Cases of the category of teacher seminaries and elementary schools of the Department of People's Education for 1838-1880

Identifier 49b8f3c6-c11a-48a7-8b8d-2a3d0c35e32e
Title Cases of the category of teacher seminaries and elementary schools of the Department of People's Education for 1838-1880
Dates 1838
Text language Russian
Level Lists
Call number РГИА. 733 / 170
Cataloguing source RGIA
Extent 1223 units.
Fonds Department of Education of the Ministry of Education
Contents В описи представлены: дела об учреждении и преобразовании учительских семинарий, о переименовании учительских семинарий и начальных училищ, об утверждении и изменении уставов учительских семинарий и начальных училищ, о введении в действие Положения о начальных городских училищах, отчеты инспекторов народных училищ, об учреждении стипендий, о назначении директоров и инспекторов в учительские семинарии и начальные училища, списки приходских училищ и приготовительных классов, о назначении жалования и пособия учителям, об открытии вечерних классов грамотности для взрослых, о покупке книг и учебных пособий для начальных народных училищ
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1. The case of strengthening the funds to the formation of the noble youth in the Rogachevsky district of the Mogilev province and the rental of the tires of that county
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 10. The case of the letter of the landowner Konstantinov about the establishment of the district school in the city of Lyuba.Immediately about the establishment of county schools in the city of Makaryev on Uong, in Poshekhon and in Vetluga
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 100. The case of the preparation of pupils in the Derpt Seminary to occupy the posts of teachers of the Russian language in the county schools of the Derpt District
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1000. The case of the petitions of the Kronstadt Estonian society and the local tradesman Rosenberg about the permission of the latter to teach at the local Estonian school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1001. The case of the consumption of premises for the Vozdvizhensky male and female parish schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1002. The case on the assumption of people of non -Orthodox confession to the teacher’s posts in schools of those places where the population is mainly Lutheransk, who arose at the request of the Petershof zemstvo in relation to the Babigan school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1003. The case of the establishment in the cities of Tomsk and Tobolsk Teacher Seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1004. The case of the acceptance of the house from the Leontievsky volost and Plesky rural societies from one ten land under the premises of a two -year school in the village of Skepell
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1005. The case on the complaint of the peasants of the villages of Kaevo and Shubin Gmita Blon that the money helped out for the rental of the school plots of the land is transferred to the Crossnevik Mrinnaya cash register
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1006. The case of the request of the Pencil teacher at the Kutaisian gymnasium Reimers with the project of the introduction of an agricultural element when studying in rural schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1007. The case of ranks of elementary schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1008. The case of the establishment of Chuvash schools in the Kazan educational district and the maintenance of existing
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1009. The case on the issue of teaching the Law of God in elementary schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 101. The case with the papers accepted
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1010. The case on the issue of teaching the Law of God in elementary schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1011. The case on the issue of teaching the Law of God in elementary schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1012. 1012
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1013. The case of the discovery in the city of Maloarkhangelsk Oryol province of the Women's Parish School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1014. The case of the vacation from the Voskoshkarskaya cottage of the Kyiv province of forest materials for a lined with a dachshund for building a school house for the Yekaterinopol rural school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1015. Russian
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1016. The case of the donation of the landowner Verigin of the estate in favor of an elementary school in the village of Arkhangelsk Ufa district.Immediately about donations from other persons
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1017. The case of an increase in the number of staffing teachers in the teacher's seminary of the Odessa school district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1018. The case in relation to the Grace of Kharkov and Akhtyrsky on charges of the Starobelsky school council of mentors of elementary schools of the county, from persons of the spiritual rank, in failure to fulfill the teacher's duties and assigning these duties to the persons of an illiterate
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1019. The case on the draft Regulation on drawing classes at the Nikolsky People’s School, consisting of the Partnership of the Nikolskaya Manufactory "Savva Morozova Son and Ka °"
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 102. The case of assisting the speedy consideration and approval of the draft transformation of the Nizhny Tagil real schools (Verkhotursky district of the Perm province)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1020. The case of the release of the amounts for the printing of the works of the inspector of public schools of the Perm province of Shishonko under the title "Materials for describing the development of public education in the Perm province"
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1021. The case of establishing the norm of the number of pupils, which can be accepted into the seminary in general and in each class separately, as well as the opening of parallel classes in seminaries in case the number of people who want to enter the seminary exceeds
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1022. The case with the expert about teachers in public schools of the Perm province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1023. The case of the petition of the merchant Volodin about the permission to build a house church at the Kundyshevo-Volodinsky Primary School in the village of Shilov of the Yaroslavl province.Immediately other similar petitions
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1024. The case at the request of the Semenovsky Zemstvo Assembly on the granting of teachers to zemstvo schools of the rights of public service
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1025. The fact that the amounts issued according to §16 of the Ministry of Education of the Ministry of Education for the maintenance of elementary schools of the Turkestan Territory were allocated (released) in the maintenance of local military governors
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1026. The case at the request of the trustee of the Odessa training district on the liberation of the lower ranks of some houses of elementary schools.Immediately, in general, about the liberation of the houses of primary schools from standing
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1027. The case of the Teacher Seminary in Posad Solca Radom province.Immediately correspondence about her transfer to the city of Opatov
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1028. The case of transfer back to the treasury of the monastery building in the city of Opatovo, in which the teacher’s seminary was placed, subsequently moved to the landing of Solem
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1029. Reports of directors and inspectors of public schools on the inspection of schools.Immediately reports on short -term pedagogical courses
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 103. The case on issues related to decisions on initial training
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1030. Дело о книгах, рассмотренных в Ученом комитете Министерства народного просвещения и Учебном комитете при Священном Синоде
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1031. The case of the opening of primary public schools in the Odessa district and the vacation of the amounts for their maintenance
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1032. The case of the opening of primary public schools in the Odessa district and the vacation of the amounts for their maintenance
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1033. The case of the opening of primary public schools in the Kazan district and the release of the amounts for their maintenance
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1034. The case of the opening of primary public schools in the St. Petersburg District and the release of the amounts for their maintenance
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1035. The case of the opening of primary public schools in the St. Petersburg District and the vacation of the amounts for their maintenance
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1036. The case of the opening of primary public schools in the St. Petersburg District and the vacation of the amounts for their maintenance
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1037. Дело об открытии начальных народных училищ по Оренбургскому округу и об отпуске сумм на их содержание
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1038. The case of the opening of primary public schools in the Kyiv district and the vacation of the amounts for their maintenance
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1039. The case of the opening of primary public schools in the Kharkov district and the vacation of the amounts for their maintenance
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 104. The case of the assumption of the abolition of the district school in the city of Bobrinets due to the transfer of the county administration from there to Elisavetgrad and the renaming of the city of Bobrinz to the depth
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1040. The case of the opening of primary public schools in the Moscow District and the vacation of the amounts for their maintenance
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1041. The case of the opening of primary public schools in the Moscow District and the vacation of the amounts for their maintenance
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1042. The case of the official rights of teachers of primary schools in the Turkestan Territory.Immediately about programs for parish schools of that land
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1043. The case on the project of measures to reduce the number of non -working days and revelry during holidays among the rural population
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1044. The case of secondary school teachers to teacher seminary to familiarize yourself with the latest teaching techniques
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1045. The case of the transfer of the house in the village of Verkhnetroitsky of the Belebeyevsky district from the department of the Ministry of State Property in favor of the Verkhnetroitsky Primary School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1046. The case of the procedure for testing and issuing evidence to students of the Kazan Baptism-Tatar school and on the release of the amount for its maintenance
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1047. The case of the donation by employees at the Tambov Directorate of People's Schools in favor of the military ranks of the army
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1048. The case on the issue of the further direction of the Ministry of Education of the Preparation of Teachers in Primary Schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1049. The case of the transfer of the state -owned place under No. 72 in the city of the Baltic Port and the buildings of the Primary School built on it in the property of the city
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 105. The case on the question of whether the following from the parish schools is possible for them to place them in the houses of county schools, to turn to the needs of those same parish schools or to reckon them to special funds of county schools, without turning to state income
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1050. The case of the establishment of the position of assistant to the district inspector of the Bashkir, Kyrgyz and Tatar schools of the Orenburg training district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1051. The case of the introduction of a compulsory course of hygiene in teacher seminary and public schools.Immediately about the introduction of lawships and rejuvenating in them
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1052. The case of a revision of the provisions on primary schools in the Kingdom of Poland
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1053. The case of suicides and other accidents with pupils and teachers of elementary schools and teacher seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1054. The case of the establishment of the Turkestan teacher's seminary in the city of Tashkent
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1055. The case of the establishment of the Turkestan teacher's seminary in the city of Tashkent
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1056. The case of the closure of the Sychevsky parish school (Smolensk province)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1057. The case on the report of the Vladimir governor, submitted to the Committee of Ministers on more vigilant supervision by the training department for elementary schools in the province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1058. The case of establishing the period of exercise in primary public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1059. The case of the purchase of a priest Florov’s house under the premises of the Puzhmez Foreign School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 106. The case of the delivery of the Irregular troops of the conclusion of the Department of Public Education regarding the determination of the Honorary Cossack army of the Honorary Trustees from the headquarters of this troops at the Stanichnaya Schools of the Astrakhan Cossack
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1060. The case of the transfer in favor of the Sandomir Primary School of the House, adjacent to it, called Svionnikov
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1061. The case in relation to the Department of the State Treasury on the expulsion of interest rewards from the amounts entering the Bender district treasury for storage and spending from different rural societies for the maintenance of exemplary schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1062. The case of the opening of the Ryazan province in the city of Kasimov without the proper permission of the Mohammedan school with funds donated by the spiritual testament of the merchant Kostrov
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1063. The case of the release of persons studied in spiritual educational institutions from compulsory service in the spiritual department
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1064. The case of the distribution of general salaries appointed to inspectors and directors of public schools for renting apartments and stationery
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1065. The case regarding the belonging of the spiritual or educational departments of the Moscow Mary of the Mary of the Church on the ground, at Butyrki, the Old Building of the City Primary School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1066. The case of the adoption of free part of buildings in the Franciscan Monastery in the village of Lachevniki in favor of a local primary school in the village
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1067. The case on the release from payment by fortress duties of acts on the donation of property in favor of rural public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1068. The case at the request of social activists of the Miass plant on the opening of two two -year schools, masculine and female, and on the assignment for the placement of their two official buildings of the mountain department
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1069. The case on the question of how many years old students can study in two -class schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 107. The case of the assumption of the establishment of the Main Board of Public Schools in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1070. The case of approval by the indispensable member of the Ryazan provincial in peasant affairs of the presence of the director of the People's Schools of that province of the college secretary Kormilitsyn with the abandonment in the present position
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1071. The case of permission to accept the faces of female honorary trustees of elementary schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1072. Reports of directors and inspectors of public schools on the inspection of schools and on short -term pedagogical courses
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1073. The case of books considered in the Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Education and the Educational Committee under the Holy Synod
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1074. The case of books considered in the Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Education and the Educational Committee under the Holy Synod
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1075. The case on the draft rules for the issuance of elementary schools for teachers for reading from libraries of county schools of the Kursk province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1076. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1077. Case of petitions of different persons;different correspondence at the Department of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1078. The case of permission to be attributed to the remains of the amount of adult classes in the provinces of the Southwestern Territory the costs of packaging and sending books and textbooks for elementary schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1079. The case of the main state adviser Annin's collection of the most important orders and decisions on the Ministry of Education, related to teacher seminaries and elementary schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 108. The case of the appointment of a special amount for the acquisition of the necessary books, icons and other things for the acquisition of the Vilnius training district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1080. The case of the transfer of the location of the head of the Kholm training directorate from the city of Hill to the city of Lublin
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1081. The case of the assumption that the Zemstvo councils are supplied with books for elementary schools only through school councils
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1082. The case at the request of the Smolensk Zemstvo on the manual of two -class rural and urban schools for the opening and maintenance of craft classes under them
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1083. The case of the petition of the Berdyansk Zemstvo: 1) on the publication of instructions for rural schools;2) on the clarification of some issues related to the movement of teachers from one school to another and 3) about the transformation of twenty -three primary schools into two -class m
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1084. The case at the request of the Pskov zemstvo on resolving some issues arose when applying the rules on the opening of class schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1085. The case of the circulation of the amount remaining free when closing the Onega parish school to increase the salary of some parish schools of the Arkhangelsk province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1086. The case of permission to celebrate on August 7, 1878 the 50th anniversary of the opening day of the first Derpt Teacher's Seminary
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1087. The case at the request of the trading house "P. Milyutin Sons" on the transfer of the school in the village of Ramensky Bronnitsky district of the Moscow province from the jurisdiction of the School Council to the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1088. The case of supervision of Tatar primary schools located in the Ryazan province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1089. The case at the request of the Kostroma provincial zemstvo meeting on changing the current procedure for the appointment of persons as teachers of primary public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 109. Vedomosti on rural schools opened at parish churches
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1090. The case of the assumption of the Kalishi city magistrate about the construction in the city of Kalish House for the premises of local Catholic and Jewish elementary schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1091. The case on the trustee of the Moscow educational district, whether the Zemstvo administrations can be issued copies from the decrees of pedagogical councils of the teacher's seminaries about the dismissal of the scholarships of the Zemstvo from them
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1092. The case of the transfer of parish schools of the Trans -Baikal region from the jurisdiction of the full -time caretakers of county schools under the jurisdiction of the local inspector of public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1093. The case of the opening of a two -year public school in the Shurminsky factory of the Urzhum district of the Vyatka province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1094. The case of the establishment at the St. Petersburg Directorate of Public Schools of the staff of the architect
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1095. The case on the issue of recognition for pupils graduating from the full course of theological seminaries of the right to the title of folk teachers without special trials
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1096. The case of the assumption of the vowel of the Chernigov provincial zemstvo assembly of Zhdanovich about the establishment of government scholarships at the Chernihiv female diocesan school with the obligation of scholarships to serve at the end
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1097. The case at the request of the Novoladozh City Duma on vacation from the amounts of the ministry of 2000 rubles to build a house for a local women's school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1098. The case about the right to transition of pupils of teacher seminaries from one to another
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1099. The case of the issuance of a certificate for the title of a primary school in the city of Bugulma Kolesnikov
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 11. The case of a house donated by the record of Princess Sapieha in favor of the Theofilpol noble district school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 110. The case of the establishment in the city of Senno (Mogilev province) of a two -year -old public school at the expense of indemnity amounts
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1100. The case of the petition of the Chernihiv governor about the opening of two schools in the red horn and the pursuit of the pursuit of the addition of some of their items that are now not part of the program of these schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1101. The case on the question of the trustee of the Moscow educational district, with whom you should establish a fee for teaching in such from elementary schools that are contained at the funds of the treasury
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1102. The case of the Monastic Schools of the Warsaw Education District
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1103. The case on the draft rules for students of two -year and class schools of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1104. The case of legend to the court of employed by the director of the people's schools of the Samara province of Bialkovsky for the forms of the assigned allocated allocated by him, by which he managed to receive 2005 rubles from the treasury
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1105. The case of the petition of the peasant of the village of Andomogorsk Vytegorsky district of the Olonets province of Lavretsov on the appointment of a special church honor to the church of the mentioned village
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1106. The case of the establishment of a teacher’s seminary and four two -year schools in the Amur Region
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1107. The case of admission to teaching positions in the educational institutions of Siberia persons with a lower educational qualification
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1108. The case of expulsion from the capital of the Committee to provide the families of the dead, who died from wounds and mutilated on the battlefield of warriors donated by Moscow merchant and exchange societies of 100,000 rubles for the education of young children, remaining
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1109. Case with lists of inspectors of public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 111. The case of the consideration of magazines, books, textbooks and guidelines proposed to use in lower schools in the scientific committee of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1110. The case of instilling safety smallpox students in elementary schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1111. The case of insulting, applied to the director of public schools of the Tver province, Malov, the scribe of the provincial statistical committee Cheesheseev
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1112. The case at the request of the Ryazan Provincial Zemstvo Assembly to grant the Zemstvo the right to have its inspector to monitor public schools and on some changes in existing decisions on public education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1113. The case of the petitions of the college adviser to Novakovsky on the acquisition of publications from him to the account of the amounts of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1114. The case of the petitions of the college adviser to Novakovsky on the acquisition of publications from him to the account of the amounts of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1115. The case of the establishment at elementary schools of the title of honorary guardian
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1116. Reports of directors and inspectors of public schools on the examination of primary schools.Immediately reports on short -term pedagogical courses
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1117. The case of the subordination of lower schools of the Yakut region to the director of the Yakut six -class gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1118. The case of changing the deadline for translated and final exams in the teacher's seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1119. The case on the main inspector of schools of eastern Siberia regarding the establishment and management of primary schools of Eastern Siberia
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 112. The case of the introduction in the schools of the Vitebsk and Mogilev provinces of teaching the Law of God of the Roman Catholic Confession in Russian, instead of Polish
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1120. The case of introducing teaching crafts in elementary schools and on strengthening teaching singing in teacher seminary
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1121. The case of the adoption of the Ostrog of the Penvion for Peasant Boys in the city of the Ministry of Education of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1122. The case of the assignment of the Nikolaev Samara province to the city society belonging to the local male and female parish schools of the Old House with the estate
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1123. Vedication with the request of funds to parish schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1124. The case of asking funds to parish schools (statements about parish schools)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1125. The case at the request of the Moscow Provincial Zemstvo Assembly on granting the local school council the right to appoint members of school councils from among the trustees
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1126. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1127. The case at the request of the Soligalich City Duma, on the assumption of the approval of the Mrs. Chudetskaya teacher of the local female parish school and at the request of the local nobility about the prevention of her to the aforementioned position
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1128. The case on the delivery of the trustees of educational districts in the reports they annually submitted by the information about how many of the graduates in the teacher's seminary and schools belongs to the peasant estate
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1129. The case about the subordination of the women's primary schools existing in the Tambov province under the female monasteries by the action of the situation and the elementary folk schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 113. Department of People's Education of the Ministry of Education (1803-1917).The case of the introduction in the schools of the Vitebsk and Mogilev provinces of teaching the Law of God of the Roman-Catholic Confession in Russian, instead of Polish.
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1130. The case of the provision of the proper influence on the public education to the Orthodox clergy
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1131. The case of measures to improve the school units in the villages of the Tobolsk province and the appointment of salaries to law teachers in rural schools in the Tomsk province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1132. The case of resolving the court adviser Titov to open an elementary public school in the town of Smolyans of the Orsha district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1133. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1134. The case with the information about the teacher's seminaries of the Moscow training district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1135. The case of measures to protect secondary and lower educational institutions of the department of the Ministry of Education from unreliable teachers
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1136. The case of the delivery of reports on the state of craft and technical schools, as well as additional courses at educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1137. The case of the transformation of two two -class parish schools existing in the city of Minsk into Odnok class
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1138. The case of the consumption for the construction of primary public schools in the newly connected part of Bessarabia
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1139. The case of classifying two parish schools of benefits for this city of expenses and for further time in the city of Kovno for the maintenance of two parish schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 114. The case of the inspection of a rural school arranged by the Mr. at the estate of his estate, the village
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1140. The case of the obstruction of the petticoles of the educational house, which are removed from teaching posts on moral unreliability, to acquire evidence of the titles of teachers of primary schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1141. The case on the Rostov City Duma excited about the right of urban societies for the election of special trustees and trustees for the head of primary folk schools and on the establishment of a three -year service life in these titles
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1142. The case of the transfer from the estimates of the main quartermaster management in the estimate of the Ministry of Public Education 500 rubles for the maintenance of the Sorman school for Chinese emigrants of the Semirechensk region
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1143. The case of the congresses of teachers of primary public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1144. The case of the transfer of the house occupied by the parish school in the city of Iletskaya protection with the land under it from the department of the Ministry of Finance to the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1145. The case of the petitions of some zemstvo meetings about changing the provisions of primary public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1146. The Case of the State Council on the establishment of the Tatar branch at the Transcaucasian Teacher Seminary with applications
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1147. Reports of directors and inspectors of public schools on the inspection of these schools, as well as reports on short -term pedagogical courses
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1148. Reports of directors and inspectors of public schools on the inspection of these schools, as well as reports on short -term pedagogical courses
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1149. The case on secret messages and requests regarding students and students in teacher seminary and primary public schools.Immediately about the prohibition of pedagogical activity
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 115. The case of the commanding of the writer Voldemar in the Ostsee provinces to study local, folk schools and teacher seminaries.Immediately about the sentence, instead of Voldemar, the teacher of the sixth St. Petersburg gymnasium Reda
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1150. The case at the request of the Ostrovsky (Pskov province) of the Zemstvo Assembly on the assignment of expenses for traveling during business trips of a member of the School Council from the Social Department to verify the teaching of the Law of God in rural schools on the account of the government
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1151. The case on the petitions of different persons and a different correspondence of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1152. 387 l.
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1153. Russian
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1154. The case of the admission to foreign primary schools of the Ministry of Public Education of the publications of the Translation Commission during the Brotherhood of St. Guria in Kazan, printed for foreigners
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1155. The case about the right to appoint honorary guardians in the elementary schools of the Baltic Territory
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1156. The case on the department of agriculture and rural industry: what rights in the state service are used by pupils who have completed the course in the teacher's seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1157. The case of the construction of the Bashkir teacher school in the city of Sterlitamak
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1158. The case of the distribution of false news about teacher seminary and elementary schools and the persons serving in them, and about the refutation of these news to the Ministry
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1159. The case on the proposal of the trustee of the Moscow training district on the wrong actions of the Mashchovsky, Kaluga province, the county school of the elementary schools and their teachers
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 116. The case of the assumption of the abolition of a decision prohibiting the issuance of permissible evidence for the right to teach children
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1160. The case of the establishment of the Kyrgyz teacher school in the city of Troitsk by the Orenburg province.Immediately correspondence about its transfer from the city of Troitsk to the city of Orsk
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1161. The case of additional loan for trips to inspectors of public schools of the South-Western Territory by the review of schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1162. The case of an invitation, if necessary, for the occupation of teaching posts in the elementary schools of the Ministry of Public Education, persons from among those who graduated from the Teacher’s Seminary established by the Imperial St. Petersburg Educational House and
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1163. 1163
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1164. The case of the distribution of primary school teachers to receive along with teachers of these schools of the established medal (for zeal) for the length of service of a ten -year period
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1165. The case of permission to open in a private elementary school in the city of Voronezh, contained by the state adviser Bunakov, a museum of teaching aids for primary education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1166. The case of the donation of a college assessor of a column capital for the institution of the People’s School in the town of Ustivitsa Mirgorod district of the Poltava province with the assignment of the name of the donor
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1167. The case of the assignment of the arrival of the will of the lower floor of the polarmelite building in the village of Trutovo Lipnovsky district of the Plotsky province, transferred to the training department
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1168. The case at the request of the Yalta Zemstvo Assembly on the resolution of teaching the Tatar language in the Zemstvo schools of Yalta district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1169. The case on the all -depth report of the Radom Governor for 1879, entered into the Committee of Ministers, which mentions that the activities of the rector of the Lyasotsynsky parish in the Opatovsky district of the priest Joseph Magnushevsky, teaching the Law of God for free
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 117. The case with the projects of the Telshevsky Roman Catholic Bishop on the construction of a seminary in the town of Vornya and the abbess and folk schools in the Coven province, and with the recall of the maintenance of these projects of the trustee of the Vilnius training district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1170. The case of the highest command of the publication and release of the circular of the true calling of inspectors of public schools to their work
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1171. The case on a complaint to the Government Senate of the Narovchatsk City Council for the Decree of the Penza Provincial School Council on non -approval of the local city parish school of the merchant Pavel Korobkov
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1172. The case on the question: whether the pupils who have left it out of their own free will be accepted to the teacher’s seminary, and then declared the desire to continue teaching in the same class from which they dropped out
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1173. The case of connecting in the first and second Smolensk parish schools and the opening of the women's parish school there
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1174. The case of the chairmanship of the assistant trustee of the St. Petersburg training district of the actual state adviser Mikhailov to a special commission to compile reasons to reduce office correspondence in the directorates and inspections of the people
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1175. The case of the consideration of seven books in Ostyak and Russian-Lopar languages ​​drawn up by one of the members of the Society of Scripture
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1176. The case on the assumption of young people who have passed or have not reached the established age for entering the seminary who have passed.
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1177. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1178. The case of the restoration of the right to the estate belonging to the elementary school in the village of Shchelitsa Sandomirsky district of the Radom province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1179. The case of permission to issue primary schools to students, graduating from them and moving from one group to another, commendable sheets
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 118. The case regarding the outcome of the highest permission to disgust the production of the teacher of the Sergiev Parish school in St. Petersburg Grigory Rybalov in the rank of it under court
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1180. The case of land donations of Bashkir societies for the construction and maintenance of rural schools in the Ufa and Orenburg provinces
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1181. The case of opening in elementary schools of afternoon classes
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1182. The case of the request of the inspector and professor of the Moscow Conservatory Albrecht on the distribution of the teaching seminaries of the leadership compiled by him to round singing
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1183. The case at the request of the Assembly of the Petrozavodsk Bratsk Council on the introduction of teaching in the Zemstvo and other schools of the Olonets province of information about the Russian split with the refutation of schismatic opinions existing in one or another area
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1184. The case of the transfer of the land of the land for the construction of the land for building a house under the premises of the school in the village of the Valle of the Suvalka province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1185. The case at the request of the Gadyachsky, Poltava province, the district Zemstvo meeting on the adoption of expenses for the maintenance of teachers of public schools on the account of the state zemstvo fee
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1186. Department of People's Education of the Ministry of Education (1803-1917).The case at the request of the Gadyachsky, Poltava province, the district Zemstvo meeting on the adoption of expenses for the maintenance of teachers of public schools on the account of the state zemstvo fee.
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1187. The case of classifying a loan applied to the benefits of the elementary schools of the Warsaw educational district of rewards to law teachers for the training of the Law of God of Orthodox Confession in Warsaw first and third primary schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1188. The case of granting members of the Belozersky district school council of the Novgorod province of the right in the production of annual testing to students of elementary schools to submit to school councils to conclude their own on the state of those schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1189. The case of providing the existing in the city of Goldingen of the Courland province at the shelter of the Pokrovsky Orthodox Brotherhood of a two -year school of rights and advantages of two -class schools of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 119. The case of the sale, alienation and assignment of houses and places belonging to district schools, and on the purchase of houses for these schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1190. 1190
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1191. The case of busting between the Karachevskaya City Duma and the local inspector of public schools regarding the distribution of students in the two parish schools contained by the city between cash teachers
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1192. The case of the vacation from the amounts of the State Treasury of an additional loan of 654 rubles 20 kopecks per year for traveling to the director and inspectors of public schools of the Minsk province for the inspection of schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1193. The case of the establishment at the male and women's schools of the Turkestan region of the posts of honorary guardians and guardians
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1194. The case of the Tatar schools of the Nizhny Novgorod province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1195. The case of the publisher of the journal "Russian Primary Teacher", the court adviser Latyshev to acquire this magazine from him
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1196. The case of the request of editors-publishers of the magazine "People's School" of Yevtushevsky and Pyatkovsky on the acquisition of this magazine from them
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1197. The case of acquisition for elementary public schools and teacher seminaries of the magazine "Bulletin of People's Assistance"
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1198. The case at the request of the Kharkov district Zemstvo meeting that children at least 8 or 9 years old are accepted in public schools and that certificates of graduation were issued no earlier than 12-13 years of age
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1199. The case at the request of the Simferopol Society of mutual loan on permission to members of the Council of the Company to attend educational institutions in order to continue the charity on the issuance of scholarships to the poorest students from the amounts of the indicated society
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 12. The case on the petition of the Kashin citizens about the establishment of a five -class school in the Kashin instead of the county
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 120. The case of an increase in the number of people's school inspectors for school directorate of the North-Western Territory
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1200. The case at the request of the Kherson Provincial Zemstvo Assembly on some changes in existing decisions on public education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1201. The case on the draft Regulation on Central Teachers of Libraries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1202. The case on the issue of the procedure for dismissing and moving teachers of city parish and rural primary schools excited
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1203. The case of the abduction from the Kiybakovsky (Ufa province) of the volost board of money, including 182 rubles 52 kopecks intended for maintaining three foreign schools in the September third of 1880: Tuldinsky, more Kachaksky and new
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1204. The case of the establishment of the Society of Public Schools in the city of Troitsk Orenburg province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1205. The case at the request of the St. Petersburg Provincial School Council of permission to allow teachers and teachers of primary schools under the leadership of the priests of the lessons under the law of God in these schools in the form of experience.
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1206. The case at the request of the Council of the Brotherhood of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian, established in the city of Kaluga about the distribution of books among the people of religious and moral content through teachers of folk schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1207. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1208. The request of the former teacher of the Zolotukh People’s School Georgy Lysenko to provide him with the previous position
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1209. The case of the distribution of the magazine "Rural Conversation" published by the Cardo Syssoev
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 121. The case of the conduct of the Choral Singing Lessons in St. Petersburg and Parish Schools with the assignment of the required amount from the donated amounts
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1210. The case of appropriation of 22409 rubles 85 kopecks for the distribution of this money for manuals for teachers of primary public schools of the Kyiv, Podolsk and Volyn provinces
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1211. The request of the former teacher of the Tambov first parish school Nikolai Boldin to provide him with the previous position
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1212. The case of the request of the editor of the Mirskoy Vestnik magazine, Major General Heirot, on the acquisition of this magazine from him for elementary schools and teacher seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1213. The case of the establishment of an agricultural school in the Urzhum district of the Vyatka province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1214. The case at the request of the Karachevsky mayor on the appointment of the director of the local teacher seminary by a member of the School Council from the Ministry of Public Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1215. The case on the complaint of the landowner of the freshness of the head of the Kholmsky Educational Directorate in relation to the taxation and recovery of the folds from the landowners who do not belong to the peasant estate for the maintenance of primary schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1216. The case at the request of the founders of the Vozchinsky Primary School of the Tomashovsky district of the Lublin province of Kovalsky and Dutkovsky about the assumption of the teaching school of the Polish language
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1217. The case of the assumption of the Astrakhan governor about measures to strengthen the means of public education in the Astrakhan, province managed by him
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1218. The case of the assumption of the Astrakhan governor about measures to strengthen the means of public education of the Astrakhan province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1219. The case of the device at the second Derpt teacher’s seminary of the preparatory class
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 122. The case of teaching in a real class under the Riga Second County School for 1863-1864
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1220. The case of central schools and rural schools in former Bulgarian and German colonies, as well as schools in the colonies of Jews of farmers in the Odessa training district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 1221. The case of central schools and rural schools in former Bulgarian and German colonies, as well as schools in the colonies of Jews of farmers in the Odessa training district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 123. The case of the establishment of the Ponevoyzh Directorate of People's Schools and the renaming of it to Kovenskaya, and on the purchase at the house for this directorate
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 124. The case of the seizure of parish schools in the Vilnius educational district from the jurisdiction of gymnasiums and the subordination of their maintenance of directors of public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 125. The case regarding the definition of a foreigner Unger as a teacher at the Dinaburg Parish School.Immediately about the teacher’s determination by the parish schools of foreigners Ganov, Hekhta, Standel
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 126. The case of assignment by the specific department of the Stone House in the city of Buinsk Simbirsk province under the premises of the Buinsky district school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 127. The case of the seizure from the department of the Ministry of Education of the Kolpana, near Gatchina, a seminary for the formation of teachers of Finnish rural parish schools, consisting of Lutheran churches in the St. Petersburg province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 128. The case of the cancellation of the collection from the Crimean Tatars to improve the Crimean peninsula, with the submission of the Novorossiysk Governor-General to find another source for the maintenance of a parish school in the city of Yalta
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 129. The case of covering a deficit for the maintenance of parish schools of the Poltava province from the remains of the amount of the maintenance of county schools of the same province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 13. The case of the establishment of the School of the School for the children of the schismatics in Posad Clines (Chernigov province) and the teacher determining her nobleman Pagels
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 130. The case of complaints of former honorary caretakers of county schools for incorrect collection of money from them in favor of schools and on the addition of this money from them from the accounts of educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 131. The case of an increase in the amount released by the Moscow City Duma for the maintenance of thirteen elementary schools in Moscow
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 132. Russian
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 133. The case of the abolition of fifth -class noble and three -class district schools in the provinces of Vitebsk and Mogilev and the institution: a) gymnasium in the city of Gomel;b) two -class county schools and c) shifts for teaching female children
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 134. The case of the appointment of a special amount for the hiring of premises for the inspection of district schools of the Moscow training district of the Moscow province and Western Siberia
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 135. The case of the abolition in the Ovruch district noble school of teaching the Polish language.On the establishment at the same time, the college of preparatory class
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 136. The case of the return of 1502 rubles to the Astrakhan Armenian Society 50 kopecks providing a wrapping amount for the rental maintenance of the Gostiny Dvor owned by the Astrakhan Agababov school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 137. The case on the introduction of the provisions on primary public schools, highly approved on July 14, 1864
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 138. The case of entering the provisions on primary public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 139. The case of changing existing decisions on schismatics
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 14. The case of the distribution of 30,000 rubles in silver, all -mildly assigned for annual leave from the state treasury to prepare parish schools and teachers
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 140. The case of entering the provisions on primary public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 141. The case of entering the provisions on primary public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 142. The case of entering the provisions on primary public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 143. The case of assumptions and measures regarding the enlightenment of foreigners and the spread of literacy between them
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 144. The case of assumptions and measures regarding the enlightenment and formation of foreigners and the spread of literacy between them
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 145. The case of the publicity of the public benefit acquired from the board of the collections of books for folk schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 146. The case of buying books and textbooks for elementary public schools and their sending to directorate
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 147. The case of the assumption of the establishment of exemplary two -year elementary schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 148. The case of the appropriation of a super -estimate loan to satisfy the Suzdal first guild of the merchant Zhinkin for hiring premises for the Suzdal district school in his house
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 149. The case of competitions for the compilation for elementary public schools, arithmetic manuals, books for reading and projects and estimates for the construction of houses for these schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 15. The case of the continuation of the vacation from the treasury of benefits for the maintenance of the Vytegorsky parish school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 150. The case of programs for teaching subjects and the distribution of lessons in two -year district schools of the Vilnius training district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 151. The case of the transformation of the school at the Evangelical-Luthernasky Church in Kiev
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 152. The case of the transformation of the school at the Evangelical-Luthernasky Church in Kiev
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 153. The case of books purchased on the loan account of 100,000 rubles, appointed to elementary public schools in the empire, in 1865
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 154. The case of providing the trustee of the Derpt training district of the preliminary publication of the new position of the Derpt Teacher's Seminary, to introduce the necessary changes in the current position on the seminary with their own authorities
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 155. The case of the transformation of the class derptic Russian primary school into a two -year.Immediately about the transformation of the Mitavsky Aleksandrovsky Russian Elementary Free School in a two -year -old one with a vacation on it from a loan for public schools 1176 ru
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 156. The case of the acquisition of two houses for the Derpt Teacher's Seminary
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 157. The case of the liberation of Kotelniki educational institutions from the teachings during the fair in the city of Kotelnich
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 158. The case of the transformation of the Solombal Parish school into a two -year, with a female department.Immediately about the establishment of a scholarship school for the preparation of parish teachers in the Arkhangelsk province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 159. The case of the establishment in the city of Blagoveshchensk of the People’s School for the initial education of children of local inhabitants.Immediately, according to the assumption of the establishment of the same school in the city of Nikolaevsk, Primorsky Region
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 16. The case of the fire extermination of the house of the Gorodishchensky district school.Immediately about the expressing gratitude of the Ministry of Education by the staff caretaker of this school to the college assessor Semibratov for zeal to preserve school property.Here
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 160. The case of the investigation of the prosecution introduced to the school authorities of the city of Pernov of the oppression of the students of the Orthodox confession
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 161. Lists of parish schools and preparatory classes
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 162. The case of the reports of the college assessor Mr. Zolotov on public schools in the provinces: Ryazan, Tambov and Vladimir
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 163. The case of acquiring copies of the magazine "Family Evenings" published by Rostov and [Kantireva]
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 164. The case of clarifying the misunderstandings and issues that met with the introduction of the provisions on primary public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 165. The case of the appointment of the Ministry of Primary Schools, the Old Advisor to Gik and the titular adviser to Kochetov, with their content to the amount of the amounts applied to public schools and with their secondment of them abroad
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 166. The case on the note of Mr. Khodorovsky about the new lightest way to teach people to literacy
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 167. The case of the establishment of pedagogical courses at county schools for the preparation of teachers of public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 168. The case with the lists of schools that are not in the department of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 169. The case of the trustees of the educational districts of the appointment of the time of shit in educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 17. The case of the establishment in Vesyegonsk County School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 170. The case of the establishment of two -year -old public schools of one for boys and the other for girls with the abolition of the preparatory class under the Narva Higher County School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 171. The case of the contribution of ministers to the St. Petersburg Society of 100 rubles a year for the issuance of benefits to poor students of St. Petersburg schools and on the name of students who will use such benefits, scholarships of its imperial highness, c.
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 172. The case of an instruction of supervision of the educational part in former specific schools, until the opening of school councils, directors of schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 173. The case of the establishment in the Irkutsk gymnasium and transformation to the Technical School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 174. The case of the Volzhensky leadership compiled by S. Volzhenski for initial training in reading and writing in public schools, and about issuing him to print this textbook of manuals from the amounts of the ministry
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 175. The case on issues about whether the tender does not have a salary of a salary, when determined for teacher’s positions: 1) persons who have not studied in higher educational institutions;2) persons who received benefits in the initial definition of them in civilian
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 176. The case of the subordination of the educational school of the Gilzen-Schadursky, located in the town of Llyu Drissen district, the jurisdiction of the local directorate of public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 177. The case on the delivery of the State Council of the Ministry of Education on the proposal of the Minister of Finance on the closure of the Perm and Yekaterinburg District Mining Schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 178. The case of the purpose of the appointment at the Jacobstadt district and parish schools of the law teacher of the Roman Catholic confession
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 179. The case of the establishment in the city of Riga Grebenshchikovsky School for the children of schismatics
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 18. Russian
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 180. The case of opening at the Okhten powder factory and in the city of Revel Free School for teaching soldiers' children to both sexes.Immediately about the opening of such a school in Revel at the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 181. The case of the establishment of teacher seminaries for the preparation of teachers of primary public schools and the compilation of the provisions and staff for these seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 182. The case regarding the trustee of the Dorpat school of participation in the management of rural schools in the Baltic Territory
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 183. The case of classifying a loan to public schools of annual expenditure of 100 rubles for the additional maintenance of the second teacher at the Petrozavodsky parish school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 184. The case of ordering guidelines for teaching church singing in public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 185. The case of the project of the Charter of the Irkutsk Systemic Craft School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 186. The case of the purchase for primary public schools of the collection published by Shcherbina called "Bee"
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 187. The case on the issue of the transfer of the school part of the Ministry of State Property to common institutions for affiliation
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 188. The case on the issue of transferring the school part of the Ministry of State Property to common institutions on affiliation.Part 2
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 189. The case of bringing the imperial surname of the holy icons, the most comprehensive addresses and the like from the persons of the training department
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 19. The case of drawing up a general plan for the construction of people's schools of all departments
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 190. The case of the establishment at the Shlisselburg two -class parish school of a separate class for girls
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 191. The case of the establishment in Nizhny Novgorod in the dependent of the Tsarskoye Selo merchant Nikolaev of the Women's Parish School with his name: "Mino-Pozharsky"
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 192. The case at the request of the Kharkov Zemstvo Council on the issuance of a one -time allowance to Professor Kharkov University Beketov to maintain an open school for the preparation of teachers
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 193. The case of the establishment of a circle fee in favor of peasant schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 194. The case of sending the architect Paco in different provinces to inspect the premises of public schools and for the preparation of projects of school houses and furniture
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 195. The case of the preparation of the rules for issuing benefits for primary public education from the amounts assigned to this subject
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 196. Journal of the meeting of the Constituent Committee of the Kingdom of Poland on measures for the construction of Greco-Uniates, with applications
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 197. The case of the new distribution of educational institutions of the Chernihiv and Poltava provinces between the four directorates of these provinces
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 198. The case of the assumption of the transfer of the teacher's seminary from the town of Molodechno to the city of Sokolka
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 199. Lists of parish schools and preparatory classes
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 2. The case of the donation of the state adviser Yaroslavov for 6 rubles from the soul of the estate of his Polushkin, consisting in Klinsky district, in favor of the Klinsky district school of the Moscow province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 20. Дело по отношению господина министра народного просвещения с препровождением записки о главных основаниях положения о народных школах
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 200. The case of the establishment of the Grodno and Mogilev Directorate of People's Schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 201. 189 p.
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 202. The case of the acquisition for public schools of the composition "The first four centuries of Christianity", compiled by Muravyov
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 203. The case of a one -time vacation at elementary schools of the city of Nikolaev is 1200 rubles from a loan for public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 204. The case of the subject of the school of the school at the rich house of the Bakhrushev brothers in Zaraysk
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 205. The case regarding the project of changes in the charter for the charity institution established in 1861 of the Sisters of Mercy in Riga and the school consisting with it
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 206. The case of buying and sending for lower educational institutions of the Derpt educational district of some books to the loan account for the construction and maintenance of public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 207. The case of the project of the Charter of the Moscow School for the deaf and the Arnoldovsky Society proposed under it
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 208. The City of the Simbirsk Second Guild of the merchant Belyaev about the release of his arrears of the arrears of the inconspicuous, by the honorary guardian of the Simbirsk Parish School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 209. 1868
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 21. The case on the draft provisions on primary public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 210. The case on the decisions of the highly established presence in the affairs of the Orthodox clergy: 1) on the assignment of supervision and teaching in primary public schools only to persons of the Orthodox confession;2) on the provision of in cases of these schools of assistance spirit
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 211. The case of the establishment in the city of Putivl the Women's Primary School on the dependent of the honorary citizen Tomilin
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 212. The case of the establishment of the parish-people's school Gerasima Dashkevich in the Zashtnaya city of Krasnokutsk Kharkov province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 213. The case of Mr. Zolotov’s reports on the activities of school councils in the provinces: Kostroma, Samara and Penza.Immediately, according to reports on the activities of other school councils
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 214. The case of printing and sending an article on judgments in the Moscow provincial zemstvo meeting about elementary schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 215. The case of the assumption of the establishment in Chernigov to the expense of the zemstvo of the pedagogical school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 216. The case of the appropriation of teachers of the Central Russian School in the colony of forest Karamysh (Saratov province) of the rights of teachers of county schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 217. The case of books purchased to supply students in primary public schools of departments of the Ministry of Education and Spiritual
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 218. The case on the draft Regulation on the Pension Cashier of People's Teachers of the Poltava province.Immediately according to other projects of Emericy cash desks for teachers of primary public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 219. The case of educational institutions opened in memory of the preservation of the life of the emperor from the threatening danger
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 22. The case of permission to accept the children of schismatics to the educational institutions of the Kazan training district.Immediately about the admission of Kozlov’s schismatic children from the schismatic children and the abandonment of the director of schools of the Saratov province Meyer in the service before the expiration
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 220. The case of secret messages and requests regarding schools and students in lower schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 221. The case on the reports of the Russian Consul General in Genoa of the actual state adviser to Bacheerakht on measures in terms of public education in the Italian kingdom
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 222. The matter of the highest command of the closure of those of the free schools, the existence of which will be harmful, and the establishment of some rules for management when resolving free schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 223. The case of books withdrawn in educational institutions of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 224. The case of the transfer from the Office of the Irregular Troops of Affairs: 1) about the construction of a school in the city of Orenburg for teaching Russian letters of non-commissioned officers of Teptyarsky regiments;2) on public education in the Bashkiro-Schushyak army
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 225. 1866
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 226. The case of additional loan for public schools in the northwestern provinces, on the account of interest fees from the estates of the Polish landlords
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 227. The case of elementary schools open to teaching schismatical children
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 228. The case of orders that followed the report of the actual state adviser Latyshev on the inspection of the educational part in Siberia
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 229. The case of the construction of the school part in Eastern and Western Siberia.Immediately about the construction of the school part in Eastern Siberia
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 23. The case of the opening in the Podolsk province of the noble district school.Immediately about the opening in Mogilev on the Dnieper of the noble district school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 230. The case of the construction of the school part in Eastern and Western Siberia
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 231. Private correspondence of Mr. Minister and Comrade Minister of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 232. The case of the draft charter of the Komissarov-Kostromsky school charter in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 233. The case of measures to the establishment and consideration of craft schools in Russia.Immediately about craft schools and classes established by the department of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 234. The case of the establishment of central two -year elementary schools in villages
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 235. The case of the acquisition for public schools "Books, for teaching Russian reading and writing", compiled by Dyakon Bukharev
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 236. The case of the draft charter and staff established in Tiflis of the Alexander Teacher's School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 237. The case of the assumption of the establishment in Astrakhan School for Persian
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 238. The case of changes admitted as part of some school councils
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 239. The case of establishing the posts of honorary guardians at parish schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 24. The case of the request of the teacher of the Astrakhan female parish school of the college registrar Gaidukov on the issuance of apartment money for him for all the time that he did not receive this money
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 240. The case of establishing scholarships in various educational institutions on subscriptions and donations of individuals: von Kaufman Elagin, Lomonosov, von Rosenberg and others
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 241. The case at the request of the Orenburg Mohammedan Spiritual Assembly to be appointed to him at the county and parish schools of the Ufa and Orenburg provinces of teachers of the Mohammedan religion
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 242. The case of the benefits of Sunday schools at theological seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 243. The case of books purchased to supply students in primary public schools of departments of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 244. The case of the opening of provincial and district school councils.Immediately, at the request for the vacation of the amounts at the disposal of these advice
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 245. The case on the issue of the obligation of initial learning
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 246. The case about the intervention of the trustee of the Moscow training district at the disposal of the Mozhaisk city society on the cancellation of the vacation of the amount appointed by the company to build a house for parish and county schools in Mozhaisk, and on the transfer of this amount
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 247. The case of the appointment of benefits for the construction and maintenance of schools of the Holy Cyril-Methodius Brotherhood in the city of Ostrog
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 248. The case of the project of the charter of the craft school in the city of Pskov
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 249. The case of the installation of the school part in the southwestern region
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 25. The case of the establishment in the village of Yanychakha (Perm district) of the department of state property, a refuge for the poor children of boys with the subordination of this institution to the authorities of the Kazan training district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 250. The case of books approved for use in primary public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 251. The case of a letter from Stadnitsky’s priest about the oppression provided to him as a mentor of the rural parish school in the village of Kamenki as chairman of the Zemstvo Council
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 252. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 253. Case of considering the draft charter of the Kuban teacher seminary
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 254. The case of the installation of student libraries at district schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 255. The case of permission to open pedagogical courses at district schools to the expense of zemstvo
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 256. The case of the new distribution of educational directorates in the Kingdom of Poland and the movement of the head of the abolished Lublin Directorate of the College Councilor of Theodorovich, the head of the Kalishi training director
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 257. The case of the Consideration of the draft situation of the school under the Izmailovskaya military almshouse
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 258. The case regarding the visits by schismatic children from the Law of God, as well as the introductory and final tests of this subject of the indicated children
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 259. The case of the Consideration of the draft Regulation on the School at the Card Factory of the Object Council
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 26. The case of the establishment of the posts of honorary guardians at some parish schools of the Moscow training district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 260. The case of petitions regarding the cases of spiritual wills of different persons to the benefit of schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 261. The case of an audit of pedagogical courses existing at the Vologda district school for the preparation of teachers of primary schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 262. The case on the question of which of the parish schools may continue to be spent on the highest command of 1860 the amount for the training of parish schools;Immediately about the vacation at the parish schools of the St. Petersburg training district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 263. The case of the transfer to the department of the Ministry of Education, located in the Orenburg Territory of Bashkir, as well as the Orenburg and Ural Cossack troops
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 264. The case of the transfer to the department of the Ministry of Education, located in the Orenburg Territory of Bashkir, as well as the Orenburg and Ural Cossack troops.Correspondence of Bashkir capital
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 265. The case of the transfer to the department of the Ministry of Education, located in the Orenburg Territory of Bashkir, as well as the Orenburg and Ural Cossack troops.Correspondence of Bashkir capital
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 266. The case of the all-Russian and Bessarabian Governor-General about the situation and needs in the case of public education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 267. The case of changing the rules on the appointment of monetary issues of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 268. The case of the establishment in memory of the emperor’s deliverance by the murderer’s hands on May 25, 1867, schools for the formation of rural mentors in the city of Mogilev
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 269. The case of the opening in the city of Sapozhk a Higher School on the expense
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 27. The case about the procedure for the election of honorary guardians of parish schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 270. The case of the revision of Mr. Minister of the People's Education of Educational Institutions of the Odessa Educational District
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 271. The case of complaints about ordering county and provincial school councils
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 272. The case of the purchase of a house in the city of Belev, in which the poet Zhukovsky lived in childhood and the foundations in this house of a national school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 273. The case of the purchase of a house in the city of Belev, in which the poet Zhukovsky lived in childhood and the foundations in this house of a national school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 274. The case of the purchase of a house in the city of Belev, in which the poet Zhukovsky lived in childhood and the foundations in this house of a national school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 275. The case of maintaining the previous procedure for spending and verifying reporting of the amount of 12,500 rubles, assigned to distribute benefits to teachers and students in humane and rural schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 276. The case of the appropriation of the Oranienbaum parish school names "School of Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna"
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 277. The case of the transfer of schools of the Irkutsk and Yenisei horse -haired Cossack regiments to the department of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 278. The case of the distribution to Russian Orthodox elementary schools in the kingdom of the Polish benefits provided to the Greek Uniatic Schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 279. The case of the assumption of the transformation of parish and official Jewish schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 28. The case of the appointment of a teacher of the Solvychegodsky district school Ivanov, a surplus salary
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 280. The case of a business trip of special assignments at the Ministry of Education of the National Advisor of Kochetov to inspect rural two -class public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 281. The case of measures to strengthen the Russian element between Moldovans in Bessarabia
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 282. The case of a collection of Russian hymns and songs published for public schools of the Vilnius educational district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 283. The case on the issue of pricecting publications of school councils
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 284. The case of the all -depth report on the useful activities of the commissioners in peasant affairs in the Privuslyansky Territory in relation to the construction of elementary schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 285. The case of the permission of the Warsaw City Cash desk to issue benefits for the maintenance of elementary schools in Warsaw and the outskirts of Prague
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 286. The case on the delivery by the heads of the training directorates of reports on the inspection of the educational institutions entrusted to them
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 287. The case of the transformation of the military school of the Novorossiysk Cossack army into a two -year parish, with the construction of a women's school with it
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 288. The case of the distribution of teachers in the primary schools of the Kingdom of Poland, caused by the empire, the advantages granted to officials of Russian origin, serving in the provinces of the Kingdom of Poland
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 288. Correspondence with the Synod and the Ministry of the Interior about the complaint of the clergy of the Kostroma diocese on the negative attitude of members of the Zemstvo and world intermediaries towards church schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 289. The case of the spread of the Russian language between the Korels
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 29. The case of the establishment of a school in the village of Prosiba (in the Kharkov province) and the supply of it by teaching aids.Immediately about the permitting of the court adviser to Mr. Danilevsky to inspect the lower schools of the Kharkov province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 290. The case of the transformation of the Larinsky parish school (the village of Lyubuch Zaraysky district of the Ryazan province)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 291. The case of the transformation of the Larinsky Parish School (the village of Lyubuchas Zaraysky district of the Ryazan province)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 292. The case of the transformation of the Larinsky Parish School (the village of Lyubuch Zaraysky district of the Ryazan province)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 293. The case of the consideration of books, magazines and various educational manuals
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 294. The case of resolving the pedagogical congresses of teachers and law teachers, and the presentation of the protocols of these congresses
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 295. The case of the consideration of the draft charter of the central school in the city of Ryazan for the preparation of rural teachers
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 296. The case of the business trip of the state adviser with the rank of chamberlain Markevich in the Warsaw training district for the viewing of public schools of the kingdom of Poland
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 297. The case in relation to the Livonia, Estland and Courland General General about the assumption of the Esta of the Livonia province to establish a Alexander school in memory of the destruction of dependence in the Baltic Territory
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 298. The case of the report of the Ministry of Education on the maintenance of rural schools in the villages of state peasants
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 299. Дело о разрешении отпустить 2000 рублей в единовременное безвозвратное пособие на постройку дома под помещение двухклассного русского греко-униатского училища в городе Влодаве
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 3. The case of the sale of the house of Ostrovsky (Pskov province) of the district school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 30. The case of the establishment in Iletskaya Solyanna Protection (Orenburg province) of the People’s School on the project of the Orenburg merchant Banykin
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 300. The case of fires in the buildings of county and parish schools.Immediately about the issuance of benefits from the treasury
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 301. The case at the petition of the peasants of the Ostrogsky district on education first in the parish, and then in the Ostrogsky noble district school, from each volost, one boy, in order to form volost clerks and school teachers from them
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 302. The case of representing the city of Odessa to elect a special inspector to observe the educational part in the Odessa People's Schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 303. The case of the opening of a free craft school for coming in Vladikavkaz
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 304. The case of the Consideration of the draft Charter of the Kharkov Society for the spread of literacy
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 305. The case on the project of the new charter of the school for the poor and the orphans of the evangelical religion in Moscow
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 306. The case of increasing the salaries of two-year-old Russian Greek-Uniatic primary schools in the Kingdom of Poland
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 307. The case of the formation of the Crimean Tatars in the Russian spirit
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 308. The case of permission to release 2000 rubles into a one-time irrevocable allowance for building a house under the premises of a two-year Russian Greek-Uniatae School in the city of White Kingdom of Poland
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 309. The case of the establishment of a craft railway school in the city of Yelets
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 31. The case of the establishment at the Valkovsky district school (Kharkov province) of preparatory classes in order to preliminary prepare students
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 310. The case on the question of whether persons who have received certificates for the title of teachers of rural parish schools are determined for the public service in primary public schools, which are conducting county school councils, but not constituting educational heads
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 311. The case of a report of a member of the Simbirsk Provincial School Council of the State Council of Oznobishin about public schools and parish schools in the Simbirsk province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 312. The case of permission to assign an annual vacation of 525 rubles 70 kopecks for the maintenance of the newly opened Kalish Orthodox Primary School and a one -time delivery of 205 rubles for the arrangement of premises for it
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 313. The case of the establishment of a craft educational institution in the city of Ryazan and about the approval of its charter
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 314. The case of an increase in the manual for the maintenance of elementary schools in the villages: Korzhetsko and bridges
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 315. The case of satisfying the inspector of the Grodno Directorate of the People's Schools of Yanuchkov with a salary for his classes in the Vilnius Investigative Commission
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 316. The case of a manual for the maintenance of the Orthodox Primary School in the city of Warsaw under the Mariinsky shelter
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 317. The case of the establishment of pedagogical courses for the formation of teachers of public schools and nominated clerks
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 318. The case of the liberation of the state peasant Andreev from the elections to public positions on the occasion of the state of his rural teacher
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 319. The case of elected members at county schools and at district school councils
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 32. The case of assisting to the liberation of the honorary guardian of the Astrakhan first parish school of Frangulov from the post of second candidate of the assessor in the Astrakhan order of public charity
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 320. The case of the establishment in the city of Old Russa Progymnasia and the district school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 321. The case of the release of amounts for the initial acquisition and the maintenance of public schools of the Kazan training district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 322. The case of the establishment of the landowner Loseva in the village of Marvin of a two -class school (Korchevskaya district of the Tver province)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 323. The case of the sovereign heir to the heir to 170 rubles to the peasant Zaychikov for contribution to the Vybubovsky Society
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 324. The case of the opening in the village of Ilyinsky (Olonets province) for the Karelians of the School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 325. The case of the discovery in the center of the Bessarabian-Bulgarian colonies of the Higher four-year Bessarabian-Bulgarian Central School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 326. The case of the subordination of city parish and folk schools for directors of gymnasiums and inspectors of gymnasiums transformed from school county schools until the establishment of special directorates for managing public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 327. The case of annual leave of the amount of 1234 steers for the additional maintenance of the Jacobstadt Russian Primary School (Courland province)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 328. The case of the new charter and the staff of the Molodechnician teacher's seminary
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 329. The case of the rights of pupils of the Institute of Efanov and Kalashnikov to teach in private houses
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 33. The case of the establishment of county schools in the cities of Vetluga, Poshekhon, Lyubim, Kashira and Venev
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 330. The case of the consideration of the rules for the school, opened at the rich house in the city of Kozlov
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 331. The case of a manual for the maintenance of an elementary school in the village of Chernintsyn Kingdom of Poland (Krasnostavsky district)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 332. The case at the request of the Society for the Poor Removal in the parish of the Hierusalem Church in the city of St. Petersburg to open in that parish a free Sunday men's school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 333. The case on the report of Mr. Yanovsky about the state of public schools in Bessarabia
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 334. The case of a manual for the verification of the poor students of the Russian Primary School established at the Orthodox Church in the city of Plotsk
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 335. The case of the manual established by the primary school in the village of Pnevo (Kutnovsky district of the Warsaw province)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 336. The case of the establishment in the village of Denisovka of the Lomonosov People's School and the provision of official rights to her teachers (Arkhangelsk province)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 337. The case on the adoption of city parish schools in the exclusive department of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 338. The case of the assumption of pupils who graduated from the full course of the seminary, and other persons to occupy the posts of teachers of parish and public schools without any preliminary test on the basis of certificates about the completion of the full course of the seminary
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 339. The case of the new guide for teaching gymnastics in Prussia
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 34. The case of closing an additional course of mining and commercial sciences and some languages ​​in the Yekaterinburg district school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 340. The case of the manual to the established elementary school in the city of Chenstokhov
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 341. The case of the exclusion from the estimate of the Ministry of Public Education of the loan for the issuance of scholarships to students from state peasants studying at the Imperial Academy of Arts
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 342. The case of draft rules for Orthodox public schools in the Livonia province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 343. The case of the consideration of the draft charter of the craft, educational institutions established in the city of Cherepovets
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 344. The case of the manual of the Radom male and women's schools 224 rubles a year
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 345. The case of the establishment of the position of the Orthodox law teacher at the Perenovsky School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 346. The case on the release of recruitment of persons who occupy teacher duties in people's schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 347. The case about the unpleasant clashes between some members of the Tauride Provincial School Council and the director of schools of the Tauride province Markov
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 348. The case of a business trip of the court adviser, an official of special assignments at the Ministry of Education of Kochetov abroad with a scientific purpose
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 349. The case of the provision of a one -time money benefit Sunday schools at theological seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 35. The case of assumptions about the establishment of a teacher’s seminary for the preparation of folk teachers in Moscow.Immediately about the establishment instead of this seminary of pedagogical courses for gymnasiums
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 350. The case of maintaining two free schools of Yuryevskaya and Nikolskaya in Novgorod
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 351. The case of satisfying the contents of teachers and schools of state peasants of the Arkhangelsk province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 352. The case of the highest command of the subordination of German elementary schools called offices, on a common basis, the trustee of the Warsaw educational district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 353. The case of the benefit of a single -handed elementary school in the village of Nikolaev (Suvalka province)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 354. The case of the costs of installing the museum of elementary textbooks
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 355. The case of the trustees of rural parish schools of benefits
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 356. The case of the open Countess of Sumarokova-Elston to the school in his roots of the Tauride province of Yalta district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 357. Case
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 358. The case of the establishment of the Novgorod Zemstvo school for the formation of rural teachers and the assignment of official rights and advantages to officials of this school, as well as the dissemination of the same rights and advantages to officials of teacher seminaries and schools,
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 359. The case of expanding the elementary classes of the school, consisting of the Church of St. Peter in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 36. The case of the petition of the residents of the city of Novogeorgievsk on the appointment of a local parish school instead of his current teacher Kremenetsky another teacher
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 360. The case of the establishment of pedagogical classes for the preparation of primary folk teachers at the county schools of the Poltava province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 361. The case of the appointment of benefits for maintaining elementary schools of the Warsaw District
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 362. The case on the question of whether a deduction should be made from a salary of teachers of rural two -year schools established at the expense of the Ministry of Education and in what amount
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 363. The case of permission to submit annual reports on the state of the people's schools of the Vilnius training district by May 15
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 364. The case of the destruction of the right of the GMM for the election of teachers in elementary schools with the provision of the right to appoint them to the heads of training directorates
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 365. The case of reprinting the Gospel published in 1816 in 1816 in the Zhmudsk-Lithuanian dialect by a new edition with the addition of text in Russian and the publication of translation from Polish into Russian of readings from the evangelists
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 366. The case of the establishment of summer congresses of teachers of public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 367. The case of changing decisions on the rights and obligations of the heads of educational directorates of the Warsaw District
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 368. The case of the request of the law teacher of the Pinezhsky two -year parish school of Priest Lyskov about the oppression made to him by the school authorities
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 369. The case of the establishment of two scholarships under the Molodechnician Teacher Seminary called "scholarships of zealots of public education in the western region"
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 37. The case of increasing the salary of preparatory classes at Buinsky and Kurmyssk district schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 370. The case of an extra -cost additional loan for correction of the house of the Kizlyarsky two -year primary school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 371. The case of the establishment in Simbirsk on the funds donated by Count Orlov-Davydov.
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 372. The case of resolving the merchant Sorokin to regain a free school in the village of Turundaev (Vologda district and the province)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 373. The case of the provision of the right to approve the situation and the state of the Joanishkel educational agronomic farm in the form of experience for nine years
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 374. The case on the representation of the trustee of the Vilnius educational district regarding the opening of Sunday schools in the cities and villages of the Orthodox clergy
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 375. The case of the establishment of a craft-board school in the village of Pishchev Novogradvolyn district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 376. The case of the release of the amount for the construction and maintenance of the Women's School in the Novogeorgiev Fortress (Kherson province)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 377. The case of awarding the priest Rubazhevich by pectoral cross
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 378. The case of permission to make a salary to teachers of two -class public schools for every third of the year so that this money is stored along with the amounts of volost boards
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 379. The case of the release of money for the initial acquisition and the maintenance of public schools of the Kyiv training district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 38. The case of leaving the college registrar Andreev lease of forty -two tires belonging to the Rogachevsky district school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 380. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 381. The case of the desire of Senator Zurov to ensure the content of the rural school in the Nalyutsky estate
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 382. The case of the Consideration of the Charter of the Charter of the Craft School established in the city of Nizhny Novgorod
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 383. The case with the programs of teaching the Law of God in primary class schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 384. The case of some measures to the development of primary public education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 385. The case of establishing a general fee for the maintenance of elementary schools instead of existing folds
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 386. The case of the letter of the actual state adviser Khanykov about Arab-French schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 387. The case of the consideration of books, magazines and various educational manuals (under the special department of the scientist committee of the Ministry of Education)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 388. The case of the consideration of books, magazines and various educational manuals (under the special department of the scientist committee of the Ministry of Education)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 389. The case of the consideration of books, magazines and various educational manuals (under the special department of the scientist committee of the Ministry of Education)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 39. The case of the permission of the merchant son Joseph Palentraif to name the open and the contents of him at the vinocular factory near the city of Urzhum Urzhum Parish for peasants to the school "Elisavetinsky"
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 390. 1869
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 391. The case of an increase in the number of inspectors in the directorates of public schools of the Vilnius training district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 392. The case at the request of private individuals about permission to establish the "Baltic Orthodox Brotherhood in the name of Christ the Savior"
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 393. The case about the article by Mr. Belyustin "On Public Education"
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 394. The case at the request of some persons about the opening of free evening lessons in Kronstadt for competent
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 395. The case of the assumption of some of the honorable persons of the Greek population of the city of Odessa to establish a Greek society in order to promote the success of their church and the school in the city of Odessa and facilitate the needs of their poor fellow tribesmen
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 396. The case regarding the difficulties meeting due to the transfer of parish schools contained in the account of cities in the institution: in academic relations - county school councils, and in economic - urban societies
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 397. The case of a business trip of the professor of Kazan University of Ilyinsky at the disposal of Adjutant General von Kaufman in Turkestan
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 398. The case of the draft instructions to the inspectors of primary public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 399. The case of the provision of two -class folk schools and inspectors of public schools of the right to have state seals in the types of facilitating official relations
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 4. The case in relation to the Minister of Finance on the delivery of an opinion regarding the establishment of the Russian-American company of the general colonial school in Novoarkhangelsk on the island
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 40. The case of opening a class of church singing at county schools Syzran and Korsunsky
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 400. The case about the disagreement that arose between the members of the Olonets provincial school council when approving the trustee of the school of the Oshta volost of the forester Klyazuzov and in the distribution of the amount allocated for folk education by the Kargopol zemstvo
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 401. The case of the draft provision on the Orenburg craft school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 402. The case of donating to a hereditary honorary citizen Nechaev for an institution in the city of Voronezh People's School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 403. The case of visiting the Khuzemsky of the Primary Schools of the Suvansky province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 404. The case of buying and sending books for free supply of lower schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 405. The case of the draft charter of the Smolensk district zemstvo society of the dissemination of education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 406. The case at the request of the Poltava merchant Durunch about the establishment of the Kreimi prayer house in the city of Kremenchug
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 407. The case of the establishment of the Russian Society of Public Education in Asian Russia
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 408. The case of the donation of the college secretary of the Nevsky house for the alleged person on the estate in the estate of his school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 409. The case of sending educational guidelines and other books to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as laws and rules related to public education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 41. The case of concluding a contract for the device and rental maintenance of the shops at the Khilzen-Schadursky Convict
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 410. The case of the benefits of Sunday schools at theological seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 411. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 412. The case at the request of the tailor master of Selenius of the recovery of the money, who has been given to him by the mentor of the Caucasian People's School Garbuzov.Immediately about the removal of his wife from the post of teacher of the Veligan Women's School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 413. The case of the distribution of two -year and class schools, established and those who have been established, official rights and advantages granted to the same officials of the mining and parish schools of the ministry of the mini ministry,
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 414. The case of the transformation of the Danilovsky (Yaroslavl province) of the parish school in a two -year
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 415. The case of the release of money for the initial acquisition and the maintenance of public schools of the St. Petersburg training district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 416. The case of the release of money for the initial acquisition and maintenance of public schools of the Moscow educational district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 417. The case of the closure of the Reformed Monastery near the city of Andreev and the transfer of the building of this under the premises of the Keletsky pedagogical courses;Immediately about opening courses
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 418. The case of the donation of the Kyiv Theological Academy of 2900 copies of books for folk schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 419. The case of gathering from homeowners of the city of Vilna to public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 42. The case on the complaint of the Selivan Society of temporarily liable peasants on the teacher of the Crimean teacher determined by the Ministry of Public Education in their parish school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 420. The case of the consumption of the purchase of a house and its adaptation for the premises of the People’s School in the village of Vasilievsky Shuisky district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 421. The case of the release of money for the initial acquisition and the maintenance of public schools of the Kharkiv training district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 422. The case of opening at the Omsk district school of pedagogical courses for the preparation of teachers of primary schools.Immediately about the establishment of four scholarships under the Tobolsk and Tomsk gymnasiums for the preparation of teachers of county schools and the establishment of teaching
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 423. The case of the establishment of a teacher's seminary in the city of Kazan
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 424. The case of the establishment of a teacher's seminary in the city of Kazan
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 425. The case on the issue of teaching in the Weaver pedagogical courses of the Law of God of the Evangelical Confession
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 426. The case of the request of the peasants of the Corkus of Felllinsky district on permission to open the Orthodox School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 427. The case of the transfer of mountain schools to the department of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 428. The case of the transfer of mountain schools to the department of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 429. The case of the transfer of mountain schools to the department of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 43. The case of the liberation of Irbit educational institutions from the teachings in the month of February on the occasion of the fair in the city of Irbit and reduction in the indicated schools of the summer vacation
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 430. The case of determining official rights and salaries of maintenance to employees in newly opened elementary schools in the Caucasus
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 431. The case of a textbook of double Russian initial accounting and the most common office classes, guidance for county schools von der Zee
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 432. The case of comparing parish teachers of the Cossack estate in the land of the Donskoy troops in the rights and advantages of service with persons of non -military origin
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 433. The case of the transformation of the Konotop city parish school into a preparatory class at a local district school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 434. The case of the assumption of the opening of a craft school under the committee for the analysis and charity of the poor in St. Petersburg, a craft school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 435. The case of the release of amounts for the initial acquisition and the maintenance of public schools of the Odessa training district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 436. The case of the relocation of the Czechs from Austria to Russia
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 437. The case of the construction of a peasant school in the village of Osatka (Gdovsky district of the St. Petersburg province)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 438. The case of annual leave from the amounts of the Ministry of Education of Money, 8140 rubles, for the maintenance of the teacher’s seminary in the city of Merdobole of the Vyborg province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 439. The case of the transfer of school councils in St. Petersburg of People's Schools and abandoning the Ministry of Education at the disposal of 4480 rubles 67 kopecks from the amount released by the city for the maintenance of these schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 44. The case of the expulsion of the teacher of the Rogachevsky district school of Matseevich to reside in the city of Oryol
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 440. The case of the establishment of ten scholarships at the Rostov Women's School with the name "scholarships of the Rostov craft society"
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 441. Russian communication routes.1901. March
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 442. Determination of the Senate on the complaint of the retired headquarters of V. Leshevich on the wrong actions of the Poltava provincial school council in relation to the school of the Poltava governor in the same case established by Leshevich and the report of the Poltava
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 443. The case on the inclusion of information on the preparation of teachers for public schools and the degree of participation of zemstvo, school councils and generally about the types of the Ministry of Public Education regarding this important subject in this case
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 444. The case of the construction of pedological courses for mentors of city schools in Moscow
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 445. The case of an increase in salary of teachers and teachers of primary schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 446. The case of the establishment of honorary guardians in parish schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 447. The case of the construction of the Samara City Society in memory of the visit of Samara in 1863 in Bose, who had deceived Tsarevich Nikolai Aleksandrovich of an orphan house for the charity of the daughters of the poor inhabitants of the city of Samara
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 448. The case of the establishment of a teacher's school in the city of Moscow
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 449. The case of the release of benefits for maintaining a school for rural mentors at the brotherhood of the Holy Cross in Saratov
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 45. The case of printing books for folk reading in languages: Russian Lutheran and People's Little Russian
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 450. The case of the appointment of a special content to the priest Udurminsky, who is engaged in the translation of Christian creed books into meadow Cheremis.Immediately about the publication of books for reading foreigners
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 451. Reports of the heads of the training directations of the Warsaw training district on the inspection of educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 452. The case of the permission of the teaching of sciences in the Bessarabian-Bulgarian Central School in the Kamrad colony in Bulgarian
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 453. The case of the establishment of a teacher's institute and craft classes in the city of Smolensk
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 454. The case of the permitting to the founder of a free school at the Forest Institute for the merchant Summer and two members of the employees to wear the uniform of the VIII category of the department of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 455. Department of People's Education of the Ministry of Education (1803-1917).The case of the permitting to the founder of a free school at the Forest Institute for the merchant Summer and two members of the employees to wear the uniform of the VIII category of the department of the Ministry of Education.
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 456. The case of the establishment at the Kutaisian directorate of schools of the post of special inspector of public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 457. The case of the construction of teachers Bogdanov, Kozhevnikov, Kozmin and others to the title of personal honorary citizens
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 458. The case of the prevention of printing and the spread of the people of the Vilensky training district by the secret adviser Batyushkov publication: "Extract from the provisions February 19, 1861"
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 459. The case of the desire of the Ministry of Education to receive information published by the UK government relating to issues of folk education with four new volumes (Blue Books) about schools in England
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 46. The case of the opening of parish schools in the three outskirts of the Rogachevsky district to the account of local nobles
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 460. The case of the release of money 2892 rubles for the construction of a pedagogical congress of teachers of rural schools of the Arkhangelsk province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 461. The case of the donation made by Naryshkin for the construction of a teacher's institute in Tambov with his name "Catherine"
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 462. The case of the vacation of money is 1000 rubles from the amounts of the Ministry of Education to the allowance for the construction of the house for the Karasubazar two -year public school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 463. The case of the construction of the Tver Zemstvo school for the formation of rural teachers and the opening of a technical school in one of the cities of the Tver province of the Zemstvo
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 464. The case regarding the enrollment of the Vladimir province by the Zemstvo meetings in the economic amounts of those money that remained not spent from the amounts appointed by these meetings for the maintenance of primary folk schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 465. The case of the assumption of the Orenburg General-Governor on the transformation of the Mohammedan spiritual institutions of the Orenburg Territory
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 466. The case of the consequences of the members of the Barnavinsky district school council of the audit of the books belonging to him and the amounts of the death of the former chairman of this Council of Sitsilinsky
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 467. The case of the opening of the parish Evangelical Lutheran school in the city of Krottingen
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 468. The case at the request of the peasants of the Schuchinsky volost to release them from the annual contribution of money in favor of the Schuchinsky parish school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 469. The case of the establishment of five teacher seminaries in educational districts: St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kharkov, Odessa and Kazan courses in exchange for pedagogical courses
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 47. The case of a letter from General Zhukovsky with printed copies of books translated into Buryat
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 470. The case of the establishment of five teacher seminaries in educational districts: St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kharkov, Odessa and Kazan courses in exchange for pedagogical courses
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 471. The case of the petition of the Tver provincial Zemstvo Assembly on the election of honorary members to the provincial and county school councils
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 472. The case of the petition of the Zemstvo to establish posts of managers to the expense of zemstvos for rural teachers
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 473. The case of the assumption of the opening of the school on the estate of Ilzenberg Courland province to dependent on the owner of this estate of the headquarters of the traffic police of Kireev
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 474. The case of the draft rules of the Zemstvo elementary public schools of the Rybinsk district of the Yaroslavl province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 475. The case of allowing the Moscow Society for the dissemination of technical knowledge to open free Sunday classes of technical drawing in six city primary schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 476. The case regarding the distribution of amounts to benefits to rural schools, the contents of the Orthodox clergy in the provinces of the Kyiv, Podolsk and Volynskaya
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 477. The case of the establishment of a two-year-old school in the city of Princess and the transformation of the Spassky district school is also in a two-year-old funds with the title of titular adviser with the title of chamber Junker (Kazan province)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 478. The case of the proposal of the county school councils on the delivery by inspectors of public schools of appropriate information on the opening of primary schools subsidized by the Councils
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 479. Instructions to inspectors of public schools of provinces: Kyiv, Podolsk and Volynskaya
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 48. The case of placing orphans of the postal department at district schools, with exemption from fees for learning
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 480. The case of the assumption of female persons, although to the temporary correction of teaching posts in schools, regarding the request of Madame Prol on the determination of her to the post of teacher in the parish or rural school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 481. The case of the acquisition by the Ministry of Public Education of the right to publication of the composition of the former ordinary professor of the University of St. Vladimir of the State Councilor Maksimovich, under the title: "The book of Naum about the great God of God"
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 482. The case of the exchange of part of the garden belonging to the Sennitsky pedagogical courses, to part of the garden, allocated to the local clergy by the resolution of the Constituent Committee in the Kingdom of Poland of May 28 - June 9, 1866
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 483. The case of the establishment of an educated two-year school at the second Alexander volost of St. Petersburg district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 484. The case of the removal of bodily punishment of persons who graduated from the full course of public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 485. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 486. The case of the donation of Count Sheremetyev in favor of the Alekseevsky two -year -old public school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 487. The case of opening in the city of Vyatka of the School of Agricultural and Technical Knowledge
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 488. The case of the need to establish constant monitoring of teaching the Law of God in secular educational institutions in the city of Arkhangelsk and in the Solombalsky village
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 489. The case of buying a real state adviser Simashko of educational and educational aids
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 49. The case of the opening of Sunday schools in Rostov-on-Don
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 490. The case of the establishment of a teacher’s seminary in the town of Korostyshev, Radomyslsky district of the Kyiv province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 491. The case of the establishment of a teacher’s seminary in the town of Korostyshev, Radomyslsky district of the Kyiv province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 492. The case of the construction of a two -year school in the city of Berdichev to the account part of the owners of this city, partly to the city society
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 493. The case of issuing money 180 rubles for travel costs to inspectors of public schools of the provinces of Vologda and Novgorod
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 494. The case of the construction of teachers of primary schools in the Kholm educational directorate with pedagogical purposes in the city of the Congress of Teachers.Immediately: about the installation of teachers' congresses and in other cities of the Warsaw training district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 495. The case of the arrangement of congresses of teachers of schools of the Warsaw training district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 496. The case of the release of money for the hiring of premises for the Mogilev Parish School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 497. The case of the name of the Women's School established in the village of Dedinov, "open in memory of the liberation of peasants from serfdom dependence on February 19, 1861"
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 498. The case of the issuance of a manual to the teacher of the Kronstadt women's parish school Popova
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 499. The case of the issuance of money to the state adviser to Rudakov for the purchase of teaching aids and accessories for schools in the Tobolsk province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 5. The case in relation to the Minister of Internal Affairs with the adoption of projects of the Charter and the staff of the commercial school in Odessa
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 50. The case of the establishment of an educational institution in the southwestern part of Bessarabia
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 500. The case of admitting the acceptance of pupils to the pedagogical courses at the Kazan district school of all scholarships of the Chistopol zemstvo, graduating at the local district school without distinction
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 501. The case of the device of the Mohammedan teacher school in the city of Ufa and Simferopol
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 502. The case of visiting him by the Imperial Highness Grand Duke Alexei Alexandrovich educational institutions of the Arkhangelsk province and Ustyuzh district school.Immediately about visiting and other highest persons of different educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 503. The case of the vacation of the summer time for inspectors of public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 504. The case of the establishment in the Kuban Cossack army.
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 505. The case of the distribution of books in Russian and Polish in the kingdom of Polish.
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 506. The case of the distribution in the kingdom of the Polish useful common reading books in Russian and Polish
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 507. 1872
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 507. The case of the provision of the draft Regulation on the construction of the school part in the colonies of foreign settlers
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 508. The case of the transfer of the school at the Ledeng and Irkutsk state -owned salted plants to the department of the Ministry of Education (Totemsky district of the Vologda province)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 509. The case of maintaining the rights to officials and pensions to teachers of theological seminaries, who went to the service in two -class rural schools of the department of the Ministry of Education, which are provided to teachers of district schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 51. The case with the presentation of report 1) on the state of schools located under churches in the city and the suburbs of the Riga Lutheran city consistory;and 2) on the course of teaching in the real class of the Second Riga County School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 510. The case of the establishment of a scholarship of the merchant Peter Dyachkov at the Saratov City Alexander School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 511. The case of the wrong actions of the world intermediary of the fourth section of the Kozlovsky district of the Tambov province of Verderevsky to close the Yamsky suburban school, which has legally existed
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 512. The case of the draft charter of the joint -stock partnership of the distribution of books for folk reading
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 513. The case of pensions to law teachers in parish schools of the Arkhangelsk and St. Petersburg provinces, for which the states were published on February 4 and July 11, 1864
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 514. The case on the report of the state adviser Neborokomov on the revision of the Samara, Nizhny Novgorod and Ryazan Theological Seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 515. The case of the assumption of the establishment in the village of Praskovia (Stavropol province) of the primary two -year school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 516. The case of the establishment at the Shostensky powder factory of the parish school (Chernihiv province)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 517. The case of approving the draft charter of the Kulibinsky craft school in Nizhny Novgorod and the institution of the craft school in the village of Lyskov (Makaryevsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod province)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 518. The case at the request of the publisher of the magazine "Gubern" of the Provincial Secretary Kushnerev about permission to replace the current name of the magazine new: "Letters, a magazine for schools and schools"
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 519. The case of the permission to put in the hall of the Berislavsky parish school the portraits of the Kherson governor Major General Starynkevich and the trustee of the Odessa training district of the actual state adviser Golubtsov and others
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 52. The case of the closure of the Molodechnician gymnasium in the town of Molodechno.On the establishment instead of it, the teacher's institute and on the structure of the pedagogical department at the Ponevoyzh gymnasium.On the circulation of the amounts of the Molodechnician gymnasium for the construction of public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 520. The case of the release of money for the initial acquisition and maintenance of public schools of the Derpt educational district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 521. The case of unrest admitted by the director of the Public Schools of the Vitebsk province Eleenevsky in the reporting of the directorate
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 522. The case of the consideration of the draft transformation of the Alexander Teacher's Teachers of Teachers in Tiflis in Tiflis
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 523. The case of official rights and advantages of teachers of the Russian language and arithmetic at the Tatar Madrases and Mektebe
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 524. The case on the most all -depth reports of the chiefs of the Vladimir and Samara provinces and the Turgai military governor about the state of educational institutions in these localities
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 525. The case of the assumption to establish in the Pruda Sloboda (Mikhailovsky district of the Ryazan province) Odnokhokny rural national school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 526. The case of the consideration of the draft charter of the Zemstvo school of folk teachers in Poltava
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 527. The case of publishing annually information on the situation of public education through printing in the journal of the Ministry of Education of Reports of Experts of People's Schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 528. The case of the management of elementary public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 529. The case of the rules regarding the teaching of the Law of God to the children of Lutheran and the reformers studying in the people's schools of the Coven province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 53. The case of teaching the Norwegian language in the Kem Skipers course instead of the local district school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 530. The case at the request of the Kherson Zemstvo Council on the assumption of women who want to be teachers in public schools, students in pedagogical courses at the Kherson county school, established at the expense of the local zemstvo
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 531. The case of some changes in the management of primary public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 532. The case of some changes in the management of primary public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 533. The case of some changes in the management of primary public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 534. The case of some changes in the management of primary public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 535. The case of some changes in the management of primary public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 536. The case on the report of the state adviser of Kersky on the revision of the spiritual and educational institutions of the Perm and Vologda church and spiritual educational institutions, dioceses
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 537. The case of subordination to the Ministry of Education of Orthodox rural schools in the Baltic provinces and the establishment of inspectors of public schools there
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 538. The case of the establishment in Samara Zemsky School for the formation of rural teachers
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 539. The case with the reports of the inspectors of public schools on the review of their schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 54. The case of the sale of houses of the Efremovsky district school donated to him by local city society, as well as an old school house.Immediately about hiring for the Efremov school instead of the previous house of the new and the allocation of the amount for hiring at home for this school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 540. The case of the remains from the loan according to §10 of the estimates of the Ministry of Education for 1866, 1867, 1868 and 1869
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 541. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 542. The case of the publication of the news of the Vyatka Provincial School Council
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 543. The case at the request of the Luga district Zemstvo Assembly on the name of the school in the village of Torkovichi to the school of a hereditary honorary citizen of Warsaw
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 544. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 545. The case of a unique school in the city of Shua and the teacher of its Assumption
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 546. The case regarding the purchase of a house for a classmate women's school in the settlement of Novo-Yekaterinoslavl
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 547. The case of a business trip of the college adviser Kochetov to inspect the Orthodox people's schools in the Baltic Territory
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 548. The case of the allowance of Sunday schools at theological seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 549. The case of the consideration of the draft Charter, alleged by the merchant Timenkov, to the institution of the House of Causion for helpless elders and schools for orphans from the poorest members of the merchant and philistine class in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 55. The case of fires in the buildings of the Gdovsky district and St. Petersburg Vvedensky parish schools, and the Mamadian and Stavropol district schools.Immediately about the benefit of school officials and the exclusion from the cash of burned property
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 550. 1871
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 551. The case of the name of the rural school in the settlement of the Big Strongian Mius District "Piryatinskaya" and the approval of the peirie peirie with the rank of honorary guardian of this school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 552. The case of the establishment of the railway school in Moscow, under the name "Delvig"
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 553. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 554. The Case of Catalogs of Books for Eating in Primary Public Schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 555. The case of German colonies in Russia
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 556. Information about the amounts allocated by the provincial and county zemstvo meetings for public education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 557. The case of approving the draft charter and program, suggested in the opening of the Zemstvo school of people's teachers in the city of Kazan
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 558. The case of the opening of a two-year elementary school in the settlement of Rudna with the name "Alexander-Mariinsky"
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 559. The case of salaries to teachers in parish schools of the Kyiv training district: Makhnovsky, Belotserkovsky, Zlotopolsk, Theophilipol, Chernoostrovsky, Staroushitsky and Nemirovsky
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 56. The statements of educational institutions of the Don Directorate, which are not in the department of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 560. The case of the donation by Mr. Tikhonov prayer prayer book in the Karelian-Russian language
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 561. The case of the opening of an agricultural school in Odessa
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 562. The case of the establishment in the city of Irkutsk Teacher Seminary
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 563. The case of the establishment of the position of inspector of public schools of the Tiflis province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 564. The case with the reports of the heads of training directorates
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 565. Information about the schools of the Vilnius educational district and about mentors
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 566. The case on the report of the chief inspector of schools of Eastern Siberia Maak
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 567. The case of the dismissal of the inspector of the Chuvash schools of Zolotnitsky from the service
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 568. The case of the construction of the congress of rural hosts on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Moscow Society of Agriculture
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 569. The case of the establishment of the position of inspector of the Tatar, Kyrgyz and Bashkir schools in the Kazan training district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 57. The case on the proposal on a special agreement with the Belgian government on the subject of submission to the young both nations mutually the rights of free education in parish schools in Russia and Belgium
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 570. The case of a business trip inspectors of public schools in Germany to familiarize yourself with local teacher seminaries, teacher congresses and a training system in elementary schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 571. The case of the book of the former pupil of the Kyiv Theological Seminary of the Bulgarian native of Tepavsky
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 572. The case on the report of the chief inspector of schools of Eastern Siberia on the revision of educational institutions in the Amur and Primorsky regions
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 573. The case of buying a real state adviser to Butovsky books under the title: "Poems by Leonid Butovsky"
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 574. The case regarding local funds for maintaining the second teacher of the Annunciation People's School (Amur Region)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 575. The case regarding the appointment of assessors from the peasant estate to the county committees of zemstvo schools in the Livonia province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 576. The case of the donation of the peasant Eskevich
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 577. The case on the project of the Charter of the Teacher Seminary in Pskov
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 578. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 579. The case of the transfer of a house belonging to the Sosnovsky’s official lands on the official lands, free of charge, to the school department
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 58. The case of the transformation of the Lemzal Odnok class school in a three -class one with the name "Higher" (Livonian province)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 580. The point on the question is whether a person who does not have a sacred dignity, but has received an education at the seminary, can teach the Law of God
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 581. The case of the appointment of an inspector of the school of Warsaw by a member of the Warsaw City Council of public charity
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 582. The case of the programs of the women's craft school and the technical workshop in Moscow
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 583. The case of abduction by the writer of the Mogilev Directorate of Schools Sokolov Money
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 584. The case of permission to test the teachers of public schools in theological county schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 585. The case of the opening of the teacher's seminary in the city of Polotsk (Vitebsk province)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 586. The case of the congresses of the directors of public schools of the Vilnius training district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 587. The case of the opening of a two -year school at the factory of the Tretyakov brothers and Co. in Kostroma
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 588. The case of the opening of a school for Bashkir children in the village of Makarov (Novokhopersky district of the Voronezh province)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 589. The case of the installation of craft classes at the county or parish school in the city of the Vitebsk province.
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 59. The case of the reverse transfer of money from the economic amounts of district schools: Lubensky, Piryatinsky and Pereyaslavsky in the amount of the training camp for the issuance of awards to teachers of these schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 590. The case of the establishment of new five teacher seminaries in educational districts: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kharkov, Kazan and Odessa
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 591. The case of the establishment of new five teacher seminaries in educational districts: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kharkov, Kazan and Odessa
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 592. The case of the approval of the rules for zemstvo scholarships
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 593. The case of resolving his wife Staff Kapitan Kondratyeva to arrange at the school she established in St. Petersburg for the night for poor girls and a dining room for supplying poor food
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 594. The case of clarifying some issues regarding subordination of the control of local school councils of primary national schools, including literacy schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 595. The case of a consumption for the construction of premises for a class -class public school in the village of Moshka, Vladimir province, 900 rubles
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 596. The case regarding the appointment of textbooks for use in public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 597. The case of the annual manual to the Koretsky parish school (Novogradvolynsky district of the Volyn province)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 598. The case of the establishment in the village of Molvitin of the Women's School (Buysky district of the Kostroma province)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 599. The case of the transformation of pedagogical classes in the city of Smolensk to the teacher's institute
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 6. The case of holding the debt following the Toporishchi parish school, with a loan from the Object Council, the amount secured by his estate by the landowner Kalensky, by recording Nemiricheva
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 60. The case of a business trip of the real state adviser Kornilov and Candidate Sidorsky in Vitebsk and Mogilev provinces for the collection of information necessary for the construction of folk schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 600. The Cantor of the Cantor of the Russian Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brumel about the discovery of the school again for the German subjects in the Coven province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 601. The case of a school in the village of Ovstuch Oryol province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 602. The case of the publication of the words addressed by his imperial majesty when visiting a school for baptized Tatars in Kazan
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 603. The case of the opening of a rural two -year school in the Kyiv province and the consumption for the maintenance of this school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 604. The case of the establishment on the estate of Princess Trubetskoy School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 605. The case of the prevention of Pokrovsky and Dyakov to the teacher's position
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 606. The case of the establishment of a pedagogical office and library in the village of Vologda
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 607. The case of classifying the costs of the benefits of parish and elementary schools of the Vilnius educational district and teachers of these schools for the amounts appointed to public schools in the mentioned district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 608. The case of the opening of the school in the village of Lyady Goretsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 609. The case of the revision of the spiritual and educational institutions of the St. Petersburg diocese, the actual state adviser to Sergievsky
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 61. The case of the introduction in Russia to educate deaf and blind methods of Parisian Dr. Blanche
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 610. The case of the replacement of five tickets to the state commission repayment of debts in the amount of 54,000 rubles 5½ percent with rents
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 611. The case of the establishment at the Saratov City Aleksandrovsky School of the Scholarships named after their imperial highness: the sovereign of the heir to Tsesarevich and the Sovereign of Tsesarevna
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 612. The case of the separation of the school estate in the village of Florentinov Lodzinsky district between Catholics and Gospels
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 613. The case of the opening of the Third Vologda Parish School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 614. The case of clarifying the issue of: does the city society belong to the right to dismiss teachers of parish and elementary schools defined by these positions by the government
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 615. The case on the complaint of the daughter of Archpriest Alexandra Silvanskaya for removing her from the post of mentor of the Women's School in the settlement of Novo-Yekaterinoslal
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 616. The case of the name of three pupils of a craft school in the city of Vladikavkaz by the scholarships named after the sovereign heir to Tsesarevich
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 617. The case of the definition of doctors at the teacher's seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 618. The case of determining the commerce of adviser Popov by the honorary trustee at the seminary in the village of New Yaroslavl province.Immediately about the definition of honorary trustees at other teacher seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 619. The case of the opening of craft schools in the cities of Samara and Astrakhan with the name: "Emperor Alexander II"
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 62. The case of the establishment of the programnasis in the city of Cherepovets.On the transformation of the district school in this city to a two -year parish school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 620. The case of Sunday and evening courses for young workers
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 621. The case of the name of the Tsarsky Slavic two -year rural school "Vladimir"
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 622. The case of public administration in the Cossack troops
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 623. The case of the deadline, what can the folk teachers on vacation be fired and by whom
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 624. The case of departments at public schools and about the promotion of their mentors
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 625. The case of the method of sending a salary of people's mentors
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 626. The case of rewarding priests-writers for teaching in public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 627. The case of the prevention of dismissal from the service of folk teachers among educational time and the establishment of a mandatory service life for them
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 628. The case on the report of the Arkhangelsk governor about the increase in the content of rural schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 629. The case of the establishment of twenty scholarships in the Saratov City Aleksandrovsky School of the Emperor Emperor
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 63. The case of moving teachers: Luga district Devaldin and Luga Parishsky Simanovich from the Luga district school for political unreliability, the first to the Arkhangelsk, and the latter in the Novgorod province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 630. The case of the appointment of cash benefits to the inspector of the Vilnius Directorate of People's Schools Solovievich and the Grodno Director of People's Schools Dmitriev
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 631. The case at the request of the Spassky district Zemstvo meeting on legalizing the obligatory education of children to literacy
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 632. 1871
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 633. The case of the auxiliary cash desk of teachers of St. Petersburg district and parish schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 634. The case on issues regarding the provisions of elementary schools on July 14, 1864
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 635. The case of the draft charter of the alleged Sunday craft school at the House of Causing Poor Children
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 636. The case of insulting the teacher Nikiforovsky by the judicial investigator Paul-Sweikovsky
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 637. The case on the report of the Smolensk governor that corrects the position of insufficient funds for public education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 638. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 639. The case of the publication of two calendars for 1872: Russian-Zhmudsky and Russian-Latvian
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 64. The case of a report of the Kyakhtinsky mayor correcting the position of replacing the posts of the teacher of the Russian language and the full -time caretaker in the Kyakhtinsky district school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 640. The case of the report of the Estland Governor and Bessarabsky about the desire to establish teachers from the treasury from the treasury in the region
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 641. The case with the Vedomosts about open schools in the Kazan training district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 642. The case of the closure of the Board of Trustees in Ostashkovsky district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 643. The case on the report of the Yenisei governor about the development of public education in the region.On the opening of the teacher's seminary in Krasnoyarsk
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 644. The case regarding the procedure for issuing certificates for the right to study in primary public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 645. The case of the distribution of income from the estates of the Bessarabian province, advanced to holy places in the East
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 646. The case of the distribution of income from the estates of the Bessarabian province, advanced to holy places in the East
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 647. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 648. The case of increasing the number of inspectors of public schools in the provinces: Kyiv, Podolsk and Volynskaya
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 649. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 65. The case of transforming the Armenian Agababov School existing in the city of Astrakhan
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 650. The case of the unsatisfactory performance of his duties by the law teacher of the People’s School in the settlement of Novo-Yekaterinoslav Priest Rutovsky
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 651. The case of the examination by the trustee of the Kazan school district of the school in the village of Borisoglebsk of the Tambov province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 652. 1915
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 653. The case of the compilation of the alphabet for the Kyrgyz language in Russian letters
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 654. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 655. The case of non -compulsion of unbaptized foreigners to attend the lessons of the Law of God
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 656. The case on the reporting of the Vilnius trustee on a one -time monetary reward of teachers and teachers of public schools of the Kovensky province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 657. 1872
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 658. The case of the assignment of a school existing in Tver to prepare peasant girls in folk teachers, the names of the "School of Pavel Pavlovich Maksimovich"
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 659. The case of the petition of the Tver Zemstvo Assembly on the expansion of the teaching program in rural schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 66. The case of a fire in the city of Pruzhany, from which the house of the local district school burned down, and the appeal to public schools of the amount released for the maintenance of the Pruzhansky School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 660. The case of the draft Charter of the Krasnoyarsk Schegolevsky Craft School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 661. The case about the state of the students of rural schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 662. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 663. The case of the permitted to have a portrait of the Minister of Education in the Belgorod Teacher Seminary Seminary
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 664. The case of the request of the teacher of Travnichek about the establishment of an educational institution in Russia for children who move to Russia Chekhov with an exemplary farm
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 665. The case of the donation of Lieutenant General Ladinsky
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 666. The case of the device for workers at the plant of the Moscow manufacturer Ganeshin on Sundays lectures
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 667. The case of the number of students in the gymnasiums, gymnasiums and other corresponding to them, subordinate to the Ministry of Education, educational institutions located in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 668. The case of opening evening literacy classes for adults
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 669. The case of the allocation of the amount for the construction of buildings in the city of Uralsk for the premises of the school of Kyrgyz children
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 67. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 670. The case of the establishment of a teacher's seminary in the Nizhny Novgorod province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 671. The case of the appointment to help inspectors of public schools of full -time caretakers of district schools for the viewing of elementary schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 672. The case of approving the draft charter of the Zemstvo school of teachers for public schools of the Kharkov province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 673. The case of the establishment of a teacher's seminary in the city of Ponezhezh
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 674. The case of reducing at the St. Petersburg Directorate of Schools of the number of scholarships prepared for parish teachers and use 120 rubles for the publication of these persons
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 675. The case of a school in the village of Idol, the Atkarsky district of the Saratov province open at his own expense by the nobleman Lutokhin, but without permission
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 676. The case with the reports of the heads of the training directors of the Warsaw educational district on the inspection of schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 677. The case of the appropriation of 200,000 rubles of additional loan for primary public schools in 1873.Immediately on the vacation of the same amount in 1874, 1875 and 1881
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 678. The case of the introduction to the curriculum of the Irmlau seminary teaching the Russian language.On the appointment of 3,000 rubles for the maintenance of the Golding Gymnasium.On the preparation of the project for the institution (in the Friedrichstad district of the Courland province) in the Zelburg Oberg
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 679. The case of the transformation of the Warsaw Teacher's Seminary
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 68. The case of establishing in St. Petersburg to the account of urban sums of one gymnasium or two gymnasiums.Immediately about the invitation of societies to a manual for public education in Moscow, Kyiv and Odessa
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 680. The case of the name of the primary women's school in the village of Bolshoi-Schigrakh "Anastasievskaya"
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 681. The case of delivering information about the state of Lutheran rural schools in the Baltic Territory
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 682. The case of the second parish school in the city of Volsk
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 683. The case of the release of the Rechitsa City Duma from the annual contribution of 200 rubles following the maintenance of the second teacher of the Rechitsa Parish School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 684. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 685. Styropendes of the STAS-Secretary of Milyutin
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 686. Regulation on the scholarships of the state secretary of Milyutin
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 687. The case of public lectures opened by Rachkov for peasants Vetoshkin (Nizhny Novgorod province)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 688. The case on the question: is it possible to give out certificates by a graduate of the course in two -class rural schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 689. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 69. The case of a business trip, which was estimated to the Ministry of Education of St. Iler in Kyiv to familiarize themselves with the pedagogical school and established from the Ministry of Education by schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 690. The case of arrears listed on city societies for the maintenance of county and parish schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 691. The case of the allocation to the inspector of the People’s Schools of the St. Petersburg province of the apartment in the building of the Andreevsky Parish School, and the apartment money received by him should be transferred to the costs of office work
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 692. The Case of the Catalog of Russian Books intended for the People’s Chistor during the Polytechnic Exhibition in Moscow
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 693. The case of the opening of women's pedagogical courses in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 694. The case of the establishment of two male and female schools at the expense of the St. Petersburg City Duma, with the name by city primary schools in the memory of Emperor Peter the Great.Immediately about the opening of schools in memory of the 200th anniversary from his birthday
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 695. 1872
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 696. The case of the production of pupils, graduating in two -year -old exemplary schools of the Ministry of Education of Styropendes for admission to the teacher's seminary
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 697. The case of the production of pupils graduating in two -year -old exemplary schools of the Ministry of Education of Schreking for admission to the teacher's seminary
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 698. The case of the production of pupils who graduate in two -year exemplary schools of the Ministry of Public Education of scholarships for entering the teacher's seminary (two parts)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 699. The draft Regulation on the school for the formation of rural teachers established in the city of Kostroma
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 7. The case of opening in Posad large salts of a parish school on the capital donated by the merchant Popov and the assignment of this school name "Nikolaev" (Kostroma province)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 70. The case of a business trip of Mr. Avenarius, who was considered to be the Ministry of Education of the People’s Education, in Vilna to Mr. Trustees of the training district for the execution of an instruction that is especially assigned to him
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 700. The case of the draft Charter of the Kyiv Society for the spread of literacy among the people
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 701. The case of the establishment of spiritual censorship for Mohammedan spiritual books
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 702. The case at the request of the Kupyansky Zemstvo Assembly on the provision of county school councils of the right to determine and dismiss people's school teachers
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 703. The case of the transformation of the Sennitsky parish school to the people's (Mogilev province)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 704. Charter of the Novgorod Society of Mutual Romance of Students
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 705. The case of the construction of a two-year school in the city of Ufa at a local mosque for teaching children of the Tatar-Magometan and Russian literacy
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 706. The case of the intervention of the zemstvo in affairs in public education that is not subject to the leading of the zemstvo
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 707. The case of the establishment at the Gatchina Teacher Seminary School of the School of the Name of the Statsky Councilor Kokhanov.Immediately about the transfer of this scholarship to the Pskov teacher seminary
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 708. The case of the acquisition for Moscow teacher seminaries: the Novinsk and Alferov magazine under the title "Family and School"
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 709. The case of the installation of temporary pedagogical courses in the county cities of the Kursk province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 71. The case of the acquisition of a plot of land of the Jew Berger for the Ovruch district noble school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 710. The case of renewal of teaching in kotelnic educational institutions during the fair there is there
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 711. The case of rumors spread through the Novogrudok district about the appearance of the relics of St. Elisha in that county
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 712. The case of the release of the amount for hiring premises for the Grozny city school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 713. The case of the transfer of part of the place in the city of Krasnoufimsk, owned by the training department,
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 714. The case of connecting the Pskov Alexander craft school, founded in memory of April 4, 1866, and a craft school at a local district school in one institution
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 715. The case on the draft Charter of the St. Petersburg Zemstvo Teacher School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 716. The case of the donation by Russian subjects Alferov is 4000 thalers in favor of public schools of the Kharkov province.Immediately about the donations of different persons (Voludskoye at the Plangen School)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 717. The case of the donation by Russian subjects Alferov is 4000 thalers in favor of the people's schools in the Kharkov province.Immediately donations from different persons (Voludskoye at Plangen and other schools)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 718. 718
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 719. The case of the assistance of the Ministry of Education to the opening of a permanent exemplary school of care about workers and artisans in Moscow
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 72. The case on proposals on the transformation of county schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 720. The case of approving the project of a new program for the activities of the literacy committee in a free economic society
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 721. The case at the petition of the peasants of the Telshevsky district about their displeasure for the far distance from them of the school in the town of Nevoryans, as well as the teacher of this school Konstantinov
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 722. The case of the Piglevin Korchm opened by the landowner near the Golovchinetsky Odnoklass People's School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 723. The case of the letter of Mr. Kamistratov about the acquisition of icon from him, the icon painted for people's schools in the memory of the most remarkable significant events of this reign
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 724. The case of reducing the deadline for compulsory military service for competent persons of tax estates
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 725. The case of the establishment of two scholarships named after a hereditary honorary citizen Agarkov at the Kherson teacher's seminary
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 726. The case of the construction of the Bashkir and Kyrgyz teacher schools in the Orenburg educational district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 727. The case on the question of who should be a member by the Ministry of Education in County School Councils
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 728. The case of the appeal of the amount collected from persons illegally engaged in teaching children in the Kingdom of Poland for the issuance of benefits to students of pedagogical courses of the Warsaw training district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 729. The case on the issue of whether the leading councils should be subject to the Moscow Educational House in the counties Primary People's Schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 73. The case of the abolition of a two percent deduction from the fee for teaching at lower schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 730. The case of determining and establishing the posts of honorary trustees in primary public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 731. The case of the draft charter of the Lubensky Zemstvo Teacher School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 732. The case with the reports on the revision of spiritual and educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 733. Different correspondence at the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 734. The case at the request of the Tula zemstvo in providing the ranks of the local school council of the right to visit the schools of the Ministry of Education in the county
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 735. The case of a business trip inspector of the Tatar, Kyrgyz and Bashkir schools of college assessor Radlov abroad to familiarize themselves with the course of teaching in local educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 736. The case of a letter from the state adviser Kochetov on the allocation from the journal of the Ministry of Education of the Department of the Lower School and the publication of this department especially
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 737. The case of renaming the pedagogical courses existing in the Warsaw Educational District in the teacher's seminary.Immediately further correspondence about these seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 738. The case of the establishment in the Odessa educational district of the teacher's seminary in the Odessa training district for capital of 100,000 rubles, donated by the widow of Major General Popova
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 739. The case on the report of the Kyiv governor for 1871, regarding the expansion of the course of primary public schools, as well as the opening of special special agronomic schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 74. The request of the wife of the provincial secretary Dyakonova, complaining about the cruelty of the full -time caretaker of the Chernsky district school with her son
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 740. The case with the papers accepted and left without consequences
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 741. The case of permission to the trustee of the Odessa training district to accept the address submitted to him by the villagers of the UNCEST volost for the opening of public schools in it.Immediately about submitting addresses to other persons
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 742. The case of the establishment of a teacher's seminary in the Minsk province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 743. The case of a business trip abroad and teachers of the teacher’s seminaries of the Ministry of Education to familiarize them with teaching methods in local teaching seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 744. Travel.G. 4. 1939. No. 2. January
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 745. The case of the use of the amounts for the teacher’s seminaries, the amounts assigned to the hiring of premises for these seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 746. The case of the continuation for the Peterhof district of the existing exclusion from the general law requiring from teachers of rural schools certificates for the title of teacher, allowing for these schools to have teachers without indicated evidence
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 747. The case on the draft rules for testing teachers and primary school teachers for Tatar Magomethanes
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 748. Draft rules for the Russian language for the title of mullah
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 749. The case of buying and sending books and educational guidelines for educational institutions of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 75. The case of former fires in cities: Bronnitsy, Novomoskovsk, Pruzhany, Valkov and others.On the manual of school officials who suffered losses from the fire, and on the manual of the Bronnitsky school for the purchase of things
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 750. The case of the consideration in the training committee of the Ministry of Education and the Educational Committee at the Holy Synod of books and educational guides
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 751. The case at the request of the Tver zemstvo and other zemstvos on the vacation of the amount for the arrangement of thirty people's schools.Immediately about the release of bodily punishment of persons who have completed the course in the indicated schools and on relief from military service
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 752. The case of the establishment at the Alexander Teacher School of the scholarship named after E.V.Lerhe.Immediately about the establishment of scholarships at other educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 753. The case of the release of amounts for the initial institution and the maintenance of public schools.Immediately about the opening of two -year and class primary public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 754. The case of secret messages and requests regarding students and students in educational institutions
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 755. The case with the reports of the inspectors of public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 756. The case about the reduction in the number of schools in the inner Kyrgyz horde
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 757. Design of Instructions for Teacher Seminaries of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 758. The case with the instructions for teacher seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 759. The case of the congresses of teachers and teachers of public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 76. The case of parish schools transferred to the Ministry of Education from other departments and newly discovered
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 760. The case at the request of the Vyatka Zemstvo on changing the rules on temporary pedagogical courses
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 761. The case of establishing the posts of honorary guardians in elementary schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 762. The case of the opening of a classic primary school school in the village of Tinitsa of the Konotop district for the money sacrificed by Madame Galagan with the appropriation of this school: "School of Pavel Galagan"
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 763. The case of the opening of a two -year primary national school in the town of Ruzhin of the Skvirsky district of the Kyiv province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 764. The case of the allowance of Sunday schools at theological seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 765. The case of the draft charter and the states of the Tatar Teacher's Institute in the city of Kazan
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 766. Project of the Charter of the Perm Zemstvo Teacher School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 767. The case of the correction of the house church at the Molodechnician Teacher Seminary
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 768. The case of permission to put in educational institutions of the Ministry of Education portraits of the highest persons, Minister of Education and other honorary persons.Immediately about the production of busts and another
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 769. The case of the establishment in Kronstadt on Sundays and holidays of free literacy lessons for students and apprentices of Kronstadt artisans
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 77. The case of comparing the district schools of the Mountain Department with the county schools of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 770. The case of the transfer of the axle of the Neugof of the Livonia province with all the buildings and the land plot at the disposal of the Council of Orthodox rural schools in Riga for the construction of the Russian school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 771. The case of increasing salaries of maintenance for city two -year schools in the Arkhangelsk province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 772. The case of the establishment in the St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kharkov, Kazan and Odessa educational districts of new five teacher seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 773. The case of the establishment of new five teacher seminaries in the St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kazan, Kharkov and Odessa training district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 774. The case of the draft charter of the Samara Society for the spread of literacy among the people
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 775. The case of the accession of the Totem Parish school to the elementary school at the Totem teacher's seminary
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 776. The case of opening craft classes at elementary public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 777. Russian
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 778. The case of the construction of rural schools in the provinces where zemstvo institutions have not been introduced
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 779. The case of the construction of rural schools in the provinces where zemstvo institutions have not been introduced
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 78. The case of the purchase of two houses of the palace department for the Peterhof district and parish schools.Immediately about buying a Rotasta house for the Gdovsky district school and on the sale of the empty place of the land of this school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 780. The case of buying and sending books for elementary schools and teacher seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 781. The case of the draft charter of the Von peasant craft school of the Arkhangelsk province of Pinezhsky district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 782. The case in relation to the secretary of the Empress about the adoption of her majesty under her highest patronage of the Ruza City Women's School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 783. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 784. The case at the request of the Voronezh City Duma about the opening of urban funds to the account of the happy recovery of his imperial highness of the heir to the Tsesarevich of a free women's school in the city of Voronezh with the name of his "Alexandrovsky
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 785. The case of permission to have at city initial schools in Moscow instead of five only three superpettered teachers with an increase in the content they receive
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 786. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 787. The case of capital donated by Major General Durov for the construction of a school in the village of Pokrovsky Simbirsk province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 788. The case of fires in school houses.Immediately about the appointment of benefits to persons affected by the fire
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 789. The case of fires in school houses.Immediately about the allowance to persons affected by the fire
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 79. The case of the reckoning of the reform school in St. Petersburg to the number of secondary educational institutions and the granting of employees in it the rights of public service
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 790. The case of the appropriation of various names for elementary folk schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 791. The case at the request of the Voronezh Zemstvo on the opening of the third grade of pedagogical courses at the local gymnasium
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 792. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 793. The case about the correspondence printed in the newspaper Modernity from Volchansk, signed by the pseudonym of the "lark" and the news of the actions of the inspector of the people's schools of the Kharkov province Zhavoronkov is not favorable for the latter
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 794. The case of the appeal of money intended for the repair of the Olonets gymnasium to correct the houses of parish schools of the Vozdvizhensky, Andreevsky and Gdovsky
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 795. The case of the reports of the Estland Governor on the need to subordinate the Estland People's Schools to the Department of the Ministry of Education and the Kazan Governor on the construction of craft classes in folk schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 796. The case on the draft program for receiving a certificate from the Primary School of the Warsaw Educational District
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 797. The case of the transfer of the Zemstvo of the Shlisselburgsky Women's Parish School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 798. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 799. The case of transfer to the department of the Ministry of Education of the Free School in the village of Telshinsky Irkutsk District
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 8. The case of the transformation of schools in the St. Petersburg Educational District (Arkhangelsk province): Kholmogorsky, Shengkur and Mezensky, district and Pinezhsky parish, and the establishment of the Kemsky Women's Parish School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 80. The case of the establishment in the western provinces of folk schools and teacher seminaries.About public schools in the Southwestern Territory
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 800. The case of adding from houses belonging to the administration of the Vilnius educational district, which is listed on them arrears on the layout of the collection for the maintenance of Christian folk schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 801. The case of the opening of libraries at the Solombal Parish School.Immediately about the opening of libraries and at other elementary schools, as well as reader
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 802. The case, at the request of the secret adviser Chelishchev to destroy the premises for the Sergievsky Parish School in his house with the school authorities of the contract for hiring in his house
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 803. The case of increasing the content of the teacher at the Mitavsky Roman Catholic Church
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 804. The case of the distribution of primary schools in the Warsaw Educational District of the right to make a fold from the salaries of the salaries that they really produce to grant them the right to receive an em 3
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 805. The case of the establishment of a fee for the exercise in the Novobug two -class elementary school.Immediately about the establishment of a fee for teaching in some initial and other similar institutions
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 806. The case on the question of whether members of the school council of the universal department have the right to testify the Law of God in primary public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 807. The case of determining the teacher in the Revel since 1868 is the Women's School of the Local Charitable Society with the appointment of this teacher from the sums of the Ministry of Education and with the subordination of the said school in academic terms
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 808. The case on the trustee of the Vilnius educational district about whether the money is worth the help of things made in needlework classes and craft departments of elementary schools of the Vilnius training district from the material bought at the expense of
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 809. The case regarding the image on the wrappers of the Russian ABC for public schools, painted Russian flags of commercial and military with some explanations about them
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 81. The case of the transformation of the Mitavsky real school from a three -class to a four -class
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 810. The case on the proposal of the trustee of the Vilnius training district on the recovery of a fine from parents for a faulty visit by children of the Oshmut People's School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 811. The case of determining the Devita Yanusova to the post of teacher of the first class of a two -year primary school in the village of Zabrebin
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 812. The case of the construction of primary schools in the Ufa province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 813. The case of the opening in the Ufa province of the teacher’s seminary and primary schools of the department of the Ministry of Education, as well as the strengthening of supervision of the educational part from the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 814. The case of the establishment of the position of inspector of public schools in the field of the Don army
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 815. The case regarding the adoption of such petitions of rural, peasant and other societies, as well as zemstvos and individuals, on the opening of two -year and class schools, which will be supported by sentences, statements and decisions approved
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 816. The case on the proposal of the Roman Catholic Spiritual College on satisfaction with the Ministry of Education of the Rector of Volkovysky Chinch, arbitrariness for the land occupied by the local school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 817. The case of the establishment of the posts of honorary trustees at the people's schools of the Vilnius and Kyiv educational districts
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 818. The case of allowing the teacher’s seminaries of the Ministry of Education to issue certificates for the title of an assistant teacher to those pupils of seminaries who will not receive satisfactory marks in some subjects of training during training
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 819. The case of the assignment of the Zvenigorod School Council for the arrangement of the parish school of the land (zemstvo) of the land under the Kazenna Perkhushkovskaya article under the village
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 82. The case of the establishment in the cities of the South-Western Territory of Progimnazi and other two-class parish schools with departments for female children
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 820. The case on the question of whether the persons who have completed the course of sciences in the teacher's seminaries, with the title of teacher of public schools, are admitted for a reduced test for the title of teacher of the city parish and elementary schools, and to which category to be educated
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 821. The case on the report of the Kaluga governor about the construction of schools in areas most populated by schismatics
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 822. 1873
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 823. The case of forcing forest administrations to the right neat leave of firewood from state forests for heating some elementary schools of the Keletsky Province Educational Directorate
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 824. The case of the removal of the "visual alphabet" compiled by the priest Pancakes.Immediately about the establishment of mobile schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 825. The case of the establishment in the Poltava province of the teacher's seminary
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 826. The case at the request of the trustee of the Warsaw training district on the assistance of the ministry to the proposal of the Master of Warsaw to be at its disposal in favor of the Warsaw Schools Suma in the amount of 32308 rubles 95½ kopecks, saved from the amounts received, received
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 827. 1873
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 828. The case of the abolition of the order made by the head of the Mogilev province, according to which the school premises are allowed, if necessary, to occupy for purposes, alien to schools without the knowledge of the directorate, with the permission of only world intermediaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 829. The case of forcing the inspector of public schools of the Tauride province to deliver accounts and documents to the local control chamber in the expansion of the amounts allocated for the maintenance of Tatar schools.Immediately, according to the comments of state control, it is wrong
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 83. The case of the separation of classes in county schools by the numerous students into parallel departments
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 830. The case of the opening of primary public schools with a vacation for their maintenance
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 831. The case of books considered by the special department of the scientist of the Ministry of Education and the Educational Committee under the Holy Synod, for use in elementary schools and teacher seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 832. Reports of the heads of training directorate of the Warsaw training district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 833. The case of the opening of elementary schools in the Dorpat educational district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 834. Reports of directors and inspectors of public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 835. The case of the establishment in the cities of Slobodsky and Kotelnich at the local zemstvo storage departments of book warehouses
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 836. The case of the determination of the second teacher at the Luzhsky County County County and the Replacement of Teachers by Teachers
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 837. The case at the request of the Urzhum zemstvo about the arrangement of passing schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 838. The case of the amounts listed in the deposits of the Department of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 839. The case of the establishment of a circle fee for the maintenance of primary public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 84. Requests and papers left without consequences
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 840. The case of the project of the Charter of Trinity Primary School for poor children
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 841. The case on issues caused by the entry into force of the charter about military service and related to elementary schools and teacher seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 842. The case on issues caused by the introduction of the Charter about military service and related to elementary schools and teacher seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 843. The case on issues caused by the introduction of the Charter about military service and related to elementary schools and teacher seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 844. The case on issues caused by the entry into force of the charter about military service and related to elementary schools and teacher seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 845. The case on issues caused by the introduction of the Charter about military service and related to elementary schools and teacher seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 846. The case of the establishment in the city of Cherepovets of the Novgorod province of the teacher's seminary
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 847. The case of the outcome of a new loan for the opening of rural schools in the Southwestern Territory
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 848. The case of the outcome of the loan for the opening of rural schools in the Southwestern Territory
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 849. The case of the outcome of the loan for the opening of rural schools in the Southwestern Territory
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 85. Lists of parish schools and preparatory classes
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 850. The case of the outcome of the loan for the opening of rural schools in the Southwestern Territory
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 851. The case of the outcome of a loan for the opening of rural schools in the Vilnius school district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 852. The case of permission to issue craft teachers in two -class schools remuneration according to the number of these lessons for a month
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 853. The case of the establishment in the Podolsk province of the teacher's seminary
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 854. The case of the introduction to the program of elementary schools of the obligatory familiarization of children with common -consuming prayers and the names of the highest persons
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 855. The draft Regulation on Women's Teacher Seminaries of the Ministry of Education.Immediately about the establishment in the city of Vilna Women's Teacher's Seminary
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 856. The case regarding the return of state scholarships received by the pupils of the teacher’s seminaries in case of leaving the institution until the end of the course
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 857. The case regarding the return of state scholarships received by the pupils of the teacher’s seminaries in case of leaving the institution until the end of the course
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 858. The case of approval by the director of schools of the Simbirsk province orders for the rebuilding of the buildings of the Simbirsk Parish School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 859. The case of the granting of teachers of the sumorin and the minor rights of the official production and retirement
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 86. The case of petitions for classifying the amounts of the Ministry of Education of the Costs of the Contents of Parish Schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 860. The case of the establishment of pagan schools in the Ufa province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 861. The case of the distribution of primary schools of primary schools made by the ministry in 1867 in relation to the honorary caretakers of schools, by the strength of which the former should be immediately removed from posts if they do not make it
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 862. The case of the abolition of the separation of primary schools of the Warsaw training district for religions
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 863. The case of the establishment of a female teacher's seminary in Pskov
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 864. The case of concentration of the school councils of the amounts applied by rural societies and zemstvos in public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 865. The case of the establishment in the St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kazan, Kiev, Kharkov, Odessa and Vilensky training district of teacher seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 866. The case of the establishment in the St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kazan, Kiev, Kharkov, Odessa and Vilensky training district of teacher seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 867. The case of drawing up a normal plan for houses of two -year and class schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 868. The case of donation by secret adviser Delanov 3,000 rubles for the maintenance of a school in the village of Pershina Aleksinsky district of the Tula region
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 869. The case regarding the issuance of documents (certificates) to the pupils of educational institutions who leave them until the end of the course
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 87. The case of the establishment in Omsk of the Kyrgyz school for the formation of officials from Wednesdays of the Horde
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 870. The case on the report of the Petrakovsky governor about the establishment of pedagogical courses there (teacher seminary)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 871. The case of submitting a gift to the inspector of public schools of the Kazan province, Iznoskov from the teachers who participated in the congress in the city of Kazan
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 872. The case of the adoption of the newly baptized Kyrgyz Ivan Dubrovin, who has 25 years from the family, among the students of the Samara First Parish School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 873. The case of the unrest and unrest noticed by the Olonets governor when visiting him by the Bench Male and Women's Schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 874. The case of the provision of people's right to acquire the right to acquire the ownership of these schools on preferential conditions of the Kyiv educational district.
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 875. The case of the all -past petition of the peasant of the Suvalka province of Saul about the addition of the monarch of the monarch of the monarch of the fine from him, imposed on him for teaching children without legitimate permission
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 876. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 877. The case of the establishment of the Caucasus of Teacher's Seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 878. The case of the introduction of compulsory primary education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 879. The case of compilation and sending to directors and inspectors of public schools list of books distributed between the people agitators
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 88. The case of the abolition of the Kronstadt and Gdovsksky district schools and the transformation of the parish classes consisting with them, as well as the St. Petersburg Annunciation Odnokhokny Parish School in two-year parish schools.Immediately about the opening of one
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 880. 1874
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 881. The case of buying and searching for books on elementary schools in 1875
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 882. The case of the device at the teacher's seminaries of preparatory classes
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 883. The case of the construction of preparatory classes at the teacher's seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 884. The case on the question: is it possible to leave the pupil of Svechnikov, who entered into marriage in the Samara teacher seminary, and is it possible to accept such persons in the seminary and marry them
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 885. Russian
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 886. The case of the purchase for the Kholm Teacher Seminary of two plots of land
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 887. The case of the provision of government seminaries to provide the right to examine the title of national teacher and give the title of certificate to this
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 888. The case on the exclusion from the salary belonging to the submitted state of the pupils of the teacher's seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 889. The case of selling a real state adviser to Karpu a plot of land belonging to the Joanishkel schools and the purchase of a plot allegedly from him.Immediately correspondence on the Johannishkel parish school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 89. The case of the leave from the treasury of the amount for the purchase of things for the Sorok and Akkerman district schools.Immediately about the transformation of the Akkerman district school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 890. The case of the opening of two -year and class elementary public schools and the vacation for their maintenance
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 891. The case of the opening of two -year and class elementary public schools and the vacation for their maintenance
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 892. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 893. The case of books considered by the special department of the scientist of the Ministry of Education and the Educational Committee under the Holy Synod
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 894. The case with reports on the amounts issued for the needs of the public education of the provinces of six educational districts: St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kazan, Kyiv, Kharkov and Odessa
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 895. The case with reports on the amounts issued for the needs of the public education of the provinces of six educational districts: St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kazan, Kyiv, Kharkov and Odessa
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 896. The case with reports on the amounts issued for the needs of the public education of the provinces of six training districts: St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kazan, Kyiv, Kharkov and Odessa
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 897. The case of increasing the number of elementary schools in the city of Warsaw and strengthening the means of maintaining now existing elementary and craft schools in this city
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 898. 898
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 899. The case of the openness of the Tatar teacher school in the city of Kazan
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 9. The case of approving the provision of the state and staff of the Joanishkel hospital and the parish school with the training farm at the expense of the halter of the landowner Karpi
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 90. The papers of the former first branch of the Department of Public Education (1861, 1862 and 1863), who remained, remained, to transform them into the category of lower educational institutions executed
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 900. Reports of directors and inspectors of public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 901. Reports of directors and inspectors of public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 902. The case of the construction of the school part in the Arkhangelsk province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 903. The case on the representation of the Courland provincial leader of the nobility of Count Keyserling, regarding the schedule and plan of classes of the Birzhan Lutheran school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 904. The case of determining the two -year school of the third teacher to the Pavlovskoye
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 905. The case at the request of the Vologda district Zemstvo Assembly on the application to the trustees of rural schools 1 and 2 paragraphs of Article 124 of the General Regulation on peasants who came out of serfdom dependence
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 906. The case of a subscription to the production in educational institutions of the Kherson Directorate of People's Schools of the Image of St. Alexander Nevsky
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 907. The case of the congresses of teachers and teachers of elementary schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 908. The case of the congresses of teachers and teachers of elementary schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 909. The case of the transformation of the Baltic teacher's seminary.On the opening of the fourth grade at the Riga Teacher's Seminary
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 91. The case of the establishment on the basis of a special situation and the staff of six two -year -old public schools in the city of Vilno and two of the same schools in the cities of Grodno, Kovno and Minsk in return in these cities of parish schools and preparatory classes in c.
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 910. The case at the request of Count L.N.Tolstoy about the opening of a private educational institution of the second category in the village of Yasnaya Polyana for the preparation of folk teachers with the name of their "Pedagogical courses for the preparation of folk teachers"
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 911. The case of the sale of wooden wing and barn at the house of the Gdovsky parish school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 912. The case of donations of the Azov city society in favor of the Azov Parish School
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 913. The case of adding arrears from different places and persons
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 914. The case of the call of teachers in the Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk Teacher Seminary
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 915. The case of the distribution of a new provision on primary public schools to the Ufa province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 916. The case of the admission of the persons of the non-commissioned officer to teaching in elementary schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 917. The case with the information about the Lutheran rural schools and the teacher’s seminaries of the Dorpat training district
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 918. The case of resolving the arrival of the Cathedral Mosque in Kazan called Yunusovskaya to accept the sacrificed commerce by adviser to Yunusov’s house under the premises of the Muslim school, which consists of a mosque
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 919. Instructions for two -year and class rural schools of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 92. The case on issues about the official rights of teachers of parish and elementary public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 920. Instructions for two -year and class rural schools of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 921. Instructions for two -class and classroom rural schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 922. The case on the issue of administrative structure of the internal Kyrgyz horde
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 923. The case of the establishment in the city of Novocherkassk Teacher Seminary
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 924. To the case No. 23a
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 925. The case of admission to public schools for reading such books that were not under consideration by the scientist of the committee
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 926. The case of the appointment of a permanent salary of teachers of some parish schools of the Kyiv province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 927. The case of the donation of the Kirghizs of the Guryevsky district, the Ural region for public education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 928. Rules on temporary pedagogical courses for primary school teachers
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 929. The case of the dismissal of the inspector of public schools of the Yekaterinoslav province of Yablochkov from the service and about the tradition of his court
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 93. The case of donations in favor of county, parish and elementary public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 930. The case of the provision of the rights (parish) assigned to parish schools opened by the Tatar School of Rights (parish
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 931. The case of the newspaper editor: "Vilensky Bulletin" of the Captain-Lieutenant Fields on permission to publish a folk annual edition under the title "Rural Reading"
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 932. The case of the opening of the school at the Sterlitamak stone mosque
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 933. The case of the costs of teacher seminaries.Immediately about the combination of loans issued for the maintenance of teacher seminaries and elementary schools in one paragraph
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 934. The case of the forbidden by the children of Orthodox Chuvash villages of Kochkarley to study at the Muslim more-Sayman school and about the construction of a special school in the village of Kochkarlya (Simbirsk Province)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 935. The case of restricting the content of the senior mentor in the Minsk school for the initial training of girls up to 200 rubles and an increase in the content of the younger teacher of this school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 936. The fact of whether a book in Finnish can be acquired for the Mozinsky Primary School, which are not placed in the catalog of books approved by the Scientist Committee of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 937. The case of the establishment at the Directorate of People's Schools of the St. Petersburg province of a staff office.Immediately similar petitions of other directorates
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 938. The case of the St. Petersburg province drawn up by the inspector of public schools by the Orlov map of schools in the St. Petersburg province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 939. The case of the release of the amounts to maintain primary schools of the August district of the Suvalka province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 94. The case of papers and requests of different persons for whom the permission of the ministry did not follow
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 940. The case of the discovery of a two-year school at the Katav-Ivanovo plant with the admission to Mr. Fenelonov, who had a voluntary sanitary dignity and awarded the right to join the civil service (Ufa province)
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 941. The question of Mr. Schmidt’s request for permission to be an observer during the course of learning gymnastics in people's and zemstvo schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 942. The fact that the money collected from peasant societies for the maintenance of elementary schools be introduced by these societies, together with taxes in local treasury
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 943. The case at the request of the Kherson Zemstvo on the provision of foreign Christian confessions of the right to enter the teacher’s seminary along with the persons of the Orthodox confession
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 944. Дело об учреждении учительской семинарии в Вятской губернии
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 945. The case at the request of the Nikolaev Zemstvo and other departments of explanation: whether it applies to teachers of zemstvo rural schools who do not enjoy the rights of public service, the rule of deductions from the salary of teachers of parish schools and generally all, under
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 946. The fact of whether the persons who do not have the certificate established on this subject can be allowed to perform teaching duties in elementary schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 947. The case of the assumption of the purchase of a merchant Livvstein at the Verzhbalovsk city cash desk, under the premises of the two -year school alleged in the designated city
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 948. Дело об устройстве училищной части в Астраханской губернии
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 949. The case of buying and mailing to elementary schools and teachers' seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 95. The case on the complaint of the former teacher of the Kamyshlovsky district school of Lebedev about the unfair dismissal of his service and on the appointment of him a pension for a 17-year educational service
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 950. The case on the project of the Charter of the Mutual and Auxiliary Cash desk of teachers and teachers of folk schools of the Kherson province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 951. The case on the project of the Charter of the Mutual and Auxiliary Cash desk of teachers and teachers of folk schools of the Kherson province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 952. The case on the draft Charter of the Rules of the Kokinsky Primary School in the village of the Yaroslavl province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 953. The case of the establishment of a teacher's seminary in the Yekaterinoslav province
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 954. Дело по вопросу о дозволении учителям начальных училищ, окончивших курс в учительских семинариях, поступать в учительские институты
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 955. The case at the request of the Vologda district Zemstvo Assembly on the provision of public schools of public service rights to teachers.Immediately and other petitions on this issue
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 956. Russian
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 957. The case of the opening of two -year and class primary public schools and the vacation of the amounts for their maintenance
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 958. The case of the opening of two -year and class elementary public schools and the release of the amounts for their maintenance
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 959. The case of the opening of two -year and class elementary public schools and the release of the amounts for their maintenance
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 96. The case of benefits to officials and teachers of the Ovruch district school for the high cost of apartments and life needs
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 960. Дело по секретным сообщениям и запросам, касающимся учащих и учащихся в начальных училищах и учительских семинариях
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 961. Дело о рассмотрении в Ученом комитете и Учебном комитете при Святейшем Синоде книг и учебных руководств для употребления в начальных училищах и учительских семинариях
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 962. The case of official rights and advantages of teachers of parish schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 963. Reports of directors and inspectors of public schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 964. The case of the allowance of Sunday schools at theological seminaries
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 965. The case of the permitting of the village of the village of Khortitz Mennonit Viller to open in the town of Nikopol the Male Parish School with the permission to accept the children of Orthodox confession in it
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 966. The case of the inclusion in the nomenclature of expenses from a loan under Article 2 §11 of the Ministry of Education of the Ministry of Education is the amount of up to 900 rubles for the remuneration of persons serving in the department of public education involved in the newsletter of books and educational manuals in the beginning
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 967. The case of changing the size of state scholarships in the teaching seminary of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 968. The case on the project of the new state of the inspection of schools in the city of Warsaw
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 969. The case of measures to properly issuing the maintenance to teachers of elementary schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 97. The case of various assumptions and information related to primary schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 970. The case of the petition of the Turkestan Governor General about the assistance to reduce the sale in the region of the sale by printed Qur'an and generally various theological Muslim works
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 971. Instructions to inspectors of Tatar, Bashkir and Kyrgyz schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 972. The case of the establishment of the position of inspector of public schools in the Turkestan region
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 973. The case of the provision of students from the Cossacks to teachers of the right to production in the class rank
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 974. The case of opening for the cities of St. Petersburg, Moscow and Odessa School Councils, separate from the provincial
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 975. The case of the release of the maintenance of employees in the Kola Parish School from the Kemsky district treasury for a third of the year in advance
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 976. The case of changing the procedure for managing Orthodox schools in the Baltic Territory
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 977. The case of the petitions of different persons.Different correspondence at the Department of Education
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 978. The case of establishing the posts of directors of public schools in the provinces of the Southwestern Territory
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 979. The case at the petition of the Council for the Affairs of the Orthodox Schools of the Baltic provinces about the appeal to special funds of the Council of Money, helped out of the sale of textbooks published or purchased for the amounts issued by the Council for the needs of Orthodox schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 98. The case of the report of the honorary caretaker of the Yekaterinoslav district school Alekseev on the examination of educational institutions in France, Belgium and Switzerland in 1860 and 1861
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 980. The case at the request of the trustee of the Moscow training district on the production of tests to persons who want to receive the title of teacher or teacher of the People's School not in the pedagogical council of the Tver province, but in the pedagogical council of the local district school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 981. The case of leaving in the village of Bolshoi Murashkin Knyagininsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod province under the Unique Pokrovskaya Church of the free initial school for the poor children of local residents
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 982. The case of opening in the village of Shebekin, Belgorod district, Kursk province, lower agricultural school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 983. The case at the request of the Lodeinopol district zemstvo on the establishment of mobile schools in the county
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 984. The case at the request of the Mashchovsky district zemstvo meeting on the abolition of the highly approved on March 22, 1817, the provision of the provision of the Committee of the Lord of the Ministers
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 985. RGIA
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 986. The case of the expulsion of the Turkish ambassador in St. Petersburg, books and textbooks accepted for use in elementary schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 987. The case of opening in the Estland province of the teacher's seminary
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 988. The case on the journal of the commission, which considered the all-depth, the report of the Minister of Education for 1874: 1) on the call to St. Petersburg all directors of public schools to discuss the issue of mandatory training and 2) on observation of teaching for
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 989. The case of the establishment at the St. Petersburg Directorate of Public Schools of the Cabinet of Textbooks for Teachers of Public Schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 99. The case of allowing volost clerks to teach peasant children in rural schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 990. The case at the request of the Nolinsky district zemstvo meeting about the opening of agricultural two -year schools in the named county
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 991. The case on a complaint to the government Senate of the former teacher of Skopinsky Parish Fedotyev about the dismissal of his teacher by order of the Ryazan School Council
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 992. The case of the transformation of Kronstadt male and female parish schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 993. The case of misunderstandings arising in the Chernihiv provincial school council
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 994. The case of testing for the title of teachers of primary and primary and primary rural schools
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 995. The case of the issue of the period excited by the St. Petersburg Provincial School Council, for which the trustee of schools can be elected zemstvo and societies
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 996. The case of transferring to the disposal of the educational department of the lower floor of the Monastorsky building in Posad Vonso Schuchinsky district of the Lomzhin province for the placement of the local primary general school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 997. The case at the request of the Grace of Irkutsk about the permit to teachers of primary schools in parishes to teach the Law of God in those precisely schools where there are no lawyers of priests
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 998. The case of the transformation of the Peterhof Odnoklass Mixed School into a two -year -old women's parish school
РГИА. 733 / 170 / 999. The case of Sunday readings arranged by Mr. Vakurov in one of the elementary schools of the city of Saratov.Immediately about the misunderstandings that arose between the director of the People's School of the Saratov province with the leader of the nobility
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