Text paradigms of phraseological units in artistic prose of M. A. Sholokhov: structural-semantic and functional-stylistic aspect...

Vnukovskaya, Anastasia Vasilievna (candidate of philological sciences).Text paradigms of phraseological units in artistic prose of M. A. Sholokhov: structural-semantic and functional-stylistic aspects: abstract of the dissertation for the degree candidate of philological sciences: specialty 02/10/19 / Vnukovskaya Anastasia Vasilyevna;[FGAOU in "YuFa"].- Maykop, 2020. -23 p.;21 cm .. -Place of protection: Adyghe State University.- List of works Auth.: P.21-23 (12 names)..1. Sholokhov, Mikhail Aleksandrovich (1905 - 1984) - language and style - abstracts of dissertations.2. Russian language (collection).3. The people (collection).4. The theory of language.5. Russian language - stylistic phraseology - abstracts of dissertations.BBK 81.411.2-55y031BBK 83.3 (2 = 411.2) -8sholokhov M., 4ya031Source of an electronic copy: Adyghe gu.Website
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