Identifier 0e2ac4d2-7339-467d-bb7f-051c6ad9e141 Title 1802-1811 Dates 1802 Text language Russian Level Lists Call number РГИА. 1286 / 54 Cataloguing source RGIA Extent 109 storage units Fonds Department of Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs File Записи с 1 по 5 из 101 5 102550100 записей на страницу‹12345...21› Пожалуйста, подождите, идёт загрузка РГИА. 1286 / 54 / 1. Correspondence with the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the civil governor of Novorossiysk on the organization of quarantines and other measures to combat the epidemic of plague that appeared in southern RussiaРГИА. 1286 / 54 / 10. Vedomosti about those who left Russia and came from abroadРГИА. 1286 / 54 / 100. The case of clarifying the personality of the Warsaw Lieutenant Louis Arnold, who fled from the duchy of Warsaw, and about permission to go to military service in the Voronezh regimentРГИА. 1286 / 54 / 101. The case in relation to the military minister about the permission of the Austrian deserters to settle in Russia as foreign settlersРГИА. 1286 / 54 / 102. The case on the proposal of the Kherson civil governor about the need to instill certificates of immigrants from abroad, in order to identify fugitive serfs returning to Russia under the guise of immigrants Записи с 1 по 5 из 101 5 102550100 записей на страницу‹12345...21› Display format Archival description RUSMARC