The education of the legal culture of adolescents in the socio-cultural environment of a special educational institution of clos...

Isakova, Tatyana IgorevnaThe education of the legal culture of adolescents in the socio-cultural environment of a special educational institution of a closed type: Author of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences: specialty 13.00.05 / Isakova Tatyana Igorevna;[Place of protection: Chelyab.state.Institute of Culture].- Chelyabinsk, 2017. -25 p.: Il.;21 cm .. -Bibliography: p.24-25 (20 names)..1. The people (collection).2. Theory, methodology and organization of socio-cultural activities.3. Psychology - industry (applied) psychology - judicial (legal) psychology - psychological problems of re -education and punishment of offenders (correctional psychology) - children.4. Culture.The science.Education is a popular education.Pedagogical sciences - a comprehensive school.School pedagogy - school pedagogy - Russian Federation - upbringing - raising children, taking into account age and gender - education of individual age groups - education of students in grades 5-18.The education of adolescents.5. Culture.The science.Education is a popular education.Pedagogical sciences - - a comprehensive school.School pedagogy - school pedagogy - Russian Federation - schoolchildren - students - legal status of students.Office prevention.6. Psychology-social (public) psychology-socio-psychological problems of judicial psychology-problems of socio-psychological deviations-children.BBK 74.200.526y031BBK 88.573.4y031Electronic copy source: Chelyabinsk GIK.Website
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