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Railway: a magazine published by the VIII department of the Imperial Russian Technical Society.-St. Petersburg, 1882-1917.-.I. Russian Technical Society.Department (8) .1.People (collection).2. Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: PSUPS[G.35].1916. No. 5-6 / ed.Com.: Chairman of the VIII.and otp.Ed.A.N.Frolov, cand.By the chairman of V.N.Belyaev and M.V.Gololobov et al. - [Petrograd]: Type.T-va "Public benefits", 1916. -33-50 p.: Table., Damn., Il .. -The magazine was founded in 1882 by A.N.Gorchakov, who consisted of the editor for life until 1914.Contents: On the issue of creating a plan for railway construction: (regarding the twenty years of the commission on new railways) / B. Pavlov.The amount of food goods and fuel delivered to Petrograd on railways in 1914 and 1915 / N.P.Verkhovskaya.Smooth service of train steam locomotives and strengthening the throughput of roads / N. Dobrovolsky.Steam locomotives with overheating and mitigation of slopes / A. Münzer.About the casting of economic grates on the patented machine tool machine / A. Matskanov, [et al.].- Bibliogr.in the text and subscription.Note .. - Ex.: without region..I. Gololobov, M.V. II.Gorchakov, A.N. .. III.Frolov, A.N. .. IV.Belyaev, V.N.1.People (collection).2. Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: PSUPS
Publisher | Тип. Т-ва "Общественная польза" |