Shevyakov Vladimir Timofeevich (1859-1930), professor of zoology of St. Petersburg University and the Women's Pedagogical Instit...

Identifier 3be43e86-9fe0-4605-9abc-b49ae588fac8
Title Shevyakov Vladimir Timofeevich (1859-1930), professor of zoology of St. Petersburg University and the Women's Pedagogical Institute, comrade of the Minister of Education
Dates 1867
Text language Russian
Level Fonds
Call number РГИА. 1129
Cataloguing source RGIA
Organization and arrangement 1 inventory
Extent 116 storage units
Summary Shevyakov Vladimir Timofeevich-zoologist, professor of St. Petersburg University (1896-1911) and the Women's Pedagogical Institute (1903-1917), comrade of the Minister of Education (1911-1917)
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