Railway.G. 16. 1897. No. 14-15

Railway: a magazine published by the VIII department of the Imperial Russian Technical Society.-St. Petersburg, 1882-1917.-.I. Russian Technical Society.Department (8) .1.People (collection).2. Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: PSUPSG. 16. 1897. No. 14-15.- Type.br.Panteleev, 1897. -123-138 p.: table., Damn .. -It turns out 4 numbers per month.Contents: delays in trains, the reasons for these delays and measures to eliminate them / Alexander Radzig.The project of the new rolling stock of the normal track and the new version of the rules regarding the maximum, depending on the mentioned new dimensions, the size of some parts of the rolling stock and the approximation of the buildings to the axis of the path: (continuation) / B. Sushinsky.Salus Populi in Lyubotinsky workshops of the official Kharkovo-Nicolaevsky yellow.Roads: (continuation) / Dr. P. Caesarevsky.Metallurgical production in the north of Russia: (from a government business trip) / P. Vosko.The general data of the development of Russian railways in relation to their length, equipment with a rolling stock and transported useful cargo, [et al.].- Ex.: Without region..1. The people (collection).2. Territory (collection).Electronic copy source: PBOriginal storage location: PSUPS
Publisher тип. бр. Пантелеевых

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