Phraseologisms with the component of "military weapon" (empirical and axiological levels of information)

Skachkova, Lyubov VladislavovnaPhraseologisms with the component of "military weapons" (empirical and axiological levels of information): abstract of dis.On Sooisk.Uch.step.candidate of philological sciences: specialty / Skachkova Lyubov Vladislavovna;[Place of protection: FSBEI in Adygea State University].- Maykop, 2019. -17 p.: silt.;21. -Bibliography: P.15-16 (11 names)..1. The people (collection).2. The theory of language.BBK 81.053.6ya031BBK 81.003y031Source of an electronic copy: Adyghe gu.Website
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