Moral grounds for civil law

Khamidullina, Farida Ildarovna (Dr. Lawyard. Sciences; 1975-).Moral foundations of civil law: abstract of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Law: Specialty 12.00.03 - Civil Law;entrepreneurial law;family law;International Private Law / Hamidullina Farid Ildarovna;FGAOU in Kazan (Volga) Federal University.- Kazan, 2019. -59 p., ON.region.;21 cm. -Place of protection: Kazan.(Volga.) Feder.un-t.Bibliography: 57-59 (20 names) and in the subscription.Note..-130 copies..1. Power (collection).2. Civil law - the Russian Federation - author of dissertations.3. Law - moral foundations - the Russian Federation - abstracts of dissertations.4. Civil law;entrepreneurial law;family law;International private law.BBK 67.404y031Electronic copy source: KFU.Website
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