Statistical data on the movement of bread cargo on Russians continuously interconnected by railways, compiled along the province...

Statistical data on the movement of bread cargo on Russians continuously interconnected by railways, compiled by provinces / 1896. The general tariff congress of representatives of Rus.and.d. - St. Petersburg: [B.I.], 1896. -.I. General tariff congress of representatives of Russian railways. 1.Power (collection).2. Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBThe place of storage of the original: GPI.Center for Social and Political HistoryExt.3. adj.1: Brief information about the departure of bread cargo with provinces for 1895, with an indication of average freight boards.- Lestukov.A steam hare.BY.Yablonsky, 1896. -23 p.: table .. -.1. Power (collection).2. Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBThe place of storage of the original: GPI.Center for Social and Political History
Publisher Лештуков. паровая скоропеч. П.О. Яблонского

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