Materials on various issues of primary, secondary and higher education in Russia;On the unrest of students of higher educational...

Identifier 2dcd0caa-8d5f-438e-b008-eb1d7c3b3d62
Title Materials on various issues of primary, secondary and higher education in Russia;On the unrest of students of higher educational institutions in the late XIX - early XX centuries.Personal documents, about service and correspondence A.N.Schwartz
Dates 1885
Text language Russian
Level Lists
Call number РГИА. 1672 / 1
Cataloguing source RGIA
Extent 753 units.
Fonds Schwartz Alexander Nikolaevich (1848-1915), Minister of Education
Contents В описи представлены документы личные: о прохождении службы, о награждениях и избрании почетным членом различных научных обществ, некролог. Материалы по разным вопросам начального, среднего и высшего образования в России: печатные записки о различных организациях среди учащихся в учебных заведениях Министерства народного просвещения
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 1. Congratulatory letters of the Chairman of the Commission at the World Exhibition in Paris and assistant deputy general commissar Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz "On the occasion of the French government of the Order of the Honorary Legion"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 10. The attitude of the Imperial Archaeological Institute Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz that the Council of the Imperial Archaeological Institute elected it among its honorary members
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 100. CASE: "Inquiries to the case of higher elementary schools drawn up by the State Chancellery"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 101. CASE: "Project of the Regulation on Higher Primary Schools"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 102. States and "Amendment of a member of the State Council A.N. Schwartz to general notes to the states of higher elementary schools"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 103. Comparative presentation compiled by the State Chancellery on the draft Law on Higher Primary Schools
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 104. The address issued by the fifth male gymnasium assistant to the trustee of the Moscow training district Konstantin Ivanovich Sadokov
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 105. Letter of the trustee of the Moscow training district A.N.Schwartz on the gratitude of the Minister of Education to the participants of the meeting on issues about secondary school
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 106. Note N.A.Zverev with a request to pay attention to the official activities of the teacher of the Libava male classical gymnasium of the state adviser to Grosset
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 107. RGIA
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 108. Letter of a comrade of the Minister of Education A.N.Schwartz with a request to take measures to ensure that "information about the course of classes of the subcommittee on the transformation of high school could not be announced in time publications"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 109. Tables of lessons in the first five classes of gymnasiums sent by the Ministry of Education to the trustee of the Warsaw training district
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 11. The notification of the head of the STATLAMaster part of the court of Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz on the appointment of the day of admission
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 110. The printing table of lessons for the first six classes of the gymnasium sent by the Ministry of Education to the Trustees of the Warsaw Educational District
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 111. A copy of the relationship between the Ministry of Public Education to the trustee of the training district about the curriculum
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 112. RGIA
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 113. An extract from the report of the district inspector Zubkovsky about his trip to the city of Chenstokhov for the revision of the Chenstokhov male gymnasium
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 114. Russian
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 115. Review of the director of the Warsaw Sixth Male and Third Women's Gymnasiums V. Shimanovsky about the official activities of the teacher and state adviser Anatoly Skvortsov
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 116. A note by the Minister of Education of Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz to the State Duma and a certificate on the improvement of the financial situation of employees in secondary educational male educational institutions and district inspectors
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 117. Telegram D.F.Levshina to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 118. A report (presentation of the case) of the Ministry of Education in the State Duma "On Gymnasiums and Preparatory Schools"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 119. Copies of the provisions on the manual and scholarships named after Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz for students of the fifth Moscow male gymnasium
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 12. Biography of Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz and the program of his activity
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 120. Report by V.K.von Anrena, according to the legislative assumption "On a change in some legalizations of male and female secondary educational institutions and a change in the composition of the board of trustees"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 121. Report by N.A.Mansurov with the application of the printed note "on the bill on the change in the provisions on pension provision of teachers and teachers of the preparatory classes of female gymnasiums and gymnasiums of the Ministry of Education, having the title of teacher
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 122. Report E.P.Kovalevsky with the draft law and additional certificates drawn up by the state office "under the bill on parallel departments of male gymnasium, gymnasium and real schools"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 123. Report by M.S.Voronkova, draft law and a note of the Ministry of Education on a temporary institution of one -year courses to prepare teachers of secondary educational institutions and short -term courses
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 124. Reports of E.P.Kovalevsky and V.N.Pepelyaeva with the application of additional materials "On improving the financial situation of employees in women's educational institutions of the Ministry of Education, on a change in some legalizations about female gymnasiums and progress
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 125. Report by P.P.Izvolsky and additional certificates drawn up by the State Chancellery in the case of a change in some legalizations about male and female gymnasiums, gymnasiums and real schools "
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 126. 126
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 127. RGIA
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 128. Notification of the Chairman of the Financial Commission of the State Council Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz on the day of the meeting of the financial commission for considering the bill on parallel departments at the main classes of secondary comprehensive male educational
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 129. Case: "Report in the case of parallel departments at the main classes of secondary comprehensive male educational institutions"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 13. The attitude of the Imperial Odessa Society of History and Antiquities Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz about the election of his honorary member
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 130. Доклад Е.П. Ковалевского с приложением проектов закона и справки, составленной Государственной канцелярией "по законопроекту о расширении прав учредителей средних общеобразовательных учебных заведений"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 131. Report by P.P.Izvolsky, the draft law and the comparative presentation "On the expansion of the rights of the founders of secondary educational institutions"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 132. Inquiries drawn up by the State Chancellery "to the case of the provision of persons who have completed the course of some secondary educational institutions, the right to go to higher educational institutions"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 133. Case: "Tables of the number of weekly lessons of secondary educational institutions of Russia and some Western European states"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 134. Printing book "An extract from the magazine of the scientist of the Ministry of Education, April 11, 1905" On the expansion of the course of Russian literature in secondary schools
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 135. Case: "The program of the Russian language course in the additional class of real schools"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 136. Approximate history program for the third grade of gymnasiums
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 137. Case: "An explanatory note to the program of natural science for the first three classes of the gymnasium and real schools"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 138. CASE: "The curriculum of the Polish language for male and female gymnasiums and real schools"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 139. Case: "Instructions regarding teaching programs in real schools, gymnasiums and gymnasiums for the 1903-1904 academic year"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 14. The Incurifying letter of the chief controlled by its own imperial majesty Taneyev Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz with the application of the order and the letter of rewarding with the Order of the White Eagle
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 140. Comparative presentation drawn up by the State Chancellery on the draft Law on the expansion of the rights of the founders of secondary educational institutions
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 141. Case: "An approximate program of the elementary course of ancient history for the third grade of real schools"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 142. A brochure "Commission of the chiefs of secondary educational institutions"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 143. "The draft provision on the gymnasiums of the Ministry of Education"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 144. Case: "The draft law on some changes in the lawsuits acting in relation to Orthodox spiritual seminaries and schools"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 145. A memorial note on the organization of a special commission on the initiative of the trustee of the Vilensky training district G.V.Levitsky "for the development of measures, a positive impact on students, in their physical development, mental and moral education"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 146. Instructions regarding teaching programs in the 1904-1905 academic year of the Russian language, history and ancient languages ​​in gymnasiums
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 147. Case: "The program of philosophical propaedeutics for male gymnasiums"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 148. Case: "Law Program for Male Gymnasiums"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 149. A copy of the relationship between the Ministry of Public Education to the rector of the Imperial Moscow University on the new academic charter and trials for students
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 15. Notice of the Chairman of the Committee on the construction of the monument N.V.Gogol to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz about the adoption of him a medal on the occasion of the opening of the monument N.V.Gogol
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 150. Printing book "Rules for students and strangers of the Imperial Yuryev University"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 151. The ministerial "Project of the organization of student institutions" (print manuscript of Professor D.Ya. Samokvasova)
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 152. Notification of the Council of the Imperial Yuryev University Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz on the day of the celebration of the centenary of the foundation of the university
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 153. Black notes by Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz on the reform of higher educational institutions
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 154. Case: "Protocol of the meeting of the Pedagogical Council of the Kazan Teacher's Seminary"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 155. A copy of the letter of the Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz on the reception of universities of persons who graduated from eight -year commercial schools of the department of the Ministry of Trade and Industry "
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 156. A copy of the secret letter of the director of the Warsaw Veterinary Institute I. Lange to V.I.Belyaev about Zakharov's official activity
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 157. Report of the Minister of Education of Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz Emperor Nicholas II with the application of notes on the dismissal of the professor of the Imperial Academy Sonin
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 158. Relations of the Elisavetgrad and Kansky departments of the "Union of the Russian People" to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz on the percentage of the admission of Jews in higher educational institutions
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 159. The transcript of performances of a member of the State Duma M.Ya.Kapustina on the budget of the Ministry of Education and the University of Shanavsky
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 16. The transient letter of the chief controlled by its own imperial majesty of the Chancellery Taneyev Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz with the application of the list of decree and copies of the order to dismiss him from the post of Minister of Education
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 160. A copy of the relationship of the trustee of the West Siberian training district to the rector of Tomsk University on violation by professors of the Law on Vacations
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 161. Consolidated Protocol of the Professors meeting on the issue of discussing the project of the university charter
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 162. A report note by the Ministry of Education at the State Duma "On the Pedagogical Institute named after P.G. Shelaputin in the city of Moscow and on one -year and short -term courses for the training of teachers and teachers of secondary educational institutions"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 163. Notice of the Chairman of the Financial Commission of the State Council Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz with the application of reports and the draft Law on the Pedagogical Institute named after Pavel Grigoryevich Sheloputin in the city
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 164. Notification of the Chairman of the Financial Commission of the State Council Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz on the day of the meeting of the financial commission and the commission of legislative assumptions with the application of printed materials "On the tests of female persons in the knowledge of the course
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 165. The notification of the chairman of the Odessa Bibliographic Society at the Imperial Novorossiysk University A.N.Schwartz about the election of him as his member, with the application of the charter of the specified university
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 166. Brochure of a professor at Moscow University Grigory Kozhevnikov "to the modern position of the university"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 167. Report E.P.Kovalevsky and the draft law on the provision of persons who have completed the course of some secondary educational institutions, the right to enter higher educational institutions
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 168. The forwarding attitude of the state office with the application of reports and comparative presentations drawn up by the State Chancellery "under the approval of the provisions on the Moscow and Kiev commercial institutions"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 169. Case: "The Law on the Transformation of the Imperial Moscow Engineering School to the Moscow Institute of Traffic Engineers", with the application of additional materials on the same issue
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 17. A certificate issued to Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz on granting him the right to wear on his chest in memory of the 300th anniversary of the reign of the Romanovs of the Romanovs of a light-bronze medal
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 17. Letters of the Chairman of the State Council M. Akimov Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz about the election of his honorary member of the conciliation commission
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 170. The transient letter of the Society for the Remember of the Former Pupils of Moscow University Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz with the application of the Charter and the list of members of the Company
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 171. Report by P.P.Izvolsky and additional amendments "in the case of providing persons who have completed the course of some secondary educational institutions, the right to enter higher educational institutions"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 172. Case: "The draft law on the temporary improvement of the financial situation of professors of imperial universities and the Demidov Legal Lyceum, as well as associate professors of the Imperial Warsaw and Yuryev universities and the named lyceum, and on a change in some
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 173. Report of Count I.I.Kapnist with the application of additional materials "under the bill on a change in the position and staff of the Institute of Agriculture and Forestry in New Alexandria"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 174. RGIA
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 175. Report I.V.Godnev with the application of the draft law and the comparative presentation drawn up by the state office "under the bill on the approval of the draft new Regulation on dental schools to the department of the Ministry of Education"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 176. Permitting letter of the Deputy Chairman of the Financial Commission of the State Council A.N.Schwartz with the application of reports on the bill on the establishment of the Polytechnic Institute in the city of Samara, on the revision of the state and some articles
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 177. A sub -record of the sworn attorney D.V.Vyvkind Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz on the enrollment of his brother Alexander among the students of Moscow University of Medical Faculty
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 178. Report A.V.Smirnova with the application of additional materials "under the bill on the improvement of the material situation of persons consisting of educational institutions of universities, on an increase in their number, and on strengthening loans to the educational part of the university
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 179. RGIA
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 18. Conductive letters of the chief -controling of her own imperial majesty Taneyev Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz with the application of the order, original and list with the highest letter of rewarding with the Order of the Holy Blessed Great
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 180. The case: "The report of the district inspector of the Kazan training district A.A. Solovyov on the results of the audit of the economic part of the Kazan Teacher's Seminary made in February and March 1910"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 181. Case: "The draft law on the establishment of a new state of the Imperial Academy of Sciences and the Regulation on the printing house of the same Academy"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 182. Case: "A note by the head of the Kholmsky Educational Directorate, the State Advisor to Nedumov about translated and final exams in the Lublin Roman Catholic Theological Seminary in the Russian language and domestic history in 1902"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 183. A note on the appointment of the trustees of educational districts: Kharkov and Riga, Professor Sokolovsky, Putchenko and on the provision of a report to the emperor in this case
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 184. Case: "Distribution of a loan of 10725 rubles for the maintenance and repair of the building of the Pedagogical Institute named after P.G. Shelaputin in Moscow"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 185. Case: "Report on the report of the Minister of Education on the dismissal of a member of the State Council of D.D. Grimma from the post of ordinary professor of the Imperial Kharkov University"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 186. Case: "An extract from the conclusion of the second department of the financial commission of the State Council on the estimate of the Ministry of Public Education for 1913"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 187. Case: "Temporary rules for organizing student institutions in higher educational institutions of the department of the Ministry of Education"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 188. Case: "The report of the commission at the careful advice and committee of student dormitories of the Imperial Moscow University to revise the charters of these institutions in articles relating to hostel management management"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 189. A memorandum of the trustee of the Warsaw training district Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz to the Minister of Education on the incorrect prosecution by V. Spasovich, I. Baranovsky and their friends of the trustee of the training district and his employees "in delaying the correct
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 19. Letter of Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz about the adoption of the badge
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 190. A copy of the memorandum of the inspector of schools in the city of Warsaw by the trustee of the Warsaw training district V.I.Belyaev with the application of additional materials about tea educational institutions and on school teaching
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 191. A report (presentation of the case) of the Ministry of Education to the State Duma "On private educational institutions, classes and courses"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 192. Permissive letter of the Secretary of State A.N.Schwartz on the adoption of his comments on the bill on private educational institutions
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 193. Report D.A.Leonova "Under the bill on private educational institutions, classes and courses"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 194. Notification of the Second Branch for Affairs of the Legislative State Chancellery Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz with the application of the Decree of the Council of the Minister of Education on the voluntary participation of private educational institutions at the pension cash desk
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 195. The text of the bill "On private educational institutions, classes and courses of the Ministry of Education in the editorial office established by the State Duma in the second discussion"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 196. Case: "The conclusion of the commission on public education on the transferred, on the basis of §77, punishment, amendments to the bill on private educational institutions, classes and courses"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 197. Comparative presentation and amendments of different persons to the draft bill on private educational institutions, classes, courses of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 198. Report by V.I.Gurko and additional amendments "in the case of private educational institutions, classes and courses of the Ministry of Education"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 199. Inquiries drawn up by the state office, to the case of private educational institutions, classes and courses of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 2. Invitation ticket for the funeral of the fat trustee of the Riga training district Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 20. RGIA
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 200. Report by V.S.Dribintsev with draft law and a certificate "under the bill on private educational institutions, classes and courses"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 201. Printing note "On the issue of teaching in private educational institutions the province of the kingdom of Polish general history and universal geography in the Polish and Lithuanian languages"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 202. Case: "Rules on private educational institutions, classes and courses of the Ministry of Education"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 203. Amendment of a member of the State Council A.N.Schwartz "To the bill on private educational institutions, classes and courses of the Ministry of Education"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 204. The assumptions of a member of the State Council N.S.Tagantsev under article 13 and clause 10 of Article 8 of the draft rules of the bill on private educational institutions, classes and courses of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 205. Amendments made by a member of the State Council V.F.Derich and a member of the commission A.V.Vasiliev to the bill on private educational institutions, classes and courses of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 206. Case: "Amendments to the draft conclusion of a special commission in the case of private educational institutions, classes and courses"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 207. The transient letter of the State Chancellery Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz with the application of the commission on the bill on private educational institutions, classes and courses of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 208. Case: "The draft law on private educational institutions, classes and courses of the Ministry of Education"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 209. Comparative presentation drawn up by the State Chancellery under the bill on private educational institutions, classes and courses of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 21. Black notes about educational institutions
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 210. A letter from a group of students to Moscow professors on a student strike
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 211. Letter Lieutenant General Fullon A.N.Schwartz with a brief review of revolutionary parties
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 212. Letter of a group of students of the University of Warsaw without an addressee about the protest against the mass exceptions of students from the university and repression, which were applied to students from administrations
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 213. RGIA
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 214. Students' appeal to comrades about the river's rude handling with students and on the arrangement of a strike
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 215. The secret attitude of the trustee of the Warsaw educational district to the Minister of Education A.N.Schwartz with a message: On the termination of the strike at the university and on the resumption of classes
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 216. Journal "Student Voice" No. 2.3 Coalition Organ.Councils of Novorossiysk University and and appeal "comrades"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 217. Letter A.N.Schwartz Grigory Konstantinovich Ulyanov with the application of S. Chiriev's memo on the causes of students' unrest at Moscow University and other educational institutions and means of combating these unrests
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 218. Permissive letter of the chairman of the Council of Ministers A.N.Schwartz with the newspaper clipping app "Student gatherings and administration"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 219. Printing note "On Extraordinary measures taken at Moscow University of Student Riots"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 22. Technical drawing programs approved by the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 220. A printed note on the anti -Polish and Russification speech of Professor Warsaw University of Nikolsky during the funeral of Senator Apukhtin and about the alleged demonstration of students
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 221. Appeals of the student department of the Union of the Russian People at the Imperial St. Petersburg University to Russian students
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 222. Ceremonies on the occasion of the first convocation of the State Council and the State Duma
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 223. Russian
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 224. Black extracts from the stenographic reports of the State Council on the speeches of Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz uttered in the State Council
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 225. An extract from the speech on November 30, 1910 on the dismissal of a member of the State Council P.M.Kaufman from the post of Minister of Education and on the appointment of a member of the State Council Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz as the Minister of Education of the People’s Education
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 226. Print copies of the correspondence of members of the State Council A.S.Stisinsky and Count Witte
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 227. The printed copy of the letter of Alexander Semenovich Stisinsky to Baron Julius Alexandrovich Ikskul and the response letter Yu.A.Ikskul about the position on the election in the State Duma
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 228. The stenographic reports of the State Council of the session 6 meeting 47, session 7 meeting 21-24, 58-60, session 8 meeting 33-34, 39
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 229. The transient letter of the chairman of the State Council M. Akimov Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz with the application of information about the results of the further course of classes of the State Council
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 23. An open letter of Archpriest A. Smirnov Bobrovnikov about the affairs of the translation commission for the publication of books in foreign languages ​​and the open letter of the former teacher of a foreign school on the same issue
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 230. Notification of the day of the meeting of the State Council
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 231. The forwarding attitude of the State Secretary with the application of lists with the nominal highest decrees to the State Council on the composition of the State Council
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 232. Case: "Vedication to the bills in the production of the State Council"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 233. A printed note compiled by the Council of the Council of Ministers about the "Council of Soviets and cabinets of ministers in the West"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 234. A copy of the secret attitude of the Minister of War V. Sukhomlinov to Peter Arkadyevich Stolypin with the application of copies of the submission to the Council of Ministers about the super -estimate vacation of funds to strengthen the fortress of Vladivostok
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 235. The transient letter of the assistant manager of the Council of Ministers Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz with the application of a note and a certificate on the approval of the imperial Finnish Senate and the establishment of the Grand Duchy of Finland
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 236. A copy of the forwarding letter of the Minister of Finance V. Kokovtsev Peter Arkadyevich Stolypin with the adoption of the all -depth report on a trip to the Far East for discussion in the Council of Ministers
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 237. The secret printed report of the official of special instructions of the Ministry of Finance N. Slyunin to the Minister of Finance on a trip to the Okhotsk-Kamchatka coast
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 238. Case: "A brief outline of Japan on the development of its armed forces and to strengthen its situation in Korea and Manchuria"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 239. A copy of the secret attitude of the Sea Minister for the Marine General Staff Peter Arkadyevich Stolypin with the application of copies of the secret letter of the real state adviser Somov from Seoul, about the military preparations of the Japanese in North-East Korea and
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 24. 1907
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 240. The transient letter of the assistant manager of the Council of Ministers Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz with the application of the project of the Special Journal of the Council of Ministers "On measures to improve state defense and on the procedure for covering these measures caused by these measures
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 241. A copy of the Secret Conductive letter of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz with the application of the project of a special journal of the meeting of the Council of Ministers on December 30, 1909 to consider the draft response to the Government of the United States to its
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 242. A copy of the Secret Conductive letter of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz with the application of the project of a special journal of a meeting of the Council of Ministers in the case of arrest on Russian values ​​stored in the Banker House Mendelsses and K
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 243. Permissive letter of the military ministry Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz with the application of the brochure of Adjutant General O. Grippenberg "Underfense Operation Operation coverage of the left-wing flank of the court of the OKU 1905"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 244. Case: "A brief set of reviews of departments on the issue of state defense plan"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 245. Schwartz Alexander Nikolaevich (1848-1915), Minister of Education.Case: "A brief set of reviews of departments on the issue of state defense plan."
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 246. Circular signed by A.N.Schwartz, Sonnenfeld and Kovalsky to French members of the international jury of the World Exhibition in Paris
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 247. Table of the composition of the international jury of the World Exhibition in Paris
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 248. A letter of the Commissioner of the Minister of Finance for the organization of the examination at the 1900 World Exhibition in the Russian Department of Dmitry Petrovich A. KonovalovSchwartz on the appointment of him by a member of the international jury at the Paris exhibition and on the transfer of lifting to him and
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 249. Invitation for lunch to the President of the French Republic of Luba
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 25. The attitude of the Council of the Orthodox All -Russian Bratsk Union of the Russian People Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz on the celebration of the anniversary of L.N.Tolstoy
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 250. Pamphole A.N.Schwartz "Report on a business trip to the World Exhibition in May and June 1900"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 251. Notices of the Minister of Justice sent by Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz about his presence in the Government Senate
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 252. Case: "A special opinion of a member of the Highest Special Meeting to revise the current institution of the Government Senate and the development of laws on local administrative courts, Hofmeister of the highest court, Senator L.P. Tomar to the project to the project
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 253. The transient letter of the chief prosecutor of the first department of the Government Senate A.N.Schwartz with the application of the printed note "on the ship’s case on the liability of the chairman of the Mashchovsky district congress of Shlippe and others for the crime of position"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 254. The letter of Zenon Zenonovich Lozinsky attorney of the hereditary nobleman Mariana-Pius-Sigismund, Heinrikhov Adamov, Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz with the application of speeches of petitions to the Department of Gero Senate and phototype documents
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 255. Print copy from the address of the Government Senate to Emperor Nicholas II
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 256. The transient letter of the chief prosecutor of the first department of the Government Senate A.N.Schwartz with the application of the printed note "on the ship’s case on the responsibility of the chairman of the Przemysl district congress of Belchenko and members of the same Congress of Kozlyainov,
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 257. Prospekt Print Calligraphy Professor Calligraphy and Graphic Arts H. Pint
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 258. The pre -conductive secret letter of the Lublin Governor Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz with the application of the printed note "On the Polish question in his modern position"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 259. Copy with a copy of the form of an artist of the artist of the musician of the imperial Moscow theaters of Zalka Geshelinovich Rivkinda
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 26. The all -depth report of the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz Emperor Nicholas II on his adoption for a personal report on the affairs of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 260. The article "Imperial Mixed Tips", printed in "Moscow Vedomosti" and sent to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 261. The letter of Peter of the Izvolsky Emperor Nicholas II about the divorce of Bobrovnikov with the first wife and his entry into his second marriage without the permission of the church authority.With the application of the abstract and letters of Bobrovnikova (nee Chicherina) to Elizabeth Alekseevna Narizhidna
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 262. Permissive letter of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers P. Stolypin Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz with the application of copies of the report on the appointment of ministers and the chief -controling certain parts of the amounts for the representative office
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 263. Letter of the Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Education V.A.Rakhmanov on the issuance of Maria Vasilievna Kirillova one -time allowance
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 264. Letter of the Chairman of the Board of the St. Petersburg Society for literacy Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz about his gratitude for the appointment of a literacy of the Society for Georgievsky awards in the amount of 400 rubles
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 265. List of freedom employees of the scientific committee and the Department of General
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 266. A copy of the office of the office of his Imperial Highness to increase the pension of Maria Chalovskaya
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 267. Certificate of official activities D.O.Bazilevich
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 268. Letter of the chairman of the Mayak company Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz with a request to visit and inspect the Lighthouse Society
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 269. Printing brochure on a foreign issue
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 27. Relations of different departments of the "Union of the Russian People" Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz on the appointment of him by the Minister of Education and with an expression of gratitude for his diligent service in the restoration of order in educational institutions
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 270. Letter of Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz with an expression of gratitude for sending a portrait of Professor I.G.Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 271. Brief extraction from the materials of the senatorial revision of the Siberian Railway from August 1910 to March 1, 1912
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 272. The printed note "To the approval of the trading on 30 official oil -bearing plots" on November 1, 1906 "
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 273. List of societies in which a member is Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 274. The calculation and the power of attorney issued by Faist on obtaining a salary of Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 275. "A note by the State Council of the Count S.I. Velepolsky on the current position of the Roman Catholic Church in the provinces of the Kingdom of Poland"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 276. A note on the special privileges of the service and the living conditions of the Russians in the provinces of the Kingdom of Poland
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 277. Note on the philosophy of Brigaspati
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 278. Charter of the "Catholic Union in the provinces of the Kingdom of Poland"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 279. Gratitude for the invitation
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 28. Printing notes, drawn up "on behalf of the Minister of Education, a member of the Council, secret adviser to North about various organizations among students and students in various educational institutions of the Ministry of Education"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 280. The certificate issued to the son of a Cossack Peter Antonovich Rudik on awarding his gold medal for excellent success in study
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 281. Biography of Alexander Mikhailovich Lovyagin
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 282. "The draft Regulation on the issuance of the maintenance of the families of persons who died in the public service"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 283. Agranovsky telegrams to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 284. Schwartz Alexander Nikolaevich (1848-1915), Minister of Education.The telegrams of Agranovsky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz.
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 285. Letters of Mikhail Grigoryevich Akimov Senator of the State Council Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 286. Letters of M. Aleksandrovsky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 287. Telegram of the Pskov Archbishop Arseny to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 288. Letters A.N.?Alferin to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 289. Letter of Maria Pavlovna Alyakrinskaya to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 29. The secret attitude of the trustee of the Warsaw training district N.I.Novosiltsev about the actions of the clerk of the Chancellery of the Kalishsky educational directorate of Bychkovsky and to eliminate it from office
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 290. Letter of Albert Hereke [teacher of the Astrakhan trading school] Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 291. Letter F. Anders to the trustee of the Riga training district Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 292. Valentina's letter Andion to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 293. Письмо епископа Андрея министру народного просвещения Александру Николаевичу Шварцу
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 294. Letter of M. Andreyanov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 295. Letter of Nikolai Andreyanov Senator of the State Council and the Government of the Senate, Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 296. Letter of Metropolitan Anthony to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 297. Letters of Maria d'Astor to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 298. A letter from Professor A.?Auratova to the trustee of the Riga training district, Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 299. Letter of Alexander Afanasyev to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 3. RGIA
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 30. A copy of the relationship of the trustee of the Warsaw training district V. Belyaev to the assistant trustee to take measures to terminate the subscription of funds to the scholarship named after V. Belyaev
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 300. Letter Dm.Bagaleya to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 301. Letters V. Buzeskul to the Senator of the State Council, Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 302. Letters of I. Balashev to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 303. Letter of Mikhail Nikolayevich Bardgin to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 304. Letter of Peter Bartenev to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 305. Letters of the inspector of the Revelsky real school of the city of Barkhov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 306. Letter A.M.Bezobrazov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 307. Letters of Pavel Bezobrazov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 308. Letters to Maria Vladimirovna Bezobrazova to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 309. Letters of a teacher of the Oryol Cadet Corps I. Belorussian to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 31. A copy of the relationship of the trustee of the Kyiv training district and the chairman of the board of college Pavel Lamzdorf-Galagan to the trustee of the Kyiv training district on the personnel of the audit commission appointed for the revision of the board of college
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 310. Letters of Elena Alekseevna Belarusova Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 311. Letters and telegrams of the trustee of the Warsaw training district V.I. Belyaev to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 312. Letters and telegrams of Nikolai Belyaev to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 313. RGIA
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 314. Letter of the Austrian ambassador Bertold (Berchtold) to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 315. Letter of the Dean of the Yablochinsky Monastery of the Sedletsky province Hieromonk Stefan (Beh) to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 316. Letters of N. Bobrovnikov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 317. Bogdanovich Telegram to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 318. Letter of M. Bogolepov to the trustee of the Warsaw educational district, Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 319. Letter of Nikolai Pavlovich Bogolepov to the trustee of the Riga educational district, Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 32. A copy of the report to the Minister of Education on the award of Vladimir Vasilievich Dumnov for the activities of the Brothers Salaevs Brothers Brothers Brothers
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 320. Letter of Andrei Bogolyubov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 321. Letter to M. Bologovskaya Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 322. Letter Ev.Botkin to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 323. Letter of A. Brailov?Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 324. Letter of Vladimir von Branke to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 325. Letter F. Brown to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 326. Letter of A. Bryukhatov to the Minister of Education A.N.Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 327. Letter of Lieutenant General S. Budaevsky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 328. Letters of Budberg to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 329. Letters and telegrams of the rector of the Imperial Yuryev University A. Budilovich to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 33. Change and addition of the Ministry of Public Education to the Law "On the determination of salaries of pensions of pensions to persons who have served in the provinces of the Kingdom of Poland, a 25-year term for public education"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 330. Letter of N. Buturlin to the Senator of the State Council, Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 331. Letters to E. Bulygina Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 332. Letters A.G.Vavilova Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 333. Letter of Countess Valevskaya to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 334. Letters of the Minister of Education of Pyotr Semenovich Vannovsky to the trustee of the Riga training district, Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 335. Letter A. Ward to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 336. Letter V.I.Vasiliev to the Minister of Education, Senator of the State Council Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 337. Letter of Alexander Weinberg to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 338. 1885
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 339. Schwartz Alexander Nikolaevich (1848-1915), Minister of Education.Letter of Professor L.D.Weisman to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz.
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 34. Report S.N.Alekseeva under the bill on the determination of salaries of pensions to persons who have served in the provinces of the Kingdom of Poland, a 25-year term for public education
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 340. Letters of Semyon Afanasyevich Vengerov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 341. Letters of Yu. Vereshchagin to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 342. 1903
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 343. Letter S. Vakhov?To the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 344. Letter A. Vasiliev?To the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 345. Letters of Ivan Vasilyevich Vinogradov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 346. Letter of N. Vinogradov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 347. Letters of Sergey Yulyevich Witte to the Minister of Education, Senator of the State Council Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 348. Russian
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 349. Letters of V. Vishnyakova to the Minister of Education, the trustee of the Warsaw training district Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 35. Report by P.P.Izvolsky and an additional certificate drawn up by the State Chancellery "in the case of a change in the composition of the board of trustees"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 350. Letter of priest Vladimir Athos to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 351. Letters and telegrams of the inspector of schools of the city of Warsaw F. Vladimirov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 352. RGIA
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 353. Telegram of Voilovich to the Minister of Education, Senator of the State Council Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 354. Telegram of the chairman of the Zemstvo Assembly Volzhin to Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 355. Letters of Baron B. Wolf to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 356. Letter of the director of the Astrakhan gymnasium A. Vorobyov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 357. Letter of Maria Vonlyarsky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 358. A letter from Lydia Vatsovna Voskresenskaya Senator of the State Council Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 359. Letter of Herman Semenovich Vysokov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 36. Report of Count V.A.Bobrinsky with the application of draft law and certificates "On a change in the composition of the board of trustees"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 360. RGIA
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 361. Letter from Henry Ward (Word) to the trustee of the Riga training district Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 362. Letters M.N.Georgievsky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 363. Letters of the director of the Konstantinovsky Survey Institute N.E.German Council Senator Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 364. Letters of V. Derie to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 365. Letter to N. Glagolev to the Council of State Council Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 366. Letters of Evgenia Mikhailovna Glagoleva to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 367. Letter of Professor N.N.Glubokovsky Senator of the State Council Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 368. Letter F. Golovin?To the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 369. Letter to B. Golyansk trusteeship of the Warsaw training district Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 37. Case: "Comments of a member of the State Council N.A. Zinoviev Second to the report of a special commission on a bill on a change in the composition of the board of trustees"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 370. Letters of I. Gordeeva to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 371. Letters of Peter Gran to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 372. Letter of the director of the Riga Polytechnic Institute F. Greenberg Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 373. Letters of the minister of Kharkov University T. Grishenko to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 374. Letter I. Gurland to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 375. Letters B.O.Gursky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 376. 1885
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 377. Letter of N. Goyard to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 378. Letter and Telegram Alexander Guchkov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 379. Letter of Professor Warsaw University Dimitry Davydov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 38. Case: "The draft law on the addition of pensions on the educational part of the Ministry of Public Education"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 380. Telegrams Daev for the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 381. Letter of V. Danilevsky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 382. Letters A. Dats ... to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 383. The letter of Delagrav, the publisher of the biographical reference book of modern figures under the title "Qui êtes -vous?"("Who are you?") The Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 384. Letter of the director of the Moscow Teacher Institute M. Demkov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 385. Letter of Porfiry Danilovich Demutsky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 386. Letters and telegrams of the trustee of the Kazan training district A. Derevitsky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 387. Letter to A. Distrem to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 388. Letter of E. Dzhunkovskaya to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 389. Letter of the Sea Minister P. Dikov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 39. Maps of educational districts of European Russia
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 390. Letters of Nikolai and Lidy?Dorofeev to the truste of the Warsaw training district Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 391. Telegram of Vasily Drozdov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 392. Letter of A. Dubasov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 393. Letters of the Chairman of the Union of the Russian People Dubrovin to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 394. Letters and Telegram V.V.Dumnova Senator of the State Council Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 395. Letter of Dugami - the chairman of the international jury on the public education of the World Exhibition in Paris Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 396. Letter Duchesne (Duchesne) to the Senator of the State Council Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 397. Letter of Professor F. Euga to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 398. Letter of Bishop Evlogi to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 399. Letter to Yu. Yeremeyeva to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 4. The notification of the Minister of Justice Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz on the appointment of him a salary of 7,000 rubles a year
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 40. Case: "A set of wishes expressed by legislative institutions when considering state painting according to the estimate of the Ministry of Public Education for 1908, 1909 and 1910 with notes on the situation of issues aroused in wishes"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 400. A letter to I. Ermolina to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 401. 3 l.
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 402. Letter of A. Ermolov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 403. Letter of a member of the State Duma Ivan Nikolayevich Efremov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 404. Jaguemard letter to the chairman of the international jury of the World Exhibition in Paris, Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 405. The letter of Amalia Rudolfovna Zhandr (born Stoder) to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 406. Letter of N. Zhevakhov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 407. Letters of the trustee of the Moscow training district A. Zhdanov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 408. Letter of Nikolai Zhilin to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 409. Note by Zhilman (Gilman) to the trustee of the Riga training district Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 41. CASE: "The statement of the number of educational institutions consisting of the Ministry of Education in the Warsaw District"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 410. Notes of a member of the Main Council for the Public Education of the Girard Chairman of the International Jury for the Public Education of the World Paris Exhibition Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 411. Juan's letter ... (surname is not disassembled) Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 412. Letters of V. Zavadsky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 413. Letters of M. Zavadsky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 414. Letter of Archpriest John Navitaev to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 415. RGIA
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 416. Letter of Vladimir Karlovich Zaleman to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 417. Letter P.I.Zarina to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 418. Letters of M. Zashchuk to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 419. Letter of Professor Zeeberg as a trustee of the Riga training district Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 42. Case: "Sample programs and explanatory notes on history"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 420. Telegrams of Zenger to the trustee of the Riga training district Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 421. Letters of Peter Alekseevich Zilov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 422. Letters of N.A.Zyureva to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 423. Letters and telegrams of Martha Ivanovna Ivanova to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 424. Letter of Marta Ignatenko Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 425. Letter of Countess Sophie Ignatieva Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 426. Letter of Igumen Evgenia to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 427. Letters of P. Izvolsky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 428. Letters of Professor Israel to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 429. Letter of D. Ilovaysky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 43. Map of European Russia "To the distribution of the loan of 1909"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 430. Letter of Ivan Yegorovich Johnician to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 431. Letter of Johanna Stal to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 432. Letters of V. Isaenkov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 433. Letter of V. Istomin to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 434. Letters of the chief of the St. Petersburg Elizabethan Institute M. Kazem Bek to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 435. Letters of Maria Alekseevna Kalacheva to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 436. Letter of Count P. Kapnist to the trustee of the Riga training district Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 437. Letters of N. Karlova to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 438. Karpachov telegram to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 439. Letters of Vera Karpacheva to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 44. Case: "Explanatory note to the project of the estimate of the Ministry of Education for 1911"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 440. Letter L. Kasso for the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 441. Kvasnikov's letter to Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 442. Letters of George Kelberier to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 443. Letter I.I.Koenig to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 444. Letter of Ivan Kizitter to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 445. A letter from N. Kizvetter to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 446. Letter of A. Kireev to Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 447. Letters V.P.Classovskaya to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 448. Letter A.A.Klopova to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 449. RGIA
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 45. A note on the report of the head of the Kholmsky educational directorate V.F.Okremenko at a meeting on November 20, 1906 on the state of educational institutions in Tomashevsky and Kholm districts after the publication of the Decree on April 17, 1905 and the manifesto on October 17, 1905
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 450. Letters of D. Cobko to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 451. Letters of E. Kovalevsky to Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 452. Letters to I. Kovalevskaya Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 453. Letters of Nadezhda Komova to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 454. Condratiev’s letters to the senator of the State Council Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 455. Konovalov Telegram to the trustee of the Riga training district Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 456. Letters of Grand Duke K. Konstantin to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 457. Letters of Cornelia Schmid to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 458. Korobkov Telegram to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 459. Telegram Pavel Korolev to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 46. Conclusion to the memorandum of General SuperShepdtt?On the issue of public education
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 460. Letter of I. Korsakov to Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 461. Letters to O. Korsakova to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 462. Letters of F. Korsh to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 463. The draft law on pension provision and on the test of the previous service of teachers and teachers of women's educational institutions of the department of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 464. Letters of M. Kostyleva to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 465. 1885
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 466. Letter M. Kochubey to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 467. Letter M.E.Red ... to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 468. Letter and Telegram R. Kreiman to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 469. 1914
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 47. Printing notes of the Ministry of Education of the Board of the Warsaw Educational District on various issues of school
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 470. Letter of Vladimir Krinitsky Senator of the State Council Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 471. Letter of the head of the department of catalogs, diplomas and medals of Krirard (Crirard) to the chairman of the international jury in Paris Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 472. Letter to S. Kryzhanovsky Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 473. Letter K. Kugusheva to Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 474. Kuznetsov Telegram to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 475. Letter V.I.Kuzmina to Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 476. T. Kuzmin's letter to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 477. 1885
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 478. Letters P. Kulakovsky Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 479. Letter of A. Kulomzin to the trustee of the Warsaw training district Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 48. Copy "Notes on the situation of school affairs in the Suvalka province in 1905"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 480. Letter L.S.Kulchitsky to the Minister of Education Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 481. Letter of Ivan Kurbatov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 482. Letter of A. Kuropatkin to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 483. RGIA
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 484. Letters of the trustee of the West Siberian training district Leonid Ivanovich Lavrentiev to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 485. Letter of M. Lavrov to the trustee of the Warsaw training district Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 486. Letters of Vladimir Fedorovich Lazursky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 487. Telegram G. Lange to Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 488. Letter T. Lange Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 489. Letter of E. Lapensky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 49. The attitude of the trustee of the Warsaw educational district V. Belyaev to the Minister of Education A.N.Schwartz with the application of a copy of the correspondence on teaching in the initial educational institutions of the Warsaw training district of all subjects in Polish, except for Russian
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 490. Letter of the director of the Penza second gymnasium V.V.Lapina A.N.Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 491. Letter M. Lapina to Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 492. Letters of V. Latyshev to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 493. Letters of L. Lakhtin to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 494. Letters and telegrams of the city of Levitsky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 495. Telegram D.F.Levshina to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 496. Letters of Anna Liggenzevich to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 497. Letters I.A.Liknichenko to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 498. Letters of the college adviser to the Kyiv training district Alexander Vladimirovich Liperovsky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 499. Letters of M. Litvinovskaya to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 5. Notice of the Chairman of the State Council M. Akimov Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz on the appointment of him a salary with the rank of member of the State Council in the amount of 10,000 rubles per year
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 50. Information notes of the Ministry of Education in the State Duma "On the introduction of universal primary education in the Russian Empire"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 500. Russian
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 501. Lomovitsky telegram to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 502. Letters of S. Luzhezhev?To the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 503. Letter of Vladimir Lunin to the trustee of the Warsaw training district Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 504. Letters S. Lyubomudrov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 505. Letter of Mikhail Fedorovich Luce to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 506. Vitaly Lyskoronsky’s letter to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 507. Letter of Nikolai Stepanovich Madzhuginsky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 508. Letter F. Makar ...?Senator of the State Council Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 509. Letter to K. Makarova to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 51. The petition of students of the people's schools of the St. Petersburg district zemstvo to Emperor Nicholas II on the preservation of Senator V.N.Mammoth position of a member of the council
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 510. Letters of A. Maklakov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 511. Letters of Maklakov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 512. Letter of A. Maksimov to Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 513. Letter of the Superinent General of the Warsaw Evangelical Augsburg Consistory District of Manicius?Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz on teaching the Law of God, Lutheran religion in secondary schools and city primary schools and
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 514. Letter of Mariage (Mariage) to the chairman of the international jury at the World Paris exhibition Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 515. RGIA
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 516. Letter of Adjutant General Baron Meyendorf to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 517. Letters of N.V.Melnikova to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 518. Letters of V. Meshchersky A.N.Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 519. Letter of the rector of Mikhail of the Arkhangelsk Church of the city of Troitsk, priest Mikhail Menstrov to the Minister of Education A.N.Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 52. Letters of the bishop of the Tula and Belevsky trustee of the Kyiv training district Pyotr Alekseevich Zilov about the incorrectness of his opinion of that he accuses him of unreasonably parish schools
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 520. Russian
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 521. Letter of E. Mikhailov to the trustee of the Warsaw training district Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 522. Letter of the representative ("Commissioner") of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the International World Parisian Moser exhibition chairman of the jury of this exhibition Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 523. Letter of Monja ([mongni]) Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 524. Letters of Ivan Morozov to the Minister of Public Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 525. Letter to L. Moskvin to the senator of the State Council Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 526. Letter of Nadezhda Muramtsova to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 527. Letters of the trustee of the St. Petersburg training district Musin-Pushkin to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 528. Telegrams of L. Mserians to the Board of the Warsaw Educational District Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 529. Letter D.I.Naguevsky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 53. Note by the Ministry of Education at the State Duma "On Higher Primary Schools"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 530. Letters by A. Naryshkina to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 531. Letter to E. Naryshkina to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 532. Letters of Nadezhda Neviandt Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 533. Letter to K. Nekrasov Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 534. Letters of the trustee of the Moscow training district P. Nekrasov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 535. Letters of A. Nikitin to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 536. Letter P. Nikitin to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 537. Letters of the architect of the Moscow training district Alexander Nikiforov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 538. Letter of Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 539. Letters of P. Nikolsky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 54. A memo of the Ministry of Education at the State Duma "On an increase in the content of directors and inspectors of public schools and their office"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 540. Letter of the English ambassador to Nicolonon to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 541. Letter Pavel Ivanovich Novgorodtsev Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 542. Letters of Olga Novikova to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 543. Letter Sophie Edmundovna Novitskaya Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 544. Letter and Telegram of Baron Karl Stanislavovich Nolken to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 545. Letter of the nun of the Olympiad to the Senator of the State Council Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 546. Letters of E. Omeva?A.N.Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 547. Letters of Nikolai Oppokov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 548. Letter Ostroumov Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 549. Count of Count Medem Otto to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 55. Letter of the Chairman of the Belevsky County Zemstvo Council to the Minister of Education A.N.Schwartz about gratitude for assistance in the construction of the school in the black top
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 550. Letter of M. Ofrosimova (born Stolypin) to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 551. Okhotnikov’s letter to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 552. Letters of V. Okhrypenko to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 553. Letters of V. Pavlov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 554. Letters of M. Pavlov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 555. Letter of Andrei Pavlovsky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 556. Letter M. Parshina to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 557. Letters of M. Pashkova to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 558. Sophie Pertsova’s letter to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 559. 559
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 56. Report von V.K.Anrepa and the comparative presentation "under the bill on the introduction of universal primary education in the Russian Empire"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 560. Letter No. No. (signature S. pierre) to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 561. Letter of Alexander Pinel de Granshan to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 562. Letter of S. Platonov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 563. RGIA
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 564. Letter of the director of the commercial school K. Mazing in Moscow Arthur Ludwigovich Plesterer to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 565. Letter of A. Pogodin to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 566. Letters P. Pogodin to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 567. A letter of Nadezhda Podgoretskaya to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 568. Letter of V. Pokrovsky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 569. Letters of different persons Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 57. Letter of the trustee of the Warsaw Educational District to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz on the state of school affairs in the Kholmsk Territory and in other educational districts of Poland
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 570. Letters of the editor of the St. Petersburg branch of the editorial office of the "Hamburg Vedomosti" Polly to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 571. Letter and Telegram Mikhail Popov M.A.Popova to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 572. FundF. 577. The main redemption institution of the Ministry of FinanceInventoryOP.3. Cases of the main redemption institution of the Ministry of Finance in the Vilnius provinceCaseRGIA.F. 577 op.3 D. 1541The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.K.and A.K.The Smystovsky estates of the Rotskishki of the Oshmyansky district of the Vilnius province.May 7, 1866 - March 6, 1873Identifier676B4396-C89B-464B-AA12-9BB03B215FFThe language of the textrusNameThe case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.K.and A.K.The Smystovsky estates of the Rotskishki of the Oshmyansky district of the Vilnius province.May 7, 1866 - March 6, 1873DatesMay 7, 1866 - March 6, 1873Volume13 l.LevelCaseOrganization-creator of the recordRGIAStorage cipherRGIA.577 / 3/1541NoteCaseOrig.Title of the case: the case of the Umyastovsky V.K.and A.K.Vilensky province of the Oshmyansky district of the Rotskishka estate.May 7, 1866 - March 6, 1873
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 574. The Telegram of Posadsky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 575. Telegram A. Earyalovsky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 576. Letter Z.M.Priest to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 577. Letters of Anna Nikolaevna Prokop to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 578. Letters of Pronin to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 579. Letters of N.V.Poslyakova to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 58. Case: "Certificates to the case of higher elementary schools"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 580. Letters and telegrams S. Putchenko to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 581. Letter of George Puzyrevsky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 582. Letters of different persons Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 583. Letters of E. Pyzheva to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 584. Letters of Peter Rabinovich to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 585. Letter of the French Ministry of Education, signed by a slave to the trustee of the Riga training district Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 586. Letters of the editor of the journal of the Ministry of Education E.L.Radlova to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 587. Letters S. Raev ...?To the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 588. Letter A. Raevsky as a trustee of the Warsaw training district Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 589. Raffalovich letter to the chairman of the international jury at the World Paris exhibition Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 59. Reports E.P.Kovalevsky and V.K.von Anrepa "under the bill on higher elementary schools"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 590. RGIA
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 591. Letter and telegrams of V. Rakhmanov to the trustee of the Warsaw training district Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 592. RGIA
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 593. Letter S. Rozhdestvenskaya to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 594. Letter Roppne ...?To the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 595. Letters of Vera Alexandrovna Rossovskaya to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 596. Letter [Professor Yuryevsky (Derpt) University] Rocher (Rocher) Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz.In French
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 597. Letter of Peter Rudik Senator of the State Council Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 598. Letter of N. Rudolf to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 599. Letter N.V.Ruzsky Senator of the State Council Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 6. Pre -conducting letter of the chairman of the State Council M. Akimov Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz with the application of the list of decree on the appointment of him as a member of the State Council
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 60. Report E.P.Kovalevsky "under the bill on the allocation from the state treasury from the funds of the Ministry of Education of the Ministry of Education of a new additional loan of 7,000,000 rubles for the needs of primary public education"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 600. Letter of A. Rumanov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 601. Letter of V. Rynov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 602. Schwartz Alexander Nikolaevich (1848-1915), Minister of Education.Letter of V. Rynov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz.
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 603. Letter of M. Saveelov to the truste of the Riga training district Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 604. Letters to M. Sadovskaya Senator of the State Council Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 605. Letter of Sergei Dmitrievich Sazonov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 606. Letters of V. Sapozhnikov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 607. Letter of Ekaterina Svidersky Senator of the State Council Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 608. Olga Sodarskaya’s letter to the trustee of the Riga training district Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 609. Letter N.P.Serbinova to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 61. 1911
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 610. A letter from N. Merdobinskaya to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 611. Letter A.P.Sipyagina to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 612. The letter of Stepan Yuryevich Skan to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 613. Letters of A. Skvortsov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 614. Letters of Vladimir Nikolayevich Smolyanikov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 615. Letter to A. Smolyaninova to Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 616. Letters of S. Sobolevsky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 617. Letter and Telegram of the Secretary of the State Duma I. Sozonovich to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 618. Letters of N. Sokin to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 619. Letters of Viktor Sokolov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 62. A brochure about the results of the "one -day census of public schools in Russia January 18, 1911"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 620. Schwartz Alexander Nikolaevich (1848-1915), Minister of Education.The letter and telegram of the secretary of the State Duma I. Sozonovich to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz.
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 621. Letter to V. Sokonin?To the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 622. Letters of the trustee of the Kharkiv training district P. Sokolovsky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 623. Letter A.N.Solovyov to the trustee of the Riga training district Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 624. Letter of B. Sreznevsky as a trustee of the Riga training district Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 625. Letter to A. Stishinsky Senator of the State Council Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 626. Letter of A. Strekalov to Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 627. Letters of the Minister of Internal Affairs P. Stolypin to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 628. A letter from N. Storozhenko to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 629. Letters to V. Struve to the senator of the State Council Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 63. Case: "The special opinion of some members of the special commission on the bill on the introduction of universal primary training"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 630. Letter of the Minister of War V. Sukhomlinov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 631. Letter of a member of the State Council of Baron M. Taube to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 632. Letters of Nikolai Tevakhov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 633. Letter of N. Tereshchenko to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 634. Letter of D.Ilicheev to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz about the official activities of A.N.Schwartz and about student strikes in educational institutions
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 635. Letter G.A.Tim to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 636. 1908
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 637. Letter of the chairman of the Astrakhan People’s Monarchical Party N. Tikhanovich-Savitsky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 638. Letter of P. Tikhov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 639. Letter of A. Tikhomirov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 64. Letter of the Chairman of the State Duma M. Rodzianko Mikhail Grigoryevich Akimov that typos crept in the "bill on higher elementary schools"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 640. Letter to L. Tikhomirov Senator of the State Council Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 641. Letter of N. Tikhomirov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 642. Letter A.D.Tokarsky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 643. Countess O. Tolstoy's letter to Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 644. Sophie's letter to the senator of the State Council Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 645. Letters M.I.Tomasik to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 646. Letter of N. Treskin to the director of the Konstantinovsky Summer Institute in the city of Moscow Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 647. The letter of Princess Trubetskoy to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 648. Letters and Telegram S. Trubetskoy trustee of the Warsaw training district Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 649. Letter of Vladimir Trubkin to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 65. Report of a special commission formed from members of the State Council and members of the State Duma for the consideration of the discrepancies arising between the Council and the Duma under the bill on higher elementary schools.With the application of printed materials on the same
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 650. Letters of A. Trusov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 651. Letters of Olga Trusova to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 652. Letter of Vladimir Nikolayevich Tukalevsky Senator of the State Council Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 653. Letters of the French ambassador Vice Admiral Tushar to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 654. Letters of Countess Uvarova to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 655. Letters of a comrade of the Minister of Education G.K.Ulyanova to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 656. Letter of A. UNKOVSKA to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 657. RGIA
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 658. Letter and Telegram of Mikhail Uspensky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 659. Letters of E. Ukhtomsky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 66. Report of Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz with the application of draft law "in the case of higher elementary schools"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 660. Fabian's letter ... (the surname is not disassembled) to the president of the international jury on the public education of the World Paris exhibition Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 661. Letter Fakir to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 662. Letter of Henry Adolfovich Falborn to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 663. Letter to V. Fedorova to Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 664. Letters to Maria Fetterlane to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 665. Letter of Priest John Filevsky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 666. Letter of A. Filippov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 667. Letters and telegrams of Sofia Fisher?To the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 668. Letter to Barbara Nikolaevna Flape to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 669. Letter A. Flink to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 67. Letter of the chairman of the State Council M. Akimov Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz and a notice on the day of the meeting of the conciliation commission on the bill on the introduction of universal primary training
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 670. Letter A. Focht to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 671. Letter of the French Embassy to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 672. Letter A. Khvostov to Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 673. Letter D. Khomyakov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 674. Letter of the Chairman of the State Duma Nikolai Alexandrovich Khomyakov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 675. Letter of Dmitry Tsvetaev to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 676. Letters and telegrams of I. Tsvetaev to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 677. Letters of Ivan Tsvetkov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 678. Letters of M. Chalovskaya to Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 679. Letters by A. Chaplin to Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 68. The draft law, the comparative presentation and conclusion of the Special Commission of the State Council and the State Duma, on the question of the introduction of universal training
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 680. Letters M.A.Chapovskaya Senator of the State Council Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 681. Letters and Telegram G. Charykhov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 682. Letters of V. Cherevansky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 683. Letter to Yu. Chernyavskaya to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 684. Letters of N. Chechulin to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 685. Russian
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 686. Telegram Chikhachev Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 687. Letter of A. Chudinov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 688. Letter M. Chudinova to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 689. Letter of Lidi Shanyavskaya to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 69. Report G.T.Alferova and draft law "On the vacation from the state treasury of funds to increase the content to teaching at parish schools"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 690. Letters of N. Shauf ... A.N.Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 691. A letter from N. Shafronov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 692. Letters S. Shvan to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 693. Letter M. Schwartz to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 694. Letters of Sergey Dmitrievich Sheremetev to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 695. Letters N. Schiller to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 696. Shinov's letter?To the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 697. Letters of Anna Shipova to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 698. Elena Shiryaeva’s letter and telegram to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 699. Letter of the teacher of the Mariinsky school E. Sholle to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 7. Letter of a comrade of the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz for his appointment to the Government Senate
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 70. The notification of the chairman of the financial commission of the State Council A.N.Schwartz on the day of the meeting of the financial commission, with the application of reports, the draft law and the notes "On the appropriation from the state treasury from the funds of the Ministry
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 700. STALE letter to Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 701. Letters E. von Stern to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 702. Letter P. Shuvalov to the trustee of the Riga training district Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 703. Schwartz Alexander Nikolaevich (1848-1915), Minister of Education.Letter of P. Shuvalov to the trustee of the Riga training district Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz.
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 704. Letters of Anna Shcheglovitova to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 705. RGIA
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 706. Letters and telegrams A. Shcherbakov to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 707. Letters of Sergey Nikolayevich Everling to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 708. Letters of D. Yuzefovich to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 709. Letter S. Yakimansky to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 71. Report E.P.Kovalevsky with additional materials "under the bill on the dissemination of the law on May 3, 1908 and the law on June 22, 1909 with the amendments to its law on June 23, 1912 at the schools of the Ministry of People's Ground
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 710. Letter of Ivan Yanzhul to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 711. Letter of A. Yakhontov to Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 712. Letters and telegrams of different persons with obscure signatures and without signatures to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 713. Congratulatory telegrams of different persons to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 714. Letter of the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz Peter Arkadyevich [Stolypin]
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 715. Letter with an unclear signature to Anton Semenovich
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 716. Letter A. Areshev Georgy Ivanovich
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 717. Vari letter to uncle
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 718. Letter to A. Viliev Grigory Konstantinovich
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 719. Letter without a signature to Dubrovin
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 72. Notice of the Chairman of the Financial Commission of the State Council Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz on the day of the meeting with the application of the report, the draft law and notes on additional leave from the state treasury 9636807 rubles for the needs of the start
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 720. Telegram Korsh Maria Dmitrievna Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 721. Permining letter of Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrov without an addressee
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 722. Letter to O. Modina Maria Dmitrievna
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 723. A letter with an unclear signature of Nastyusha
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 724. Natasha's letter to father
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 725. Letter to L. Nevzorova Nikolai Pavlovich
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 726. A letter without a signature to Nikolai Cheslavovich
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 727. Letter to O. Ropponet to Shura
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 728. Letter N. Scalon?To Maria Alekseevna
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 729. Telegrams of different persons to professor Sergei Ivanovich Sobolevsky
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 73. Case: "Regulations on the preparatory schools of the Ministry of Education"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 730. Letter to A. Tsarevich Anton Semenovich
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 731. Letters of different persons without a signature and without an addressee
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 732. Photos
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 733. Drafts of reports and comments A.N.Schwartz on the reorganization of secondary schools, the distribution tables of lessons, lists of the commission and subcommissions for the transformation of secondary schools and other materials with the notes of A.N.Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 734. "Regulations on preparatory schools and gymnasiums"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 735. Presentation of the Department of Public Education to the Council of Ministers of the People’s Education on the procedure for admitting Jews to higher educational institutions
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 736. Circular of the Minister of Education A.N.Schwartz trustees of educational districts on measures to improve the activities of secondary schools
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 737. Representation of the Ministry of Education to the State Duma on the improvement of the material situation of employees of male secondary educational institutions
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 738. Materials (report and special opinions) meetings on the development of provisions about the non -Russian school
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 739. Representation of the Ministry of Education to the State Duma on the approval of a new provision on teacher institutions.The situation is applied
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 74. Comparative presentation drawn up by the state office to the law on primary education
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 740. Representation of the Ministry of Education to the State Duma on the approval of the Regulation on the Pedagogical Institute named after P.G.Shelaputin in Moscow
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 741. Representation of the Ministry of Education to the State Duma on the approval of the rules on private educational institutions
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 742. Representation of the Ministry of Education to the State Duma about the approval of the provisions on gymnasiums and preparatory schools
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 743. Information about the number of schools, teachers and students, and on expenses for the maintenance of schools
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 744. Note by A.N.Kulomzin "Current position of our primary school"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 745. Tables about the number of lessons in secondary educational institutions of Russia and Western European countries
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 746. Necrologist Sergei Ivanovich Sobolevsky about Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 747. The address of Moscow University Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz in connection with the day of the 25th anniversary of his service at the University
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 748. The notification of the Moscow Society of Arts and Literature Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz about the solemn meeting of the society dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of M.S.Shchepkina
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 749. Letter [G.] Gobza Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 75. Case: "Two speeches of a member of the State Council of Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz on the introduction of universal primary education in Russia"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 750. Letter of the city of Zorgenfrey Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 751. Letter to K. Mai Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 752. Letter of Vasily Yuryevich Skalon Alexander Nikolaevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 753. Letter of Evgeny Nikolayevich Trubetskoy Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 76. 1885
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 77. Case: "Journals of meetings of the commission to discuss the issue of the production of craft and technical training in elementary schools"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 78. A certificate of admission to use in elementary schools of a book compiled by N. Tulupov and P. Shestakov
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 79. Case: "List to members of the State Council and the State Duma, which became part of the conciliation commission to discuss the drafts of the State Council and the State Duma on the bill on the introduction of universal primary education
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 8. The attitude of the trustee of the Moscow Archaeological Institute to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz about the election of his honorary member of the institute
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 80. Extraction drawn up by the state office from the draft law on primary education altered by the State Council
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 81. RGIA
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 82. Note by the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz: "Legislative assumption to improve the financial situation of teachers and teachers of primary schools and parish schools"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 83. A printed note without a signature to members of the State Council on discussing the bill on the amount of expenses for parish schools and an increase in salary of high school teachers and higher elementary schools
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 84. Lists of members of the Special Commission and representatives of the Ministry of Education to discuss the bill on private educational institutions, classes and courses of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 85. Black notes on primary education
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 86. Memorial note by M. Ermolova about the school M.I.Ermolova and M.M.Lindeman
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 87. Case: "Schedule of classes of members of the first congress of persons of the educational composition of cadet corps"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 88. Copies of extracts from the statements of Bishop Nikon about the approach of schools to the church and on the education of the future generation
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 89. Collective letter of participants in pedagogical buildings with expression of gratitude to Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz for opening courses
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 9. Letter to the chief manager of the Imperial Chancellery to the Minister of Education Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz with the application of copies of the decree and the addition to the order for the appointment of him by the Minister of Education
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 90. The petition of students of the schools of St. Petersburg district on leaving the head of schools V.N.Mamontov
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 91. The draft law on pension provision and on the test of the previous service of teachers and teachers of women's educational institutions of the department of the Ministry of Education
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 92. List of heads of different schools
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 93. Case: "Reviews of members of the reviewers of the scientist of the Committee and the Chairman's remarks about the book published by I.D. Sytin"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 94. Reports S.N.Alekseeva, E.P.Kovalevsky and D.A.Leonova "under the bill on an increase in the content of directors and inspectors of public schools and their office"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 95. Case: "The draft law on some amendments to the Law on June 22, 1909 on education at the Ministry of Education of the School and Construction Fund and the establishment of rules on the issuance of benefits from the state treasury"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 96. Reports E.P.Kovalevsky "under the legislative assumption of some amendments to the law on June 22, 1909 on the school-building fund"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 97. Case: "The draft law on the establishment of the state of the Directorate of People's Schools"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 98. Report of Alexander Nikolayevich Schwartz in the case "On Higher Primary Schools"
РГИА. 1672 / 1 / 99. Case: "The draft law on higher elementary schools"
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