The activities of authorities and public associations on monumental propaganda of events and heroes of the Battle of Kursk (1940...

Kizilova, Ekaterina Viktorovna (candidate of historical sciences).The activities of the authorities and public associations on the monumental promotion of the events and heroes of the Battle of Kursk (1940-1990): Author of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of historical sciences: specialty 07.00.02 / Kizilova Ekaterina Viktorovna;[Southwest State University].- Kursk, 2021. -26 s .. -Place of protection: course.state.un-t.- List of works Auth.: P.25-26 (10 names).- Bibliogr.In the settling.Note..1. The memory of the Great Victory (collection).2. The people (collection).3. Power (collection).4. Territory of Russia: Kursk region (collection).5. Domestic history.BBK 63.3 (2ros-4su) 622-9ya031BBK 85.136.15 (2ros-4s)Electronic copy source: KSU.Website
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