предоставлении точных сведений о времени поступления кандидатками хора русской оперы
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4726. Дело о происшествиях в домах Дирекции и театрах
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4727. The case of intercourse with the Moscow office
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4727. The case of the request of the office of the office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court about the number of musicians of the St. Petersburg and Moscow theaters who are obvious and passed to theaters from the former court music choir and from the court orchestra
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4727. Russian
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4728. The case of the final calculation for the termination of the engagement with artists of the French troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4728. The case of production for the length of service of officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4728. The case of the dismissal of artists and other persons on vacation abroad
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4729. The case of opening performances in the Red Selo and different orders for this occasion
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4729. The case of the appointment of a commission on the development of the rules of the artistic service
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4729. The case of changes in personnel of employees at the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4730. The case of the message of the office of the office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court, in which cases the title of non -balance artist is assigned to persons who graduated from the Imperial St. Petersburg and Moscow Theater Schools
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4730. The case on the service of artists and other persons employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4731. The case of the rights of artists to join the public service and for the order
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4732. The case of the presentation of officials, artists and other persons, employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, to the highest awards in 1905
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4733. The case of the extension of vacations to artists and artists of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4734. The case of reporting information to the Department of Ottrails, Size and on the basis of which orders are paid, with a co -fee, concluded by it with artists (subscriptions)
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4735. The case on the permission of Mr. Minister of the Imperial Court Rules for the issuance of cash loans by employees under this ministry
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4736. The case of a free performance in the Alexandrinsky Theater for the differences between the Military Order of St. George
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4737. 1904
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4737. The case of a commission for revising the states of the positions of the artistic service and the development of the draft new pension charter for artists of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4739. The case of the delivery of his own imperial Majesty on the inspector department of the lists of officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters for introducing to the address-calendar
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4740. The case of the education of the orphans of officer and lower ranks killed in the war with Japan
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4741. The case of the delivery of the next lists of jury assessments to the commission on persons who have them to be in 1905
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4742. The case of the appointment of one -time benefits to officer officials and warrant officers from among the employees of the Ministry of the Imperial Court, called up for real military service on the occasion of the emerging military events
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4743. The case of representing pensioners employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters in St. Petersburg, as well as widows and children of such
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4744. The case of presentation with the highest permission daily in imperial theaters, except for the days of the subscription, benefits and ceremonial performances, one bed and sick officers.
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4745. The case of the petition of the non-commissioned officer V. Fedorov to go to the service of the capeldiner, whose request was left without consequences
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4746. Russian
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4747. The case of a civilian servant at theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4748. The case of intercourse with the Moscow office
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4749. The case of incidents in theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4750. The case of increasing the "Red Cross" of a charity collection from tickets in theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4751. The case of the savings and auxiliary cash desk
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4752. The case of the loan-saving cash desk of artists of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4753. The case of production for the length of service of officials of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4754. The case of the closure of imperial theaters on the occasion of the death in the Bose of the deceased Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4755. The case of the dismissal of artists and artists on vacation abroad and the final calculation with the artists of the French troupe behind the end of the engagement
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4756. The case of opening performances in Red Selo in camp time in 1905
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4757. The case of the installation of electric heating hens for hairdressers
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4758. The case of sanitary supervision of textbooks and teaching aids in order to protect the vision of students
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4759. The case of approval in the service of artists and other persons employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4760. The case of opening the subscriptions of the 6th, 7th and 8th for the evening of the presentation of the Russian opera in the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4761. The case of changes in personnel (there is information about receipt from 1847-1905)
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4762. The case of leaving seats in imperial theaters for security agents
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4763. 55 l.
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4764. The case of duty -free passage of things belonging to the directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4765. The case of the commission on the appointment of permanent and one -time benefits for the service, from the amounts of the Ministry of the Imperial Court
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4766. The case of free use of places in imperial theaters by wounded officers who arrived from the theater of military operations
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4767. The case of the appointment of temporary members to the committee under the office of his Imperial Majesty for the appointment and distribution of benefits for the Ministry of the Imperial Court
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4768. The case of the provision of public places for the ranks of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4769. The case of giving the title of "retired artist of the Imperial theaters" Antonio Knevtt and Fahardo, the theater of Ugetti, the former artist, singer of the Imperial Italian Opera
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4770. The case of employees at the electrical station of the Alexandrinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4771. The case of the presentation of officials, artists and other persons, employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, to the highest awards in 1906
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4772. The case of issuing over the resulting maintenance of up to 2000 rubles to persons and employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters to artists and free hiring employees for 1 ruble per day on strikes (from October 13 to 27)
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4773. The case of the adoption of medical and sanitary supervision of persons arriving in St. Petersburg on the occasion of the appearance of a cholera epidemic in the provinces of the Privuslensky Territory
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4774. The case of reporting of information about the full composition of non -balance and civilian posts at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters for the commission on the appointment of permanent and lump -sum allowances for service from the amounts of the Ministry of the Imperial Courtyard
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4775. The case of the establishment of the "Committee of a friendly mutual assistance to the victims during strikes and the troubles of provincial artists"
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4776. The case of compiling lists of choice in the State Duma
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4777. The case of a commission on the study of women's labor conditions in Russia under the "Russian female mutual and blessing society"
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4778. The case of a misunderstanding among artists of the ballet troupe of imperial St. Petersburg theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4779. The case of the establishment of the "cash desk of the last assistance" of employees at the imperial theaters (there is a document since 1901)
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4780. The case of measures to increase the profitability of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4781. A common business about types of residence (there is a document since 1885)
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4782. The case of the submission to pensioners employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, as well as Widows and Children of such persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4782. The case of the delivery of his own imperial Majesty on the inspector department of the lists of officials of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters for introducing to the address-calendar
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4783. The case of the changes in personnel
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4784. The case of a civil servant at theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4785. The case of entering the temporary schedule of the composition of artists, musicians of the Mariinsky Theater Orchestra
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4786. Business for information (papers that do not have production)
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4787. Circular case in the Ministry of the Imperial Court
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4788. The case of intercourse with the Moscow office
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4789. White about duty -free passage of things belonging to the directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4790. The case of the dismissal of artists and artists on vacation abroad and in Russia, and the final calculation with the artists of the French troupe behind the end of the engagement
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4791. The case of incidents in theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4792. The case of the service of counters at the central cash desk of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4793. The case of the savings and auxiliary cash desk
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4794. Case of issuing award money for security officials
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4795. The case of providing posts to retired officers and lower ranks
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4796. The case of the delivery of the next lists of jury to the commission who have them to be in 1907
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4797. The case of the procedure for selling tickets and the adoption of measures to suppress the lady's tickets with theatrical tickets
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4798. Directorate of Imperial Theaters of the Ministry of the Imperial Court.The case of the highest gratitude for bringing the all -depth addresses of the peasants of the Yaroslavl province.
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4799. The case of the consideration of the draft Regulation on the subordination of the Palace commandant of the Polias of the Palace Cities and the police unit according to some of the institutions of the ministry
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4800. The case of opening performances in Krasnoye Selo in camp time in 1906
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4801. Prices in the Mariinsky Theater for ballet performances
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4802. The case of a free performance in the Alexandrinsky Theater for the insignia of the Military Order of St. George
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4803. Russian
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4804. The case of the presentation of officials, artists and other persons serving at the imperial theaters to the highest awards in 1907
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4805. The case of the First All-Russian Exhibition of Musical Instruments in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4806. The case on the commission to develop a draft normal provision on allowance on business trips
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4807. The case of the abolition of orchestras of anti -alert music
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4808. The case of a commission to develop a provision on daily and portioned allowance to the Ministry of the Imperial Court on business trips
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4809. The case of permission to establish the Central Bureau for the sale of tickets to imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4810. The Circular case for No. 7659 on the participation of employees in parties and unions
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4811. The case of the claim of the former installer of the Mariinsky Theater of the Theater O. Soldatov from the Directorate of Imperial Theaters 6000 rubles for the Uvech
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4812. The case of approval of artists in the rights of the actual service
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4813. The case of representing pensioners employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, as well as Widow and Children of such
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4814. The case of the approval of artists in the rights of the actual service
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4815. Papers for accounting without production
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4816. The case of the changes in personnel (there is information since 1856)
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4817. The case of incidents in theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4818. A case of a civilian servant
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4819. The case of the establishment of the reserve of the Mariinsky Theater Orchestra
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4820. The case of the delivery of photographic cards to the Palace Police of persons determined to the service in the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4821. The case of the request from the head of the security agent of information about the persons entering the service
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4822. The case of inviting statists for rehearsals and performances in the Alexandrinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4823. The case of the savings and auxiliary checkout
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4824. The case of free morning performances for pupils and pupils of educational institutions on November 14 and December 6, 1907, and at cheese week 1908
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4825. The case of taking measures to protect the treasury in the distribution of the maintenance of the artists of the imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4826. Relations case with the Moscow Office
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4827. The case of the dismissal of artists and artists on vacation abroad and Russia
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4828. The case is approved at the service of artists and other persons serving in the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4829. The case of the remuneration of the peasant Ilya Semenov for the death of his son Alexei Ilyin, who served at the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4830. The case of the French dramatic troupe (lists of employees)
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4831. The case of the Central Musical Library
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4832. The case of the appointment of rehearsals on the Russian drama troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4833. The case of the approximate charter of the loan-saving and auxiliary cash desk of non-lass employees
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4834. The case of reducing the composition of the Russian drama troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4835. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4836. The case of the establishment of a special gathering from tickets to places in the imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4837. The case of provision for temporary use to private individuals and institutions of musical materials of the directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4838. The case of remuneration is critic N.D.Kashkin for participating in the discussion of the resumption of the opera "Life for the Tsar" Glinka
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4839. The case of the commission of Lieutenant General Boldyrev on the application of the Regulation on the obligatory insurance of disability and old age, and on the main insurance department
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4840. The case of providing former officers and super -workers' lower ranks of positions in the Ministry of the Imperial Court and Beliefs
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4841. The case of duty-free passage of things from abroad belonging to the directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4842. The case of the transfer of the Warsaw government theaters to the management of the magistrate of the city of Warsaw
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4843. The case of the outcome of scholarships to the lieutenant cliphus to teach singing
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4844. The case of a free performance in the Alexandrinsky Theater for the differences between the Military Order of St. George
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4845. The case of production in ranks for the length of service of officials of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4846. The case about the recovery of the German citizen Madame Stollenverk from the Directorate of Losses
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4847. The case of the construction of a concert in favor of the artists of the orchestra with the participation of Mr. Nikish
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4848. The case of closing theaters for the summer season
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4849. The case of persons who refused the service
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4850. The case of the investigation in the case of the chorists of the opera troupe, Pankova and Malysheva
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4851. The case of the submission to pensioners employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, as well as widows and children of these persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4852. The case of donating money for various occasions
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4853. The case of correspondence with the main treasury
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4853. The case of the delivery of the next lists of jury to the commission, they have the right to be them in 1908
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4854. The case of the changes in personnel
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4855. A case of a civilian servant
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4856. Дело о сношении с Московской конторой
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4857. The case of the determination of the Capeldiner theaters in the St. Petersburg Imperial Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4858. The case of the arrangement of a ceremonial performance at the Tsarskoye Selo Theater on the occasion of the marriage of her imperial highness Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4859. Papers for accounting without production
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4860. The case of filling vacant posts by military ranks affected in the war with Japan
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4861. The case of incidents in theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4862. The case of timely message to the proper police authorities about all cases of crimes in the theaters and houses of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4863. The case of reducing the composition of the ballet troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4864. The case at the request of the artists of the ballet troupe of Moscow theaters of Ryabtsev and others to recover a fee for travel to St. Petersburg for a charity performance
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4865. The case of raising prices for balcony sites at French dramatic performances in the Mikhailovsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4866. The case of the delivery of the next lists of jurors who have the right to be them in 1909
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4867. The case of persons in the service of imperial St. Petersburg theaters from Finland natives
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4868. The case of production for the length of service of officials of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4869. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4870. The case of contracts with the choristes and choines
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4871. The case of the service of tailors and tailors at the Ivashchenko workshop
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4872. The case of the service of tailors and tailors at the workshop of Ivanova
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4873. The case of changing the existing interest rate for the admission of Jews to higher educational institutions
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4874. The case of a delay in serving military service
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4875. Russian
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4876. The case of general orders
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4877. The case of non -artists of rehearsals
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4878. The case of officers who are in the service of the Ministry of the Imperial Courtyard
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4879. The case of the closure of imperial theaters on the occasion of the death of Grand Duke Alexei Alexandrovich
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4880. The case of the construction of a monument to Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev in Orel
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4881. The case of the publication of a memorable book about the Imperial St. Petersburg Theater School and Dramatic Courses under him
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4882. The case of an infectious disease of employees at the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4883. The case of the recovery of the issued manuals to artists and choristers who touched in Berlin in the troupe of Tseretelli
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4884. The case of the outcome of the all-mocking awards to the conductor Nikish of the Order of St. Stanislav of the 3rd degree
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4885. The case of a free performance for the insignia of the Military Order of St. George
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4886. The case on the issue of the issuance of a certain amount to pay for a scholarship instead of a charitable performance at the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4887. The case of the forbidden to be called in the posters of the title of artist of imperial theaters to persons who have not acquired rights
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4888. The case of the reward of civilian employees who were victims as a result of accidents
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4889. The case of survey by the Office of the court medical part of persons dismissed
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4890. The case of the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the execution of the "folk" anthem
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4891. The case of permission to the Lord Bochvarov, Station and other persons of a free entrance to the Imperial theaters in St. Petersburg and Moscow for performances and rehearsals
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4892. Calles of the General Rehearsals
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4893. The case of wearing established uniforms in the department of the Ministry of the Imperial Court
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4894. The case of the establishment of one -time payment to deputy soloists of string instruments in ballet
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4895. The case of reducing the composition of employees in the staged part
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4896. The case of vaccination of safety calf smallpox
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4897. The case on the development of general rules for using leave
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4898. The case of a free performance for pupils and pupils of educational institutions
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4899. The case of a message to the office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court for introducing officials to leave to leave
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4900. The case of the disappearance of two karakule hats among the artists of Kobelev and Gold
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4901. Notes, about calling the lord by the manager of the office, persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4902. The City of Artists of the abolished orchestras of anti -tract music, about the reward for the service
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4903. The case of the provision of super -servants by the lower military ranks of the positions on the circular for No. 9674
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4904. The case of correspondence with the main treasury
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4905. The case of beneficial prices for French performances
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4906. The case of representing pensioners employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, as well as Widow and Children of such
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4907. The case of benefits
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4908. The case of incidents
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4909. A case of a civilian servant
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4910. The case of the performance in the highest presence in Tsarskoye Selo and the participation of employees at the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4911. Papers for accounting without production
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4912. The case of the closure of imperial theaters on the occasion of the death of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4913. The case of demonstration with the Moscow office of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4914. The case on the message of the office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court regarding the combination of the Service of the lower employees at the imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4915. The case of the followed by the highest resolution for the provision of S.P.Diaghilev’s premises of the Hermitage Theater for Scripture of the Decorations and ballet rehearsals for Russian performances in Paris
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4916. The case with a correspondence on stamped issues related to imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4917. The case on the service of artists and other persons employees of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4918. The case of the changes in personnel
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4919. The case of the presentation of officials, artists and other persons who served in the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, to the highest awards in 1910
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4920. The case of the delivery of persons to the office of his imperial Majesty, classy and non -balance, receiving a maintenance of less than 1000 rubles per year, not counting the apartment allowance for the appointment of benefits to improve meals, to protect against infection in the time
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4921. The case of the provision of the right to use the right to use the revenues from hangers by the senior controller
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4922. The case of the followed by the highest resolution of the Directorate of Imperial theaters to use since August 15 this year, that is, since the start of rehearsal in the next season, the stage of the Hermitage Theater for Rehearsals
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4923. 1909
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4924. The case of passage on the stage and to the restrooms of the artists of the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4925. The case of the dismissal of artists and artists on vacation abroad
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4926. The case of the outcome of remuneration and benefits to the persons left behind the state in the theater crew
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4927. The case of changing in the schedules of non -balance posts according to the Ministry of the Imperial Court, about the salaries of the maintenance of employees at electric stations
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4928. The case of the construction of a free morning performance for students in St. Petersburg educational institutions on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Gogol
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4929. Correspondence by "Yearbook"
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4930. The case of the production of officials in the next rank for length of service
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4931. The case of a free performance for the insignia of the Military Order of St. George
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4932. The case of the upcoming 50th anniversary of the existence of the Imperial Russian Musical Society
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4933. 1909
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4934. The case of education in the ballet troupe of the facial facial facial expressions, exclusively for artists and artists of the ballet troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4935. The case of a followed resolution for the temporary substitution of a sick musician Malaya to invite one of the former music artists, for hiring for a spectacular fee, that is, 5 rubles per performance and 3 rubles for rehearsal
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4936. Дело о рассмотрении дел в совете при министре Императорского двора
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4937. The case of a message to the first department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the issue of laws on imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4938. The case of the closure of theaters on the occasion of the death of Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4939. Income tax
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4940. The case of the outcome of employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, former officers of the military units who participated in Poltava combat, and, currently existing, retain the naming that were worn in 1709, the highest established person
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4941. The case of a followed to open a scholarship subscription at the theater school named after the former Hofmeister Vsevolozhsk
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4942. The case of the request from the security department of information about the persons entering the service
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4943. The case of delivering to the palace police to impose a stamp of photographic cards of persons entering the service at the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4944. The case of providing seats in imperial theaters for newspapers and magazines
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4945. Orders on the Mikhailovsky Theater at the Polsmister Adamovich
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4946. 4946
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4947. The case of correspondence with the main treasury
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4948. The case of the submission to pensioners employees at the Directorate of Imperial theaters, as well as widows and children of such persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4949. The case of the failure of the artists of the Russian drama troupe in rehearsal
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4951. The case of the changes in personnel
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4952. A case of a civilian servant
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4953. Papers for accounting without production
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4954. The case of the following higher permission to be at the disposal of the director of the Imperial theaters of the Lower, on the left side, a box in the Mikhailovsky Theater, which was used by the august owners of the Mikhailovsky Palace so that the bed of the first tier
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4955. The case of closing performances this season in St. Petersburg and Moscow
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4956. The case of inviting statists for rehearsals and performances in imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4957. The case of the premises of the Mikhailovsky Theater for the device of the performances of the Moscow Art Theater, which have been given from April 19 to May 16, 1910
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4958. The case of intercourse with the Moscow office
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4959. The case of vaccination of safety smallpox to everyone who enters the service in imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4960. The case of the production of officials in the next rank for length of service
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4961. The case of incidents
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4962. The case of the dismissal of artists and artists on vacation abroad
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4963. The case of the delivery of the next lists of jurors who have the right to be them in 1911
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4964. The case of approval in the service of artists and other persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4965. The case of exalted prices for French performances at the Mikhailovsky Theater, on Saturdays, with the participation of gastric artists
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4966. The case of the establishment of daily duty on the stage of each of the theaters as part of one carpenter and one illuminator
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4967. The case of replacing in the Russian dramatic troupe, due to experience, forced statists, hired by visionary
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4968. Russian
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4969. The case of the service of tailors and tailors at the workshop of Pavlov
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4970. The case of dismissal of officials and other employees at the office
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4971. The case of the recovery of money for all -mercifully granted orders and medals from persons employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4972. The case of providing seats in imperial theaters for newspapers and magazines
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4973. The case of the restoration of the place of a separate soloist-vinoceller of the ballet orchestra and the reckoning of a bass-cracker to musicians-soloists
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4974. The case of an infectious disease of employees at the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4975. The case of correspondence with the main treasury
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4976. The case of the tour of artists and artists of the French troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4977. Дело о вызове к господину управляющему Конторой некоторых лиц
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4978. General case of correspondence with the cashier
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4978. The case of the presentation of officials, artists and other persons serving in the Directorate of Imperial Theaters, to the highest awards in 1911
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4979. The case of the changes in personnel
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4980. A case of a civilian servant
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4981. Business for information and on various issues
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4982. The case of intercourse with the Moscow office
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4983. The case of the debuts on the imperial scenes
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4984. 1911
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4985. The case of permission to put in the lobby of the Mariinsky Theater during a rehearsal and a concert in favor of disabled people on March 19 and 20, 1911 a table for the sale of gypsum painted figurines
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4986. The case of the appointment of a one -time benefit to the States to the Student of Blazitsky in reimbursement of expenses in connection with the wound he received, due to the fall of the lens from the spotlight during the evening performance of the play "Uriel Akosta" in the Mikhailovsky Theater 5
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4987. The case of the outcome of all -mocking gifts to the artists of the Moscow Art Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4988. The case of opening performances in Red Selo in camp time in 1911
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4989. The case of the service of tailors and tailors at the workshop of Pavlov
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4990. The case of the service of tailors and tailors at the Ivashchenko workshop
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4991. The case of tailors service at the workshop of Ivanova
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4992. The case of the request for the issuance of the persons part of the economic committee at the St. Petersburg office, a one-time reward for useful activities
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4993. The case of the anniversary exhibition in the city of Tsarskoye Selo in 1911
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4994. The case of the abolition of Article 725 of the Charter of Customs Duties (duty -free transportation of things)
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4995. The case of the dismissal of artists and other persons in foreign vacation and in Russia
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4996. The case of a free performance for pupils and pupils of educational institutions
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4997. The case of the delivery of the next lists of jurors who have the right to be them in 1912
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4998. The case of inviting statists for rehearsals and performances in imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 4999. The case of persons who were on the test, but for various reasons not left in the further service
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5000. The case of approval in the service of artists and other persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5001. The case of the followed by engineer Nikolai Vasilisin to inspect the electrical installations of scenes, as well as electric stations of the Imperial St. Petersburg theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5002. The case of providing seats in imperial theaters for newspapers and magazines for the season 1911-1912/1913
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5003. The case of candidates for 1911-1913, called up for war
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5004. The case of the changes in personnel
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5005. A case of a civilian servant
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5006. Business for information and on various issues
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5007. The case of incidents
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5008. The case of the delivery of photographic cards of persons entering the service of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters to the palace
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5009. The case of the request from the security department and the St. Petersburg detective police information about the persons entering the service of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5010. The case of intercourse with the Moscow office
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5011. The case of dismissal on vacation of artists and artists
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5012. The case on the application for the establishments of the Ministry of Note to Article 371 of the General Accounts Charter (Tom 8, part of the 2nd Code of Laws) with the appointment of representatives from the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5013. The case of exalted prices for places in the Mariinsky and Alexandrinsky Theaters and the opening of a subscription at the Mikhailovsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5015. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5016. The case of providing seats in imperial theaters for newspapers and magazines for the 1912-1913 season
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5017. The case of resolving the sale in the Imperial theaters of the Kolos Rye, in favor of the hunger and injured from the crop failure of the provinces and the "blue flower", in favor of poor and sick children in St. Petersburg, as well as in the "white flower" and "yellow chamomile"
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5018. The case of opening performances in Krasnoye Selo in camp time in 1912
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5019. 5019
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5020. The case of a free performance for pupils and pupils of educational institutions on November 14, December 6 and raw week 1913
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5021. The case of the French dramatic troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5022. The case of St. George Cavaliers
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5023. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5024. The case with petitions for admission to the service of different persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5025. The case of the changes in personnel
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5026. A case of a civilian servant
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5027. The case of incidents
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5028. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5029. The case of intercourse with the Moscow office
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5030. The case of performances in imperial theaters on the occasion of the anniversary of the 300th anniversary of the reign of the Romanov House
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5031. The case of paying to private hospitals for the treatment and maintenance of infectious patients at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5032. The case of the celebration of the anniversary of the 300th anniversary of the reign of the Romanov House
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5033. The case of production for the length of service of officials
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5034. The case of an annual check of dancing artists of the cordobillet and the second dancers of the ballet troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5035. The case of the dismissal of artists and other persons in foreign vacation and in Russia
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5036. The case of correspondence with the main treasury
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5037. The case of the delivery of the next lists of jury for 1914
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5037. The case of the opening of theaters in Red Selo in camp time
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5038. The case of the request from the security department and the St. Petersburg detective police information about the persons entering the service of the Directorate of Imperial Theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5039. The case of donation by Honored Capherian Eduard Department of capital for a nominal amount of 4850 rubles for the establishment of two scholarships named after the sacrifice, for children of members of the Russian Opera choir
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5040. The case of persons who were on the test, but for various reasons not left in the further service
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5041. The case of the provision of tickets for newspapers and magazines for the season 1913-1914 in the Imperial theaters of tickets
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5042. The case of a free performance for pupils and pupils of educational institutions on November 14, December 6, and at cheese week 1914
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5043. The case of a followed permit for the production in the lobby of the underlying of the Alexandrinsky Theater of the Monument-Bust of the Artist V.F.Komissarzhevskaya
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5044. The case of St. George Cavaliers
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5045. The case of the presentation of officials, artists and other employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters to the Highest Awards in 1914
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5046. The case of approval in the service of artists and other persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5047. The case of the changes in personnel
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5048. A case of a civilian servant
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5049. The point for information and on various issues
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5050. The case of the debuts on the imperial scenes
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5051. The case of intercourse with the Moscow office
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5052. The case of developing a position on a choral class in an opera troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5053. The case of the service of tailors and tailors at the workshop of Pavlov
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5054. The case of the service of the tailors at the Ivashchenko workshop
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5055. The case of the service of the tailors at the Ivashchenko workshop
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5056. The case of the service of the tailors at the workshop of Ivanova
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5057. The case of the dismissal of artists on vacation
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5058. The case of correspondence with the main treasury
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5059. The case of the Krasnoselsky play in camp time
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5060. The case of the incident
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5061. The case of resolving the sale in imperial theaters of flowers for a charity purpose
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5062. The case of the delivery of the next lists of jury for 1915
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5063. The case of a revision of the States of the Ministry of the Imperial Court
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5064. The case of the submission of employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters to the Highest Awards in 1915
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5065. The case of persons who were on the test, but for various reasons not left in the further service
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5066. The case of opening in Leipzig an international exhibition of printing and graphics
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5067. The case of non -appearing and delays in the performances and rehearsals of the artists of the dramatic troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5068. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5069. The case of the replacement of Wagnerian subscriptions to the operas of Rimsky-Korsakov
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5070. The case of opening the estimates of the St. Petersburg and Moscow Office of the Imperial Theaters of Consums according to the first estimate of 3800 rubles and the second - 2200 rubles
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5071. The case of the savings and auxiliary cash desk
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5072. The case of approval in the service of artists and other persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5073. The case of the followed permission to replace free morning performances arranged for pupils and pupils of educational institutions are paid with the provision of a fee in favor of the fund for raising orphans of children of warriors who fell on the battlefield
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5074. The case on the issue of providing persons who did not graduate from the ballet department of the school, of the same rights to serving military service, along with the full course of the ballet department, along with the full course of the ballet
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5075. The case of military service and on other issues related to the war
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5076. The case of lasaretes named after artists and employees of imperial theaters for sick and wounded warriors
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5077. The case with the petition of the hereditary nobleman on p.p.Engelhardt with a refusal for the lack of free vacancies
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5078. Дело о переменах личного состава
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5079. The point for information and on various issues
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5080. A case of a civilian servant
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5081. The case of incidents
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5081. The case of persons who petitioned the definition of service
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5082. The case of intercourse with the Moscow office
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5083. The case of the dismissal of artists on vacation
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5084. The case of the delivery of the next lists of jury for 1916
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5085. 1915
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5086. The case of the application for the approval of the Charter "Cashier of mutual assistance of artists of the Mariinsky Theater Orchestra"
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5087. Correspondence of persons who were on the test, but for various reasons not left in the further service
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5088. The case of correspondence with the main treasury
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5089. The case of St. George Cavaliers
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5090. The case of representing employees of the theater directorate to the highest awards in 1915
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5091. The case of the establishment of a temporary tax on tickets for access to public amusements and spectacles
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5092. The case of granting the director of imperial theaters the right to apply fines to artists of the French troupe within no over 80 rubles
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5093. The case of the savings and auxiliary checkout
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5094. The case of approval in the service of artists and other persons
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5095. The case of dismissal on vacation employees at the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5096. 5096
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5097. Business for information and on various issues
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5098. A case of a civilian servant
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5099. The case of the debuts on the imperial scenes
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5100. The case of intercourse with the Moscow office
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5101. The case of the service of tailors and tailors at the workshop of Pavlov
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5102. The case of the dismissal of artists on vacation
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5103. The case of the production of officials in the next rank
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5104. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5105. The case of the approval of the Charter of the Petrograd Economic Society of Artists and Employees of the Directorate
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5106. The case of the delivery of the next lists of jury for 1917
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5107. The case of percentage supplements for employees at the Directorate under the Highest on May 11, 1916 Temporary Rules
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5108. The case of St. George Cavaliers
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5109. The case of awarding the lower ranks of the orchestra and choir of the Life Guards of the Finland Regiment on the occasion of their participation on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5110. The case of representing employees at the Directorate of Imperial Theaters to the Highest Awards in 1917
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5111. Income tax
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5112. The case of the savings and auxiliary cash desk
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5113. The case of the changes in personnel
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5114. The matter is information
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5115. A case of a civilian servant
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5116. The case of intercourse with the Moscow office
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5117. The case of new orders for the Directorate of State Theaters under the Provisional Government
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5118. The case of incidents
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5119. Correspondence with the administration of the opera troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5120. Correspondence with the administration of the Russian drama troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5121. Correspondence on the French troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5122. RGIA
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5123. The case of the savings and auxiliary cash desk
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5124. The case on the issue of granting the rights of public service to women serving in state theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5125. The case of the issuance by the artists of the orchestra Plotnikov and Antonov for 1000 rubles with an advance on the acquisition, instead of stolen from them, tools
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5126. Correspondence with the administrations of the troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5127. Correspondence with the administration of the ballet troupe
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5128. The case of the formation of local committees under state theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5129. Correspondence on issues related to events in October 1917
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5130. The case of incidents
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5131. The case of recovery from the directorate in favor of Fedor Prokofiev for 35 rubles a month for life, according to the executive sheet of the Petrograd District Court for No. 447
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5132. Photo - male portrait [artist Sadovsky]
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5133. Russian
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5134. Photo - Women's portrait [Artist M. Savina?] In the coffin
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5135. Photo - a group of artists of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5136. Photo - a group of artists of imperial theaters
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5137. Picture of the artist Losenko (?) "Fedor Volkov"
РГИА. 497 / 6 / 5138. Laws on the obligations of actors, musicians and others, and on fines for non -fulfillment
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