Statistical reference book on the agrarian issue.League of agrarian reforms.Series A. Issue.3. Agriculture of 1918-1920

Statistical reference book on the agrarian issue.- Moscow: [B.I.], 1917-1922.- (League of agrarian reform. Series a).1. Power (collection).2. Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBThe place of storage of the original: GPI.Center for Social and Political HistoryExt.3: Agriculture of 1918-1920./ Ed.S.A.Klepikova and A.V.Chayanova.-Publishing House of People's Commissariat "New Village", 1922. -31, [1] p., 1 l.table.: table .. - (League of agrarian reform. Series A; No. 7).-Ex.: With a handle.litter..I. Chayanov, A.V. II.Klepikov, S.A.1.Power (collection).2. Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBThe place of storage of the original: GPI.Center for Social and Political History
Publisher издательство Наркомзема "Новая деревня"
Catalogue object