Materials on the statistics of land ownership in Russia.Ext.13. The Foreign Results of Land mobilization and average land prices...

Materials on the statistics of land ownership in Russia / Ed.A.E.Reinbot.Ext.1-.- St. Petersburg: Type.V. Kirshbauma, 1896-1917.- 38. -Ed.ext.5-25 is not specified.Vodzag.ext.5-7, 10-11, 13-25: Dep.salary.fees..I. Reinbog, Alexander Evgenievich.II.Russia.Department of Ottryniy Tuks.Electronic copy source: PBExt.13: The Foreign Results of Land mobilization and average land prices for the 40th anniversary of 1863-1902.= ZAHL und Wert der Grund-Ind Boden-Mobilisations-Processen und Die Bodenpreise Wahrend 40 Jahren (1863-1902) In 45 Gouvern.D.Europ.RUSSLAND / Department of Ottry.- Type.M-va of the routes (T-Va I.N. Kushnerev and Co.), 1907.-[5], XVII p., 5 l.Diagon., table.: table .. -On Tit.l.paralle.plug.On him.Yaz.: Materialen Zur Statistik des Immobiliar-Bezitzwechesels.Tit.l.paralle.on Russian.And him.ulcer.Ex.: Without region..I. Russia.Department of Ottrykhi. 1.Territory, power (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage: St. Petersburg State University
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