Identifier a787c19d-61f6-4127-a93f-91f234d0e42d Title Perovsky Dates 1807 Text language Russian Level Lists Call number РГИА. 1021 / 2 Cataloguing source RGIA Extent 150 units. Fonds Perovsky File РГИА. 1 / 2 / 2. Note by L.A.Perovsky "comments on state property and income in the Simbirsk province" and "Notes" of the Minister of Finance Yegor Frantsevich Kankrin to a note РГИА. 10 / 2 / 10. CASE: The "all -past" note by Lev Alekseevich Perovsky with explanations to the note of the state adviser Nadezhdin about the Russian schismatics living abroad РГИА. 10 / 2 / 100. Materials about the property of V.B.Perovskaya (notification of banks on the state of its current accounts, salary sheets and more) РГИА. 10 / 2 / 101. Inquiry in the case of assistant to the doctor of the infirmary V.B.Perovskaya Benjamin Nikolaevich Makarov and other documents on the infirmary РГИА. 10 / 2 / 102. Telegrams of Empress Alexandra Fedorovna and Grand Duchess Maria V.B.Perovskaya with congratulations and an expression of gratitude for the letters sent by her РГИА. 10 / 2 / 103. The letter "Vava" [to his mother -in -law's sister?] V.B.Perovskaya about the death of his nephew Dolgorukov in Kyiv and for other personal matters РГИА. 10 / 2 / 104. Letter [Grand Duchess Victoria Fedorovna?] V.B.Perovskaya in connection with the February Revolution of 1917 in Russia and about personal relations between them РГИА. 10 / 2 / 105. Letter of Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich V.B.Perovskaya with the expression of friendly feelings РГИА. 10 / 2 / 107. Letters of Vladimir Mikhailovich Zhemchuzhnikov V.B.Perovskaya about his life in the south of France, in connection with the publication of Kozma Prutkov, about the works of Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, about St. Petersburg news and more РГИА. 10 / 2 / 108. Letters of the doctor Olga Christian Kamenskaya V.B.Perovskaya about personal relationships between them and O [pupil V.B.Perovskaya?] Mikhail Rodionov РГИА. 10 / 2 / 109. Letter of Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich V.B.Perovskaya with gratitude for the gift РГИА. 10 / 2 / 11. Record of Lev Alekseevich Perovsky on the arrest in St. Petersburg tradesman Wendrikovsky РГИА. 10 / 2 / 110. Letters of Catherine [Sergeevna Ozerova?] V.B.Perovskaya on charitable activities, about the modern internal situation (1915-1918) about personal affairs and another РГИА. 10 / 2 / 111. Letters of Alexandra Ivanovna Paker V.B.Perovsky religious content, about charitable deeds, about their journey through Europe and personal matters РГИА. 10 / 2 / 112. Letters of the Duchess of Maria Alexandrovna Edinburgh V.B.Perovskaya in connection with the First World War and the October Revolution, about his life in England and Switzerland, about family affairs and another РГИА. 10 / 2 / 113. Letters of relatives and acquaintances (surnames are not established) V.B.Perovskaya about the current situation in Russia (1917-1918), on religious topics, about personal and family affairs РГИА. 10 / 2 / 114. Letter of Konstantin Petrovich Pobedonostsev to an unidentified person in connection with the request of V.B.Perovskaya about the possibility of transferring some child from the Orthodox faith to the Catholic РГИА. 10 / 2 / 115. Diary O.B.Perovskaya РГИА. 10 / 2 / 116. Diary O.B.Perovskaya about a trip to Lake Imatra РГИА. 10 / 2 / 117. Notification of the executors of the Empress Maria Aleksandrovna O.B.Perovskaya on the appointment of her the Empress's medal after her death РГИА. 10 / 2 / 118. Correspondence O.B.Perovskaya with Konstantin Petrovich Pobedonostsev and other persons in the case of the death of Princess Anna Semenovna Lvova in the Tikhvin desert РГИА. 10 / 2 / 119. Letters O.B.Perovsky Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich about personal affairs РГИА. 10 / 2 / 12. Ant.Ashika Lev Alekseevich Perovsky on providing him with a place of service with a proposal to organize an expedition to the Crimea and south of Ukraine for the searches and excavations of the Scythian royal graves РГИА. 10 / 2 / 120. The command of Alexander I to the general from the cavalry Baron Bennigsen to the scum in the ordinary lieutenant of the Tatar equestrian regiment Baranovsky for drunkenness РГИА. 10 / 2 / 121. The letter of Nikolai (the surname is not established) to the unidentified person with a request to report impressions of the trip to the places of housing and mentioning Volkonsky (without a name) РГИА. 10 / 2 / 122. Letter of A. Didlo to the unidentified person РГИА. 10 / 2 / 123. Perevshchikov’s letter (name and patronymic are not established) to Alexander I (?) With a request for his son, accused of theft РГИА. 10 / 2 / 124. Rescript of Empress Alexandra Fedorovna Maria Konstantinovna Bulgakova about the awarding her order "Holy Great Martyr Catherine" РГИА. 10 / 2 / 125. Letter of Alexander Humboldt to the Prussian king with the recommendation of the young sculptor Streichenberg, student of David РГИА. 10 / 2 / 126. The letter Viliy to Count Perovsky (the name is not established) about sending him the family coat of arms of the family of Perovsky his own work and with a request for the protection to the emperor РГИА. 10 / 2 / 127. A letter from an unidentified person (signature is illegible) to an unidentified person with a proposal to recommend him to candidates for the position of head of the Caucasian district of roadways РГИА. 10 / 2 / 128. A certificate in the case of the appointment of a boarding house to the director of the spiritual affairs department of foreign confessions to Skripitsyn РГИА. 10 / 2 / 129. Letter [Comrade Minister of Foreign Affairs] Leo [Grigoryevich] Senyavin to the unidentified person about the sending of the carpets brought to him with Dyugamel from Persia РГИА. 10 / 2 / 13. The attitude of Lev Alekseevich Perovsky to Smolensk Governor Prince Andrei Mikhailovich Golitsyn in connection with the intention of part of the nobility of the Smolensk province to ask Nicholas I to accept the title of "the Great" РГИА. 10 / 2 / 130. Letter [Count Karl Vasilyevich?] Nesselrode an unidentified person with an expression of gratitude for the pleasant news reported to him РГИА. 10 / 2 / 131. A notebook with a brief description of the main attractions of Paris and its environs, addressed to Malaquin (Malaquin) to an unidentified person in connection with the trip of the latter to Paris РГИА. 10 / 2 / 132. Formular list about the service of Lev Nikolayevich Perovsky (father of Sofia Perovskaya) РГИА. 10 / 2 / 133. Note and letter (anonymous) to the Grand Duke Alexander Nikolaevich with criticism of the activities of Governor General of Eastern Siberia Nikolai Nikolaevich Muravyov-Amursky РГИА. 10 / 2 / 134. The report of the specific official Zamyatnin in the Moscow specific office and other documents on the investigation of the case of the complaint of the peasant of the Domodedovo volost on the back of the bailiff РГИА. 10 / 2 / 135. Decree on the resignation from the service of Alexander Konstantinovich Bulgakov and the patent for him for the rank of Major General РГИА. 10 / 2 / 136. The composer’s letter to the [Istor M.] Kozhzhinsky unidentified person with a message about the time of the first performance of his new musical work "Stirian Waltz" and with a request to help them print them, with the application of the Vals program РГИА. 10 / 2 / 137. Letter [director of the Italian opera in St. Petersburg?] Ivan [Katerin.?] Kavos an unidentified person with the expression of regret in connection with the refusal of the addressee to visit Kavos and with a request to send the promised notes РГИА. 10 / 2 / 138. A note by the director of the Imperial theaters of Gedeonov with orders of an unidentified person on the delivery of a poster, different documents and another РГИА. 10 / 2 / 139. Note on the former Ryazan governor of Stremoukhov on the case of the allocation (according to the governor) of the peasants of the landowner who sold them a year before the peasant reform РГИА. 10 / 2 / 14. The order of Lev Alekseevich Perovsky to the Saratov governor Matvey Lvovich Kozhevnikov on the sending of the formular list of the candidate for the position of the provincial leader of the nobility of Bakhmetev instead of M.L.Kozhevnikov previously containing "non РГИА. 10 / 2 / 140. "The plan of the Libavsky Port" РГИА. 10 / 2 / 141. Newspaper clippings and other materials about the last days of life and death of the heir to the throne of Grand Duke Nikolai Alexandrovich and the transportation of his body to Russia РГИА. 10 / 2 / 142. Letter of the rector of Moscow University Sergey [Ivanovich] Barshev to Prince Nikolai Petrovich (the surname is not established) in connection with a request of the latter about the student of Lazarevsky РГИА. 10 / 2 / 143. A letter from Kamensky (?) Unknown person with a request to keep a secret "taking place in the Thursday Council" and about the impossibility of being at the next meeting due to the disease РГИА. 10 / 2 / 144. Letter [Ambrose Lukyanovich?] Metlinsky to an unidentified person in connection with the compilation of the addressee of the Little Russian Dictionary РГИА. 10 / 2 / 145. Note by the unidentified person "The Berlin world before Russian public opinion" РГИА. 10 / 2 / 146. Diplomas of Ekaterina Konstantinovna Bulgakova about awarding her insignificant service signs РГИА. 10 / 2 / 147. Letter of Count Grigory Alexandrovich Miloradovich to an unknown person about the delivery of books to the addressee РГИА. 10 / 2 / 148. The letter of Alexandra Alexandrovna Znamenskaya Maria Alexandrovna (the surname is not established) with gratitude for the attention to her "newly -minted brainchild."Here are also clippings from newspapers for August 1-13, 1884 with lists of literature prohibited РГИА. 10 / 2 / 149. The letter of Count Guryev (name and patronymic are not established) to the unidentified person (general) with a request to send him a note of the addressee "On the local position" РГИА. 10 / 2 / 15. The attitude of the Minister of War Prince Vasily Andreyevich Dolgorukov Lev Alekseevich Perovsky with a request to report an opinion about the increase in the rank of manager of the Krasnoselsky specific office of the colonel's sapper battalions [Gavrila Semenovich] Zube РГИА. 10 / 2 / 150. Inventory (invalid) materials of the Fund No. 1021 Perovsky for 1807-1918 РГИА. 10 / 2 / 16. Reskript Alexander II to Lev Alekseevich Perovsky on the order of the latter to form a rifle battalion from the specific peasants, instead of the dissolved rifle regiment РГИА. 10 / 2 / 17. Notes by the doctor F. Sidorov, letter of Count Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy to secretary Lev Alekseevich Perovsky Vasily Matveevich Lazarevsky and other documents about the illness and death of Lev Alekseevich Perovsky РГИА. 10 / 2 / 18. Inventories of rescripts of representatives of Russian and German imperial houses to different persons (including Lev Alekseevich Perovsky) and resolutions, and litter on different documents (including the reports of Lev Alekseevich Perovsky) for 1807-1880 РГИА. 10 / 2 / 19. Correspondence of Lev Alekseevich Perovsky with the Tambov governor Peter Alekseevich Bulgakov about the relationship between them in the service РГИА. 10 / 2 / 20. Correspondence of Lev Alekseevich Perovsky with Dmitry [Petrovich] Buturlin in connection with the printing by Vladimir Ivanovich Dal in the magazine "Moskvityan" of his stories РГИА. 10 / 2 / 21. Correspondence of Lev Alekseevich Perovsky with Baron Gakstenhausen about the new work of the latter dedicated to Russia РГИА. 10 / 2 / 22. The accompanying letter of Lev Alekseevich Perovsky Alexander II to the "Review" of Count Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy for the order of Alexander II to be in the service at the last;memorial book of the rifle regiment of the imperial surname (printed) with a litter РГИА. 10 / 2 / 23. Letter of Lev Alekseevich Perovsky Nikolai Ivanovich Bakhtin on the committee, "established on the subject of ransom of landowner peasants sold from public tenders" РГИА. 10 / 2 / 24. Letter of Lev Alekseevich Perovsky Andrei Loginovich Hoffmann on the issue of subordinating the careful council of public charity of the Volkovsky schismatics, the Almighty РГИА. 10 / 2 / 25. Letter of Alexander Vladimirovich Adlerberg [Lev Alekseevich Perovsky] with gratitude for the hospitality provided to him on the estate of Lev Alekseevich Perovsky on Imovsky coast РГИА. 10 / 2 / 26. Letters of the Minister of the Imperial Court Vladimir Fedorovich Adlerberg Lev Alekseevich Perovsky for preparations for the journey of the emperor in Russia and the need to examine the state of a number of roads, about the time of audience with the emperor and other РГИА. 10 / 2 / 27. Letter of Ivan Anenkov to Lev Alekseevich Perovsky about the division of property remaining after the death of Peter Vasilyevich Denisiev РГИА. 10 / 2 / 28. Letter [Vladimir Ivanovich?] Baryatinsky Lev Alekseevich Perovsky with a request to take his son to Petersburg [?] And with the message about the son of Vasily Alekseevich Perovsky Alexei РГИА. 10 / 2 / 29. Letter of Sofia Bibikova Lev Alekseevich Perovsky with an invitation to visit her РГИА. 10 / 2 / 3. Notebook of Lev Alekseevich Perovsky with notes on his trip to the North Caucasus, visiting Vladikavkaz, Daryal gorge, Alagirsky silver factories and other places РГИА. 10 / 2 / 30. Bloomfield's letter to Lev Alekseevich Perovsky with a request for a service РГИА. 10 / 2 / 31. Letters of Prince Illarion Vasilievich Vasilchikov to Lev Alekseevich Perovsky regarding the decree on April 2, 1842 on the obligated peasants, the need to improve the government apparatus of Russia, with the approval of the appointment of the count [Peter Andreevich] Kleinmikhel РГИА. 10 / 2 / 32. Letter of Count Grigory Nikolaevich Vladislavich Lev Alekseevich Perovsky with a request to provide a place of service РГИА. 10 / 2 / 34. Letter of Prince Grigory Petrovich Volkonsky Lev Alekseevich Perovsky about personal affairs and with a request for the person who had been protected by him РГИА. 10 / 2 / 35. Letters of Prince Mikhail Semenovich Vorontsov Lev Alekseevich Perovsky about trips to Chechnya, about the state of affairs in this area, about his participation in a military campaign near Vedeno, about the need to build a shipyard in Odessa or Kerch, about rumors about the alleged construction РГИА. 10 / 2 / 36. Invitation to Count Lev Alekseevich Perovsky for lunch to Sir Hamilton РГИА. 10 / 2 / 37. Letters of Vladimir Ivanovich Dal to Lev Alekseevich Perovsky on the management of the Nizhny Novgorod Specific Chamber, (population census, introduction of land fees, punishment of individual peasants for small cutting of forests and other acts, a matter of giving in a soldier РГИА. 10 / 2 / 38. Letter of Peter Vasilyevich Denisiev Lev Alekseevich Perovsky for his estate "Malinovka" Kursk (?) Province РГИА. 10 / 2 / 39. Letter of Mikhail [Mikhailovich?] Zhemchuzhnikov to Lev Alekseevich Perovsky with a characteristic of K. Liven (in connection with the upcoming appointment of him as a Taganrog mayor) РГИА. 10 / 2 / 4. Lev Alekseevich Perovsky's notebook with notes about his trip to Crimea РГИА. 10 / 2 / 40. Baroness Baroness's letter letter to Baroness Zaltsi Lev Alekseevich Perovsky with a request to send money to Perovsky with a request to send money РГИА. 10 / 2 / 41. Letter of the Odessa mayor A [Lexandra Ivanovich] Koznacheev to Lev Alekseevich Perovsky in the investigation of the waste of money in the Odessa commercial court and county treasury, the actions of Russian troops in the Caucasus, and the improvement of trade in Odessa РГИА. 10 / 2 / 42. Letters of Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich Lev Alekseevich Perovsky with thanks for sending different notes and with a request to draw up a set of extracts from the reports of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Buildings about the provinces of the provinces of European РГИА. 10 / 2 / 43. Letter M [Arya Alex.] Kryzhanovskaya Lev Alekseevich Perovsky with an expression of gratitude for the money transferred to her name, about his stay in Italy and for other personal matters РГИА. 10 / 2 / 44. Letter of the State Secretary Longvinov Lev Alekseevich Perovsky for the appointment of a meeting РГИА. 10 / 2 / 45. Письмо Мейендорфа Льву Алексеевичу Перовскому с предложением своих услуг по выполнению его поручений в Париже и о необходимости по примеру Пруссии и Франции принять меры против [угрозы для сельского хозяйства?] РГИА. 10 / 2 / 46. Letter of the Duke of George Meklenburg Lev Alekseevich Perovsky with a request to express his opinion about the five miniatures sent to him РГИА. 10 / 2 / 47. Letters of the Vyatka Civil Governor A [Lexandra Nikolayevich] Mordvinov to Lev Alekseevich Perovsky about the bribery of the former Glazovsky police officer Izhitsky and other officials of the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs РГИА. 10 / 2 / 48. Letters of General Governor of Eastern Siberia Count Nikolai Nikolaevich Muravyov-Amursky Lev Alekseevich Perovsky in the Affairs of Siberia Directorate, about the establishment of trade relations with China and Japan, in connection with the death of the expedition of George Frankley РГИА. 10 / 2 / 49. Letter of B. Nelidova [Lev Alekseevich Perovsky] with a recommendation to the city of Toropets Askoronsky (?) РГИА. 10 / 2 / 5. The attitude of the Minister of Finance Count Yegor Frantsevich Kankrin to the Minister of the Imperial Court and the Whites Holy Prince Pyotr Mikhailovich Volkonsky with the attitude of the Minister of State Property and the note by P.M.Volkonsky in the case of mutual calculation РГИА. 10 / 2 / 50. Letters of Nicholas I Lev Alekseevich Perovsky with an order to investigate the case of the illegal submission of urban land in Tambov to the merchant Gerasimov, in connection with the end of Bibikov, "Inventory cases" and another РГИА. 10 / 2 / 51. Letter of Senator V. Novosiltsev Lev Alekseevich Perovsky about shipping to the latter of a silver nugget for his mineralogical collection РГИА. 10 / 2 / 52. Count's letter [Alexei Fedorovich?] Orlov to Lev Alekseevich Perovsky on the restriction of the Committee on Crachesis РГИА. 10 / 2 / 53. Letter to Nikolai Ivanovich Perovsky Lev Alekseevich Perovsky about monetary difficulties РГИА. 10 / 2 / 54. Letter of Comrade Minister of the Interior Ivan Grigoryevich Senyavin [Lev Alekseevich Perovsky?] On the quarrel Governor General Dyakov with the former provincial leader of the nobility by Felix Khristoforovich at the last РГИА. 10 / 2 / 55. Letter of Governor-General of the Baltic Territory Prince Alexander Arkadyevich Suvorov Lev Alekseevich Perovsky with a request to send a copy of the work of a member of the Commission on the Revision of the Riga City Directorate [Yuri Fedorovich] Samarin on the history of the Baltic РГИА. 10 / 2 / 56. Letters of Anna Alex.Tolstoy brother Lev Alekseevich Perovsky about the last days of his life and death of their eldest brother Alexei, about his son, Count Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy, about the misunderstandings and disputes with General Peter Vasilyevich Denisiev because РГИА. 10 / 2 / 57. Letter of the archaeologist Count Alex.Sergeyevich Uvarov Lev Alekseevich Perovsky about the state of historical and architectural monuments in the Kirillovsky monastery in the city of Suzdal РГИА. 10 / 2 / 58. Letters of the President of the Academy of Sciences Sergey Semenovich Uvarov Lev Alekseevich Perovsky about the opinions of academician Mikhail Petrovich Pogodin about the reasons for the lack of inscriptions on the tomb of Prince Dmitry Pozharsky and with a request to send his lithographic portrait;P РГИА. 10 / 2 / 59. The letter of the Kazan governor Sergey [Pavlovich] Shipov Lev Alekseevich Perovsky about the excitement of the peasants in the village of Ahrammov of the Kazan province РГИА. 10 / 2 / 6. Notification of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Count Karl Vasilyevich Nesselrode Lev Alekseevich Perovsky with information about Rosalia Garfunkel and Adolf Luri, who returned to Russia, suspected of the production of fake banknotes РГИА. 10 / 2 / 60. Count A. Shuvalov’s letter to Lev Alekseevich Perovsky about the disposal of the empress to send her gifts for the ladies of the Switfish of the Grand Duchess of Oldenburg РГИА. 10 / 2 / 61. Memoirs of Vasily Alekseevich Perovsky "My captivity in 1812, 1813 and 1814" РГИА. 10 / 2 / 62. Diary of Vasily Alekseevich Perovsky during a trip to Karlsbad and Italy РГИА. 10 / 2 / 63. Letter of Vasily Alekseevich Perovsky sister Maria Alekseevna Kryzhanovskaya (born Perovskaya) about family affairs РГИА. 10 / 2 / 64. Letter of Vasily Alekseevich Perovsky sister Countess Anna Alekseevna Tolstoy (born Perovskaya) about personal and family affairs РГИА. 10 / 2 / 66. Letter of Alexander II Vasily Alekseevich Perovsky in connection with the death of Nicholas I РГИА. 10 / 2 / 67. Letter of Peter Vasilyevich Denisiev Vasily Alekseevich Perovsky in the case of the inheritance left after Denisiev’s wife (Mother of Perovsky) РГИА. 10 / 2 / 68. Letters of the Irkutsk Bishop Evseviy Vasily Alekseevich Perovsky in connection with the arrival of the service (in Irkutsk), with the recollection of service in Orenburg and about personal relationships between them РГИА. 10 / 2 / 69. Letters of P. Kurbatov’s brother Vasily Alekseevich Perovsky about the death of their mother Maria Mikhailovna Denisieva and with a request to give out foreign passports to Kuzin P. Kurbatov Valueva and his son (?) Paul РГИА. 10 / 2 / 7. The representations of Lev Alekseevich Perovsky Nicholas I in connection with the upcoming reception Nikolai I Bishopov Voyakovsky and Fialkovsky and Canon Personika (who arrived from Warsaw) and on the delivery of the Stacelberg report (from Riga) РГИА. 10 / 2 / 70. Personal documents of Boris Alekseevich Perovsky (patents for ranks, award decrees and more) РГИА. 10 / 2 / 71. Diary of Boris Alekseevich Perovsky.Mentioned Count Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy РГИА. 10 / 2 / 72. The deposits of Adjutant General Berg (from Helsingfors), Adjutant General Grabbe (to Revel) on the bombing of the Sveaborg fortress and other documents related to the activities of Boris Alekseevich Perovsky as the chief of staff of the troops located in Estley РГИА. 10 / 2 / 73. Notification of the Minister of the Imperial Court, Count Vladimir Fedorovich Adlerberg Boris Alekseevich Perovsky on the permission of Alexander II, to issue a portrait of Count Kleinmichel to the director of the Institute of Railways for placing him at the institute;notice РГИА. 10 / 2 / 74. Journals of reports (drafts) Boris Alekseevich Perovsky Alexander II and Empress Maria Alexandrovna during his stay as an educator of the Grand Dukes Alexander and Vladimir Alexandrovich РГИА. 10 / 2 / 75. Poems and dramatic works of Count Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy, Olga Borisovna Perovskaya and other (including unidentified) persons;Letters A.K.Tolstoy Boris Alekseevich Perovsky РГИА. 10 / 2 / 76. The telegram of the Count Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy Alexander II in connection with the attack of him a bear during the hunt and the answer of Boris Alekseevich A. PerovskyTolstoy, written on behalf of Alexander II РГИА. 10 / 2 / 77. Correspondence of Boris Alekseevich Perovsky with the peasants of the village of Giryaev Samara province on leasing land for him and about personal relationships between them РГИА. 10 / 2 / 78. Letters of Boris Alekseevich Perovsky brother Lev Alekseevich Perovsky for personal matters РГИА. 10 / 2 / 79. Letters of Boris Alekseevich Perovsky Uncle (?) Wife A. Yakovlevich Bulgakov about official trips, about the mood in the troops and among the population in connection with military operations in the Crimea and on personal matters РГИА. 10 / 2 / 8. Addition to the representation of Leo Alekseevich Perovsky to the State Council on measures to improve office work in provincial rule РГИА. 10 / 2 / 80. Reskript and letters of Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich (then Emperor Alexander III) Boris Alekseevich Perovsky, mainly about personal affairs;Letter of Boris Alekseevich Perovsky to Alexander II about a trip with the Grand Duke to Copenhagen РГИА. 10 / 2 / 81. Bertier's letter [Boris Alekseevich Perovsky?] About the receipt of 1000 francs from him and with a request to return the rest РГИА. 10 / 2 / 82. Letter of Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna Boris Alekseevich Perovsky in connection with the election of her president of the Academy of Arts РГИА. 10 / 2 / 83. Letters of different persons (including members of the tsarist family) Boris Alekseevich Perovsky in cases related to his service as an educator of the Grand Dukes Alexander and Vladimir Alexandrovich, about personal and family affairs РГИА. 10 / 2 / 84. Letter of the unidentified person Boris Alekseevich Perovsky on the occasion of the appointment of his daughter Maria Freilina Empress РГИА. 10 / 2 / 85. Diary of S.K.Perovskaya РГИА. 10 / 2 / 86. Notebook Sophia Konstantinovna Perovskaya with records of poems and excerpts from literary works РГИА. 10 / 2 / 87. Notebook Sophia Konstantinovna Perovskaya with records of poems and excerpts from literary works РГИА. 10 / 2 / 88. Notebook Sophia Konstantinovna Perovskaya with records of poems and excerpts from literary works РГИА. 10 / 2 / 89. Letter of Empress Maria Fedorovna Sofya Konstantinovna Perovskaya with an expression of condolences in connection with the death of her daughter Olga РГИА. 10 / 2 / 9. The ideas of Lev Alekseevich Perovsky Grand Duke Alexander Nikolaevich about the adoption of the project of the "all -depth" report on the "foreign schismatics" and with a request for the reception РГИА. 10 / 2 / 90. Letter of Alexei Borisovich Perovsky mother Sofya Konstantinovna Perovskaya, written for exercise in English РГИА. 10 / 2 / 91. Materials of Sofia Konstantinovna Perovskaya (born Bulgakova).Letters of different persons S.K.PerovskayaIn French and Russian РГИА. 10 / 2 / 92. Letters of Boris Alekseevich Perovsky to his wife Sofya Konstantinovna Perovskaya about her work as chief of staff of troops located in Estland, the stay of the enemy fleet in the Baltic Sea, about the course of the Crimean war and in personal affairs РГИА. 10 / 2 / 93. Letters of Boris Alekseevich Perovsky Zhenya S.K.Perovskaya on the death of the heir to the throne of Grand Duke Nikolai Alexandrovich, the announcement of the heir to the Grand Duke Alexander, on the attempt of Dmitry Karakozov on Alexander II, on a trip to Denmark, about secular and secular and РГИА. 10 / 2 / 94. Letters of Maria Borisovna Stepanova (born Perovskaya), mother S.K.Perovskaya, about a trip to the Crimea and other personal matters РГИА. 10 / 2 / 95. Letters of Countess Alexandra Andreevna Tolstoy S.K.Perovskaya about secular and court news, personal and family affairs РГИА. 10 / 2 / 96. Letter of the Duchess of Maria Alexandrovna Edinburgh S.K.Perovskaya in connection with the death of Olga Borisovna Perovskaya РГИА. 10 / 2 / 97. The diary of Vera Borisovna Perovskaya.Mentioned Count Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy РГИА. 10 / 2 / 98. Notifications of the certificates of the Empress Maria Aleksandrovna and the Minister of the Imperial Court V.B.Perovskaya on the appointment of her medal of Empress Maria Alexandrovna after her death and about the relocation of V.B.Perovskaya for a new apartment in Tsarskoye Selo;A certificate РГИА. 10 / 2 / 99. Report (financial) store and workshop "Work of poor women" belonging to V.B.Perovskaya, in January-December 1916 and evidence of the St. Petersburg mayor of the workshop Display format Archival description RUSMARC