
Identifier 4d3a017d-0f59-479d-854a-a33f257889ce
Title 1620-1914
Dates 1620
Text language Russian
Level Lists
Call number РГИА. 1075 / 1
Cataloguing source RGIA
Extent 1285 storage units
Fonds Philosophers Alexey Illarionovich (1799-1874), Adjutant General, teacher of the Grand Dukes of Nikolai and Mikhail Nikolayevichs, temporary military governor of St. Petersburg
Contents The inventory presents materials to the history of the philosophical genus: personal documents and on the passage of the service of A. I. Philosopher and members of his family;materials related to the official activities of A. I. Philosopher, including the official correspondence of his on the strengthening of the defense of the Baltic coast, on the elimination of fires and the restoration of Apraksin and Shchukin of trade courts in St. Petersburg (1862);correspondence and materials about the property of A. I. Philosopher and members of his family;Letter of M. Yu. Lermontov to A. I. Philosopher;Materials about the publication of the poem "Demon"
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1. Notes and notes A.I.Philosopher and other persons and official certificates with information on the history of the genus;genealogy tables
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 10. Diplomas A.I.Philosopher on the title of a member of Russian and foreign scientists, including the Russian Geographical Society, Free Economic Society and other
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 100. Письма (три) А.И. Философова начальнику штаба Главного управления военно-учебных заведений Я.И. Ростовцову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1000. A memorable notebook for the recording of the money received from the village of Pel-Khovanskaya, the condition with the clerk, information about the crop and other materials related to the estate of A.I.and A.G.Philosophical villages Pelovskaya-Khovanskaya Lukoyanovsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod province
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1001. The petition of the peasants of the village of Pel-Khovanskaya Lukoyanovsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod province in the name of their landowners A.I.and A.G.Philosophers about their transfer to a quit
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1002. Документы, относящиеся к деревне А.И. Философова Яковково, приказы И.Н. и А.И. Философовых и другое
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1003. The attitude of the Novoladozh district leader of the nobility of Savitsky and the instructions on the demarcation of the lands of the noblemen of the Novoladozh district of the St. Petersburg province, which are in general use of several persons
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1004. Официальное письмо предводителя дворянства Новоладожского уезда Петербургской губернии А.И. Философову о проекте "Взаимного застрахования недвижимых собственностей в помещичьих имениях", составленном неустановленным автором (помещиком того же уезда)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1005. The official letter of the leader of the nobility of the Novoladozh district of the St. Petersburg province A.I.The philosopher about the order of dispute in the landowner estates
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1006. Relations of the Novoladozh leader of the nobility of the Novoladozh district of the St. Petersburg province and the Novoladogsky judge A.I.Philosopher in connection with the land lawsuit of the latter with the landowners Dementiev and the petition of A.I.Philosopher in the Novoladozh district court on t
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1007. The attitude of the [chairman] of the St. Petersburg Assembly of the rural hosts A.I.The philosopher about the sending of information on the state of farms before and after the introduction of the charter letters and another
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1008. 1870
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1009. Documents on cash settlements A.I.and A.G.Philosophers with different faces
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1009. Book of Records of the debts A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1009. Financial and economic documents A.I.and A.G.Philosophers: documents on the provision of loans and loans from the state bank and the court of its imperial majesty Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich of the office;bills, money debt receipts, quit
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1009. Financial and economic documents A.I.and A.G.Philosophers: borrowed letters, documents on the appointment of the payment of A.I.The philosopher "lease" money and the provision of a loan from the state borrowed bank;money debt receipts, receipts, stores of stores, f
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 101. Letter A.I.Philosopher of Natalia [Illarionovna Sarycheva (nee philosopher)]]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1010. Letters and notifications of foreign bankers Alexei Illarionovich Philosophy
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1011. The petition of Lieutenant General A.I.Philosopher in the Olonets Treasury Chamber on the transfer of eight serfs from one village belonging to him to another
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1012. Dismantribution issued by A.I.The philosopher's courtyard of the village of Zagvodier I.G.Sirotkin with his family, and his certificate of consent to the transfer of the land plot to the peasant Tyurin and to the release of the first of the peasant.
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1013. The authorized letters of the villages: Mondrovo, white crosses, the Petersburg Locabulary of the St. Petersburg province and a note by A.I.Philosopher about the land section with peasants
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1014. Records of Adjutant General A.I.Philosopher, the attitude of the Minister of the Court and other documents about the apartment of A.I.Philosopher in the Winter Palace
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1015. Figure (grille for the fence) with the remark of A.I.Philosopher and drawing, depicting the arrangement of furniture in two rooms of the apartment of A.I.Philosopher, and drawings of outbuildings
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1016. Note by A.I.Philosopher about the works of Amburger on Halvanoplasty
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1017. Explanatory note to Prince I.F.Paskevich-Erivansky to the "History of the War against" rebels "in Hungary in 1849, written by a Russian officer"
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1018. The case: "Essays on the Polish company in 1831" Prince I.F.Paskevich-Erivansky
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1019. Poem F.I.Tyutcheva, dedicated to Count M.N.Muravyov, rewritten by A.I.Philosopher, with the notes of the last
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 102. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher [Academician] I.M.[Snegirev]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1020. The petition of I.N.Philosopher in the St. Petersburg [noble] deputy meeting with a request to bring him with his family to the noble family book
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1021. The text of the speech of pupils of the Prague Institute dedicated to Emperor Nicholas I, sent by A.I.Philosopher Vaclav Ganka, professor of Prague University
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1022. Decree of the Senate A.I.Philosophers about the approval of his trustee over the estate of the engineer, headquarters captain F.V.Bazhanova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1023. Programs of performances, festivities, fireworks, races and other amusements;Menu, invitation tickets sent by A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1024. Correspondence A.I.Philosopher on the therapeutic tool of the pharmacist
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1025. Report on the inspection [engineering] Department of the Military Ministry of the Military on the definition of A.I.Philosopher for the Russian service of E. Kukha, Prussian subject who fled from French captivity
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1026. The case: "Notes for memory" about different persons, mainly in connection with their petitions in the name of A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1027. Two engravings ("Lavinia and Mother" and without name) received by A.I.Philosopher as a reward for good successes and behavior from [M-Be Vilbole] and an engraved image of Holy Ipathy, donated [A.P.?] P.A.Barteneva A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1028. Documents about the service of Matvey Kharitonovich Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1029. The letters of Peter II and Anna Ioannovna in the name of Yegor Matveevich Philosopher of the Grace of his ranks and the decree of the Military College on his resignation
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 103. Letter of Adjutant General A.I.Philosopher Matvey Ivanovich Sokolov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1030. The letters of Catherine I, Peter II and Anna Ioannovna in the name of Illarion Matveevich Philosopher on the awarding of his ranks and the review of the military collegium about his service and property position
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1031. Passport Semyon Kuzmich Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1032. The Senate Decree on the resignation of Nikita Egorovich Philosopher and the letter of Catherine II on the appointment of him by the prosecutor provincial
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1033. A poem (without a title) dedicated to I.N.and N.E.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1034. A note by an unidentified person with the text of the inscription on the grave monument to I.M. Lieutenant Coloneland Major G.M.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1035. The personal list of persons adopted in the imperial ground gentry cadet corps, among them - "Larion Filozofov, son of the Ufa provincial office of the prosecutor" and "his brother Ivan Filozofov"
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1036. Certificate of the Imperial Ground gentry Cadet Corps addressed to I.N.Philosopher about the excellent end of the course of sciences in the corps with awarding a gold medal of medium -sized
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1037. Formular list about the service of the former Novoladozh district leader of the nobility I.N.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1038. Decree on resignation from military service I.N.Philosopher and the notice of the St. Petersburg leader of the nobility about the passage to him, I.N.Philosophers, bronze medals in memory of the Patriotic War of 1812
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1039. Mathematical exercises I.N.Philosopher, his translations, works and drafts compiled by him, reports on the inspection of a skew
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 104. Письмо [А.И. Философова] [председателю Департамента уделов Министерства императорского двора], графу Ю.И. Стенбоку
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1040. Certificate of the Council of the Imperial Educational Society of noble girls addressed to P.A.Barykova about the successful end of the course of sciences and the award of her a large silver medal signed by I.I.Betsky and others
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1041. Poems of an unknown person: "For a golden wedding I.N. and P.A. Philosophers"
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1042. Documents E.I.Philosopher: Certificate of completion of the course in the imperial educational society of noble girls, on the nobility, and her note "Light is the theater, people - comedians"
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1043. The petition of the Adjutant General A.I.Philosopher of the head of the court clergy on the issuance of evidence of the baptism of his sons: Alexei, Vladimir, Dmitry, Mikhail and daughters of Alexandra and Olga
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1044. Documents on training in the Page Corps of Sons A.I.Philosopher - Dmitry and Nikolai
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1045. Report A.I.Philosopher to the Minister of the Imperial Court on the receipt of the Order sign and the Freily sign for the daughter.The confidence note [Major General, commander of the first brigade of the Third Cavalry Division] D.A.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1046. Official letters (two) [directors of the Page Corps] Adjutant General A.I.Philosophy on dismissal on vacation A.N.Philosopher, Camera Pazh, Addressor's nephew
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1047. Notification of the Minister of War A.I.Philosophers about enrolling Sergei Philosopher, son of Major General retired philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1048. List of relatives of the Life Guards of the Hussar Regiment, captain Stolypin (Alexei Arkadyevich)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1049. Letter of K. Sedov to an unknown person (Stepan Pavlovich) with the dates of death members of the Stolypin family
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 105. Письма (четыре) А.И. Философова Афанасию Алексеевичу Столыпину
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1050. Certificate of headquarters Meyer on the health status of Junker Stolypin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1051. RGIA
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1052. Letter P.A.Barykova (in the marriage of philosopher) to her mother P.I.Barykova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1053. Letter of Pelagia Alekseevna Philosopher (nee Barykova) D.A.and E.P.[Barykov] with the post of V.D.[Barykova]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1054. Letter I.N.Philosopher Varvara Andreevna Tomilova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1055. Letters (four) I.N.Philosopher A.R.Tomilov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1056. Letters (four) philosophers I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) unidentified persons
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1057. Letter of A. Adrianov to I.N.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1058. Letter of Ekaterina Anichkova to I.N.and P.A.Philosopher, uncle and aunt
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1059. Letters (four) nieces of N. Anichkova to I.N.and P.A.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 106. Letter A.I.Philosopher [M.V.Stolypina]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1060. Letters (three) N. Anthropova to P.A.Philosopher (nee Barykova)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1061. 1620
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1062. Letter P.V.Barykova and Count A.A.Tolstoy to I.N.and P.A.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1063. Letter of I. Bogdanov to I.N.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1064. Letter of A. Buzheninova to P.A.Philosopher (nee Barykova)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1065. Letters (three) of the Orenburg Civil Governor M.F.Verigina to I.N.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1066. Letter to K. Villot (C. Villot) to P.A.Philosopher (nee Barykova)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1067. Letters (two) nuns of Virsovia to I.N.Philosopher and his wife P.A.(nee Barykova)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1068. Letter of Zheleznov to I.N.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1069. Letter of Princess A. Golitsyna to P.A.Philosopher (nee Barykova), cousin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 107. Письмо А.И. Философова генерал-адъютанту, графу С.Г. [Строганову]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1070. Letters (seven) A.N.Ivkova (nee philosopher), sisters, to I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1071. Letters (three) nieces of Elizabeth Ivkova to P.A.Philosopher (nee Barykova)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1072. Letter I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) philosopher Y.V.and A.N.Ivkovy
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1073. Letters (two) I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) philosopher V. Casturina
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1074. Letter I.N.Philosophy D. Karsakova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1075. Letters (two) M. Kosagovsky [from the Penza province] to I.N.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1076. Letters (three) A. Lanskaya I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) Philosophy, with the post of E.A.Barykova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1077. Letters (twelve) E. and A. Maklakov I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1078. Letters (five) nieces V. Melgunova [I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) philosopher]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1079. Letters (six) I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) philosopher E.A.Melgunova (nee Barykova)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 108. Letter A.I.Philosopher [St. Petersburg Military General-General], the brightest Prince A.A.[Suvorov]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1080. Letters (two) I.N.Philosopher [admiral] N. [p.] Mordvinova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1081. Letter by N. Oznobishina I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1082. Letter A. Okuneva I.N.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1083. Letter A. Plotnikova I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1084. Letter R. [and].Philosopher from the landowner, [the wife of the Anthef General?] Protasova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1085. Letters (two) P.A.Philosopher (nee Barykova) from E. Protasova related character, about family news, about children's health.Here her postscript [Tomilova] Barbara [Andreevna] with a request to transmit a letter to Ms. Reiman, whose husband is "skilled
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1086. Letter [P.A.Philosopher (nee Barykova)] from cousin Samarina
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1087. Letter I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) philosopher from [lieutenant colonel] V. [a.] Sarychev
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1088. Letter I.N.Philosopher from a neighbor on the estate, [admiral?] G. [a.] Sarychev
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1089. Letters (two) to I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) philosopher from E. [in.] Sarycheva
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 109. Письмо А.И. Философова Вильяму де Тайлю (Sir William de Tuyll)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1090. Letters (seventeen) to I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) philosopher, parents, from N.I.Sarycheva (nee philosopher)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1091. Letters (two) to P.A.Philosopher (nee Barykova) from N. Strogman
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1092. Letters (two) I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) philosopher from A.R.Tomilova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1093. Letters (two) I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) philosopher from the [Novoladozh landowner and district leader of the nobility] R. [a.] Tomilov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1094. Letters (ten) I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) philosopher, uncle and aunt, from A.A.Tomilova (Tomiloffs)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1095. Letters (two) P.A.Philosopher (nee Barykova), aunt, from V.A.Tomilova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1096. Letters (eighteen) I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) philosopher from [landowners of the Novoladozh district] A.R.and barbarians A. Tomilov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1097. Letters (four) I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) philosopher from A.R.and V.A.Tomilov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1098. Letters (two) I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) philosopher from A. [d.] Tyrkov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1099. Letter P.A.Philosopher (nee Barykova) from A. Tirkova with a request to send a pattern for the border (embroidery?)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 11. Reskript Alexander II A.I.The philosopher on his enrollment in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of official activities in the lists of the First Life Guards of the Artillery Brigade and the notification of the military minister on the appointment of him a member of the Committee on August 14, 1814 "
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 110. Letter A.I.Philosopher [attorney in the affairs of Russia in Switzerland Yu.L.] Tengoborsky
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1100. Letters (two) I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) Philosopher from T. [I.] Tirkova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1101. Letters (seventy -seven) I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) philosopher, parents, from A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1102. Letters (one hundred and two) and telegrams (ten) A.I.and A.G.(nee Stolypina) philosopher from his son, Brigadier General D.A.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1103. Letter I.N.Philosopher from [landowner] D. [n.] Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1104. Letters (twenty -five) P.A.Philosopher (nee Barykova) from her husband I.N.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1105. Letter I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) philosopher from M. Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1106. Letter I. [n.] Philosophers from Simbirsk from N.N.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1107. Letter [I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) philosopher] from the grandson of N. [a.] Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1108. Letters (forty -seven) I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) Philosopher from his son, [Lieutenant General, Director of the Page Corps] N. [and.] Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1109. Letters (five) I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) philosopher from the daughter -in -law A.G.Philosopher (nee Stolypina)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 111. Письмо А.И. Философова Дмитрию, Сергею, Федору и Владимиру Тырковым
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1110. Letter I.N.and P.A.(born of Barykova) philosopher from the niece of Anfisa philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1111. Letters (five) I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) philosopher from Novgorod from [daughter -in -law] V. [and.Philosopher]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1112. Letters (twenty -three) I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) philosopher from the daughter of E.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1113. Letter I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) philosopher from the niece of Nadezhda philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1114. Letters (three) I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) philosopher from the niece of Natalia K. Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1115. Documents of the ancestors A.I.Philosopher, his parents, children and other relatives.Letters to Illarion Nikitich and Pelagey Alekseevna (nee Barykova) philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1116. Letter I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) philosopher from M. [n.] and M. [m.] philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1117. Letter I.N.and P.A.(born to Barykova) philosopher from P. Shamshev
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1118. Letters (six) P.A.Philosopher (nee Barykova) from [Baroness] M. Shatz (SChatz)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1119. Letters (two) P.A.[Philosopher (nee Barykova)], a aunt from Moscow from Vera Shokurova (Chokouroff) about the expended money, given mother (her] to debt (Ekaterina Anichkova is mentioned)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 112. Letter A.I.Philosopher [President of the Academy of Sciences], Count S.S.[Uvarov]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1120. Letters (twenty -five) I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) philosopher from N.M.Shokurova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1121. Letters (two) I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) philosopher from N. and V. Shokurov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1122. Letter I.N.Philosophers from N. Savitsky, indicating the date of his visit with Colonel Andreyanov to I.N.Philosopher (one);unidentified persons I.N.and P.A.Philosophy - related and friendly about their news and congratulations on the holidays (three)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1123. Letter of Elizabeth Barykova to E.A.[Barykova], V.A.[Tomilova], and I.N.and P.A.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1124. Letters (two) E.A.Philosopher, E.A.Barykova related character, with birthday congratulations, best wishes (with postscripts of other family members)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1125. Letter S. Barykova from his mother P.I.Barykova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1126. Letter M. Ignatieva from [P.A.?] Barykova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1127. Letter to N. Charkov V.S.[Barykov]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1128. Letter of an unidentified person [signature is illegible] copper philosophical
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1129. Letter N.I.Sarycheva (nee philosopher) T.A.Reshetovaya
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 113. Письмо А.И. Философова [митрополиту Московскому и Коломенскому Филарету]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1130. Letter A. Lakhanina (nee philosopher) N.I.Sarycheva (nee philosopher)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1131. Letter M.F.Ostasheva N.I.Sarycheva (nee philosopher)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1132. Letters (two) A.V.Sarychev, son, officer N.I.Sarycheva (nee philosopher)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1133. Letter of the land surveyor V. Tyurina N.I.Sarycheva (nee philosopher) on the issue of landing land in the Novoladozh district of the St. Petersburg province.Here is the form of power of attorney for the right to sign a boundary book
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1134. Letter N. Batasheva N.A.Stolypina (born Stolypina) her daughter
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1135. Letters (fifteen) P. [in.] Stolypin, [subsequently an official of special assignments under the Novgorod General-Governor] [V.G.Stolypin]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1136. Letter of L. [e.] Lanskaya (born of Will ...) V.A.[Tomilova]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1137. Letter E. Protasova V.A.Tomilova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1138. Letter V. [a.] And N.I.(born of philosopher) Sarychevs V.A.[Tomilova]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1139. Letter N.I.Philosopher A.R.[Tomilov]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 114. Letter A.I.Philosopher's daughter Adina, Alexander Alekseevna Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1140. Letter A. Gernet R.A.[Tomilov]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1141. Letter E. Protasova A.R.and V.A.[Tomilov]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1142. Telegrams of the Grand Dukes of Nikolai and Mikhail Nikolaevich V. Philosopher on the occasion of the death of her husband D.A.Philosopher and her response telegrams
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1143. Letters (two) commander of the first brigade of the Third Guards Division, Major General D.A.Philosopher from the orhalation to his wife V. Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1144. Letter E.N.Diterix V.I.[Philosopher]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1145. Letter V.V.Selivanova N.N.[Philosopher]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1146. Letters (two) N. [a.] Philosopher to the father of A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1147. Letter (excerpt) of the unidentified person N.E.Philosopher with the litter "on economic affairs"
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1148. A letter from an unidentified person (that ... Ivan) N.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1149. Letter of the commander of the first brigade of the Third Guards Division, Major General D.A.Philosopher N.A.Philosopher about the upcoming offensive of Russian troops under the Plevna
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 115. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher of Mother P.A.Philosopher (nee Barykova)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1150. Letter of the nun Virsavia Natalya Illarionovna and Ekaterina Illarionovna philosopher about the expulsion of "saints of the two images of the angels of Natalia and Catherine Great Martyr"
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1151. Letter A. Plotnikova N.I.and E.I.[Philosopher]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1152. Letter of N. Barykova from St. Petersburg, relatives of I.N.and P.A.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1153. Letter [S.V.] Barykova [Uncle and Aunt I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) philosopher] personal nature
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1154. Letter of N. Barykova niece, [I.N.and P.A.(nee Barykova) philosopher]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1155. Letter P. Barykova and Countess P.V.Tolstoy unidentified person (aunt) congratulatory
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1156. Letter E. [d.] Golubtsova [count?ON THE.Protasov]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1157. Letter of the editor of the "Vladimir Provincial Gazette" by V. Dobrokhotov to an unknown person (Vasily Stefanovich)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1158. A. Zubareva’s letter to an unidentified person with a request to make A.G.Philosophical proposal to buy the estate of Mother Zubareva
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1159. Letter of N. Sarycheva unidentified addressee (Varenka), niece A.I.Philosopher Personal nature
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 116. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher D.N.[Philosopher]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1160. Письмо [Валент. Григорьев.] Столыпина неустановленной адресатке "маменьке" (Наталье Алексеевне? Столыпиной) родственное
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1161. Letter V.A.Stolypina unidentified addressee, "Mamenka" of a related nature
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1162. Tyrkov's letter?(Tirkoff?) An unidentified person with the appeal "Cher Bibi" ("Cher Bibi")
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1163. Letters (two) (?) D.A.[Philosopher] unidentified addressee "Vavochka" friendly
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1164. Letter M.A.Philosopher's unknown addressee of a friendly nature
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1165. Letter [E.I.Philosopher] unidentified person (Ivan Ivanovich) about the money of the latter
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1166. Letter of Ekim Sh [an-Girey] unidentified addressee ("grandmother") of a related nature
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1167. Review of A. Abutsedarsky, Minusinsky salt bailiff, V.D.Philosopher, an official who was under the Senator Count I.N.Tolstoy, revising Eastern Siberia
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1168. Letters (seven) V.D.Philosopher, [an official who consisted under Senator Count I.N.Tolstoy, revising Eastern Siberia], Bartenev, [official, colleague]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1169. Letters (seven) V.D.Philosopher, [an official who was under Senator Count I.N.Tolstoy, revising Eastern Siberia], M. Bazin, [official, colleague]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 117. Note by A.I.Philosopher in the name of Nikolai [Illarionovich] philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1170. Letters (six) V.D.Philosopher, [an official who consisted under Senator Count I.N.Tolstoy, revising Eastern Siberia], [K.S.] Varrand (Warrand), [Senate official]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1171. Letter V.D.Philosopher, an official under Senator Count I.N.Tolstoy, revising Eastern Siberia, V. Kornev, Minusinsky official
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1172. Letters (five) V.D.Philosopher, an official under Senator Count I.N.Tolstoy, revised Eastern Siberia, A. [p.] Neklyudova (nee Bekleshova), Pskov landowner
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1173. Letters (six) V.D.Philosophy, an official under Senator Count I.N.Tolstoy, revising Eastern Siberia, D. [m.], T. [p.], A. [d.] And L. [d.] Rokotovs
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1174. Letters (four) V.D.Philosophy, [an official under Senator Count I.N.Tolstoy, revising Eastern Siberia], A.D.Philosopher, [the head of the Department of Internal Relations of the Ministry of the Interior]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1175. Letters (fifteen) V.D.Philosophy, an official under Senator Count I.N.Tolstoy, revising Eastern Siberia, father, landowner D.N.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1176. Letters (nine) V.D.Philosopher, an official under Senator Count I.N.Tolstoy, who auditing Eastern Siberia, N. [d.] Philosopher, [secretary under the president of the HOF-Antentant Office]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1177. Letters (three) V.D.Philosophy, [an official under Senator Count I.N.Tolstoy, revising Eastern Siberia], Prince V.V.Shakhovsky
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1178. Letter [V.D.Philosopher, an official under Senator Count I.N.Tolstoy, revising Eastern Siberia], unidentified person - comic
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1179. Poem M. Yu. Lermontova "Demon"
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 118. Letter A.I.Philosopher to his nephew Nikolai [Nikolaevich Philosopher]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1180. Letter T. Keif (Keiff Th.) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1181. Letter of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov Alexei Illarionovich Philosophy
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1182. Letter E.A.Arsenieva (nee Stolypina) Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich with a request for the forgiveness of the grandson - M.Yu.Lermontov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1183. Write (two) from sentinel and individual (scribblers) books on the allocation of local dachas Larion to philosopher and his son Eleazar in the Okonezh Pyatina
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1184. The petition of T. Bestuzhev Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich on V.G.and I.G.Philosophers about a quarrel with them when delegating old bread
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1185. Payment signatures (forty -two) in the contribution [philosophical] of different official fees and for labial affairs
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1186. Open from the census books of the Novgorod district on the estate of the Cart belonging to Kozma and Matvey Kharitonovich Philosopher and who was in the Obnozhskaya Pyatin in Klimentovsky Pogost
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1187. Breeding girls E. Philosopher to her brother M.Kh.Philosopher in eight rubles of money and one quarter with an octopus rye
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1188. Jaid M.Kh.Philosopher about the fire in his estate and the loss of local fortresses and business records for the lawsuit made with relatives
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1189. The complaint of the tsars of Ivan and Peter Alekseevich and the princess Sofia D.A.Philosophers about his estimate in the Verkhovsky camp in the Yaroslavl district
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 119. Letter A.I.Philosopher Nicholas Illarionovich and Barbara Ivanovna philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1190. Vacation to the courtyard of M. [x.] Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1191. World V.S.Apreleva with M. Philosopher on a lawsuit for a lost horse
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1192. The arbitration record of the seeds of philosopher (excerpt)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1193. Interrogation speeches S.K.Philosopher on the complaint of T. Bestuzhev about the fit of his land to the neighboring estate
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1194. Obrochny S.K.Philosophers on Mvsvsky.
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1195. Brescent Philip Antonova at S.K.Philosopher in 36 Altyns
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1196. Verulnaya N.P.Olya Obrovyvkina E.Kh.Dolgovo-Saburova with children on the cost of living of her husband who died, and her father-in-law
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1197. Sign N.P.Olyuvkin in the reception of the dowry
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1198. Breeding girl I.I.Antonova S.K.Philosopher in one quarter of rye
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1199. The merchant on the sold M.Kh.Philosopher Skoptz F. Ignatiev, Yaitsky Cossack, nominal prisoner, Chukhonsky Yasyr Simank
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 12. Orders and instructions of the command of the Caucasian Corps and the Second Army on the official purposes of A.I.Philosopher in connection with the participation of the latter in hostilities during the wars of 1826-1828 and 1828-1829
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 120. Письма (два) А.И. Философова [австрийскому послу в Петербурге], графу [П.А.] Эстергази
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1200. In -line P.P.Dolgovo-Saburova M.Kh.Philosophers about conspiracy in the marriage of the daughter of the last Natalia M. and the signature of P.P.Dolgovo-Saburov in the reception of a dowry for his wife, including courtyard people
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1201. Sign of V.I.Zinoviev I.M.Philosophers in the reception of the last sister of the latter Tatyana M. Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1202. 1202
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1203. Surveilla books of villages and wasteland belonging to I.N.Philosopher, and an inventory of boundary books
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1204. Revisy tales of the village of Zagvodier with villages belonging to I.N.Philosopher, the landowner of the Novoladozh district of the St. Petersburg province
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1205. Documents related to the division of the paternal inheritance between Ivan, Nikita, Anna and Alexandra philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1206. Documents in the case of the division of property of the deceased D.A.Nikitin between I.I., I.I., N.N.Philosophy and N.V., D.V.and Ya.V.Mikulin (petitions, act of interrogation)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1207. Revisy tales (two) villages of the Tikhvin district of the Novgorod province, owned by the landowner A.N.Ivkova (nee philosopher)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1208. Economic records I.N.Philosopher and his documents on economic and property issues (a merchant, a believing letter, information on income by estates, the allocation of part of the daughters from estates, vacation certificates of serfs)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1209. Treaty of Melgunova, the landowner of the Kargopol district [Olonets province] with V. Artemyev, the state peasant, on the production of the latter brick at the plant belonging to the landowner
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 121. Письма (два) А.И. Философова [директору Департамента внешней торговли] Д.С. [Языкову]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1210. Ревизские сказки деревни Гагариной, принадлежащей помещице Н.И. Сарычевой (урожденной Философовой)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1211. Справка из Московского архива Министерства юстиции о землях, принадлежавших роду Философовых (выписка из документов 18 века)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1212. Официальная переписка и другие документы по опеке и попечительству А.И. Философова над детьми Н.И. Философова - А., А., Е., И. и Н.Н. Философыми
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1213. Доверительное письмо В.А. Столыпиной А.А. Столыпину на управление принадлежащими ей имениями
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1214. Tale "On the conception and birth of the great sovereign of Emperor Peter the Great, the autocrat of the All-Russian"
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1215. Papers related to the journey of Emperor Paul I to Tikhvin, Moscow and Kazan: Letter V.I.Artsibasheva I.N.Philosophers about the preparation of horses for the royal follow through the Novoladozh district, the travel route, copies of two letters of Count M.K.Rumyantseva V.I.BUT
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1216. Указ Санкт-Петербургского губернского правления Новоладожскому уездному суду по поводу указа Павла I о запрещении носить фраки, жилеты и короткие сапоги
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1217. Гороскоп императора Александра I
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1218. Приказ великого князя Николая Николаевича о вступлении его в должность генерал-инспектора по инженерной части
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1219. Депеша генерала, барона Беннигсена барону Будбергу и донесение последнего о неправильных действиях во время войны с французами фельдмаршала М.Ф. Каменского
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 122. Письмо А.И. Философова [управляющему Нижегородской епархией]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1220. Показания по делу о побоище в Назатмацком посаде в 1734 году
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1221. Records Girard de (Girard, De) entitled "Reflections on events in Poland" related to the Polish uprising of 1831
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1222. The diary of an unidentified person about traveling to Western Europe
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1223. Список оставшихся в живых нижних чинов легкой батареи №1, которая под командой полковника Сатковского участвовала в подавлении восстания декабристов
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1224. Замечания нескольких лиц на записку юрисконсульта Морского министерства барона [Ф.П.] Врангеля "Разные соображения "в руководство при вступлении в управление отдельным ведомством" и замечания на неё генерал-лейтенанта Барятинского, члена Государственного
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1225. Записка неустановленного лица о чрезвычайном собрании тверского дворянства от 1-3 февраля 1862 года
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1226. Сочинение статского советника, помещика Тверской губернии Д. Шелехова "Мысли о России" (о хозяйстве и управлении ее)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1227. M.B.Barclay de Tolly "Image of hostilities of the First Army in 1812"
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1228. Russian
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1229. A note by a chemistry professor of Moscow University Rodion [Grigoryevich] Geiman "Composition for a message of waterproof or impermeability to water and other fabrics"
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 123. Letters (twenty -eight) A.I.Philosopher to the unidentified addresses
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1230. The composition of A. Kvashnin-Samarin "Thoughts about the acquisition of our army with voluntary recruits or volunteers", the poem "To our failed politicians and agitators of Fili-Slavs and Boniface, the Ethnographic essay" Village ", article" N
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1231. Speech Lesse (Lassez) of the Legislativ deputy (Le Corps Legislativ) in France in the Commission of the Legislative Corps on the need to conclude peace
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1232. Article Major General, Baron Medem "An opinion about the war with the Circassians"
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1233. Notes by M.P.Pogodina about the eastern question
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1234. Case: "An extract from the case of the detachment of Lieutenant General Khrulev against Evpatoria"
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1235. A statement about the number of students of Moscow University, a list of buildings and premises of it and the schedule of teaching academic subjects for the first half of 1850-1851 of the academic year
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1236. A note about the imperial public imperial library of an unidentified person.Section notes: historical view, composition of the library, inventories and catalogs, library use, present position of the library
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1237. Historical description of the city of Warsaw, compiled by an unidentified person
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1238. Case: "Road remark from the city of Vyborg to the Imatra waterfall, consisting in the Vyborg province", compiled by the Vyborg police officer, Major Gornborg June 19, 1843
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1239. RGIA
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 124. Letters (twenty -seven) Baron of Nikolai Adeleng (consisted of Korolev of Württemberg Olga Nikolaevna) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1240. The story "A thousand one quarter of an hour", which consists in different Tatar surprises of adventures
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1241. Poems F.N.Glinka "It's time!"and "after reading the highest manifesto on February 5, 1854" ("Four centuries have already passed" ... "when deception and restlessness")
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1242. The unknown poem by F. Corbo ("Qu'UN AMANT SUR Le Sable Trace ...") regarding the conclusion of peace between Russia and France
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1243. Poem by Prince P.A.Vyazemsky "Nakhimov, Bebutov - Victory Gemini
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1244. Poem [Ivan Petrovich Myatlev] "Lights" ("Flashlights, Sudarics" ...)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1245. Case: "Anthem to the Tsar" (choir of pets of Moscow).Compiled by G. Popov.Here: Popov’s note about the pupils of the Moscow noble boarding house at Moscow University.Letters (two) Popova A.I.Philosopher and poem dedicated to I. Ignatiev, who put it
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1246. Poem by A.S.Pushkin "slanderers of Russia"
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1247. Poems (three) A. Skvortsov Field engineer-captain: "To the victories of the Russians in the war with the Turks" ("For a long time, the manifesto of Tsar Nicholas" ...), "To the victories of the Russians in the war with the Turks" ("For the fifth time under Nicholas ...") and" For the glory of the Russian kings and Russia "(" give out
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1248. The power of attorney of Virsavia, the nuns, the former lieutenant man in the name of M. Yakovlev, the head of the village of Kurakino Borovitsky district [Novgorod province] for his commission on behalf of the landowner of the merchant of the fortress to the Schengrinsky graveyard of the same county
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1249. Case: "All-Lessive" petitions, nominal decrees and correspondence on the establishment of the Ostermanov Counts and the heirs of the last counts of the Tolstoy and the princes of the Golitsyns of 1786-1857 in the Moscow and Ryazan provinces
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 125. Letter of Anna Aerkas A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1250. The boundary book of the Emptiness of the Levyshchina of the Zvenigorod district [of the Moscow province] "former possession of the Voskresensky monastery, and now the department of the College of Economy"
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1251. The royal letter of the Novgorod governor Ivan Buturlin about the proceedings of the lawsuit of the Novgorodian G. Bestuzhev and B. Uvarov for the right to own the Local Emptiness Kovurkov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1252. Open from slender (scribe) books about the land survey and lands of the city of Argash (in the Simbirsk province)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1253. Patents on orders and medals in the name of A.M.and N. Timofeev
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1254. Certificate of the junior doctor of the 36th naval crew, Batyanov, Michman, about the wound received during the defense of November 10, 1854
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1255. A report of an unidentified person to an unidentified landowner of the Poltava province (appeal "Your Excellency") on measures to supply the needy peasants of his estate of working cattle
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1256. Decree from the Military Collegium Gabriel Balbekov, lieutenant of the 3rd Jaeger regiment, on his resignation from military service
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1257. An extract from the order of the unidentified military [artillery] unit of June 14, 1829 on the awarding of officers who distinguished themselves during the capture of the Silistri fortress
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1258. Lands report, secretary of the Vyborg provincial government, with statistical information about the province
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1259. Greetings S.A.Khrulev, general, and an order for military educational institutions, announced regarding the "extraordinary military merits" S.A.Khruleva during the defense of Sevastopol
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 126. Письма (три) генерал-адъютанта, графа Александра Владимировича Адлерберга А.И. Философову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1260. The all-depth petition [Potemkin, son of Adjutant General] On permission to adopt his nieces S.A.Akhmatov and O.A.Gorstnin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1261. Substantial notes (three) captain Becker addressed to K.P.von Kaufman about the device of M.D.Cracin, cantonist
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1262. Letters (two) Averton de, (Averton) (nee de Forbina), Countess, von Vurt Clement (Wurt Clement), Captain of the Life Guards of the Ulan regiment
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1263. The letter of Bigo de Villandry Arvan (Bigot de Villandry Harvant) to Baron Maltitsa, the Russian messenger in the Hague
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1264. Baron Maltitsa Baron, Russian Messenger in The Hague
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1265. Letters of different persons (mainly unidentified), including the nuns of Virsavia, A. Ermolov, Varvara Krotkova, Karl Franz, Pelagei Norova, N. Savinsky to different persons (mainly unidentified), about personal affairs, with requests for patronage,
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1266. Album with photographs, caricatures and drawings (under photographs of signatures)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1267. Photo (thirty -five): portraits, group and so on
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1268. Pencil and watercolor Christmas drawings of an unidentified person [Natti]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1269. Christmas congratulatory illustrated cards (three)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 127. Письма министра Императорского двора, графа Владимира Федоровича Адлерберга А.И. Философову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1270. Property and economic documents of the landowners Timofeev
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1271. The instructions and notifications of the Grand Dukes of Mikhail [Nikolaevich] and the chief of staff for the management of Field-Feldzekhmeister A.I.Philosophers on the test of various types of weapons
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1272. RGIA
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1273. The speeches of the main rabbi of the Karaite Society of Solomon Beiman and the "representative sheet" of his Grand Dukes Mikhail and Nikolai Nikolaevichs in connection with the outbreak of the Crimean war and on the occasion of the victory of the Russian fleet under Sinop
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1274. Letters (three) of the former costumer of imperial theaters in St. Petersburg Mathier (Mathier), from Paris, A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1275. Correspondence of Alexei Illarionovich Philosopher, Nikolai Philosopher and members of their families, and various acquaintances
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1276. Letters (five) Ekaterina Philosopher and her cousin Tirkova (Toinette Tirkoff) Mother of Philosopher and Trukova’s letter with an appointment of Alexei Tyrkov to family relatives
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1277. Letter of Prince Dolgorukov [A.I.Philosopher] with a request to send officers who know the coast of the Gulf of Finland
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1278. Letter of the guardianship of the Academy of singing in Berlin A.I.Philosophers with a request to invite the Grand Dukes Mikhail and Nikolai Nikolaevich to the charity concert
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1279. Report A.I.Philosopher to the chief of staff for the management of Field-Fieldshekhmeister about the condition of the artillery school
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 128. Письма (три) графа Николая Владимировича Адлерберга А.И. Философову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 1280. Case
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 129. Letters (two) artist-Marinist Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 13. Certificate of the chief of staff of the individual Caucasian corps about the service of A.I.Philosopher, captain
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 130. Letter of Aleer (H. ahlers) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 131. Письмо Алер (H. Ahlers) А.И. Философову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 132. Письмо Александра Алипкина А.И. Философову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 133. Letters (eleven) Major General N.A.Ammosova A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 134. Письмо игумена Пустынского Успенского монастыря Могилевской епархии Мстиславского уезда Анатолия А.И. Философову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 135. Letter of the Nizhny Novgorod nobleman P. Andreev A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 136. Письмо губернского секретаря Николая Анисимова А.И. Философову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 137. Letters (six) Alexander Anichkova A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 138. Letters (four) I.V.Anichkova A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 139. Письма (тринадцать) генерала Николая Николаевича Анненкова А.И. Философову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 14. Reports A.I.Philosopher, Colonel, Field General of the Field of his headquarters, the commander of the second army, the chief quartermaster and others, mainly on personal issues related to his service in the army
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 140. Letter to Maria Annenkova Alexei Illarionovich Philosophers
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 141. Letter of the French officer, Baron Anselm (Ancelme) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 142. Letter of the bishop of Nizhny Novgorod Anthony A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 143. Letters (two) Archimandrite of the Novospassky Apollos A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 144. Letters (two) [Countess] E [Demolka Nikolaevna (nee marshy] Apraksina A.I. Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 145. Letters (two) Countess Sofia Apraksina A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 146. Letters (two) F. Apreleva A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 147. Telegram Arata A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 148. Letter E.F.Arbuzova A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 149. Letter of Prince M.Z.Argutinsky-Dolgorukov (?) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 15. 1825
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 150. Letter A.F.RELEDT A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 151. Letter of Nikolai Arendt A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 152. Letter N. [Arkas] A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 153. Letter N. Arsenyev A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 154. Letter of Countess [A.G.] Lawaii (Lavailly?) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 155. Letters (four) of the Kharkov governor, Major General A.P.Akhmatova A.I.Philosopher.Here is the response letter A.I.Philosopher and letter of the Minister of War D.A.Milyutina A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 156. Letters (two) S. Akhmatova A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 157. Letters (four) Antoine Ashik (Antoine aschik) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 158. RGIA
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 159. Letter of Prince Bagration-Imeretinsky A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 16. The magazine with the requirements for fodder and food compiled by A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 160. Letter of Protopresvilter V. Bazhanova A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 161. Letter of Archpriest John I. Bazarov A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 162. Letters (four) Tver Governor A.P.Bakunin A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 163. Letter of the founder of the partnership "Assistance" I.P.Balabina A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 164. Letter of the wife of General A.A.Balbekova A.I.Philosopher.With the post of N.I.Sarycheva (nee philosopher)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 165. Letters (three) V.A.Balbekova A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 166. Letters (nine) of the Novoladozh leader of the nobility of O. [p.] Balka A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 167. Letters (seven) A. [Baranova] A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 168. Letters (three) Count Baranova A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 169. Letters (nine) Countess Yu.F.Baranova A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 17. The reports of Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich Nikolai I, compiled by A.I.Philosopher during traveling abroad, mainly about innovations in the armament of foreign armies, with various applications
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 170. Letter and (three) telegrams A.I.Philosophy G.V.Barsky
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 171. Letter Polina Barteneva A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 172. Letter of the apartment-breeder of the Life Guards Cavalry Artillery Andrei Barkhatov A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 173. Letters (five) V. Barykova A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 174. Letters (one hundred two) A.I.Philosophy from P.S.Barykova, Countess P.V.Tolstoy (nee Barykova) and their children
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 175. Letters (one hundred and eighteen) A.I.Philosopher from P.S.Barykova and Countess P.V.Tolstoy (nee Barykova)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 176. Letter of K. Basarin to A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 177. Letter to Nikolai Batashev A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 178. Letter N.A.Bakhmeteva A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 179. Letter I.I.Bakhtina A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 18. Official correspondence A.I.Philosopher with various officials and institutions in connection with the service in the management of Field-Fieldshekhmeister and for personal matters
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 180. Letter G. Bashevich A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 181. Letter of Rabbi Solomon Bayish A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 182. Letters (twenty-nine) Adjutant General A.P.Bezaka A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 183. Letters (five) Russian vice-consul in Dunkirka P. de Beck (Becegue, Du) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 184. Letter of the artillery captain King Württemberg, Baron de Belwiz
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 185. Letter of the widow of the doctor, Baroness Benin de Shengyub A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 186. Letters (three) Count A. Benkendorf A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 187. Letter of E. Bibikov (s) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 188. Letter A.I.Philosopher Barbara Bibikova with gratitude for attention to her and daughter
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 189. Letters (three) Elizabeth [Bibikova] A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 19. The attitude of the chief of artillery of the Separate Guards Corps to the chief of staff for managing the General of Fieldshakhmeister about the need for cavalry internships for officers issued from artillery schools in the guard
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 190. Letters (three) Maria Birch A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 191. Letter of Dorothee Bitchensky) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 192. Letter of Countess A.D.Bludova A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 193. Letters (two) Countess A. Bobrinskaya A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 194. Letters (two) Count Bobrinsky A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 195. Letter [Count?M. Bobrinsky] A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 196. Russian
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 197. Letters (two) G. Boltovskaya A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 198. The letter of Marshal of the court, the Grand Duke of Baden, Baron Bombs (Bouumbach) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 199. The letter of the chief ceremony of the emperor Ferdinand of the Austrian Bombell (Bombell) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 2. The coat of arms of the kind of philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 20. The attitude of [the head of the artillery school] A.I.Philosopher about the direction to the Museum of the School of Artillery Models
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 200. Letter I.I.Borkovsky A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 201. Letters (two) A. Borcha (Alexandre Borch) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 202. Letters (three) chief doctors of the Military Divine Hospital K. Bocca A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 203. Letter of the Junker Camer P. Botonyanov A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 204. Letter of the captain A. Bronovsky A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 205. Letter to A. Brunova (Anna Brunou) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 206. Letters (two) Baron Budberg A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 207. Letter A. Bulgakov A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 208. Letter of Ivan Bulychev A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 209. Letter of Major V.A.Bunina A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 21. Order of Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich A.I.Philosopher about the investigation of the incident of the rowing of officers of the guards regiments, in the theater of the city of Pskov;The project of reporting A.I.Philosopher and report of the Pskov police chief for the governor on the same issue
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 210. Letters (twenty) [Extraordinary Messenger and Plenipotentiary of Russia in Rome] Apollinaria [Petrovich] Buteneva A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 211. Letters (six) E. Butenko A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 212. Letters (four) N. Buturlin A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 213. Letters (six) Anna Buturlin A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 214. Letters (eight) by E. Buturlin A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 215. Letter Ev.Burno (Ev. Burnand) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 216. Letters (two) Princess E.V.Vadbolskaya (born Barykova) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 217. Letter A. Vadkovskaya A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 218. Letter of Prince A. Vasilchikov A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 219. Letters (four) Ober-heegermeister D. [Vasilyevich] A. VasilchikovaPhilosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 22. Service correspondence A.I.Philosopher on the petitions of different persons in the name of Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 220. Letter of the Kyiv governor, Prince I.I.Vasilchikova A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 221. Letter P. Vedel A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 222. Letter [Count] Vedel-Jarlsberg Wedel Jarlsberg) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 223. RGIA
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 224. Letter of Anna Wexler A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 225. Letter of N. Velle (N. Velle) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 226. Letter of Archimandrite Nikandrian desert of Benjamin A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 227. RGIA
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 228. Письма (четыре) Е.А. Верещагиной А.И. Философову, с припиской её дочери баронессы А.М. Гюгель (урожденной Верещагиной)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 229. The letter of the chamberlain of the court of the King of the Netherlands, Baron Vorochuer (Verochuer) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 23. Service correspondence A.I.Philosopher and other documents in connection with the fifty anniversary of official activity and the death of Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 230. Letter V. Vicelovsky A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 231. Letters A.I.The philosopher Count Matvey of Vielgorsky
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 232. Letter of the artist G. Villevald A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 233. Letter A.I.Philosophy A. Wilson
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 234. Letter [General of the Austrian Service, Count] Franz Wimpfen (Wimpfen) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 235. Letters (ten) Archpriest P.A.Vinogradova A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 236. Letter of General Franz Vincepir (Fr. Winspeare) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 237. Letter A.I.Philosopher from P.Kh.Visconti (R.N. VisConti)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 238. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher from P. Vitovtov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 239. Letters (six) A.I.Philosopher from the retired lieutenant colonel A.A.Vlasyeva
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 24. The list of military and civilian persons of the city of Nice, appointed to the Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich, compiled by the chief of the General Staff of the Nitstsky Military District, Marquise Di Saint Andre
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 240. Letter A.I.Philosopher from M. Voeikova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 241. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the WosewEnech (WosewEnech)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 242. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Princess A. Volkonskaya
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 243. Letter A.I.Philosopher from S. Voronin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 244. Letters (two) A.I.Philosophy from Prince S.M.Vorontsova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 245. Letters (eight) A.I.Philosophy from Princess M.V.Vorontsova (nee Trubetskoy, in his first marriage - Stolypina)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 246. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher from Countess Vorontsova-Dashkova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 247. Letter A.I.Philosopher from F. Voskresensky
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 248. Letter A.I.Philosopher from scoring (Vrasell)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 249. Letters (two) A.I.Philosophy from G.I.Vysotsky with a request for assistance in the structure of his son, who graduated from Kiev University, in a regiment or military hospital;with gratitude for the request made
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 25. Orders, instructions, dispositions and schedules of the troops of the Separate Guards Corps on the maneuvers of 1836 in the area of ​​the Red Village and Tsarskoye Sel, sent by A.I.Philosophy, as an adjutant, Fielde General.Mostly printed
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 250. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Princess V.F.Vyazemskaya with an apology that A.I.Philosopher in connection with the need to attend the dinner with the Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 251. Letters (forty nine) A.I.Philosopher from Princess M.A.Vyazemskaya (nee Stolypina, Bek's first husband)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 252. Letter A.I.Philosophers from Prince P.P.Vyazemsky
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 253. Letter A.I.Philosophy from M. Gabermann (Matihilde Habermann)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 254. Letter A.I.Philosophy from Prince G.G.Gagarin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 255. Letters (thirteen) A.I.Philosopher from Prince Gagarin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 256. Letters (eleven) A.I.Philosopher from Princess Isabella Gagarina
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 257. Letter A.I.Philosophers from Tiflis from Princess S.A.Gagarina (nee Dashkova)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 258. Letter A.I.Philosopher from A. Gaevsky with gratitude for the attention
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 259. Письмо А.И. Философову от [св. его императорского высочества генерал-майора петербургского обер-полицеймейстера] А.П. Галахова
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 26. Донесения А.И. Философова императору Николаю I о здоровье и времяпровождении великих князей Николая и Михаила Николаевичей
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 260. Letters (four) A.I.Philosopher from the College Secretary M.I.Galyanova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 261. Letters (three) A.I.Philosopher from E. Galyanova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 262. Letter A.I.Philosophers from Berlin from Lieutenant General of the Prussian Army de Gan
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 263. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Peter [Alekseevich] Ghana
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 264. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Professor Prague University V. Ganka
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 265. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Gary
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 266. Letters (two) A.I.Philosophers from the director of the imperial theaters A.M.Gideonova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 267. Письмо А.И. Философову от графа Гейдена
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 268. Письма (три) А.И. Философову от Геммингена (Gemmingen) с сообщением
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 269. Письмо А.И. Философову от архимандрита Герасима с припиской Иеронима, монаха русского [Пантелеймонова] монастыря на Афоне
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 27. Записки, программы расписания занятий и отчёты [А.И. Философова] и неустановленных лиц о занятиях великих князей Николая и Михаила Николаевичей
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 270. Letter A.I.Philosopher from [Lieutenant General, assistant to the head of the 1st Guards Division] [Aristy Fedorovich?] Hersdorf (gersdorf)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 271. Letters (four) A.I.Philosopher from A. Gershtentzweig
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 272. Letter A.I.Philosopher from David Heskett (David Heskett)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 273. Письмо генералу артиллерии А.И. Философову от В.А. Глинки
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 274. Письмо А.И. Философову от К. Говена (Constantin Hoven)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 275. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Prince Hohenloe-Waldenburg
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 276. Письмо А.И. Философову от графа Голенищева-Кутузова
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 277. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the widow of the commander of the Vilnius serf artillery N. Golikova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 278. Letter A.I.Philosophers from Prince A. Golitsyn from Vitebsk
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 279. Письмо А.И. Философову от князя Л. Голицына с приглашением на обед
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 28. The case: the "all-quinent" report [the educators of the Grand Dukes of Constantine, Mikhail and Nikolai Nikolaevich and Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna] Rear Admiral F.P.Litka, A.I.Philosopher, Stats-Dama Yu.F.Baranova about spending on charitable goals.
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 280. Letter A.I.Philosophy from Prince M.G.Golitsyna
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 281. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the honorary trustee of the Kharkov gymnasiums of Prince F.S.Golitsyna
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 282. Письмо А.И. Философову от княгини А. Голицыной
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 283. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Princess Anna Golitsyna
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 284. Письмо А.И. Философову от княгини Елены Голицыной
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 285. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Princess Lina Golitsyna
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 286. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Princess L. Golitsyna
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 287. Письма (три) А.И. Философову от княгини Н. Голицыной
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 288. Письмо А.И. Философову от артиллерийского офицера Венедикта Головинского
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 289. Письма (два) А.И. Философову от коллежского асессора А.А. Головкова
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 29. Notes, notes and accounts of A.I.Philosopher and other documents, routes, performances programs, schedule of ceremonials, maneuvers and others related to the travels of the Grand Dukes of Nikolai and Mikhail Nikolaevich abroad.Poster of the performance of the opera in the court
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 290. Letters (four) A.I.Philosopher from A.P.Golovkova (nee philosopher)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 291. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher from Golovin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 292. Письма (пять) А.И. Философову от секретаря великого князя Константина Николаевича А.В. Головнина
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 293. Letter A.I.Philosopher from A. Golubeva
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 294. Письма А.И. Философову (девять) от [Екатерины Дмитриевны] Голубцовой
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 295. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Gorgoli (J. Gorgoly)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 296. Письмо А.И. Философову от Горина (Gaurin) c просьбой заказать ему место в гостинице в Неаполе
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 297. Letters (fourteen) A.I.Philosophers from the State Chancellor of Prince A.M.Gorchakova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 298. Письма (десять) А.И. Философову от начальника Главного штаба действующей армии князя М.Д. Горчакова
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 299. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher from A. Hoffmann
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 3. Extracts from the Metric Book of the Novoladozhsky St. Nicholas Cathedral on Baptism on February 24, 1800 A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 30. Журналы путешествий по России в 1850 году великих князей Николая и Михаила Николаевичей, составленные корнетом графом Шуваловым
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 300. Letter (two) A.I.Philosopher from I. Hoffmann (I. Hoffmann)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 301. Letters (three) A.I.Philosopher from the director of the office of the Ministry of the Maritime, Admiral [S.A.] Greig
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 302. Письма (четыре) [А.И. Философову?] от чиновника таганрогской таможни Н.Т. Грекова
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 303. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the so -calledGrekova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 304. Письма (двадцать одно) А.И. Философову от Н.В. Грековой (урожденной Столыпиной)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 305. Typewritten textOriginal heading of the case: on the release of funds from the treasury for the production of work caused by external circumstances in the Vladivostok trading port: started on October 6, 1915
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 306. Письма (два) А.И. Философову от титулярного советника Н.И. Григоровича
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 307. Письма (четыре) А.И. Философову от А. Гримма (Auguste Grimm)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 308. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the nobleman V. Grinevich
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 309. Письмо А.И. Философову от инспектора Харьковского университета Э. Грипенберга
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 31. Travel journals abroad in 1852 of the Grand Dukes of Nikolai and Mikhail Nikolaevichs, compiled by the ensign Prince Trubetskoy
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 310. Letter A.I.Philosopher from K. Gruber (?) (K. Gröber?)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 311. Письмо А.И. Философову от коммерции советника, почётного члена Петербургского комитета главного попечительства детских приютов В.Ф. Громова
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 312. Письмо А.И. Философову от А.И. Гротгус
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 313. Letters (eight) A.I.Philosophers from Baroness, Kuzin A.M.Gyugel (nee Vereshchagin)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 314. Письма (три) А.И. Философову от барона Карла Гюгеля (H. Hügel)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 315. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the manager of the St. Petersburg Chamber of State Property A.F.Gune
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 316. Письма (два) А.И. Философову от О. Давыдовой (урожденной княгиней Барятинской)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 317. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher from the Tula governor P. [m.] Daragan
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 318. Письмо А.И. Философову от [командира Петербургского гарнизонного батальона] П.Я. Дебиля
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 319. Письмо А.И. Философову от архивиста Дегери (Deguerry)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 32. The journal of the stay of the Grand Dukes of Nikolai and Mikhail Nikolaevichs in 1854-1855 in the army, compiled by the second lieutenant Count Levashov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 320. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the Poshekhonsky district leader of the nobility A.Ya.Dedyulin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 321. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the priest A. Demyanovich
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 322. Письмо А.И. Философову от А. Дешко
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 323. Письма (два) А.И. Философову от племянницы Е. Джулиани (Giuliani)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 324. Letters (three) A.I.Philosopher from the teacher Dinocour (Dinocourt) about his illness and treatment abroad;Service to the name of the Grand Dukes of Nikolai and Mikhail [Nikolaevichs] on the appointment of him a pension
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 325. Letter A.I.Felix-Petra Felix Peter Diersburg from philosopher's philosopher.
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 326. Letters (two) A.I.Philosophers from the headman T. Dmitriev regarding the sale of the estate in Venevsky district of the Tula province, owned by Sister A.I.Philosopher, n I. Sarycheva
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 327. Письма (два) А.И. Философову от коллежского асессора П.К. Добротворского
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 328. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Princess N. Dolgoruok
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 329. Письма (девять) А.И. Философову от военного министра, князя В.А. Долгорукова
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 33. Records of the speeches of the Metropolitan of Moscow Filaret, uttered by him when visiting the Grand Dukes Nikolai and Mikhail Nikolaevichs of the Monastery and Sergius Lavra
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 330. Letters (two) A.I.Philosophy from Prince P.V.Dolgorukova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 331. Letter A.I.Philosophers from Prince A. Dondukov-Korsakov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 332. Письма (четыре) А.И. Философову от ротмистра Д.П. Дохтурова
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 333. Письма (тридцать восемь) и телеграммы (две) А.И. Философову от А.А. Дохтуровой (урожденной Столыпиной)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 334. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Ulsosse (Dragoni Ulisse)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 335. Letters (eight) A.I.Philosopher from Lieutenant General, managing the third branch of his own Majesty Chancellery L.V.Dubelta
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 336. Письма (два) А.И. Философову от подполковника М.Л. Дубельта
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 337. Письмо А.И. Философову от Анны Дункель
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 338. Письмо А.И. Философову от Е. Дубенской
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 339. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Colonel P. Dubensky
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 34. Описание маршрута от устьев реки Невы до города Новгорода, составленное неустановленным лицом
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 340. Letter A.I.Philosophers from [Director of the Medical Department of the Military Ministry] I.V.Enokhin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 341. Письма (пять) А.И. Философову от генерала от инфантерии Алексея Петровича Ермолова по поводу перевода своего сына в гвардейскую артиллерию
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 342. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the French Brigadier General Zhevaillan.
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 343. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Lieutenant General, Director of the Cadet Corps V.P.Zheltukhina
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 344. Письмо А.И. Философову от генерала, командующего французским оккупационным корпусом в Италии, из Рима, А. Жемо (А. Gemean)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 345. Letter A.I.Philosophy from A.M.Zherebtsova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 346. Letter and Telegram A.I.Philosopher from the colonel, company commander of the Page Corps [K.K.] Girardot
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 347. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the retired major general of Zhitinsky
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 348. Letter A.I.Philosopher from M. Zhukovich (?)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 349. Письмо А.И. Философову от белостокского купца первой гильдии И.Д. Заблудовского
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 35. The official letters of the Minister of the Imperial Court and the manager of the Cabinet of his Imperial Majesty A.I.The philosopher on the appointment of the latter member of the commission for the construction of the palace for Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich and notes [A.I.Philosopher] to the minister
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 350. Letter A.I.Philosophers from Academician P. Zabolotny
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 351. Письмо А.И. Философову от Е. Заболотской
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 352. Telegrams (three) A.I.Philosopher from the Moscow military general general, Count A.A.Zakrevsky
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 353. Letters and congratulatory telegram A.I.Philosopher from the niece of Sofia Zalesskaya
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 354. Letters (five) A.I.Philosopher from N.I.Zapolsky
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 355. Письма (два) А.И. Философову от А. Зорина
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 356. Письмо А.И. Философову от Зауманна (?) (Saumann?)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 357. Letter A.I.Philosophers from A. Zaurvey about the journey of his son-artist to Mexico
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 358. Письмо А.И. Философову от Заушкевича по делу
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 359. Letter A.I.Philosopher from J. Zakharzhevsky
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 36. Докладная записка архитектора А.И. Штакеншнейдера [министру Императорского двора] о смете на постройку дворца для великого князя Николая Николаевича
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 360. Письма (двадцать четыре) А.И. Философову от племянницы П. Зенкович
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 361. Письмо А.И. Философову от графа Зеппелина (Seppelin)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 362. Письмо А.И. Философову от Анны Зигир (?) (Anna Zyhicr (?))
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 363. Letter A.I.Philosopher from A. Zinoviev
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 364. Letters (seven) A.I.Philosopher from the artist M.A.ZICHI (ZICHY) about their money difficulties and "the need to work hard to feed a family";On the implementation of portraits of the empress, Prince Suvorov, N. Tolstoy.Chernivist of the response letter A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 365. Letters (three) A.I.Philosopher from the chamberlain, the actual state adviser A. [n.] Zubov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 366. Письма (девятнадцать) и телеграмма (одна) А.И. Философову от гофмейстера, графа Н.Д. Зубова
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 367. Письмо (одно) А.И. Философову от П. Иванова с сообщением
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 368. Письмо А.И. Философову от Софьи Ивановой из Симбирска
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 369. Letter A.I.The philosopher from the librarian of the public library A. Ivanovsky with a request to assist in the definition of an archaeologist, professor I.M.Snegirev in an almshouse
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 37. Дело: "Высочайшие" приказы по усилению обороны Балтийского побережья и рапорт А.И. Философова военному министру по тому же вопросу от 4 октября 1853 года
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 370. FundF. 1276. Council of Ministers (1905-1917)InventoryOP.11. 1915A businessRGIA.F. 1276 op.11 D. 656On the release of funds for the costs of adapting the Vladivostok shopping port to receive military cargo.October 10-16, 1915Identifier64C7BA154CAA4FAFA3B48C6E7F353881The language of the textrusNameOn the release of funds for the costs of adapting the Vladivostok shopping port to receive military cargo.October 10-16, 1915DatesOctober 10-16, 1915Volume6 sheetsLevelA businessOrganization-creator of the recordRGIAStorage cipherRGIA.1276 / 11/656NoteTypewritten textOriginal heading of the case: on the release of funds from the treasury for the production of work caused by external circumstances in the Vladivostok trading port: started on October 6, 1915
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 371. Письмо неустановленному лицу Алексею Дмитриевичу [А.И. Философову ?] от А. Игнатьева
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 372. Письма (три) А.И. Философову от Алексея [Дмитриевича] Игнатьева из Саратова
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 373. Letters (fourteen) A.I.Philosopher from Adjutant General P.N.Ignatieva
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 374. Письма (два) А.И. Философову от Н. Иевлева с просьбой выслать ему задаток за предстоящую работу; с сообщением, что деньги получил
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 375. Письма (четыре) А.И. Философову от вдовы псаломщика православной церкви в Венгрии Х. Изсадской
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 376. Письмо А.И. Философову от Икскуль (?) с сообщением о времени приезда в Петербург и намерении написать письмо Сенявину
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 377. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the tutor V. [Impberg]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 378. Письмо А.И. Философову от [архиепископа Херсонского и Таврического] Иннокентия
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 379. Письмо А.И. Философову от [лейб-хирурга Эрнст фон] Каде (Kade) по поводу болезни барона Клодта, с просьбой пригласить от своего имени профессора Китера, проживающего в доме шведской церкви
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 38. The official letter of the chief of staff of the inspector of all artillery, Lieutenant General A.P.Bezaka A.I.Philosopher about the compilation of the armament of the fortresses of Vyborg, Gangut and Riga and the response of the latter
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 380. Letter A.I.Philosopher from A. Koznacheev
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 381. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the artillery of Lieutenant Colonel P. Kalikutsky
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 382. Письма А.И. Философову от смотрителя Кременской станции И.Т. Калиновского
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 383. Письма (три) А.И. Философову от Генриха Каменского
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 384. Letters (four) A.I.Philosopher from the chamberlain A.D.Kamovsky
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 385. Письма (два) А.И. Философову от Т. Кандиба из Одессы по поводу "якобы" написанной им жалобы на местные власти
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 386. Письмо А.И. Философову от К. Каниевского из Варшавы с просьбой о протекции в получении должности директора Училища изящных искусств в Варшаве
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 387. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the regiment commander, Count Kankrin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 388. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the commander of the third company of the second reserve rifle battalion Captain K. Karlstedt
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 389. Letter A.I.Philosopher from A. Karpova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 39. The official letter of the Vice-Director of the Engineering Department of the Military Ministry of Lieutenant General A.F.Sorokina A.I.Philosophers on the work order of the committee on strengthening the coastal points of the Baltic Sea
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 390. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the church headman from the city of Novgorod Kasperovich
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 391. Letter A.I.Philosopher from cousin V. Castorina
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 392. Письмо А.И. Философову от И.А. Кастюрина
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 393. Letters (eight) A.I.Philosopher from Kuzina V. Casturina
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 394. Письма (девять) А.И. Философову от дежурного генерала Инспекторского департамента Военного министерства А.А. Катенина
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 395. Письмо А.И. Философову от В. Каткова
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 396. Letter A.I.Philosopher from E. Katkova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 397. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the wife of the court adviser S.A.Katkova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 398. Письмо А.И. Философову от К.П. фон Кауфмана [свиты его императорского величества генерал-майора, директора канцелярии Военного министерства]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 399. Letter A.I.Philosopher from M.P.von Kaufman
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 4. Documents on the noble origin of A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 40. Предписание военного министра А.И. Философову о представлении соображений по укреплению береговых пунктов Балтийского моря
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 400. Letters (seven) A.I.Philosopher from V.A.Kakhanova;One with the postcard A.G.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 401. Letters (three) A.I.Philosopher from M. Kakhanova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 402. Telegram A.I.Philosopher from Nikolai and Maria Kakhanovs
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 403. Letter A.I.Philosophy from the staff captain A.T.Kachalova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 404. Letters (twenty -one) A.I.Philosopher from the College Secretary D.T.Kachalova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 405. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher from A.A.Kvashnina-Samarin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 406. Letters (eighty-one) A. I. and N. I. Philosophy from E.P. Kvashnina-Samarina
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 407. Письмо А. Кеппен А.И. Философову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 408. Letter A. Kerillis (Kerillys) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 409. Letter of Magdalene von Kershen A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 41. Официальные письма начальника штаба инспектора всей артиллерии генерал-лейтенанта А.П. Безака и директора Инженерного департамента Военного министерства генерал-лейтенанта А.И. Фельдмана А.И. Философову об усилении вооружения Динабургской крепости и проек
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 410. Letters (ten) A.I.Philosophy G.I.Kiseleva (Henriets I. Kilevyn)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 411. Letters (eleven) E. [B.] Kilevin A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 412. Letter M. Kilevin A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 413. Letter of the college assessor Jacob Kirkor [A.I.Philosopher]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 414. Letters (two) [p.] Kiseleva A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 415. Письмо капитана артиллерии и профессора механики Меуской школы Е. Клавера (E. Clavier) А.И. Философову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 416. Letter of the artillery captain E. Clamiral (E. Clamiral) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 417. Letters (two) S. Kleverberg A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 418. Letter of Countess Kleinmichel A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 419. Письма (семь) Розалии Климовой, вдовы штабс-капитана А.М. Климова, А.И. Философову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 42. Отношение А.И. Философова [правителю дел Комитета об укреплении береговых пунктов в Балтийском море] о приведении в оборонительное положение Выборгской крепости и форта "Слава" и ответ последнего
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 420. Письма (двадцать одно) и поздравительная телеграмма барона Б.К. Клодта А.И. Философову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 421. Letters (three) E. Klodt, niece, A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 422. Letter of Prince E. Klyari (E. Clary, Prince) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 423. Letter of Vladimir Knorring A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 424. Letters (two) Alexander Knyazhevich A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 425. Письма (пять) А.Н. Ковалева, крестника, А.И. Философову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 426. Letter N. Kovaleva A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 427. Письмо В. Козловского (?) А.И. Философову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 428. Letter [Lieutenant General, the head of the local troops of the St. Petersburg Military District, N.F.] Kozlyaninova A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 429. Letters (six) Sergey Kokoshkina A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 43. Ведомости о вооружении крепостей Измаил и Гангут, составленные А.И. Философовым
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 430. Письмо Дмитрия Колокольцева А.И. Философову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 431. Письма (два) А. Комарова А.И. Философову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 432. Letters (three) Countess S. Komarovskaya A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 433. Письмо Георгия Констандулаки А.И. Философову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 434. Letter of Konstantin Nikolaevich, Grand Duke, A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 435. Letter of the unidentified person V. Kor ... A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 436. Письма (два) Ф. Корбе А.И. Философову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 437. Letters (three) Lieutenant Colonel I. Korganova A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 438. Letters (two) M. Korinfsky A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 439. Письма (семнадцать) штабс-капитана К.Я. Коркуц А.И. Философову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 44. The Senate decree on the formation of a special temporary committee to combat fires in St. Petersburg, on the division of the capital into three temporary military governors, respectively into three police branches, and on the appointment of A.I.Philosopher of the Provisional Military Governor
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 440. Письмо Корсаковой А.И. Философову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 441. Letter of Jerome [D.] Korsini A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 442. Письмо баронессы А. Корф А.И. Философову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 443. Письма (шестьдесят один) [барона, свиты его императорского высочества генерал-майора] В[асилия Сергеевича] Корфа, состоявшего при великих князьях Николае и Михаиле Николаевичах А.И. Философову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 444. Письма (одиннадцать) директора Императорской Публичной библиотеки, барона Модеста Андреевича Корфа А.И. Философову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 445. Письмо И.Н. Философову А. Косаговского
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 446. Письма (четыре) Д. Костандалаки А.И. Философову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 447. Letters (three) A. Kostina A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 448. Письма (пять) П.Е. Коцебу А.И. Философову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 449. Письма (пять) Е.А. Кочубей (урожденной Столыпиной), кузины, А.И. Философову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 45. Предписания Петербургского военного генерал-губернатора А.И. Философову о мерах по ликвидации последствий пожара в Апраксином торговом ряду и по организации в Петербурге борьбы с пожарами
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 450. Letters (five) A.V.Kochubey A.I.Philosophers regarding monetary settlements with E.A.Stolypina
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 451. Letter I. Krabbe A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 452. Telegram of Sergey Shortovo A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 453. Письмо А. Креницына А.И. Философову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 454. Letter P. Krenitsyn A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 455. Letter A. de Crécy) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 456. Letters (eight) merchant and writer A.D.Krina A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 457. Письмо виноторговца Д.Ф. Кресина А.И. Философову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 458. Letter of the son of the merchant M.D.Krina A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 459. FundF. 1075. Philosopher Alexei Illarionovich (1799-1874), Adjutant General, Educator of Grand Dukes Nikolai and Mikhail Nikolaevichs, Provisional Military Governor of St. PetersburgInventoryOP.1. Materials to the history of the genus of philosophers.Personal documents and on the service of the service A.I.Philosopher and members of his familyCaseRGIA.F. 1075 op.1 D. 459Letter of Princess Barbara Kropotkina A.I.Philosopher.On May 25, 1857, with the news of his upcoming marriage, a request to provide material assistance for a trip to Kerch to the groom, the capitan Pochinsky, who was sent to Kerch for the construction of the fortressIdentifier42b0d101-EAAC-4675-B3AE-595EC81AAE7EThe language of the textrusNameLetter of Princess Barbara Kropotkina A.I.Philosopher.On May 25, 1857, with the news of his upcoming marriage, a request to provide material assistance for a trip to Kerch to the groom, the capitan Pochinsky, who was sent to Kerch for the construction of the fortressDatesMay 25, 1857Volume2 l.LevelCaseOrganization-Creanter of RecordingRGIAStorage cipherRGIA.1075 / 1/459NoteDocuments A.I.Philosopher and A.G.Philosopher (born Stolypina).Letters of different persons A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 46. Циркуляры военного генерал-губернатора Петербурга Петербургской городской распорядительной думе об устройстве рыночной торговли после пожара на торговых Апраксином и Щукином дворах от 23 августа и 20 декабря 1862 года
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 460. Letter P.I.Krokhonyatkina A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 461. Letter of Colonel K. Kryzhanovsky A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 462. Письмо А. Крыжановской А.И. Философову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 463. Letters (two) A. Krylova A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 464. Letter to Emilia Krudener (?) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 465. Письма (шесть) отставного штабс-капитана И. Кубасова А.И. Философову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 466. Letters (four) G. Kuznetsova A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 467. Letters (two) ek.Kuzmina A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 468. Documents A.I.Philosopher and A.G.Philosopher (born Stolypina).Letters of different persons A.I.PhilosopherIn Russian and French
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 469. Letters (fourteen) Cook (Kuch) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 47. Reports A.I.Philosopher to the St. Petersburg military general general on the restoration of Apraksin and Schukin of trading yards after a fire and on claims affected by the fire of merchants
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 470. Letters (five) Olga Cook (O.KoCH) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 471. Letter [Cossack hundred] Mercury Kurilin A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 472. Letter [J.Kurn ...] (J. Courn ...) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 473. Letter A. Kushakovich A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 474. Letters (three) Sergei Kusheleva A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 475. Letters (six) composer P. Kuzan (P. cuzent) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 476. Letter K. Labensky A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 477. 1858
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 478. Letter of Colonel [N.E.] Lavrova A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 479. Letter of the widow of Anna Lazareva A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 48. Циркуляры А.И. Философова о мерах по предупреждению пожаров и о проведении строительных работ по восстановлению Апраксина торгового двора, уничтоженного пожаром
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 480. Letter of the count [Karl Karlovich, General of the Cavalry] de Lambert A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 481. Letter A.I.The philosopher of the count Nikolai Matveevich Lamzdorf
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 482. Letters (two) A. Lansky A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 483. Letter [Minister of the Interior], [subsequently Count], S.S.Lansky A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 484. 1620
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 485. Letter A.I.Philosopher from [director of the postal department] n [ikolai] Ivanovich Laube
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 486. Letter A.I.Philosopher from F. Launits
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 487. Letters (nineteen) A.I.Philosopher from the police officer of the Novoladozh Zemstvo court Paul [Ivanovich] Lakhanin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 488. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the retired college adviser Viktor Latsarani
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 489. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher from Charles Leval
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 49. Notes and notes A.I.Philosopher about the restoration of Apraksin of the shopping series after the fire
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 490. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Countess Levashova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 491. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Colonel [French service] E. Ledhui (E. Ledhuy)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 492. Letter A.I.Philosophers from the teacher M. Lelin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 493. Letter A.I.Philosopher from [professor of physics of St. Petersburg University] E [Milia]] Christoforovich Lenz
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 494. Letter A.I.Philosophers from Archimandrite, rector of the Glukhovsky Peter and Paul Monastery of the Chernigov province, Leonty
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 495. Letter A.I.Philosophers from Prince Leopold Gaugensolleri (Leopold, Prince de Hohenzollern)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 496. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the landowner of the Mogilev province Julian Matveevich Lesetsk
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 497. Letters (two) A.I.Philosophers from Dr. Andrey Andreevich Libau
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 498. Letter A.I.Philosopher from [Senator (?) Of Prince Alexander Karlovich] K. Liven (?)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 499. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the widow of Emilia Lindenbaum
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 5. Documents on the enrollment of A.I.Philosopher in the Page Corps and the stay in it and in the St. Petersburg provincial gymnasium
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 50. Correspondence A.I.Philosopher with Count A.S.Apraksin about the progress of the restoration of Apraxine of the merchant yard
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 500. Letter A.I.Philosopher from a native of Stuttgart Ferdinand Lindner from Zurich
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 501. Letter A.I.The philosopher from the widow of the Plotsk governor Natalia Litka about his difficult financial situation, a request to increase the allowance
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 502. Letters (fourteen) A.I.Philosopher from F.P.Litka
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 503. 1854
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 504. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the official of special instructions of the Ministry of the Interior D.N.Longinov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 505. Letters (three) A.I.The philosopher from the niece of the princess [Princess] Olga [Vladimirovna] [Lopukhina]-Demidova (born Stolypina)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 506. Letters (four) A.I.Philosopher from the merchant T.F.Lukovitsky
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 507. RGIA
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 508. Letters (three) A.I.Philosopher from the [landowner of the Yaroslavl province] Alexander Pavlovich Lupandin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 509. Letter A.I.Philosophers from the Saratov province from Yuri Lupandin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 51. Переписка А.И. Философова с главноуправляющим путей сообщения и публичных зданий и Министерством финансов о производстве работ по восстановлению Апраксина и Щукина торговых рядов и о возобновлении на них торговли
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 510. Letter A.I.Philosophers from Kremenchug from Ivan Lutkovsky
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 511. RGIA
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 512. Letters (three) A.I.Philosopher from the director of the singing chapla [prince] a [Lexsey] Fedorovich Lvov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 513. Letter [A.I.Philosopher] from Ilya [Fedorovich] Lviv
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 514. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the Taganrog police officer Nikolai Pavlovich Lvov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 515. Letter A.I.Philosopher from A. Lvov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 516. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the priest of the city of Lyubimov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 517. Letters (five) A.I.Philosopher from the investigator of the Kinesham county of the Kostroma province Sergey Andreyevich Odinikov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 518. Letters (twenty -six) A.I.Philosophy A. [c.] Oboyrikova (nee philosopher)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 519. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the teacher O. Maak
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 52. Correspondence A.I.Philosopher with the Minister of Education of the Alienation in favor of the city of the land owned by the ministry
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 520. Letter A.I.Philosophers from [Honorary Member of the St. Petersburg Council of Prisons] Arkady Nikolayevich Mazovsky
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 521. Letters (twelve) A.I.Philosophy from the commander of the Akhaltsikh garrison (Georgia), later retired colonel Peter Fedorovich Makarov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 522. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Nikolai Vasilievich Makarovsky
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 523. Letters (two) A.I.Philosophers from [assistant trustee of the Caucasian training district], chairman of the Caucasian Censorship Committee Alexander Petrovich Maksimovich
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 524. Letter A.I.Philosophers from Geneva from [the proxy of Baron L.A.?Stieglitsa Malash ...]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 525. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the icon painter, painter of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra Ivan Matveevich Malyshev
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 526. Letters (five) A.I.Philosophers from the Hague, Weimar, from [Baron, attorney in Russia's affairs in Weimar A.P.Maltitz (maltitz)]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 527. Letter A.I.Philosopher from [Extraordinary Messenger and Commissioner of the Minister of Russia in the Netherlands] Baron [French Petrovich] Maltitz (Maltitz)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 528. Letter A.I.Philosopher from [editor of the periodical "St. George Cavaliers"] V. Malyshev
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 529. Письмо А.И. Философову от [директора Департамента общих дел Министерства внутренних дел] Н.П. Мансурова
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 53. Акт осмотра построек Апраксина и Щукина торговых дворов, поврежденных пожаром 28 мая 1862 года, составленный приставом исполнительных дел третьей части и архитектором первого отделения первого округа путей сообщения и рапорт архитектора [Р.Б.] Бернгарда А
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 530. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Mary [Duchess of Leichtenberg?]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 531. Letter A.I.Philosopher from [Elizabeth] Martynova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 532. Letter A.I.Philosopher from [timber prisoner in the new Ladog] Fedor Marfin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 533. Letters (five) A.I.Philosopher from Alexander Grigoryevich Matveenko with the marks of philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 534. Letters (three) A.I.Philosopher from Lieutenant Colonel retired Peter and Ekaterina Mashnins
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 535. RGIA
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 536. Letters (eight) A.I.Philosopher from [Baron of the Extraordinary Messenger of Russia in Vienna] [P.K.] Meyendorf
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 537. Letter A.I.Philosophy from the Archpriest of the Transfiguration Church of the city of Kineshma Vasily Melechkinsky
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 538. Letter A.I.Philosophers from Archimandrite Simonov Monastery Melchizedek
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 539. Letters (seven) A.I.Philosophers from Sevastopol from the Admiral, Adjutant General, the Serene Prince Alexander Sergeyevich Menshikov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 54. Журнал заседания Особого рабочего комитета об устройстве на территории Апраксина и Щукина торговых дворов помещений для рыночного торга от 2 июня 1862 года с "высочайшей" резолюцией
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 540. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the commandant of the city of Nikolaev, Major General Paul [Karlovich] Murder
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 541. Letter A.I.Philosopher from [Treasurer of the court of the Grand Duchess Olga Fedorovna] L [Uki Dormidontovich] Mehutin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 542. Letter A.I.Philosopher from [Colonel, repairman of the repair commission of the cavalry of the Guards Corps] [Ilya Ivanovich] Mechnikov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 543. Letter A.I.Philosopher from [princess] N. Meshcherskaya
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 544. Letters A.I.Philosopher from [prince] Meshchersky
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 545. Letters (three) A.I.Philosopher from Rome from Angelina Middalton (Middelon)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 546. Letters (thirteen) A.I.Philosopher from the landowner of the Pskov province, cousin Vasily Dmitrievich Mikulin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 547. Letters (fifty -seven) Vasily Dmitrievich Mikulin, Nikolai Nikolayevich Annenkov and others A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 548. Letter of Feodosia Yakovlevna Mikulina, sisters of Adjutant General V.Ya.Mikulin, A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 549. Telegram of Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 55. Association of the architect I.D.Korsini A.I.Philosophers about the progress of the restoration of Apraksin of the trade yard after a fire
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 550. Letters (three) Grand Duke Mikhail Pavlovich A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 551. Letter of the ensign Mikhailov A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 552. The letter of the wife of the lieutenant retired Maria Michurina A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 553. Letters (two) Anna [Karlovna] Moders A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 554. Letter of the wife of the merchant Pelageya Mordvinova A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 555. Letters (two) tutor L. Moro (L. Moraut) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 556. A letter to the daughter of the guard staff of Adelaide Iosifovna A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 557. Russian
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 558. Letter [Minister of State Property] Mikhail Nikolayevich Muravyev A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 559. Letter Nikolai Muravyova I.N.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 56. Отношение петербургского обер-полицеймейстера А.И. Философову о требовании министра внутренних дел принять меры по противопожарной охране здания Министерства внутренних дел при застройке Апраксина двора
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 560. Letter A.I.The philosophers of Prince M. Moshetsky with a request to delay the date of the return of monetary debt;Socialist of [I.N.Philosopher M. Myshetsky (?)] On the same issue
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 561. Letter of the former chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Hanover Kingdom, Baron Munchausen (Munchhausen) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 562. Letter [Officer of the Separate Caucasian Corps] Ivan Nazansky A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 563. Letter [niece A.I.Philosopher] Natalia [nee Tirkova] A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 564. Letter [Alexander] Naumova, A.I.Philosophy, grandson, with an appointment [L.?Naumova]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 565. 565
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 566. Letters (two) nieces [Elizabeth?] Naumova A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 567. Letters (three) [a member of the office of his imperial highness (?) Count Dmitry Karlovich] Nesselrod (Nesselrodé) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 568. Letters A.I.and A.G.Philosophers of different persons: [Major General, commander of the artillery brigade] A. [c.] Nesterovsky, N.A.Philosopher, N. Shakurova, Alexander, Alexei, Agatha, Ekaterina Stolypin, A. Maklakova, N. Nechaev, Yu. Nechaeva and other persons
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 569. Letter N [Ikolai] Nechaev A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 57. The petition of the merchants of the merchant Schukin of the court A.I.The philosopher about permission to use wooden building materials for the development of Schukin.With the resolution A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 570. Retired artillery letter Mikhail Nikitin A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 571. Letter to the daughter of Lieutenant Colonel Anna Ivanovna Nikitina A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 572. The telegram of Emperor Nicholas I A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 573. Letter [seconded to the governor of the Kingdom of Poland] M. Nikonov A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 574. Letters (three) Second Lieutenant Nikolai Nikitich Novikova A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 575. Letter [Vice Admiral, commander of the Kronstadt port of Fedor Mikhailovich] Novosilsky A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 576. Letters (three) [Minister of Education A [Voyama Sergeyevich] Norov A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 577. Letter of Nikolai Grigoryevich Obodovsky A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 578. Letter of Princess Alexandra Obolenskaya A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 579. Письмо [помощницы попечительницы Училища взаимного обучения детей, княгини Зои Сергеевны] Оболенской А.И. Философову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 58. Letter of the St. Petersburg Military General General A.A.Suvorova A.I.Philosopher in connection with the restoration of the trade apraksin of the court
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 580. Letters (six) Nikolai Obruchev A.I.Philosopher.Here is the Chernova sketch of the letter A.I.Philosopher of the Unknown person with the appeal ("Fedya") about Obruchev’s letters, of September 13, 1868
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 581. Letters (eight) nieces of E [Katerina Nikolaevna] Vorucheva (nee philosopher) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 582. Letter N [Ikolai Aleksandrovich, Major General?] Ogareva A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 583. RGIA
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 584. Letters (eight) nephew, officer V. Class-de Sion A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 585. Letter of Charles Class Clude de Sione) A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 586. 586
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 587. Letters (eight) A.I.Philosopher from his nephew, officer Nikolai Oznobishin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 588. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the wife of his nephew l [yubovi] Oznobishina
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 589. Letters (fifteen) A.I.Philosopher from Penza from a cousin, landowner Nadezhda Oznobishina
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 59. Projects of the unidentified person and A.I.Philosopher's signature of the merchants of Apraksin’s merchant yard on the restoration [after the fire of 1862] two houses hired by them under the shops
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 590. 2 l.
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 591. Letters (three) A.I.Philosopher from [maids of honor] Anna [Alekseevna] Okulova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 592. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the commandant of the fortress of Luxembourg, Major General of the Prussian service E. von alberg (E von olberg)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 593. Letters (three) A.I.Philosopher from [Ober-Hofmeister] to [Asilia Dmitrievich] Olsufiev
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 594. Letter A.I.Philosophers from Gabriel, Mary, Anna de Obotis
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 595. 1857
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 596. Letter A.I.Philosopher from [count] Orlov-Davydov (Orloff-Davidoff)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 597. Letter A.I.Philosophers from Venice from the chamber-junker of Count M.V.Orlova-Denisov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 598. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Countess E. Orlova-Denisova (Orloff-Desoff)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 599. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Countess Elizabeth [Alekseevna] Orlova-Denisova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 6. Poems by P. Lepeshinsky, Count de Rochelin and other authors dedicated to A.I.and A.G.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 60. Official letter [the city head of the St. Petersburg Administrative Duma] N.I.Pogrebova A.I.Philosopher about the disagreements between the developers of the Apraksin of the trade courtyard
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 600. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Nikolai Orlovsky
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 601. Letters (three) A.I.Philosopher from [the indispensable assessor of the Novoladozh Zemstvo Court] m [Ihail Andreevich] Ostashev
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 602. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the author of the novel about Louis XVI Anton Pavlovich Pavlov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 603. Letters (eight) A.I.Philosopher from the second lieutenant of the eighteenth artillery brigade Nikolai Palanikov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 604. Letters (five) A.I.Philosopher from Alexandra Palatnikova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 605. Letter A.I.Philosophy from Zinovia Paratnikova (in the marriage of spectors)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 606. Letter A.I.Philosopher from [general from the cavalry?, Baron Matvey Ivanovich] Palen on receiving a letter from [Adina]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 607. Letter A.I.The philosopher from the writer in [Ladimir Ivanovich] Panaev with gratitude for the works of Lermontov sent to him "Demon" and "Angel of Death"
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 608. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the landowner of the Tver province P. Ponafidin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 609. Letter A.I.Philosopher from [Countess] Evgenia [Viktorovna] Panina
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 61. Official letters and relations of the Novoladozh district leader of the nobility, chairman of the Zemstvo council and chairman of the congress of the peace of the Novoladozhsky district A.I.Philosophers in connection with the service of the latter by the justice of the peace and his participation in the noble
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 610. Letters (2) A.I.Philosopher from Countess Leonila [neonila] Panina
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 611. 611
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 612. Letter A.I.Philosophy from St. Petersburg from the headquarters captain gr.Fed.Paskevich
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 613. Letter A.I.Philosophers from Warsaw from Prince Warsaw [Ivan Fedorovich Paskevich]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 614. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Boleslav Pateca (?) (Boleclav Patek (?))
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 615. Letter A.I.Philosopher from [Colonel, Elepender of Adjutant] [Alexander Vladimirovich] Patkul
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 616. Letter A.I.Philosopher from [Count, Adjutant General, head of his own office of the "august children"] [Boris Alekseevich] Perovsky
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 617. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the count, [Minister of the Interior] L [bva Alekseevich] Perovsky
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 618. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Maria Perovskaya
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 619. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Lieutenant General Y.Ya.Perren
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 62. Документы о пожертвованиях А.И. и А.Г. Философовых на военные нужды и на памятник генералу Несторовскому
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 620. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the lieutenant retired Nikolai Persky
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 621. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the agent of the banker house of Baron Stieglits Gustav Peterson (Gustaves Petarson)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 622. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Mikhail [Alekseevich] Peshchurov, [member of the Admiralty Support]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 623. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Nice from Baron Puzhe (puget)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 624. Letter A.I.Philosopher from [professor of the medical and surgical academy] [Nikolai Ivanovich] Pirogov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 625. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Sofia Pisareva (Pissareff)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 626. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher from Alexandra Plotnikova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 627. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Lieutenant Colonel Ippolit [Vasilievich] Podshivalov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 628. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the official Nikolai Polezhaev
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 629. Letters A.I.Philosopher from the former commander of the Kinburn artillery garrison and his wife Lyubov, Lieutenant Colonel Pavel Polivanov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 63. Official letters and notifications of the director of the Committee of the House of Charity of the elderly and utterly in memory of Nicholas I to the Honorary Trustees A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 630. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher from the chief of staff of the inspector for the engineering unit [Vladimir Gavrilovich] Politkovsky
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 631. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Popova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 632. Letter A.I.Philosopher from de Porbeck (De Porbeck)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 633. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Nikolai Prokofievich Potapov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 634. Letters (five) A.I.Philosopher from Alexandra Potemkina
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 635. Letters (twenty -eight) A.I.and A.G.Philosopher from Varvara Aleksandrovna Potemkina
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 636. Letters (five) A.I.Philosopher from Tatyana Potemkin (Potemkin)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 637. RGIA
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 638. Letter A.I.Philosophy from the city of Prevo (N. Privo) from St. Petersburg
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 639. Letter A.I.Philosophy from Dmitry Mikhailovich Prokopovich-Anton, [Chairman of the Construction Office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 64. Information on the capital of the Committee on the wounded as of August 17, 1862
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 640. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Baron O. Prost (O. Prost) from Nice
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 641. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher from the count [Nikolai Alexandrovich] Protasov, [Chief Prosecutor of the Synod]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 642. Letter A.I.Philosopher from S. Protasov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 643. 643
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 644. Letter A.I.Philosopher from [Boris Efimovich] Putchenko, [leader of the Nizhny Novgorod provincial state chamber]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 645. Letter A.I.Fyodor Ivanovich Pryanishnikov [the main leader over the postal department]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 646. Letter A.I.Philosopher from N.F.Purgold [the actual member of the Demidov House of Proterence of Workers]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 647. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Mikhail Ivanovich Pushchin, landowner of the Minsk province
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 648. Telegrams (three) A.I.Philosopher from the headquarters of the Kidor I.A.Pshesmytsky, with information about the state of health N.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 649. Letters (thirty -eight) A.I.Philosophers from Countess Maria Grigoryevna Razumovskaya (nee Princess Vyazemskaya), [Cavalier lady of the Order of St. Catherine of the 2nd degree]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 65. Официальное письмо А.И. Философова [командиру Гусарского ее императорского высочества полка К.А. Богушевскому] об отправке в полк книг для чтения нижних чинов
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 650. Telegram A.I.Philosopher from the baron [Eduard Andreevich] Ramzai, Adjutant General
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 651. Letter A.I.The philosopher from [Ivan Karlovich] Rashet, [a member of the Commission of the Investigations, on the highest name of the brought], about the appeal of the merchant P. Biknerov on the decision of the Senate "On his trading insolvency"
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 652. Letter A.I.Philosophy from the retinue of His Majesty Major General, commander of the Life Guards of the Rifle Battalion a [Lexandra Alekseevich] Rebinder
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 653. Letters (two) A.I.Philosophers from Alexander Ivanovich Resvyakov, Kostroma city doctor
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 654. Letter A.I.Philosophers from Anna Arkadyevna Resvyakova (nee philosopher), wife of the district city doctor in Kostroma
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 655. Letter A.I.Philosopher from to [onstation] Railly (Reuilly)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 656. Letter A.I.Philosophers from M [atya Ivanovich] Rhinhardt, [head of the office of Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 657. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the [Little of Andreevich?] Remezov, [managing the expedition of the procurement of public securities]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 658. Letter [I.N.] philosopher from Jacques-Gabriel Remi (Remy)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 659. Letter A.I.Philosopher from O [Tton Burkhgartovich] Richter, [Colonel, who was under the heir to Tsarevich]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 66. Письма (четыре) А.И. Философова графу В.Ф. Адлербергу, [министру Императорского двора] по вопросу выкупа крестьянами деревни Красные Станки Крестецкого уезда Новгородской губернии у вдовы генерал-лейтенанта Томиловой
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 660. Письмо А.И. Философову от помещика И. Родзянко
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 661. Letter A.I.Philosophers from Sergey Rodionov, lieutenant of the Life Guards of the Artillery Brigade
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 662. Letter A.I.Philosophers from M. Rose, wife of the assistant Dorogobuzhsky district chief of state property
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 663. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Baron A.K.Rosena
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 664. Letters (two) A.I.Philosophers from A. Romanov, the provincial doctor from Saratov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 665. Letters (twenty -eight) A.I.Philosophy of Anfisa Romanova (nee philosopher)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 666. Letter [P.M.] Tolstoy, Count, Major General, Adjutant of the Emperor, from Georg Römer, Commissioner Kurgauz
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 667. Protocol No. 1 of the meeting of the 1st session of the CEC of the USSR of the 2nd convocation
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 668. Letters (nineteen) A.I.Philosopher from [chief of staff of the Main Directorate of Military Educational Institutions] Yakov Ivanovich Rostovtsov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 669. Letter A.I.Philosopher from S. Rotar (nee Ostasheva)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 67. Письма (два) А.И. Философова императрице Александре Федоровне, поздравительные с Новым годом
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 670. Letters (eighteen) A.I.Philosophers from Count and Countess A. Rochelini de (Rocheline), [colonel's wife]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 671. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher from Damiani de Roux (Damiani de Roux)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 672. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Charlotte Rudolph (Charlotte Rudolph)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 673. Russian
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 674. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Olympia Rumini (Rumini)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 675. Letters (four) A.I.Philosopher from the landowner of the Novgorod province Fedor Rymleev
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 676. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Ryuvald from Revel
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 677. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the lieutenant of the 16 naval crew Nikolai Nikolaevich Savinsky about his experiences for the bride
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 678. Letters (five) A.I.Philosophy from the [member of the general presence of the Proviantian Department] of the Military Ministry of Nikolai [Vasilyevich] Savitsky
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 679. Letters (four) A.I.Philosopher from B. Sakelarius (B. Sakelarius)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 68. Письмо А.И. Философова О.С. [Балку] [предводителю дворянства Новоладожского уезда]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 680. Letters (four) A.I.Philosopher from Countess Ekaterina Saltykova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 681. Letter A.I.Philosopher from [Lukoyan district judge] Sergey [Ermolaevich] Sapozhnikov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 682. Letter A.I.Philosophy from F.A.Sard (Sard)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 683. RGIA
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 684. Letters (eleven) A.I.Philosopher from the nephew, officer, kinship A.V.Sarychev
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 685. Letters (three) A.I.Philosopher from the nephew, naval officer, kinship I.V.Sarychev
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 686. Letters (seventy -five) A.I.Philosopher from his nephew, [captain of the 2nd rank] from Sevastopol, Gdov, Kemli, a kind of nature of the F [eora Vasilievich] Sarychev
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 687. Letters (nine) A.I.Philosopher from the niece of Barbara [Vasilievna] Sarycheva
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 688. Letter A.I.Philosopher from [niece] Ekaterina Vasilievna Sarycheva
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 689. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher from Irina Sarycheva
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 69. Письмо А.И. Философова Федору Васильевичу Барыкову с приглашением на семейный обед по случаю дня рождения Варвары Философовой. Ответное письмо Ф.В. Барыкова о своем согласии присутствовать на обеде
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 690. Letters (twenty) A.I.Philosophers from Maria Sarycheva, wife of the captain of the second rank
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 691. Letters (one hundred and fifty seven) A.I.Philosophers from sister, related character of Natalia Illarionovna Sarycheva (nee philosopher)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 692. Letters (one hundred and sixty -three) A.I.and A.G.Philosopher from Natalia Illarionovna Sarycheva (nee philosopher), sisters and her children: Alexei, Anna, Barbara, Illarion, Fedor
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 693. Letters (one hundred and thirty -eight) A.I.and A.G.Philosopher from N.I.Sarycheva (nee philosopher), sisters;and her children: Alexei, Fedor, Illarion
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 694. Letters (thirty -four) A.I.Philosopher from f [e -Vasilyevich] and Maria [A.] Sarychevs
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 695. Letter A.I.Philosophers from retired college secretary Daniil Ivanovich Sakharov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 696. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the lieutenant retired Sverchevsky
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 697. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher from Elena Svechina
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 698. Letters (seven) A.I.The philosopher from the [member of the general presence of the Provisa Department of the Military Ministry] a [Lexes Nikolayevich] Svistunov (Svistouunoff)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 699. Letters (eight) A.I.Philosophy from [Extraordinary Messenger and Plenipotentiary in Munich Dmitry Petrovich] Severin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 7. A doctor's note [surname is illegible] about the state of health A.G.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 70. Письмо А.И. Философова Петру Николаевичу Баташеву, коллежскому секретарю, касаемо управления имениями А.Г. Философовой по её доверенности
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 700. Letter A.I.Philosophers from [trusted] V. Sekavin regarding the calculations for the supply of cloth and alcohol from enterprises owned by A.G.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 701. Letter A.I.Philosopher from a college assessor retired Ivan Semenov,
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 702. Letters (two) A.I.Philosophy from the [Colonel of the headquarters officer of the Life Guards of the Artillery Brigade] Nestor [Semenovich] Semenov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 703. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher from [Major General, chief of staff of the troops in the Crimea] K. [r.] Semyakin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 704. Letter A.I.Philosophers from [Count] Saint-Prosta (St. Priest) [Alexis Ginyar]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 705. Письмо А.И. Философову от [сенатора] Льва [Григорьевича] Сенявина
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 706. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the medallier Valentin Sizikov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 707. Письма (три) А.И. Философову от [генерал-лейтенанта] И.М. Симборского
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 708. Letters (one hundred eleven) A.I.Philosopher from [managing the estate of philosopher's guidelines] Illarion Gavrilovich Sirotkin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 709. Письмо А.И. Философову от [полковника] Николая Антоновича Скалона
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 71. Letter A.I.Philosopher [Peter Alexandrovich Valuev], Minister of the Interior
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 710. Letters (five) A.I.Philosopher from [Consul General in Palermo Alexander Yakovlevich] Skaryatin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 711. Telegram A.I.Philosopher from Elena Skariatine (scariatine)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 712. Letters (two) A.I.Philosophers from A. Smirnoff (Smirnoff)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 713. Letter A.I.Philosopher from [official of special assignments under the St. Petersburg governor] N. [P].Smirnova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 714. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Maria Smirnova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 715. Letters (forty) A.I.Philosopher from [academician] Ivan [Mikhailovich] Snegirev
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 716. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher from the Lieutenant General of the Sardine Service Service Service
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 717. Letter A.I.Philosopher from [ruler of the office of the state borrowed bank] Sergey Grigoryevich Sobolev
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 718. Letter A.I.Philosopher from [retired postmaster] Terenty Vasilievich Solovkin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 719. Письмо А.И. Философову от часовщика Г. Сона
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 72. Письмо А.И. Философова Василию Евграфовичу [Вердеревскому], председателю Казённой палаты Нижегородской губернии по поводу земельных наделов крестьян
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 720. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the wife of the official Zinovia of the Spectors (nee Palatnikova),
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 721. Letter A.I.Philosophers from Mitava from [Baroness] A. Stakelberg
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 722. Письма (4) А.И. Философову от [капитана командира эскадрона лейб-гвардии Конно-гренадерского?] полка [барона Егора Егоровича?] фон Стакельберга (Stackelberg)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 723. Письма (три) А.И. Философову от [генерал-майора, прикомандированного к русскому посольству в Вене], из Турина [графа Эрнеста Густавовича Стакельберга] (Stackeberg)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 724. Letter A.I.Philosopher from [Lieutenant General, commander of the 1st brigade of the 2nd light cavalry division] I. Steel von Golstein
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 725. The letter of Stenbok [Count Julia Nikolaevich, chairman of the department of the bodies of the Ministry of the Imperial Court?] A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 726. Письма (двадцать пять) А.И. Философову от кузена [А. Столыпина (?)]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 727. Письмо А.И. Философову от Алексея [Афанасьевича] Столыпина
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 728. Письмо А.И. и Анне Григорьевне (урожденной Столыпиной) Философовым от Алексея Григорьевича Столыпина,
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 729. Письма (три) А.И. Философову от [полковника наказного атамана Уральского казачьего войска] Аркадия [Дмитриевича] Столыпина
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 73. Письмо А.И. Философова Владимиру Ильичу [Вестману], директору канцелярии Министерства иностранных дел
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 730. Letters (one hundred seventy -two) A.I.Philosopher from Uncle Athanasius Alekseevich Stolypin;Letters: Adjutant General N.N.Annenkova;P. Ilyina;Count L.A.Perovsky;Count N. [a.] Protasova;A.P.Shang-Girea;and other persons
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 731. Letters (one hundred and forty -four) A.I.and Anna Grigoryevna (born Stolypina) philosopher from Uncle Athanasius Alekseevich Stolypin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 732. Письма (восемь) А.И. Философову от племянника, офицера Афанасия [Валериановича] Столыпина
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 733. Letters (thirty -three) A.I.Philosophers from the brother of Anna Grigoryevna Philosopher (born of Stolypina) in (Alerian Grigoryevich) Stolypin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 734. Letters (twenty) A.I.Philosopher from the nephew of G. [Alekseevich] (Valerianovich?) Stolypin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 735. Letter from the nephew of Grigory [Valerianovich] [Stolypin] [A.I. Filosofov] with the post of Anna Grigoryevna Philosopher (born of Stolypina)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 736. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Kuzen, Cornet D [Mitriya] Stolypin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 737. Письма (восемь) А.И. Философову от саратовского помещика Дмитрия [А.] Столыпина
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 738. Letters (eight) A.I.Philosopher from his nephew, naval officer Mikhail [Valerianovich] Stolypin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 739. Letters (forty -three) and telegrams (two) A.I.Philosopher from Kuzen, [attorney in the affairs of Russia in Karlsruhe] n [Ikolai Arkadyevich] Stolypin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 74. Letter A.I.Philosopher Alexander Kirillovna Vorontsova-Dashkova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 740. Letters (twenty -three) and telegrams (two) A.I.Philosopher from his nephew, [official of special assignments at the Novgorod General General], Paul [Valerianovich] Stolypin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 741. Letters (one hundred and eight) A.I.Philosophers from Varvara Alekseevna Stolypina (nee Bakhmeteva)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 742. Письма (два) А.И. Философову от Варвары [Ивановны] [Столыпиной]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 743. Letters (ten) A.I.and A.G.Philosopher from [aunt] Catherine [Alekseevna (?)] Stolypina
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 744. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher from the sister of Elizabeth [Alekseevna] Stolypina
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 745. Письма (двадцать пять) А.И. и А.Г. Философовым от Марии Васильевны Столыпиной
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 746. Letters (four) and telegrams (two) A.I.Philosopher from Kyiv from the niece of Matilda [Valerianovna] Stolypina
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 747. Letters (twenty) A.I.and A.G.Philosopher from the mother of Natalia Alekseevna Stolypina
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 747. Письма А.И. Философову от матери Н.[А.] Столыпиной, жены А.Г. Философовой, детей А.А., Д.А., Н.А. Философовых
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 748. Letters (eighteen) A.I.and A.G.Philosopher from the mother of Natalia [Alekseevna] Stolypina and the cousins ​​of Natalia [Afanasyevna] Stolypina
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 749. Letters (thirteen) A.I.and Anna Grigoryevna (born of Stolypina) philosopher from his niece Olga Valerianovna Stolypina
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 75. Letter A.I.Philosopher Count, Minister of Finance F.P.Vronchenko
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 750. Letter A.I.and A.G.Philosopher from the niece of Sophia [Valerianovna] Stolypina
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 751. Telegrams (two) A.I.Philosopher from Athanasius and Sofia Stolypin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 752. Letter A.I.Philosophers from the nieces of Maria Valerianovna and Matilda Valerianovna Stolypin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 753. Letter A.I.Philosophers from the Saratov landlords of Natalia [Alekseevna] and Maria Akimovna Stolypin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 754. Письма А.И. и А.Г. Философовым от разных лиц, в том числе Н.А., А.А., М.А., В.А., Е.А. Столыпиных, С.А. Дашковой, П.П. и А.А. Шан-Гиреев, и других
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 755. Telegrams (eight) A.I.Philosopher from the manager of the Nizhny Novgorod estates of Strepetov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 756. Letter A.I.Philosopher from [Adjutant General] Count Sergey [Grigoryevich] Stroganov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 757. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Countess Tatyana Stroganova (Strogonoff)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 758. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the landowner Semyon Stupakov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 759. Письма (пять) А.И. Философову от помещицы Екатерины Ступаковой
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 76. Письмо А.И. Философова [Григорию, митрополиту Новгородскому и Петербургскому]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 760. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the widow of Anna Ivanovna Sturdza
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 761. Letters (seven) A.I.Philosophy from the [St. Petersburg Military Governor General of Prince Alexander Arkadyevich Suvorov-Rymnik]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 762. Письма (пять) А.И. Философову от [генерала от артиллерии, командира Гвардейского пехотного корпуса], графа [Сергея Павловича] Сумарокова
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 763. Letters (four) A.I.Philosophers from [the commander of the school of guards supporters and cavalry junkers, Major General Alexander Nikolaevich Sutgof]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 764. Письмо А.И. Философову из Копенгагена от Грегуара Сутратти (Gregoire Sutrati)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 765. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Catherine [Alexandrovna] Sukhoset (nee Princess Beloselskaya-Belozerskaya)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 766. Письма (три) А.И. Философову от генерала от артиллерии И[вана Онуфриевича Сухозанета]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 767. Official letter to Alexei I. Philosopher from [military minister] Nikolai [Onufrievich] Sukhosanet
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 768. Letter [A.I.Philosopher] from Dmitry Sorogopulo (from Athens)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 769. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Peter Tarakanov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 77. Letter A.I.Philosopher [Adjutant General], Prince Vasily Andreevich [Dolgorukov]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 770. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the nobleman Peter Tatarintsev
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 771. Письма (два) А.И. Философову от Анны Николаевны Тебелевой
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 772. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Catherine [N.] Tegleva
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 773. Письмо А.И. Философову от капитана А. Тереховского
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 774. Letters (six) A.I.Philosophy from the cellinal, Countess Ekaterina Fedorovna Tizenhausen (Tusengausen)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 775. Letters (three) A.I.Philosopher from the governor of the third branch of his own imperial majesty of the chancellery [Alexander Egorovich] Timashev
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 776. Letter A.I.Philosopher from A. Timofeev
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 777. Letter A.I.Philosopher from N. Timofeev
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 778. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Countess Toll (toll)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 779. Letters (five) A.I.Philosophers from [chief of staff of the Orenburg Cossack Army] Count [Ilya Andreevich] Tolstoy
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 78. Letter A.I.Philosopher [Adjutant General, Educator of the Grand Dukes] Nikolai Vasilievich [Zinoviev]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 780. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher from Count Tolstoy
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 781. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Tsarskoye Selo from [count] Tolstoy
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 782. Letters (fourteen) A.I.Philosopher from Countess Alexandra Tolstoy
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 783. Letters (sixteen) A.I.Philosopher from Countess Elizabeth Tolstoy (Tolstoy)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 784. Letters (ninety -five) A.I.Philosopher from Countess Polina (Praskovi) Vasilievna Tolstoy (nee Barykova), Elizabeth Vasilievna (nee Barykova), Alexei Petrovich Vadbolsky and their children
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 785. Letters (one hundred and thirty) A.I.The philosopher from Countess Polina (Praskovi) Vasilievna Tolstoy (nee Barykova), Princess Elizabeth Vasilievna Vadbolskaya (nee Barykova) and their children
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 786. Letters (nineteen) A.I.Philosopher from [Countess Praskovya Vasilievna Tolstoy (nee Barykova)]]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 787. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher from [Countess] Praskovy [Mikhailovna] Tolstoy (nee Kutuzova)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 788. Letter A.I.Philosopher from E. Tomilova (Tomiloff)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 789. Letters (one hundred and thirty six) A.I.and N.I.Philosopher from Alexei Romanovich Tomilov and his children
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 79. Philosophers Alexei Illarionovich (1799-1874), Adjutant General, teacher of the Grand Dukes of Nikolai and Mikhail Nikolaevichs, temporary military governor of St. Petersburg.Letter A.I.Philosopher Fedor Vasilievich Barykov with an invitation to a family dinner on the occasion of Barbarai Barbara.Response letter F.V.Barykov about his consent to attend dinner.
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 790. Letters (six) A.I.and N.I.Philosopher from the [landowner of the Novoladozh district of the St. Petersburg province] a [Lexa Romanovich] Tomilov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 791. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Nikolai [Alekseevich] Tomilov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 792. Письма (тридцать одно) А.И. Философову от новоладожского помещика и уездного предводителя дворянства из имения Успенское, Лиссабона, Висбадена Р[омана Алексеевича] Томилова
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 793. Письмо Иллариону Никитичу и Пелагее Алексеевне (рождённая Барыкова) Философовым от [Екатерины Алексеевна] Томиловой
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 794. Letters (eleven) A.I.Philosophers from Olga Alexandrovna Tomilova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 795. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Adjutant General Franz Ivanovich Totleben with the recall and characterization of the gun of the Burnan -Pel
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 796. Письма (два) А.И. Философову от священника Иоанна Травина
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 797. Письмо А.И. Философову от князя Никиты [Петровича] Трубецкого с сообщением об отъезде [церемониймейстера, члена капитула орденов] Мансурова в Севастополь и передаче через него обещанный великим князьям молитвенник (16 молитв)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 798. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher from [Director of the Demidov House of Property of Workers] Andrei [Petrovich] Turchaninov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 799. Letters (four) A.I.Philosophy from a [Lexa Dmitrievich] Tyrkov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 8. Patents of Alexei I. Philosopher for ranks
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 80. Письма (два) А.И. Философова графу, министру государственных имуществ П.Д. Киселеву
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 800. Письмо А.И. Философову от Дмитрия [Алексеевича] Тыркова
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 801. Letters (twenty -five) A.I.Philosopher from Tatyana [Yakovlevna] Tirkova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 802. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher from [artist] Nikanor [Leontyevich] Tytyumov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 803. Letters (two) A.I.Philosophers from [Secretary of the Russian Embassy in Vienna Pavel Petrovich] Ubri (Oubri)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 804. Letter A.I.Philosophers [from the President of the Academy of Sciences], Count Sergey [Semenovich] Uvarov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 805. Letters (three) A.I.Philosopher from Baron Alexander Ungern-Sternberg
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 806. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the [Extraordinary envoy and authorized minister of Russia in Copenhagen, Baron Ernest Romanovich] at [Nergern] -Sternberg
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 807. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Karlsruhe from Baroness von Falkenstein
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 808. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Konstantin-Genrich Faushaur (Constantin Henri Faushaur)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 809. 809
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 81. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher Grand Duke [Konstantin Nikolaevich]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 810. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the niece of Maria Fedorova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 811. A letter to Varvara Stolypina (nee Bakhmeteva) from K. Felisen (?), On behalf of A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 812. Letter A.I.Philosophy of Naples from Fiass (FUASS)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 813. Documents A.I.Philosopher and A.G.Philosopher (born Stolypina).Letters of different persons A.I.PhilosopherIn Russian and French
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 814. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Metropolitan of Lithuanian Filaret
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 815. Letters (three) A.I.Philosopher from philosopher (?)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 816. Telegram A.I.Philosopher from philosopher (?)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 817. Letters (three) A.I.Philosophers from Petrozavodsk from Alexander Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 818. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher from the grandson of Alexander [philosopher?] "Uncle"
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 819. Letters (thirty -two) A.I.Philosopher from the daughter -in -law (wife of Nikolai Alekseevich Philosopher) Sophia [Alekseevna] philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 82. Letter A.I.Philosopher Archpriest Joachim Semenovich Kochetov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 820. Letter A.I.Philosophers from Lieutenant Alexei Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 821. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher from the son of a [Lexei Alekseevich] philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 822. 2 l.
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 823. Letters (ten) A.I.Philosopher from the nephew, the related character of Alexei [Nikolaevich] philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 824. Letters (seven) A.I.Philosopher from [Kostroma forest auditor] Arseny [Vasilievich] philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 825. Letter A.I.Philosopher from V. philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 826. Letters (five) A.I.Philosopher from the son of Vladimir Alekseevich Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 827. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher from the director [of the audit department of the military ministry] in [Ladimir Dmitrievich] Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 828. Letters and telegrams (one hundred and eighty -eight and three) A.I.and A.G.Philosopher from his son, colonel, adjutant of the governor in the Caucasus, later Major General, family and personal nature, (including children's) Dmitry Alekseevich Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 829. Letters (seventeen) A.I.Philosopher from the Pskov landowner, Novorzhevsky district leader of the nobility of the Pskov province Dmitry Nikolaevich Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 83. Письмо [А.И. Философова] [Петербургскому губернатору], графу Николаю Васильевичу [Левашеву]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 830. Letters (five) A.I.Philosopher from the nephew of the related character of Illarion [Nikolaevich] philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 831. Letters (eighty -eight) A.I.Philosopher from the son of Mikhail [Alekseevich] philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 832. Letters (two hundred and forty -three) A.I.Philosopher from his son, [officer of the Life Guards of the Horse Regiment] Nicholas [Alekseevich] Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 833. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher Nikolai Vasilievich Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 834. Letters A.I.Philosopher from Lieutenant General, brother of Nikolai Illarionovich Philosopher, a related character, about personal and family news, with news of relatives and common acquaintances;About your service;Congratulations on the holidays
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 835. Letters (fifteen) A.I.Philosophers from [Lieutenant General, Director of the Page Corps], brother, Nikolai Illarionovich Philosopher, a related character, about family news (death of his mother, the birth of the son of Alexander);Regarding the section of the inheritance after see
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 836. Letters (ninety -five) A.I.Philosophers from brother Nikolai Illarionovich Philosopher, Alexander Romanovich, Nikolai Alexandrovich and Olga Alexandrovna Tomilov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 837. Letters (fifteen) A.I.Philosopher from the nephew of Nikolai [Nikolaevich] philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 838. Letter A.I.Philosopher from N. (?) Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 839. Letter A.I.Philosopher from A. Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 84. Письмо А.И. Философова [статс-секретарю по учреждениям императрицы Марии] Николаю Михайловичу [Лонгинову]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 840. Letters (four) A.I.Philosophers from Avdotya Alekseevna Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 841. Letters and telegrams (nine and two) A.I.Philosophers from the daughter of Alexandra Alekseevna Philosopher ("Adina")
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 842. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher from a niece from Petrozavodsk A. [Nikolaevna] philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 843. Letters and telegrams (thirty -five and eight) A.I.Philosophy from his wife A.G.Philosopher (nee. Stolypina) from Wilsbad, Potsdam, Rome, Vichy, family nature: about his stay with children Adina, Vladimir, Nikolai and Olga on vacation and treatment
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 844. Letters (one hundred and thirty one) A.I.The philosopher from the wife of Anna Grigoryevna Philosopher (nee Stolypina) of a family nature: about home news, children, relatives, acquaintances;about their health, anxiety about children's health (measles);with advice on
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 845. Letters (ninety -four) A.I.Philosopher from the wife of Anna Grigoryevna Philosopher (nee Stolypina)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 846. Letters (eighteen) A.I.Philosopher from Anna [S.] Philosopher from the city of Kineshma, with a request to arrange her grandson Vasily Lvovich Odinikov in the First Moscow Cadet Corps
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 847. Letter A.I.Philosophers from Anna Stepanovna philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 848. Letters (twenty) A.I.Philosophers from Barbara [Ivanovna] philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 849. Письма (два) А.И. Философову от Екатерины Философовой
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 85. Письмо А.И. Философова великой княгине Марии Павловне с отчетом о пребывании в Ницце императрицы Александры Федоровны, великой княгини Елены Павловны и других
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 850. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher from the niece of Catherine [Nikolaevna] philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 851. Letters (three) A.I.Philosopher from N. Oznobishina and N. [n.] Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 852. Letters (three) A.I.Philosopher from N. [n.] Oznobishina and Natalia Nikolaevna Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 853. 1855
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 854. Letters (fourteen) A.I.Philosopher, uncle, Sophia [V.?] [Philosopher]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 855. Letters (seventy -eight) A.I.Philosophy from parents I.N., P.A.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 856. Letters (one hundred and eight) A.I.Philosophy of the parents of Illarion Nikitovich, Pelagei Alegeevna Philosophers, sisters of Ekaterina Illarionovna Philosophy, Kuzins Varvara Andreevna Tomilova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 857. Letters (one hundred and thirty -two) A.I.Philosophy from the parents of Illarion Nikitovich, Pelagei Alegeevna Philosophers and the sisters of Ekaterina Illarionovna philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 858. Letters (one hundred and twenty) A.I.Philosophers from the parents of Illarion Nikitovich and Pelagei Alekseevna philosophers
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 859. Telegram A.I.Philosophers from Nikolai Alekseevich and Sofia A. Philosophers from Rome about the upcoming departure to Naples, congratulations on Easter
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 86. Письма (два) А.И. Философова [лейб-медику] М.А. [Маркусу]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 860. Telegrams (forty -three) A.I.Philosopher from philosophers (without designating the name in the signature)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 861. Letter A.I.Philosopher from [the guard of the colonel?Nikolai Petrovich] Firsov from Bonn, with the recommendation of his student Count Munster, who is in the service in the Guards Regiment
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 862. Letter A.I.Philosopher from [a member of the Council under the main leading post?] Karl Karlovich Fonton
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 863. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher from the baron, [president of the court stable office?] [Petra Andreevich] Frederixe (Frederix)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 864. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Baron Freetag with a request for an audience
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 865. Letter A.I.Philosopher from [French teacher] E. Freedouce
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 866. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher from the cousin of N. Frolovskaya
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 867. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Konstantin Fouler (Fouler)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 868. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the [doctor of the Tobolsk provincial order of public charity] Ivan Mikhailovich Fuer (Funer)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 869. Letter A.I.Philosopher from [Khalchinsky?]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 87. Letter A.I.Philosopher of the Leader of the nobility of the Odoevsky district of the Tula province Peter Ivanovich Masalov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 870. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the prince, Major General, seconded to the Southern Army [Zakharia Semenovich] Kherheulidzev
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 871. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Princess [Cleopatra Semenovna] Herheulidze
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 872. Letter A.I.Philosophy from a member of the Novoladozh district council Alexander Vasilievich Khlapunov about the election of the addressee by the honorary justice of the peace
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 873. Letters (four) A.I.Philosopher from Peter Vasilyevich Khlebnikov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 874. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher from Lieutenant Colonel, commander of the reserve battery of the Terek Cossack army Nikolai Semenovich Khonev
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 875. Letters (six) A.I.Philosopher from Akim Akimovich Kostatov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 876. Letter A.I.The philosopher from the Count, [the Extraordinary Messenger and Plenipotentiary of Russia in Brussels] [Count Mikhail Irineevich] Khptovich from Naples
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 877. Letter A.I.Philosopher from General Stepan [Alexandrovich] Khrulev
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 878. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Khrushchev (?)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 879. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Vladimir Tsebrikov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 88. Письма (пять) А.И. Философова [чрезвычайному посланнику России в Вене, барону П.К. Мейендорфу]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 880. Letter A.I.Philosopher from [doctor] g [Gustavovich's Charter] Zimmerman
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 881. Letters (seven) A.I.Philosopher from the general from infantry K.V.Chevkina about personal and family news, about the expulsion of money for his portrait made, about the upcoming meeting (Lansky, N. Streptov) are mentioned)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 882. Письма (два) А.И. Философову от Китти [Екатерины] Чевкиной
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 883. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the brightest prince, [military minister] a [Lexandra Ivanovich] Chernyshev
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 884. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Chertkova (?)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 885. Letter I.N.and Pelagia Alekseevna philosopher (born Barykova) from Peter Chirikov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 886. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Mikhail Chichagov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 887. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher from Maria Chikhacheva
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 888. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher from Irina Fedorovna Churina
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 889. Letters (eight) A.I.Philosopher from Ekim Shan-Girey
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 89. Письма (пять) А.И. Философова [начальнику Главного морского штаба, князю А.С. Меншикову]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 890. Letter [A.I.Philosopher] from Catherine Shan-Guirey
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 891. Письма (два) А.И. Философову от Шардон-Лагаша (Chardon-Lagacha) из Парижа о высылке посылок Марии Столыпиной (урожденной Устиновой)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 892. Letter A.I.Philosophers from A. Shakhmatov about the state of health of her mother, with gratitude for participating in her treatment, with a proposal to take on her money debt
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 893. Letters (three) A.I.Philosopher from V. Shakhmatova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 894. Letters (thirty -seven) A.I.Philosophy from Uncle A.A.Schwartz
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 895. Letter A.I.Philosopher from V. Schwartz
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 896. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Emilia Swedera from St. Petersburg
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 897. Letters A.I.The philosopher of the guard of the colonel retired Dmitry Potapovich Shelekhov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 898. Письмо А.И. Философову от княгини Натальи Шелешпанской
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 899. Письмо А.И. Философову от Дмитрия Шепелева
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 9. Diplomas A.I.Philosopher for Russian and foreign orders
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 90. Letters (ten) A.I.Philosopher Grand Duke [Mikhail Pavlovich]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 900. Письмо А.И. Философову от [московского губернского предводителя дворянства] В.А. Шереметева
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 901. Письма (восемь) А.И. Философову от графини Наталии Шереметевой
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 902. Письмо А.И. Философову от генерал-адъютанта, горного инженера Карла Андреевича Шильдера
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 903. Letter A.I.Philosophers from [prince, Minister of Education of Platon Alexandrovich] Shirinsky-Shekhmatov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 904. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the college assessor A.F.Schleier
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 905. Письма (три) А.И. Философову от К.С. Шпигоцкой (урожденной Шадовской)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 906. Письмо А.И. Философову от вдовы капитана А. Шмидт
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 907. Letter A.G.Philosopher from the cousin of faith [Shokurova?]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 908. Letter A.I.Philosophers from Karl Shorovsky with a request
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 909. Letters (five) A.I.Philosophers from the [Extraordinary Messenger and Plenipotentiary of Russia in Dresden Andrei Andreyevich] Schreder
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 91. Letters (two) A.I.Philosopher to the Minister of State Property M.N.Muravyov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 910. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Barbara [N.] Schreider (nee philosopher)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 911. Письмо А.И. Философову от [барона, члена Коммерческого совета Департамента мануфактур и внутренней торговли Министерства финансов Александра Людвиговича] Штиглица
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 912. Письмо А.И. Философову от [секретаря русского посольства в Штутгардте Августа Кондратовича] Штофрегена (Stoffregen)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 913. Letter G.V.Stolypin, Kuzena, T. Shuazel-Guffier (Choiseul Gouffier)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 914. Письмо А.И. Философову от [графа, президента Придворной конторы Андрея Петровича] Шувалова
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 915. Письмо А.И. Философову от графа Шувалова (Schuvaloff)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 916. Письмо А.И. Философову от [генерала от инфантерии, Петербургского военного генерал-губернатора Дмитрия Ивановича] Шульгина
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 917. Letters (four) A.I.Philosopher from the colonel, teacher of history to the Grand Dukes of Mikhail and Nikolai Nikolaevich N.D.Shulgina
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 918. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the priest of the Assumption Old Ladoga Church, John Shchedrov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 919. Letter A.I.Philosopher from [Prince Vladimir Shcherbatov] from Stuttgart
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 92. Письмо А.И. Философова вдове [генерал-майора, командира первой артиллерийской бригады] М.М. Нестеровской
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 920. Letters (one hundred seventy -two) A.I.Philosopher from Uncle Athanasius Alekseevich Stolypin;Letters: Adjutant General N.N.Annenkova;P. Ilyina;Count L.A.Perovsky;Count N. [a.] Protasova;A.P.Shang-Girea;and other persons
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 921. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the head of the Poltava Institute of the noble girls Elizabeth Ivanovna (born Wademeer) Shcherbinina
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 922. Письма (шестнадцать) А.И. Философову от [генерального консула России в Париже Александра Карловича] Эбелинга (Ebeling)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 923. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Karlsruhe Edelsheimiz (Edelheim)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 924. Письма (два) А.И. Философову от Николая Эрдели
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 925. Письмо А.И. Философову от Анисии Юшковой
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 926. Письма (восемь) А.И. Философову от Николая Карловича Якоби из Нижнего Новгорода
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 927. Letter A.I.Philosopher from Nadezhda Yakovleva
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 928. Letter A.I.Philosopher from the titular adviser to Adam Viszkenstievich Yakhimovich with a request
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 929. Письма (два) А.И. Философову от поверенных банкирского дома барона А.Л. Штиглица и фирмы Шрекенштейн в Монстере
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 93. Письма А.И. Философова, генерал-адъютанта, императору Николаю I
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 930. Official letters (two) A.I.Philosophers from editors of the publications "St. George Cavaliers and Caucasians" and "Collection of information about the life and reign of Emperor Nikolai Pavlovich"
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 931. Письмо А.И. Философову от председателя комитета по сооружению в Кронштадте памятника адмиралу Ф.Ф. Беллинсгаузену
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 932. Letters (thirty -five) A.I.Philosopher from different persons, including Prince A.M.Golitsyna, his mother N. Golitsyna (nee Tolstoy), L. Golitsyna, I.M.Bakunin, A. Zvyagintsev and other correspondents
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 933. Letters (fifty -three) A.I.Philosophers from different persons, including relatives
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 934. Письма (сто) А.И. Философову от разных лиц
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 935. Letters (fifty -two) A.I.Philosopher from different persons
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 936. Письма (шестьдесят девять) полковнику, впоследствии генерал-майору А.И. Философову от разных лиц
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 937. Letters (one hundred and fifty -four) A.I.Philosopher of different persons
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 938. Letters (sixty -seven) A.I.Philosopher of different persons
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 939. Letters (seventy-six) Major General, subsequently Lieutenant General A.I.Philosopher from different persons
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 94. Письмо А.И. Философова [цесаревичу Николаю Александровичу]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 940. Letters (one hundred and thirty-one) Major General, later Lieutenant General A.I.Philosopher of different persons
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 941. Letters (ninety -nine).A.I.Philosopher of different persons
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 942. Visiting cards (forty -three) different persons, including Colonel Barra, adjutant of Prince Frederick of Dutch;Lieutenant General, commander of the cavalry of King Württemberg, Count de Bismarck;I. Gartman;Prince S. Kudashev;de Lindholm;P.A.Mu
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 943. Letters (one hundred twenty -one) A.I.The philosopher of unidentified persons (without signatures and with illegible signatures)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 944. Letter to Anna Grigoryevna Philosopher (nee Stolypina), aunt, from Elizabeth Anichkova
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 945. Letter to Anna Grigoryevna Philosopher (nee Stolypina) from Vasily Stepanovich Barykov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 946. Письма (два) Анне Григорьевне Философовой (урожденной Столыпиной) от Глафиры Болтовской
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 947. Russian
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 948. Letter to Anna Grigoryevna Philosopher (nee Stolypina) from Prince Semyon Mikhailovich Vorontsov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 949. Letter to Anna Grigoryevna Philosopher (nee Stolypina) from Princess Maria Vasilievna Vorontsova (nee Princess Trubetskoy, according to her first husband Stolypina)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 95. Letter A.I.Philosopher to the Minister of Justice, Count Viktor Nikiforovich [Panin]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 950. Letter to Anna Grigoryevna Philosopher (nee Stolypina) from Prince Pavel Petrovich Vyazemsky
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 951. Letter to Anna Grigoryevna Philosopher (nee Stolypina) from Dmitry Vasilchikov
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 952. 1869
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 953. Letter A.G.Philosopher (nee Stolypina), aunt, from N.V.Grekova (nee Stolypina)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 954. Letters (three) to Anna Grigoryevna Philosopher (nee Stolypina) from Baroness Alexandra Mikhailovna Gyugel (nee Vereshchagina)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 955. Письмо Анне Григорьевне Философовой (урожденной Столыпиной) от священника М.В. Доброзракова
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 956. Letter to Anna Grigoryevna Philosopher (nee Stolypina) from Princess Ekaterina Dolgoruka
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 957. Letter to Anna Grigoryevna Philosopher (nee Stolypina) from the widow of the college adviser Olga Zhebrovskaya
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 958. Letter A.G.Philosopher (nee Stolypina) from the Red village from Count Nikolai Dmitrievich Zubov, consisting in the position of Shtalmeister
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 959. Letter to Anna Grigoryevna Philosopher (nee Stolypina) from Paraskevi Ignatieva
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 96. Письмо А.И. Философова [мировому посреднику Лукояновского уезда Нижегородской губернии] Д.И. [Пото]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 960. Letter to Anna Grigoryevna Philosopher (nee Stolypina) from the bishop of Vladimir Istin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 961. Letter to Anna Grigoryevna Philosopher (nee Stolypina) from Andrei Nikolayevich Karamzin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 962. Письма (два) Анне Григорьевне Философовой (урожденной Столыпиной) от Е. Килевейна
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 963. Letter to Anna Grigoryevna Philosopher (nee Stolypina) from [General from the cavalry of Count Karl Karlovich] de Lambert
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 964. Letter to Anna Grigoryevna Philosopher (nee Stolypina) from [Prince P.?] Meshchersky on the issue of surrender of land A.I.Philosopher to rent a merchant Baushkin
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 965. Письмо Анне Григорьевне Философовой (урожденной Столыпиной) от Николая Нечаева с пометкой А.И. Философова
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 966. Letter to Anna Grigoryevna Philosopher (nee Stolypina) from Petrozavodsk from Nikolai Obruchev
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 967. Letters (four) Anna Grigoryevna Philosopher (nee Stolypina) from Paris from Maria Paskevich
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 968. Letters (nine) by Anna Grigoryevna Philosopher (nee Stolypina) from Natalia Illarionovna Sarycheva (nee philosopher)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 969. Letters (two) Anna Grigoryevna Philosopher (nee Stolypina) aunt, from Grigory [Valerianovich] Stolypin, [honorary guardian of the house of education of poor children]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 97. Письмо А.И. Философова [генералу от кавалерии, обер-прокурору Синода], графу Н.А. Протасову
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 970. Письмо Анне Григорьевне Философовой (урожденной Столыпиной) тетке от Павла [Валериановича] Столыпина
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 971. Letter to Anna Grigoryevna Philosopher (nee Stolypina) from Ekaterina Stolypina
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 972. Letter to Anna Grigoryevna Philosopher (nee Stolypina) aunt from Matilda [Valerianovna] Stolypina (born of philosopher)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 973. Letter to Anna Grigoryevna Philosopher (nee Stolypina) from her son Alexei Alekseevich Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 974. Letters (sixty six) A.G.Philosopher (nee Stolypina) from her husband A.I.Philosopher, family correspondence: personal nature, about relationships, about his stay in Tula, with news about close relatives and common acquaintances
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 975. Letters (seventy -five) A.G.Philosopher (nee Stolypina) from her husband A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 976. Letters (one hundred and thirty) to Anna Grigoryevna Philosopher (nee Stolypina) from her husband A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 977. Letters (STO) A.G.Philosopher (nee Stolypina) from her husband A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 978. Letters (one hundred and thirty six) A.G.Philosopher (nee Stolypina) from her husband A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 979. Письма (восемьдесят три) А.Г. Философовой (урожденной Столыпиной)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 98. Letters (four) A.I.Philosopher [world mediator of the Novoladozh district of the St. Petersburg province], Prince V.D.[Putyatin]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 980. Telegram A.G.Philosopher (nee Stolypina) from her husband A.I.Philosopher in Tiflis, about the health of family members, a request to send letters to Castellammar (Italy)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 981. Letter A.G.Philosopher (nee Stolypina) from Kemli from the son of M [Ihail Alekseevich] Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 982. Letters (ten) A.G.Philosopher (nee Stolypina) from the widow [Major General, commander of the first brigade of the Third Guards Division]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 983. Письмо А.Г. Философовой (урожденной Столыпиной) от Е. Фриель (Friel E.)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 984. Письмо А.Г. Философовой (урожденной Столыпиной) от кузины Марии Чихачевой (Tchihatchoff)
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 985. Letter [A.G.?Philosopher] (nee Stolypina) from an unidentified correspondent [without a signature]
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 986. Orders A.I.and A.G.Philosopher S.P.Kostrov and F.M.Ostrich managing the estates of philosophers in the Nizhny Novgorod province
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 987. Orders A.A.and N.A.Stolypin S.P.Kostrov and F.M.Ostrich managing the estates of philosophers in the Nizhny Novgorod province
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 988. Раздельные акты, списки крестьян, описи имущества, отчет о строительных работах по деревне А.И. Философова Белые Кресты Новоладожского уезда Петербургской губернии
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 989. Report and parish-expenditure of the village of A.I.Philosopher Bogdanovsky with the satellites belonging to him from January 1, 1851 to January 1, 1853
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 99. Письма (три) А.И. Философова министру финансов М.Х. Рейтерну
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 990. Планы имения и строительных работ, ревизские сказки, сведения о хозяйственной и иной деятельности по селу А.И. Философова Загвоздье Новоладожского уезда Петербургской губернии
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 991. Correspondence A.I.Philosopher, plans and calculations on the construction of a church in the village of Asad, Novoladozhsky district of the St. Petersburg province
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 992. The attitude of the Ezvadsky volost government addressed to A.I.Philosopher on the supply of recruiting from among temporarily liable peasants
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 993. Plans, drawings and economic notes on the estate of the philosopher of the Kempel of the Lukoyanovsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod province
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 994. Reports of the manager on the activities of the Cloth Factory of Philosophers in their estate of the Kempel of the Lukoyanovsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod province
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 995. Notification A.G.Philosopher to the department of manufactories and domestic trade about its consent to the supply of cloth for the army
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 996. Protia of Gorchakov Vasily, [manager of the estates of philosophers], to the Kemelian house office
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 997. Переписка А.И. Философова по принадлежавшему ему Мышьяковскому винокуренному заводу Балахнинского уезда Нижегородской губернии
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 998. The register of employees, the invoice accounts and the statements about the factory’s operation, the account of the office of the factory’s office, the insurance policy and another under the Myshkhakovsky distillery of the Balakhninsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod province, owned by A.I.Philosopher
РГИА. 1075 / 1 / 999. The all -depth request and official letters A.I.Philosopher to the Minister of Finance and [manager of the Nizhny Novgorod drinking and amicia management?] Regarding the book of the distillery of philosopher’s distillery in the Lukoyanovsky and Balakhninsky districts of the Nizhny Novgorod province and and and
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