Eternal permafrost of the soil within the USSR

Sumgin, M.Eternal permafrost of the soil within the USSR = Everfrozen of soil in the Boundaries of Ussr: with ill.In the text and 2 cards./ NKZ.Far-east.geophysic.observatory.- Vladivostok: Typo-Lit.acc.Lockery "Book business", 1927. -xv, 372 p., 2 l.kart.: table., Ill., Damn .. -Dedicated to Nikolai Ivanovich the text.- Ex.: With a manpower.litter..I. Prokhorov, Nikolai Ivanovich.II.People's Commissariat of Agriculture.Far Eastern Geophysical Observatory.1.Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: Ban RAS
Publisher Типо-лит. Акц. О-ва "Книжное Дело"

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