Title The office of the court of the heir to the Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich of the Ministry of the Imperial Court Series РГИА. 1339 / 1. Inventory of the office of the court of the heir to the heir to the Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich, the Ministry of the Imperial Court for 1864-1866 РГИА. 1339 / 1. Inventory of the office of the court of the heir to the heir to the Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich, the Ministry of the Imperial Court for 1867 РГИА. 1339 / 1. Inventory of the office of the court of the heir to the heir to the Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich, the Ministry of the Imperial Court for 1868 РГИА. 1339 / 1. Inventory of the office of the court of the heir to the heir to the Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich, the Ministry of the Imperial Court for 1869 РГИА. 1339 / 1. Inventory of the office of the court of the heir to the heir to the Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich, the Ministry of the Imperial Court for 1870 РГИА. 1339 / 1. Inventory of the office of the court of the heir to the heir to the Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich, the Ministry of the Imperial Court for 1871 РГИА. 1339 / 1. An inventory of the office of the court of the heir to the heir to the Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich of the Ministry of the Imperial Court for 1872 РГИА. 1339 / 1. Inventory of the office of the court of the heir to the heir to the Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich, the Ministry of the Imperial Court for 1873 РГИА. 1339 / 1. Inventory of the office of the court of the heir to the heir to the Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich, the Ministry of the Imperial Court for 1874 РГИА. 1339 / 1. Inventory of the office of the court of the heir to the heir to the Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich, the Ministry of the Imperial Court for 1875 РГИА. 1339 / 1. Inventory of the office of the court of the heir to the heir to the Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich, the Ministry of the Imperial Court for 1876 РГИА. 1339 / 1. Inventory of the office of the court of the heir to the heir to the Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich, the Ministry of the Imperial Court for 1877 РГИА. 1339 / 1. Annotation: on the acquisition by the heir to paintings, tapestries, carpets, sculptures, vases, on the presentation of literary, musical and other works;on the reception of his own imperial highness of the palace (Anichkov) to the institute of the heir office;On repair and construction work in the palace, about the installation of a museum and galleries in it;About the personnel of the employees of the palace.Materials of Anichkov Palace РГИА. 1339 / 1. Inventory of the office of the court of the heir to the heir to the Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich, the Ministry of the Imperial Court for 1879 РГИА. 1339 / 1. Inventory of the office of the court of the heir to the heir to the Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich, the Ministry of the Imperial Court for 1880 РГИА. 1339 / 1. An inventory of the office of the court of the heir to the heir to the Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich of the Ministry of the Imperial Court for 1881 РГИА. 1339 / 1. Inventory of the office of the court of the heir to the heir to the Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich, the Ministry of the Imperial Court for 1882 РГИА. 1339 / 2. Office of the court of the heir to the Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich of the Ministry of the Imperial Court Summary Historical certificate: formed no later than 1866;It existed until 1881.Since 1867, an Anichkov Palace in St. Petersburg was in the office of the office Display format Full description RUSMARC