Cases of the Department of Police of the Executive Ministry of Internal Affairs for 1868

Identifier 18b3a747-2e83-46e8-b669-f4023328804a
Title Cases of the Department of Police of the Executive Ministry of Internal Affairs for 1868
Dates 1868
Text language Russian
Level Lists
Call number РГИА. 1286 / 29
Cataloguing source RGIA
Extent 1272 units.
Fonds Department of Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Contents В описи представлены материалы: об учреждении клубов, собраний, обществ; о взимании податей и сборов; о происшествиях по губерниям; о строительстве и ремонте тюрем и других казенных зданий; о высылке разных лиц и установлении полицейского надзора; о положении ссыльных и заключенных, в том числе политических; о побегах заключенных
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1. Russian
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 10. The case of the abolition of the St. Petersburg city shipyard
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 100. The case of permission in the new Ladoga to arrange a theater of amateurs in the hall of the world congress
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1000. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Novgorod province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1001. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Tula province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1002. 72 l.
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1003. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Ufa province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1004. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Poltava province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1005. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Bessarabian region in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1006. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Kursk province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1007. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Astrakhan province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1008. 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1009. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Vilnius province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 101. The case of the provision of the Vilnius provincial printing house to print posters and private announcements
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1010. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Kherson province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1011. The case of the correction of the governor's house in Zhitomir
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1012. The case on the presentation of the Plotsky governor about the outcome of an additional loan of 1339 rubles 74½ kopecks for covering various costs
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1013. The case of the procurement of furniture for the archive of the Novgorod provincial drawing
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1014. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Pskov province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1015. The case on the complaint of the landowner Kukol-Yasnopolskaya that they kept her for four hours at the Zhuravlevskaya postal station
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1016. Police Department of the Executive Ministry.The case of the escape from the Ufa prison castle of the exile Andrei Karelin.
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1017. The case on the proposal of the head of the Lomzhin province on the procedure for submitting information about construction work
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1018. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Chernihiv province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1019. The case on the complaint of the Moscow second guild of the merchant Smirnov about the dissatisfaction with his money for the work on the Moscow Governor's House done in 1866
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 102. The case of listing the villages of Chernysheva and Tolstoy from Zenkovsky district to Mirgorodsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1020. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Tauride province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1021. The case of the assignment of the buildings of the old prison castle to the city society located in the city of Borovsk
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1022. RGIA
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1023. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Smolensk province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1024. The case of the satisfaction of the merchant Kagan for the correction of the premises of the Vitebsk provincial rule
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1025. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Courland province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1026. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Courland province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1027. The case of the release of money for the repair of the roof on the building occupied by the Lublin district department
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1028. The case of the placement of the Nizhny Novgorod Control Chamber in a free official building
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1029. RGIA
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 103. The case of the twisting of the Tauride provincial prosecutor with the provincial rule on the issue of delivering to the provincial city, for placing patients obsessed with mental illnesses
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1030. The case in relation to the economic department on the construction of premises for county administrations in the cities of Vloshchov, Sokhachev and New Alexandria
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1031. The case of selling a house occupied by the manager of the Vladimir Treasury Chamber
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1032. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Perm province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1033. The case of the assignment of the upper floor of the building of the Starobelsky district present places to adapt the premises of the world congress in it
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1034. The case of the repair of state buildings in the Bessarabian region in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1035. The case on the representation of the Radom governor about hiring a premises for Ilzhinsky and Kozenitsky district departments
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1036. The case of transfer to the postal department of cases and papers on the construction of postal Gonba along the Moscow-Kharkov tract
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1037. The case of the appropriation of money 185 rubles 18 kopecks for correcting the damaged storm of the roof of services at the building of the Calvary district administration and 109 rubles 38½ kopecks for paying duties from the house occupied by the Opatovsky district management
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1038. The case of the transfer of a loan for the maintenance of the building occupied by the former government commission of the internal affairs
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1039. The case of the return to the hiring of the building of the Dmitrievsky present places under the premises of the Zemsky Council, the Congress of Justices and the Provisional Department of the District Court
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 104. The case on the release of police departments and postal offices with the publication of a government messenger from the extract of the Senate Vedomosti
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1040. The case of classifying a half part of the amount of the construction of a prison building in the Irkutsk salted factory to the account of the same plant, and the other half to the account of the amounts allocated for the maintenance of political criminals
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1041. 284 l.
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1042. The case of the appointment of a manual for maintaining political criminals from the treasury, who moved on the basis of the highest command to their homeland to the Priveslyansky Territory
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1043. The case of the approval of the Tomsk and Tomsk General Provincial Administrations of special tables for managing the affairs of political exiles
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1044. The case at the request of the Vyatka governor about the benefits of the family of exiles from the unvivored estate
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1045. The case of different places and persons
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1046. The case of the political criminal Joseph Apanovich
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1047. The case of the political exiled priest Ivan Pukhalovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1048. The case of the Old Believers Fedor Budnikov
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1049. The case of the teacher Ivan is immaculate
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 105. RGIA
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1050. The case of a political criminal Bronislav Padlevsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1051. The case of the amounts allocated for the maintenance of the Polish rebels in the prisoners of the civilian department
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1052. The case of the amounts allocated for the maintenance of the Polish rebels in the prisoners of the civilian department
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1053. The case of the nobleman Anton Bogush
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1054. The case of the lieutenant Arcadia Stampel
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1055. Police Department of the Executive Ministry.The case of the lieutenant Arcadia Stampel.
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1056. The case of the second lieutenant Konstantin Yuryev
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1057. The case of a nobleman girl Varvara Raevskaya
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1058. RGIA
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1059. The case of the provincial secretary Paul Yakushkin
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 106. The case of the cessation of fist fighting in the city of Serpukhov in the city of Serpukhov
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1060. The case of the headquarters captain Anton Kamensky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1061. The case of the Kensenus Romualda Stakeene
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1062. The case of the former prosecutor Stanislav War and Vicar Stanislav Vespansky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1063. The case of a political criminal Ferdinanda Tychy
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1064. RGIA
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1065. The case of moving the landowner Matskevich from Perm to the Ryazan province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1066. The case of non-commissioned officer Ivan Alekseev
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1067. The case of the expulsion of a retired college assessor Lepishinsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1068. The case of the Austrian citizen Alexander Popel
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1069. RGIA
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 107. The case of the reference office of Yegor Rodan in Minsk
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1070. The case of the political exiled Valentia Kolyasinsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1071. The case on the question of whether to oblige political criminals returning from Siberia to choose a family of life or attributed to tax estates by order of the local authorities
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1072. The case of the pardon of the son of a doctor August Puzdrovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1073. The case of the political exiled Matvey Lorenca.Here is the correspondence of the political exile of Vikntia Kobele
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1074. The case of the Austrian citizen of Vikntia Grodzitsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1075. Vyborg Communist.1966. No. 151
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1076. The case of eliminating a slowdown in the transfer of the correspondence of political exiles in Siberia
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1077. The case of a political criminal Hippolyta Ostrovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1078. The case of political exiles Stanislav Tomashevich and others
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1079. The case, at the all -future request of Metropolitan of Serbian Mikhail, to provide the wife of the landowner with the Vitebsk province of Pavel of Tsekhanovetsky Alexander Zakhnovetskaya, as well as the husband and their children of the rights and advantages that the landowners of Russian origin
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 108. The case of the exceeding the world mediator of the Alexandria district Vaskov authorities
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1080. The case of measures to eradicate vagrancy and the prefabrication of fugitives in the North-Western Territory
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1081. The case of Austrian citizen Franze Kulikh
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1082. The case of sending from St. Petersburg nobleman Nikolai Ivanitsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1083. The case of moving the courtyard of Leo and Ippolit Domeiko from Perm to the Tver province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1084. The case of a political exiled from Prussian subjects to Ludwik Sea
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1085. The case of leaving the military court of political criminals Ignatius Kaminsky and Ignatius Filipovich
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1086. The case of the examination of the mental abilities of the college secretary Mansvetov
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1087. The case of a political criminal, exiled Alexander Polechak
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1088. The matter in relation to the chief of the gendarmes about the alleviation of the fate of political criminals sent to Siberia.Here is the correspondence of the use of all -mocking manifesto on May 17, 1868 on this subject
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1089. The matter in relation to the chief of the gendarmes about the alleviation of the fate of political criminals sent to Siberia.Here is also a correspondence on the use of a all -mocking manifesto on May 17, 1868 on this subject
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 109. The case of forgiveness of a fine to the ordinary Khvalynsk police team Denis Litvinov
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1090. The case of moving political exiles on the basis of the highest command on May 25, 1868 from Siberia in the internal province of European Russia
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1091. The case of sending under the supervision of the police of the college registrar Mikhail Kukol-Yasnopolsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1092. RGIA
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1093. The case of the removal of the peasant Mikhail Kasputis from the Coven province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1094. The case of supervision in the city of Chukhloma former student of the university Konstantin Muravsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1095. The case of the political exile Joseph Kostsyalkovsky, Felician Klimovich and Lyoviga Rastowski
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1096. The case of Dorman's expulsion with others from Moscow to remote provinces
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1097. The case of Austrian citizen Ivan Belachevsky (Bialaczewski)
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1098. The case of the political criminal Felix Gottze.Here is the correspondence about Franz Solomonyak (aka Solomonchik)
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1099. The case of sending a retired titular adviser Alexander Krushevsky from St. Petersburg
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 11. The case of the establishment in the city of Ponevzhe, the Coven province, the club
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 110. The case of pensions to the lower ranks of the Warsaw city police
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1100. The case of the exclusion of inability to military service of the political criminal Stanislav Zamlynsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1101. Russian
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1102. The case of the political exiled Peter Zaichnevsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1103. The case of the retired titular adviser Dmitry Pshenets
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1104. The case of a political criminal from volunteered Anton Lukasevich
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1105. Дело о высылке под надзор полиции в Новгородскую губернию иеромонаха Бонавентура Гавельчика
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1106. Russian
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1107. The case of the expulsion from Moscow of the peasant Vasily Semenov
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1108. The case of the political exiled Vladislav Zenkovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1109. The case at the request of the wife of Major Levutskaya to remove her son Viktor Levutsky somewhere
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 111. The case of pensions to the lower ranks of the Warsaw city police
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1110. The case of the college assessor of Eustathia Yanuchkov
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1111. The case of a political criminal from former doctors of Calikest Pavlovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1112. The case of the expulsion of retired college secretary Fedor Ivanov and Titular Advisor Mikhail Mikhailov from St. Petersburg
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1113. The case of the political exiled from the nobles of the Vilnius province Anton Elensky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1114. The case at the request of the Russian officer from Konstantin's immigrants to Manzaraki about permission to return to our borders
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1115. The case of the political criminal Stanislav Rozhbitsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1116. The case of sending a retired college registrar Gerasim Karpov from the Kherson province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1117. The case of the political exile of August Pull
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1118. The case of a political exileal people to translate
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1119. The case of the Kenxian Felix Vyshinsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 112. The case of the transformation of the Odessa city police
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1120. The case of a political exiled from Austrian subjects Franz Pizlinsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1121. The case of sending from St. Petersburg to the homeland of a student at the University of Valerian Lopatto, dismissed from the Technological Institute of Stanislav Parazinsky and nobleman Casimir Narutovich
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1122. The case of the retired court adviser Grigory Sinitsyna
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1123. The case of a political criminal Ivan Charnotsk
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1124. The case of a non-raincoat from the northwestern region of criminals due to illness in Western Siberia
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1125. The case of permission to return to homeland to the priest Marian Orlovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1126. The case of missing property on the railway headquarters captain Vasily Maniatov
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1127. The case of the political criminals of Jozef and Zbigneus Sikorsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1128. The case of a political criminal from the nobles of the Kyiv province Paul Valyavsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1129. The case of the Prussian citizen Carla Charnetsk
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 113. The case of renaming the Zalatnaya City of Tyukalinsk in the district, with the transfer of public places from Omsk
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1130. The case of the Kensesu Yana Chahursky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1131. The case of the retired headquarters of Xaveria Linsburg
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1132. The case at the request of the noblewoman Emilia Mitskevich about the pardon of her brother Julian Mitskevich and the groom of Felix Pogoskoy and others
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1133. 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1134. The case of the political executive Mikhail Soltan.Here is the correspondence of the political exile Alexander Susyevsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1135. The case of the retired headquarters of Dmitry Zhemchuzhnikov
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1136. The case of political criminals from foreign subjects sent to their homeland
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1137. The case of the former clerk Felix Maevsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1138. The case of the political criminal of Efstafia Chachkovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1139. The case of the expulsion from St. Petersburg by the retired second lieutenant Abramov
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 114. The case of incidents in the Arkhangelsk province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1140. The case at the request of the widow of Lieutenant Colonel Anna Kisel about the removal of her dear son Jacob Kisel from her
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1141. The case at the request of the nobleman of the Vitebsk province of Mikhail Shield about the movement of his political exiled Joseph from Siberia to the city of Odessa to Odessa
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1142. The case of expulsion from the Caucasus of the highlander Khomita-Devetov
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1143. The case of finding the nobleman Felix of Vichersky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1144. The case of the political exile Clemens Shutsk
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1145. The case of sending from St. Petersburg the widow of the non-commissioned officer Nadezhda Trapeznikova and retired lieutenant Alexander Frolov
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1146. The case of the Austrian citizen Konstantin Ozharovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1147. The case of the political criminal of Ignatius Dolinsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1148. The case at the petition of the bourgeois of Amalia Shaf about the movement of her son Eduard Shaf to her
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1149. The case of a political criminal Franz Perkovo
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 115. The case of incidents in the Arkhangelsk province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1150. The case of moving the nobleman of the Minsk province of Eduard Gedeonov Lipinsky to the city of Ufa
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1151. The case of the political exiled Alexander Stankkovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1152. The case of the political exiled Ivan Augustinovich
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1153. The case of the police supervision in the Perm province of Kasseza Kaspare Gritsevich
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1154. The case of the resettlement from the Kingdom of Poland to one of the provinces of the Empire of the nobleman Osip Radziminsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1155. RGIA
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1156. The case of a political criminal Alexander Vicherte
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1157. The case of sending from the Kursk province of the nobleman Elisha Nazdrachev
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1158. The case of the political exiled Paul Korevo
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1159. The case of a retired second lieutenant Konstantin Rottarium
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 116. The case of incidents in the Astrakhan province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1160. The case of a political criminal from Austrian subjects Leonard Menzhinsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1161. The case on the issue of the procedure for the promulgation of royal commands on the permission of the return to Russia to Polish immigrants and emigrants, including Anton Ovcharsky, Feofil Strazheletsky, and about Joseph Pashkevich
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1162. The case of the political criminal Joseph Brodovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1163. 1872
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1164. The case of finding the Polish native of Maximilian Mikhail Otzetkevich
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1165. The case of the political criminal of Ignatius Zvilla
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1166. The case at the request of the noblewoman Eleanor Barudetskaya about moving her husband from Irkutsk to the Tobolsk province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1167. The case of returning to the homeland of the political exiled Vladislav Kvyatkovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1168. The case of the search for the Warsaw resident of the Skrzhinetsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1169. The case of moving the nobleman Fabian Zaionchkovsky to the Smolensk province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 117. The case of incidents in the Baku province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1170. The case of the Austrian citizen Ivan Zabavsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1171. The case of the political exiled from the nobles of the Coven province Teleborsphore Arvasevich
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1172. The case of the tramp Osip Prosepsky (aka Stankevich)
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1173. The case of the legend of the military court Arthur Juliet
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1174. The case of the political exiled Andrey Voichulyanis (aka Voichulyansky)
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1175. The case of the police of the Penza province, who was consisting under the supervision of the police in the city of Chebar, the landowner of the Vilnius province, Christina Narbut, who is petitioning for the return of the library, who remained in the same place of residence after her husband, or the issuance of money for her
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1176. The case of a political criminal from the Austrian subjects Joseph Glembotsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1177. The case of the Unter-commissioned officer Durasevich dismissed from the military department
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1178. The case of Prussian citizen Vladislav Dalevsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1179. The case of the return to the kingdom of Polish political criminals Ivan Kruchkovsky, Seronos, Pentkovsky and others
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 118. The case of incidents in the Bessarabian province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1180. The case of providing the heads of provinces to the Ministry of the Interior (Department of Police of Executive) Vedomosti about the persons who are under the supervision of the police
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1181. The case of the political criminal of Kensseze Augustine Lipko
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1182. The case of the permitted to Siberia to the nobles of the valley and the son of her Adam Bogdanovich to return to their homeland.Here is the correspondence of permission to return to their homeland to the children of the Valishchelia Bogdanovich: Ivan, Venedikt, Kazimir and Barbara
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1183. The case of moving from Siberia to one of the internal provinces of the political exiled from the nobles of the Lublin province of Karl Gintovt
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1184. The case of the political criminal Joseph Zhakhovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1185. The case of the procedure for the provision of a loan from the amounts of the Kingdom of Poland and the interest of the fees
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1186. The case of the political criminal of Ignatius Vitkevich
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1188. The case of moving from the Kostroma province to the Poltava nobleman Joseph Gordzyakovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1189. The case of supervision in the Tobolsk province of the nobleman Nikolai Vonsovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 119. The case of incidents in the Warsaw province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1190. The case of the political exiled to Peter Potrzhikovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1191. The case of supervision in the city of Balashev Anton Lewandovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1192. The case of the political exiled former doctor Konstantin Okulich
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1193. The case of a message to the Department of Internal Relations of Information about political exiles from Austrian subjects: Luert, Gartman, Popel, Borschevsky and others
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1194. The case of allowing a nobleman Alexander Shelepinsky to go to the city of Aleksandrov
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1195. The case of political exiles Ivan Sikorsky, Leon Ruzhnetsk and Zdislav Przhevusk
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1196. The case of the Vedomosti about the number of persons consisting under the supervision of the police in the provinces
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1197. Дело о высылке из Полтавской губернии братьев Василия и Александра Сокологорских
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1198. RGIA
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1199. The case of political criminals Anton Sukhotsky, Adolf Count and Eduard Regez
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 12. The case of a change in the charter of the Perm merchant meeting
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 120. The case of incidents in the Vilnius province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1200. The case of the expulsion from St. Petersburg to the sorter of the post office Nikolai Zinchevsky and non-commissioned officer Mikhail Moskvin
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1201. The case at the request of the noblewoman Kamilla Vysotskaya to permit the son of her residence in the city of Kostroma on the basis of the fifth paragraph of the Tsarist Higher command of May 25, 1868 in any other province of those appointed for political
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1202. The case of the expulsion from the capital of the peasant Ivan Matveev and the soldier Vasily Petrov, who was dismissed from the cantonists
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1203. The case of moving Kaminsky’s political criminal from Perm to Chernihiv or Tver province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1204. The case of the political criminal of Ignatius Yasyukevich
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1205. Case of Casimir Lapinsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1206. The case of the political exiled Julian Morzhitsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1207. The case of the political exiled Vladimir Simanovich
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1208. The case of resolving political criminals, expelled from the Southwestern Territory temporarily, visit it
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1209. The case of expulsion from the city of Moscow Lieutenant Pishchalnikov
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 121. The case of incidents in the Vitebsk province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1210. The case of political exiles of the nap for Seminsky, Vladislav Kelce, Ivan Augustinovich and Grazian Boyasinsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1211. 1211
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1212. The case of political exiles from the Prussian subjects of the Kaminsky Jacob
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1213. The case of the political exiled Adolf Gobyatto
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1214. The case of the Austrian citizen Vladislav Botrizhmovets.Here is the correspondence of a political criminal from Prussian subjects Albina Kane
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1215. The case of the political exiled Felix Verzhbovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1216. The case of police supervision in the city of Cherdyns of the Provincial Secretary Lakis
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1217. The case of a political criminal Anton Balinsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1218. The case of political criminals from Austrian subjects Nikolai Verzhbitsky, Ernest Gaisler and Onufry Korzhanovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1219. The case of political exiles from natives of the Kyiv province brothers Nikolai and Joseph Lagunov
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 122. The case of incidents in the Vitebsk province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1220. The case of the political criminal Adam Holm
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1221. The case at the request of the wife of the junior resident of the Vladikavkaz Military Hospital Ludwigi Rogilevich about the permission of her mother, who is under the supervision of the police in the Voronezh province of the noblewoman of the Vilnius province, Isabella Tyshkevich to move to the city
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1222. The case of the all -mocking forgiveness granted by the political exile: Turkish, Prembsky and Karpinsky with the provision of the right to return to their homeland to the Priveslyansky Territory
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1223. The case of the political criminal of Vikntia Baratynsky.Here is the correspondence of the return to the homeland of the political exiled Felix Abrotovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1224. The case of a retired second lieutenant Myanovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1225. The case of the political exiled Anton Vroblevsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1226. The case of sending to his homeland in the Mogilev province of the wife of the titular adviser to Kossarzhetskaya
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1227. The case of a political criminal fortunate of the Uglunsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1228. The case of the retired second lieutenant Sergey Klyucharev
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1229. The case of the expulsion of retired clerks Dmitry Serebryannikov and Fedor Pavlov from St. Petersburg
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 123. 123
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1230. The case of the expulsion of the North-Western Territory for a residence in the Arkhangelsk province of Thomas Petrashevsky and Ivan Ostrovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1231. The case of the Suvulki tradesman Nikolai Alekseev Marthevich, who is petitioning for the release of him from police supervision or to appoint him from the treasury of maintenance
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1232. The case on the complaint of Jewish Kafileva about the expulsion of the son of the petitioner
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1233. The case of political exile Sigismund and Wenceslas Sales
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1234. The case of the expulsion from St. Petersburg of retired ordinary Anton Fedorov and Zelenin
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1235. The case of political criminals for Austrian subjects Osip Dunaevsky, Wojciech Lokokom and Stanislav Mychkovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1236. The case of political exiles from Austrian subjects Casimir Makhnevitz
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1237. The case of police supervision in the Olonets province of retired major Semena Printsk
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1238. The case of the retired accountant of the state chamber Henry Theodore Taube
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1239. The case of the political exile of Boniface Krupsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 124. The case of incidents in the Vladimir province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1240. 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1241. The case of the Vedomosti presented by governors about the persons under the supervision of the police for 1867 in the provinces: Arkhangelsk, Astrakhan, Bessarabian region, Vitebsk, Vladimir
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1242. The case of the Vedomosti presented by the governors about the persons consisting under the supervision of the police for 1867 in the Vologda province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1243. The case of the Governors of the Vedomosti on the Persons of the Police for 1867 in the provinces: Volyn, Voronezh, Vyatka, Grodno, Derbent City Council, Yekaterinoslavskaya
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1244. The case of the Governors of the Governors of the Persons under the supervision of the police for 1867 in the Yenisei province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1245. The case of the Governors of the Governors about the persons who consisted under the supervision of the police for 1867 in the provinces: Irkutsk, Kaluga, Kazan and Kerch-Senikalsky cityword
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1246. The case of the Governors of the Vedomosti on the Persons under the supervision of the police for 1867 in the provinces: Kyiv, Kovenskaya, Kostroma
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1247. The case of the Governors of the Vedomosti on the Persons under the supervision of the police for 1867 in the provinces: Courland, Kursk, Livonia, Minsk, Mogilev, Moscow, City of Moscow, City of Kronstadt
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1248. The case of the Governors of the Vedomosti on the Persons under the supervision of the police for 1867 in the provinces: Nizhny Novgorod, Novgorod, Olonets, Orenburg, Orlovskaya
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1249. The case of the Governors of the Governors about the persons who consisted under the supervision of the police for 1867 in the provinces: Penza and Perm
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 125. The case of incidents in the Vologda province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1250. The case of the Governors of the Governors about the persons who were under the supervision of the police for 1867 in the provinces: Podolsk, Poltava, Pskov, Ryazan, Samara, St. Petersburg, and the city of St. Petersburg
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1251. The case of the Vedomosti presented by the governors about the persons under the supervision of the police for 1867 in the provinces: Saratov, Semipalatinsk, Simbirsk, Smolensk, Tauride, Tambov, Tver, Tobolsk and Taganrog City City
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1252. The case of the Governors of the Vedomosti on the Persons under the supervision of the police for 1867 in the provinces: Tula, Ufa, Kharkov, Kherson, Chernihiv, Estland, Yakut region, Yaroslavl
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1253. The case of the release of money for the clothes of the exile Putkovsky, as well as the satisfaction of the content of persons awarded to live with the deprivation of rights.Here, correspondence on the question of whether they can be permitted by a political exiled attributed to tax estates,
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1254. Case in different subjects
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1255. The case of zemstvo meetings
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1256. The case of circulars in the Ministry of the Interior
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1257. The case of the issuance of benefits from the sums of decree on March 29, 1829
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1258. The case of unresolved representations of the heads of the provinces of the Police Department of the Executive.Immediately according to the most all-in-law reports of the Governor General and the chiefs of the provinces
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1259. The case of the acceptance of various papers for information, management and execution
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 126. The case of incidents in the Vologda province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1260. The case of the appointment of a college secretary of Vodenov as an assistant to the head of the head
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1261. The case of moving to service in the Department of College Assessor Rlitsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1262. The case of the shoots of prisoners and the riots in the places of conclusion of the Orenburg province in 1872
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1263. The case of determining the nobleman of Ilyinsky to serve in the Department of Police of Executive
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1264. The case of determining the secretary of the Vitebsk provincial rule of the titular adviser to Sukhoprudsky as the chief in the executive police department
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1265. The case of all the commissions established under the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the subjects of the department of the Police Department of Executive
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1266. The case in relation to the Department of Internal Relations about the collection of information about the real place of residence of Neumann
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1267. Fire statements for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1268. The case of moving to service in the Department of the Provincial Secretary of Lviv
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1269. The case of the appointment of a college adviser Yuferov as vice director of the department
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 127. The case of incidents in the Volyn province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1270. The case of moving to service in the Department of Provincial Secretary Drozdov
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1271. The case of determining the retired provincial secretary Shchro to the service in the Department of Police of Executive
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1272. The case of the determination of the college registrar Vorobyov to the service
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1273. The case at the suggestion of the Mr. Director of the Department on the change in some relations of the office order in the office work
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 1274. Vedomosti on the number of fires in the provinces for 1868 and the size of losses incurred in connection with them
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 128. Russian
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 129. The case of incidents in the Voronezh province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 13. The case of the establishment in Romano-Borisoglebsk, the Yaroslavl province, the club
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 130. Дело о происшествиях по Вятской губернии
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 131. The case of incidents in the Vyatka province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 132. The case of incidents in the Grodno province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 133. The case of incidents in the Yekaterinoslav province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 134. The case of incidents in the Yekaterinoslav province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 135. The case of incidents in the Yenisei province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 136. The case of incidents in the Yenisei province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 137. The case of incidents in the Irkutsk province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 138. The case of incidents in the Kazan province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 139. The case of incidents in the Kazan province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 14. The case of the commission of the police officers of the obligations of the bailiffs
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 140. The case of incidents in the Kalish province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 141. The case of incidents in the Kaluga province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 142. The case of incidents in the Kaluga province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 143. The case of incidents in the Kyiv province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 144. The case of incidents in the Coven province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 145. The case of incidents in the Coven province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 146. The case of incidents in the Kostroma province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 147. The case of incidents in the Kostroma province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 148. The case of incidents in the Courland province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 149. The case of incidents in the Kursk province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 15. The case of the termination of the production of elections by city societies of special deputies for a meeting in police department instead of rounds
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 150. The case of incidents in the Kutaisian province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 151. The case of incidents in the Keletsky province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 152. The case of incidents in the Livonia province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 153. The case of incidents in the Livonia province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 154. The case of incidents in the Lomzhin province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 155. The case of incidents in the Lublin province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 156. The case of incidents in the Minsk province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 157. RGIA
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 158. The case of incidents in the Mogilev province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 159. The case of incidents in the Mogilev province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 16. The case of the provision of the right to have its own seal
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 160. The case of incidents in the Moscow province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 161. The case of incidents in the Moscow province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 162. The case of incidents in the Nizhny Novgorod province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 163. The case of incidents in the Nizhny Novgorod province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 164. The case of incidents in the Novgorod province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 165. The case of incidents in the Novgorod province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 166. The case of incidents in the Olonets province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 167. RGIA
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 168. The case of incidents in the Orenburg province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 169. The case of incidents in the Orenburg province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 17. The case of the consumption of the Tobolsk provincial archive in a new premises
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 170. The case of incidents in the Oryol province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 171. The case of incidents in the Oryol province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 172. The case of incidents in the Penza province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 173. The case of incidents in the Penza province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 174. 1880
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 175. The case of incidents in the Perm province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 176. The case of incidents in the Petrakovsky province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 177. 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 178. The case of incidents in the Podolsk province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 179. The case of incidents in the Podolsk province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 18. The case of restoring a loan for the hire of city couriers in the city of Moscow
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 180. The case of incidents in the Poltava province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 181. The case of incidents in the Poltava province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 182. The case of incidents in the Pskov province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 183. The case of incidents in the Pskov province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 184. The case of incidents in the Radom province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 185. The case of incidents in the Ryazan province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 186. The case of incidents in the Ryazan province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 187. The case of incidents in the St. Petersburg province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 188. The case of incidents in the St. Petersburg province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 189. The case of incidents in the Samara province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 19. The case of the appointment of a special police official to the Motovilikhinsky plant
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 190. The case of incidents in the Saratov province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 191. The case of incidents in the Saratov province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 192. The case of the introduction of universal training in the Oryol district of the Vyatka province of the Kazan training district
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 193. The case of incidents in the Simbirsk province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 194. The case of incidents in the Smolensk province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 195. The case of incidents in the Smolensk province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 196. The case of incidents in the Stavropol province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 197. RGIA
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 198. The case of incidents in the Suvalka province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 199. The case of incidents in the Tauride province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 2. The case of pension college advisers: Vakhovsky and Kozlovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 20. The case of the numeral state of police and fire brigades
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 200. The case of incidents in the Tauride province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 201. The case of incidents in the Tambov province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 202. The case of incidents in the Tambov province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 203. The case of incidents in the Tver province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 204. The case of incidents in the Tver province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 205. The case of incidents in the Tiflis province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 206. The case of incidents in the Tobolsk province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 207. The case of incidents in the Tobolsk province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 208. 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 209. Police Department of the Executive Ministry.The case of incidents in the Tomsk province.
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 21. The case of a new procedure for inspecting police and fire brigades
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 210. The case of incidents in the Tula province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 211. The case of incidents in the Ufa province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 212. The case of incidents in the Kharkov province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 213. The case of incidents in the Kharkov province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 214. The case of incidents in the Kherson province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 215. The case of incidents in the Chernihiv province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 216. The case of incidents in the Chernihiv province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 217. The case of incidents in the Estland province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 218. The case of incidents in the Yaroslavl province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 219. The case of incidents in the Yaroslavl province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 22. The case of the cornering officers in Nikolaev to execute police posts
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 220. The case of incidents in the Amur Region
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 221. The case of incidents in the Amur Region
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 222. The case of incidents in the Trans -Baikal region
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 223. 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 224. The case of incidents in the Semipalatinsk region
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 225. The case of incidents in the Yakut region
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 226. The case of the incidents of the Siberian Kyrgyz region
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 227. The case of the incidents of the Derbent City City
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 228. The case of the incidents of the Kerch-Ongilo city mayor
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 229. The case of incidents in the Odessa citywide
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 23. The case of the establishment of a commercial club in the city of Kerch
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 230. The case of incidents of the Taganrog citywide
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 231. The case of incidents in the city of Warsaw
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 232. Дело о происшествиях в городе Варшаве
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 233. The case of incidents in the city of Kronstadt
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 234. The case of incidents in the city of Kronstadt
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 235. The case of incidents in the city of Moscow
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 236. The case of incidents in the city of Nikolaev
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 237. The case of incidents in the city of St. Petersburg
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 238. The case of the incidents of the city of St. Petersburg
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 239. The case of the papers accepted for
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 24. The case on the issue of the responsibility of the main theaters to give ideas in favor of the disabled (according to the Simbirsk province)
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 240. The case in relation to the Chief Staff about the testimony of the prisoner Gavrilishin on the Kerch-Seniko mayor
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 241. The case in relation to the manager of the Ministry of Justice about the spiritual wills of Colonel Yagnitsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 242. The case in relation to the Minister of Finance about the loss of the package of the Odessa police, in which the patent was indented
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 243. The case, at the request of the peasant woman, Krytopolova, to the foreman Ignatov for the punishment of her husband
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 244. The case in relation to the Minister of Foreign Affairs on the complaint of the piano cases living in Smolensk Master Smidt about the actions of the local police
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 245. The case of the letter of his imperial highness of Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich to recover from Princess Krapotkina for the headquarters captain of Mokrinsky money
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 246. The case in relation to Adjutant General Count Shuvalov on the complaint of Prince Ginglyt and Major Lavrov to detain them with a Bir police officer Podiyevsky and to cause losses to the petitioners through this
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 247. The case in relation to the Minister of Finance on the replenishment of arrears on loans issued from the treasury to build cabbage ships in the Tauride province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 248. The case of the representation of the Kherson governor about officials of Rutkovsky and Sivokh, devoted to the court on charges of serving
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 249. The case in relation to the Novorossiysk and Bessarabian governor general about the eviction from the Odessa Society of the philistine Anniliyevich
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 25. RGIA
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 250. The case in relation to the Office of the Irregular Troops about the exclusion of the son of the Jewish Khorunzhegi Chirikov from the Cossack estate for admission to the spiritual title
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 251. The case in relation to the manager of the Ministry of Justice and the former secretary of the Kobrinsky police department Smirnov of official papers and state property found in the apartment
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 252. The case by decree of the Government Senate on the recovery from persons belonging to nonresident societies, money for treatment
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 253. The case on the complaint of Major General Daragan about the unsatisfactory actions of the Saratov provincial authorities in the case with Zavaritsky about money
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 254. The case in relation to the Saratov governor about the non -gourishing of the lower ranks of Yakovlev and Alekseev granted by the highest persons, on the occasion of crop failure, money
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 255. The case on the representation of the Simbirsk governor about the actions of the Karsunsky judicial investigator Kudryavtsev in the case of the death of a peasant Murzin
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 256. The case in relation to the chief of staff of the Caucasian Military District on the recovery from the estate of Count Pototsky for the second lieutenant of the Brotkovo money
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 257. The case on the representation of the Perm governor on the complaint of Pleshko under the supervision of the Kamyshlovsk police and the caretaker of the prison about his property located in the Chernihiv province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 258. The case of the trial of the court of the headquarters of Andreevsky for accusing the insulting the Kurhmynsky district police officer Rudnev
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 259. The case of reporting the Vitebsk governor about a change in order in resolving property of property for private debts
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 26. The matter on the question of who should replace the chairman of the Civil Chamber in the presence of the insulated
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 260. The case in relation to the technical and construction committee on the misconduct of the state adviser of Kaminsky during the examination of work on the construction of bread stores in the Orenburg province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 261. The case in relation to the chief prosecutor of the second branch of the sixth department of the former treasurer of the Voronezh governor's rule Ivanov, convicted of crimes in position
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 262. The case of the representation of the Arkhangelsk governor about embezzlement by the clerk of the Arkhangelsk State Chamber of Tsvetkov Tsipsenny amounts
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 263. The case of the report of the Vladimir governor on the procedure for collecting the information necessary for the decision of public sentences to transfer the philistines of them one in other societies
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 264. The case by decree of the Government Senate on the delays of the volunteer foreman Shirchkova as an assistant to the district police officer Figorovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 265. The case of the prohibition of the titular adviser to Alexandria to accept a petition for peasants
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 266. The case in relation to the chief prosecutor of the Holy Synod about the forgery of a request on behalf of the parishioners of the village of Lukinka about the abandonment of Vvedensky in that parish
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 267. The case in relation to the Department of State Treasury about unjustified advance benefits in the Arkhangelsk province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 268. The case at the request of the authorized Piryatinsky Jewish Society of Kanevsky and Shapira for the actions of the local police officer Egorov
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 269. The case in relation to the chief prosecutor of the second branch of the sixth department about the former executor of the office of the Odessa Governor Filipov, convicted of appropriation and embezzlement of state-owned money
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 27. The case of strengthening police supervision in the city of Kolomna of the Moscow province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 270. The case in relation to the military ministry about sending to the Caucasus the son of the Cossack Grigoryev
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 271. The case of the procedure for improving the violators of the Rules for driving along the highway and other postal tracts in the Oryol province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 272. The case in relation to the chief prosecutor of the Holy Synod about the tradition of the Voronezh merchant son of Izhokin to the court
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 273. The case in relation to the chief prosecutor of the Holy Synod about the satisfaction of the claim of the Lyaden monastery from the amount of merchant Delpatz from the house of the merchant Delpats
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 274. The case of the reporting of the Moscow governor about the abolition of the currently existing legalizations about the merciful interest
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 275. The case at the request of the philistines Martynov and Safronov to increase with Count the Krasitsky owner of the hill settlement and the expulsion
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 276. The case in relation to the Governor-General of Western Siberia about the former architects assistant Asshemur, accused of embezzlement of money
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 277. The case by decree of the Governmental Senate at the request of the merchant Bill-de-Vassi about the prohibition of the wife of the Swiss native of the Embacher diluted with him to be called the surname of the petitioner
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 278. The case of the report of the Kovensky governor about the omissions of the Koven Assessor of the Koven Governor's Board of Golub during the investigation of the embezzlement of amounts in the Novoaleksandrovsky Zemsky court
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 279. The case in relation to the military minister on the recovery of Major General Prince Urisov to reimburse the incorrectly spent economic amounts of the Poltava Infantry Regiment
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 28. The case of the reward of Academician Titov for assessing his works
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 280. The case at the request of the wife of the college secretary Yushchinskaya for improper proceeding of the case on charges of the official Bagrinovsky of extortion
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 281. The case in relation to the preserved treasury about the inventory of the estates of the landlords of Lomonosov and Voevodsky in the Smolensk province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 282. The case of a business trip from the Academy of Arts to evaluate the works of art described for debts
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 283. The case of punishment contained in the Zhytomyr prison castle of the Jew of Yelshansky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 284. The case of the military minister about the examination of the former cantonist Tyurin
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 285. The case of applying the assistant to the Zubtsovsky police officer beatings to the police minister and tradesman Posokhin
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 286. The case by decree of the Government Senate on the complaint of the merchant Agarkov for the non -consumption of the peasant Nedobezhkin to drive cattle through the state land rented by Agarkov
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 287. The case of the burning by the Assessor of the Gazenpot Gauptman court von Zefeld the hut of Bobyle Shpud
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 288. The case in relation to the military minister with the draft Regulation on the Semire Cossack Army
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 289. The case at the request of the citizens of the Borisov Society of Rzhetsky, Okritsky and others about the grant of them the right to draw up a separate bourgeois society
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 29. The case of changing the procedure for issuing certificates from the civil authorities of things that burned out in the troops
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 290. The case in relation to the Department of General Affairs on the incorrect issuance of the maintenance of the Secretary of the Courland provincial rule Germanov and Excetian Folkman for two posts
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 291. The case, at the request of the trusted landowner Wulf, a citizen Reishtrom on the demolition of the buildings incorrectly cocked on the lower ranks on Earth
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 292. The case in relation to the state controller on the delivery of the Tobolsk construction commission of the Omsk Control Chamber of reporting documents on expenses for the construction of the Peter and Paul Ostrog
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 293. The case of the report of the Oryol governor, whether police officials can leave the service place to call world institutions without the permission of their authorities
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 294. The case in relation to the medical department at the request of the philistine Zilberfanova on the removal of the contents of the institution of public women to another place
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 295. The case of the all -quinent complaint of Rotmistra Revelioti about the actions of his estates and about the rally of his estates in the lottery
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 296. The case in relation to the chief prosecutor of the Holy Synod about the removal of estates of the holy-church servants of the village of Nemsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 297. The case of the reporting of the Novgorod governor on the elimination of difficulties in compiling in charge of the estates for non -payment of debt to credit establishments
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 298. The case of a decree of the Government Senate on the responsibility of the Paul Politzmaster in the case of the investigation of the investigation of a wound to a foreigner Saltsman
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 299. The case of the wrong arrest by the police officer Zagoskin merchant Shcherbakov
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 3. The case of the establishment in Akmolls (in the field of Siberian Kyrgyz) Assembly
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 30. The Loterena case in favor of the school at the Lutheran Church in Voronezh
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 300. The case of baking between judicial and administrative police authorities in the Moscow Judicial District
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 301. The case of baking between judicial and administrative police authorities in the Kharkov judicial district
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 302. The case of bothering between judicial and administrative police authorities in the St. Petersburg Judicial District
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 303. The case in relation to the state chancellor about the procedure for relations between foreign consuls in the Caucasus and our local authorities
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 304. The case on the note of the Prussian agent Helvig regarding the relief in relations on the Prussian-Russian border
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 305. The petition of the monk Ignatius about allowing him to live in the monastery near Kharkov
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 306. The case of the papers accepted for
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 307. The case in relation to the Oryol governor on the question of what to do with the foreigner Vislotsky, who assigned the title that did not belong to him
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 308. The case on the telegram correcting the position of Governor General of the Novorossiysk Territory on the permitting of the Catholic priest Krukovich to arrive in Russia
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 309. The case in relation to the governor in the Kingdom of Poland about the clarification of misunderstandings in the application of the kingdom of Polish existing in the empire of the procedure for issuing foreign passports
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 31. The case of the establishment in the Moscow province of pickets
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 310. 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 311. The City of the St. Petersburg merchants of Jews and Christians on the expansion of the rights of Jews regarding residence in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 312. The case in relation to the Department of the State Treasury of reporting him a conclusion on the subject of the leave of money for the capture of persons who do not have species
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 313. The case in relation to the chief prosecutor of the Holy Synod about the search for hegumen Palladium
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 314. The case in relation to the chief prosecutor of the Holy Synod about the prohibition of Jews to keep in themselves as a servant of Christians
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 315. RGIA
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 316. The case by decree of the Government Senate on the delivery of an imprisonment in the refusal of Skibnevsky on mutual citizenship of Russia and Austria
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 317. The case by decree of the Government Senate on the delivery of a conclusion on the complaint of the merchant Dumchev to the imposition of a fine on him
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 318. The case in relation to the office of the governor in the Kingdom of Poland about the search for Buchinsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 319. General correspondence about supplies
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 32. The case of the complaint of Prince Lyubomirsky against the Volyn provincial rule for prohibition of the quarterly overseer of the city of Dubno to monitor the stubbornness of the wine
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 320. The case of resolving production by the Bashkirs of the Orenburg province of the new revision
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 321. The case of the request of the highest tsarist command for the adoption of revision fairy tales about common Jews in the Grodno Treasury, without preliminary payment of certain fees
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 322. The case on the complaint of the merchant Kozma Lapin about the actions of the local mayor to recover the arrears of taxes
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 323. The case of the actions of the world intermediaries of the All -gonsky district to recover taxes and arrears
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 324. The case at the request of the peasants of the Strogonovs about the separation of them from the volost on the payment of state fees (Vologda province)
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 325. The case of an increase in the annual term to citizens of the northwest provinces for the reckoning of the overall composition of rural or urban inhabitants
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 326. The case of granting to persons resettled to the island of Sakhalin, benefits and advantages provided to immigrants in the Primorsky and Amur Regions
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 327. The case of compliance with the rules prohibiting the application of execution measures in the recovery of state -owned taxes and arrears in the Kingdom of Poland
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 328. Vedomosti on the receipt of taxes and arrears in the Arkhangelsk province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 329. The case of reporting the Astrakhan governor with a statement about the receipt of taxes and arrears in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 33. The case on the distribution of the highest police and fire commands of the highest command on June 19, 1863, according to which the obligatory deductions to the artificial amounts in the troops were terminated, with the distribution of such amounts to the lower ranks
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 330. The case of reporting the Bessarabian governor with a statement about the receipt of taxes and arrears in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 331. The case of reporting the Vilnius governor with a statement of admission in the second half of 1868 taxes and arrears
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 332. Vedomosti on the receipt of taxes and arrears in the Vitebsk province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 333. Vedomosti on the receipt of taxes and arrears in the Vladimir province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 334. The case of the reporting of the Vologda governor with a statement about the receipt of taxes and arrears for the second half of 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 335. The case of the reporting of the Volyn governor with a statement about the receipt of taxes and arrears for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 336. The case of the reporting of the Voronezh governor with a statement about the receipt of taxes and arrears for the second half of 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 337. The case of the report of the Vyatka governor with a statement about the receipt of taxes and arrears for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 338. The case of the reporting of the Grodno governor with a statement about the receipt of taxes and arrears for the second half of 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 339. The case of reporting the Yekaterinoslav Governor with a statement about the receipt of taxes and arrears for the second half of 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 34. The case on the issue of entering the police management obligations to replace the court when inspecting on the site of disputed lands
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 340. The case of reporting the Yenisei governor with a statement about the receipt of taxes and arrears for the second half of 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 341. Vedomosti on the receipt of taxes and arrears in the Trans -Baikal province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 342. Vedomosti on the receipt of taxes and arrears in the Kazan province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 343. Vedomosti on the receipt of taxes and arrears in the Kaluga province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 344. The case of the report of the Kerch-Iniko mayor with a statement about the receipt of taxes and arrears for the second half of 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 345. RGIA
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 346. The case of the report of the Kovensky governor with a statement about the receipt of taxes and arrears for the second half of 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 347. RGIA
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 348. The case of the report of the Courland governor with a statement about the receipt of taxes and arrears for the second half of 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 349. Vedomosti on the receipt of taxes and arrears in the Kursk province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 35. The case of a pension of the widow of non-commissioned officer Emelyanov
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 350. Russian
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 351. The case of the report of the Minsk governor with a statement about the receipt of taxes and arrears for the second half of 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 352. The case of reporting the Mogilev governor with a statement about the receipt of taxes and arrears for the second half of 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 353. RGIA
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 354. The case of reporting the Nizhny Novgorod governor with a statement about the receipt of taxes and arrears for the second half of 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 355. Vedomosti on the receipt of taxes and arrears in the Novgorod province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 356. The case of the report of the Olonets governor with a statement about the receipt of taxes and arrears for the second half of 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 357. Vedomosti on the receipt of taxes and arrears in the Orenburg province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 358. Vedomosti on the receipt of taxes and arrears in the Penza province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 359. Vedomosti on the receipt of taxes and arrears in the Perm province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 36. The case of the audit of the Vitebsk governor of the provincial rule.Here on the general issue of improving the personnel of the provincial boards
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 360. The case of reporting the Podolsk governor with a statement about the receipt of taxes and arrears in the second half of 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 361. The case of reporting a Poltava governor with a statement about receipt in the second half of 1868 taxes and arrears
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 362. Vedomosti on the receipt of taxes and arrears in the Primorsky province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 363. Vedomosti on the receipt of taxes and arrears in the Pskov province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 364. The case of the reporting of the Ryazan governor with a statement of admission in the second half of 1868 taxes and arrears
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 365. Vedomosti on the receipt of taxes and arrears in the Samara province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 366. The case of reporting the St. Petersburg Governor with a statement about the receipt of taxes and arrears in the second half of 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 367. The case of reporting the Saratov governor with a statement about the receipt of taxes and arrears in the second half of 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 368. The case of the report of the Semipalatinsk governor with a statement of admission in the second half of 1868 taxes and arrears
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 369. The case of reporting a Simbirsk governor with a statement of admission in the second half of 1868 taxes and arrears
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 37. The case of changing the Charter of the Society of Fans of Arts in Moscow
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 370. The case of the report of the Smolensk governor with a statement about the receipt of taxes and arrears in the second half of 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 371. The case of the report of the Tauride Governor with a statement of admission in the second half of 1868 taxes and arrears
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 372. Vedomosti on the receipt of taxes and arrears in the Tambov province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 373. Vedomosti on the receipt of taxes and arrears in the Tver province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 374. Vedomosti on the receipt of taxes and arrears in the Tobolsk province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 375. The case of the reporting of the Tomsk governor with a statement about the receipt of taxes and arrears for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 376. Vedomosti on the receipt of taxes and arrears in the Tula province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 377. Vedomosti on the receipt of taxes and arrears in the Ufa province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 378. The case of the reporting of the Kharkov governor with a statement about the receipt of taxes and arrears for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 379. Vedomosti on the receipt of taxes and arrears in the Kherson province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 38. The case of a pension to the wife of a non-commissioned officer of the shield
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 380. The case of reporting the Estland Governor with a statement about the receipt of taxes and arrears for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 381. Case
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 382. The case of the report of the Yaroslavl governor with a statement about the receipt of taxes and arrears for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 383. The case of the papers accepted for note and requests left without consequences
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 384. The case is in relation to the chief chief of the third branch of the royal of his own imperial majesty of the Chancellery on the imposition of guardianship on the estate of the Colonel of the Life Guards of the Hussar Regiment Ponomarev
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 385. The case of determining the government Senate and the protest of the Pskov provincial prosecutor regarding the decision of the provincial rule for the prohibition of the police to dry grass on the streets in Posad in Posad
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 386. The case in relation to the position of Comrade Chief Prosecutor of the Holy Synod on the prohibition of the backward non-commissioned officer Zakhar Reshetnikov representing the works
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 387. Russian
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 388. The case in relation to the St. Petersburg chief police officer about the need to change the hour of departure of the Tsar ship, owned by the Partnership of the St. Petersburg-Petro-Zavodsky Shipping Company
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 389. The case in relation to the head of the Poltava province on the transfer of the parking of the steamers of the Jewish society "Luria and Co." to the steamboat pier existing in the city of Kremenchug
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 39. RGIA
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 390. The case at the request of the retired headquarters captain Pogorelov about the placement of his wife with children
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 391. The case in relation to the economic department on the production of raids on predatory animals and on the structure in the villages and villages of cemeteries
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 392. Russian
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 393. The case in relation to the Board of the Society for the Patronage of Animals about the expulsion of animals described and arrested by the police in claims of creditors
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 394. Lottering common cause
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 395. Lottery case in favor of society for benefits to poor women in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 396. The case of the establishment in the city of Polotsk Department of the Russian Society of Patronage
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 397. The case of the establishment in the city of Warsaw the Department of the Russian Society of Patronage to Animals
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 398. The case of the Cossacks of the Cossacks of the Okhotsk Cossack team
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 399. The case of the costs of maintaining the border with Prussia of the transfer station in the Kingdom of Poland
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 4. The case of complementing the Charter of the Saratov Commercial Club
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 40. Russian
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 400. The case in relation to the chief of the gendarmes about the production of trade in tavern institutions and the provision of some of them special advantages
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 401. The case of measures to reduce the number of played lotteries for charity purposes
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 402. The case of the approval of a new charter for the Samara noble assembly
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 403. The case of the removal of Jews of smugglers for a fifty -universal line from their place of residence
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 404. The case of the permit to the merchant Ludwig Dorfner open the second category in Moscow
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 405. The case of the establishment of a club in the city of Svevetsan Vilenskaya province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 406. 71 l.
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 407. The case of the establishment in the city of Khotin of the Bessarabian region of a noble assembly
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 408. The case of a change in the Charter of the Harmony Society in Odessa
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 409. The case of the establishment in the town of Ober-Palendar of the Livonia province of the Society of Fans of Singing and Musical Exercises called "Aleksandrovsky"
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 41. The case of the production of the content to the assessor of the Yakut Zemstvo court to the college assessor Ryazan
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 410. The case of the permitting of the French citizen Nadezhda Peshen to be recommended by governesses, tutors and other similar persons
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 411. The case of the permit to the Moscow archaeological society to arrange a congress of archaeologists
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 412. The case of changing the charter of the Vladimir club
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 413. The case of the establishment of Perm lady's trustees on the poor offices for hiring servants
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 414. The case of allowing a nobleman to open a reference office in Saratov
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 415. The case of the opening in the city of Rostov of the Yaroslavl province of the merchant meeting
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 416. The case of the establishment of society in the city of Moscow to help governesses, teachers and the like: Prince Shcherbatov, Prince Gagarin, Princess Golitsyn, Princess Trubetskoy
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 417. The case of allowing to open a library at the Kremenchug noble assembly
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 418. The case of the permitted lieutenant to open the commission in the city of St. Petersburg to the commission office
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 419. The case of a betrayal of the charter of the Vilnius noble club
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 42. The case of changing some articles of the law of the institution of Siberian provinces
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 420. The case of the provision of the newly organized community in Pskov the Earth surrounding the Ilyinsky Church
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 421. The case of the establishment of the Society of Lovers of singing Fiscalgovsky and Planensky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 422. The case in relation to the Tver governor for No. 3576 on the approval of the charter of the Rzhevsky Commercial Assembly
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 423. The case of approval in the city of Riga Latvian society
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 424. The case of permitting to the state adviser Molchanov to maintain private educational institutions of the third category in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 425. The case of the establishment of a female community in the estate of the widow of Lieutenant Colonel Belokopytova
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 426. The case of the establishment of a female community in the city of Bezhetsk Tver province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 427. The case of the establishment of a female community in the Penza province is near the village of New-Seli in the Gorodishchensky district
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 428. The case of the establishment in the city of Murom Vladimir Club
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 429. The case of the establishment of the Marine Assembly in Arkhangelsk (Solombalsky)
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 43. The case of opening a loan for hiring attorneys, in case of claims against the treasury, in the Tula district court
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 430. The case of the permit to the merchant Goldberg to open a commission office in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 431. The case of the establishment of family evenings in the city
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 432. The case of the establishment of zealots of Orthodoxy and philanthropists in the North-Western Territory
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 433. The case of allowing the actual state adviser Danilov to open a private institution called "Address Bureau" in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 434. The case in relation to the Kyiv Governor-General of the approval of the Charter of the Mogilev Public Assembly
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 435. The case in relation to the Pskov governor about the approval of the charter of the Velikolutsky merchant meeting
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 436. The case against the Kostroma governor about the approval of the charter of the Yuryevsky Public Assembly
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 437. The case in relation to the Yaroslavl governor about the approval of the charter of the Polimsky Public Assembly
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 438. The case against the Kursk governor about the approval of the Charter of the Ryli Public Assembly
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 439. The case in relation to the Orenburg governor about the approval of the charter of the Verkhneuralsky and Chelyabinsk public assemblies
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 44. The case of the provisors of the Greek villages of the Mariupol district
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 440. The case of the procedure for managing the Warsaw Music Institute
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 441. The case of the correction of the border monument on the Russian-Prussian border near the prostrate
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 442. The case of the transfer of the Olkhov volost of the police department from Kamyshinsky to Tsaritsynsky district of the Saratov province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 443. The case of the representation of the Kazan governor about the approval of the Charter of the Kazan Society Hunting
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 444. The case on the proposal of the head of the Tula province about the approval of the Charter of the Tula Society of Hunting
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 445. The case, at the request of the trousers trusted from the Society of the Selts, Slobodische, Yermil Sokolov about the permission to hang the newly removed bell to notify residents during fire cases
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 446. The case on the proposal of the head of the Oryol province regarding orders to the transfer of Orel from the city of the city in more secure oil warehouses and hemp.
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 447. The case on the representation of the economic department on the construction of pipeline in cities on new grounds
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 448. The case on the proposal of the Ministry of the Interior regarding the adoption of measures against the newly repeated fires in the city
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 449. The case of the opening in the city of Lebedyansk of the Tambov province of the merchant club
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 45. Lottery case in favor of a German charitable society in Moscow
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 450. The case of the opening of the Club Chernihiv province of the Chernigov province in the city
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 451. The case in relation to the Governor General of Western Siberia for No. 3734 on the approval of the charter of the order club in the city of Tyumen
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 452. The case in relation to the Minister of Education for No. 9859 on allowing society to deliver cheap apartments, maintain a free private educational institution of the third category for children of both sexes in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 453. The case in relation to the head of the Vyatka province for No. 8187 on the approval of the charter of the Club of Izhevsk Armory
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 454. The case in relation to the head of the Tambov province for No. 303 on the opening of a meeting in the city of Kozlov on the grounds on which there existed there until 1864 "Civil Club"
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 455. The case of the establishment in the city of Lipetsk of the Commercial Club
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 456. Дело по отношению земского отдела о перечислении из Пермской губернии в Оренбургскую пяти башкирских деревень
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 457. The case of changing the emblems for cities: Cretaches, Kyiv and Kremenz Volyn provinces
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 458. The case of the appeal of Posad Klins of the Chernihiv province to the county city with renaming Surazh to the deposit
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 459. The case of changing the borders of the Shenkur and Kholmogorsk counties of the Arkhangelsk province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 46. RGIA
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 460. The case on the proposal of the head of the Pskov province for No. 3660 on the change in the legislative order of the article of the Charter on punishment imposed by justice of justice;increasing the monetary penalty to 100 rubles from persons unsubstantiated by the law regarding the protection of the forest
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 461. The case of changing the borders of the Mariupol and Aleksandrovsky counties
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 462. The case in relation to the economic department on the accession of the town of Zlatopol to Novomirgorod
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 463. The case of the camps of the Tula province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 464. The case of papers accepted for note, management and execution in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 465. The case of shoots and riots of prisoners in 1868 in the Tver province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 466. The case of shoots and riots of prisoners in 1868 in the Vilnius province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 467. The case of the establishment at the favorite castle of the Yaroslavl province of the position of the caretaker
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 468. The case of petty costs for the maintenance of the Mariinsky prison castle of the Tomsk province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 469. The case of fines collected for throwing ballast on a raid, fairway or harbor
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 47. The case of the form of uniforms of the ranks of the St. Petersburg prison team
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 470. The case of dismissal from the Service of Captain Kint and the headquarters captain Ulyaninsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 471. The case of the shoots and riots of prisoners in the Simbirsk province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 472. The case of the shoots and riots of prisoners in the St. Petersburg province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 473. The case of the shoots and riots of prisoners in the Tobolsk province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 474. The case of shoots and riots of prisoners in the Kherson province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 475. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and the prisoners of the Saratov province contained in them for 1867
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 476. The case of the revision of the reporting of the Saratov Prison Committee for 1866 on the subject of consumption on the UZZ and the departure of medicines
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 477. The case of shoots and riots of prisoners in the Podolsk province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 478. The case of the transfer of cases and papers to the third branch of the executive police department, related to the construction part by prisons
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 479. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners of the St. Petersburg province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 48. The case of the establishment of family evenings in the Kumyssovo-air-mineral institution in the Suksunsky factory of the Perm province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 480. The case on comparing the position of the caretaker of the prison castle in the class of position and the category of pensions along with assistants to police officers and district police officers (about the college secretary of Lobachevsky)
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 481. The case of the number of free places in the Novgorod prison company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 482. The case of the number of free places in the Tver prison company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 483. The case of the number of free places in the Pskov Prisoner company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 484. The case of the conclusion of the secondary secondary supporters of the Tver prison company Lyaskovsky and Kablukov in the army infantry
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 485. The case of the number of free places in the Ryazan prisoner half -rot for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 486. The case of the number of free places in the Kaluga prison company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 487. The case of resolving procurement by the economic way of food items for the Yaroslavl prison company
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 488. The case of the number of free places in the Yaroslavl prison company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 489. The case of the number of free places in the Kursk Prisoner company
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 49. The case of incorrect issuing money to officials of the Courland provincial board
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 490. The case of the abolition of water delivery to Efremovsky and Novosilsky prison castles of the Tula province through prisoners
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 491. The case of the number of free places in the Smolensk prison company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 492. The case of the number of free places in the Saratov prisoner company
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 493. The case of the number of free places in the Voronezh prison company
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 494. The case of shoots and riots of prisoners in the Kalinin province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 495. The case of the number of free places in the Vyatka prison company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 496. The case of the number of free places in the Tula prison company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 497. The case of the number of free places in the Podolsk prisoner company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 498. The case of the number of free places in the Odessa prison company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 499. The case of the number of free places in the Kisenevsky prison company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 5. The case of the establishment in the city of Vyazniki Public Assembly
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 50. The case on the issue of the production of boundary affairs in provincial reasons for the provinces: Moscow, Vyatka, Chernihiv
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 500. The case of the number of free places in the Kazan prison company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 501. The case of the number of free places in the Simferopol Prisoner company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 502. The case of the number of free places on the Poltava prison company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 503. The case of the number of free places in the Yekaterinoslav Prisoner company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 504. The case of the number of free places in the Kherson prisoner company
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 505. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners of the Novgorod province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 506. The case of determining the second Petersburg police of the second lieutenant of the Novoselsky random castle
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 507. The case of the assignment in the city of Tobolsk premises for hard labor and always-time prisoners now in military-contracting companies
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 508. The case of the return to the agent of the St. Petersburg Insurance Society Gelfeibeyn insured Simferopol Prison Castle
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 509. The case of the shoots and riots of the prisoners of the Yaroslavl province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 51. The case of run -up money to police officials sent to the city of Poltava to protect order during the Ilyinsky Fair
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 510. Russian
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 511. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners of the Livonia province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 512. The case of the shoots and riots of prisoners in the Kyiv province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 513. The case of the shoots and riots of prisoners in the Kazan province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 514. The case of the number of free places in the Kerch-Yeniko prison company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 515. The case of the shoots and riots of prisoners of the Minsk province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 516. RGIA
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 517. The case of the dismissal of the second lieutenant of the Taganrog prisoners of Salivanov from the service and on the appointment of a pension
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 518. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Minsk province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 519. Russian
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 52. 52
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 520. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Vologda province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 521. The case of the state of the Kazan prison company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 522. The case regarding the coverage of the prison cameras and the court of the Vladimir prison castle by Shandorin, as well as about the coverage of Kerosene in prisons of the Yaroslavl province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 523. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Amur Region for 1867
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 524. The case with monthly sheet on the state of the Novgorod prison company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 525. The case with monthly Vedomosti about the state of the Arkhangelsk prison company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 526. The case of the opening of prison committees
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 527. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners of the Yekaterinoslav province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 528. The case of the state of the Yaroslavl prison company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 529. The state of the Kursk Prisoner company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 53. The case of the replacement of the policemen, poisoned for duty in a camp apartment by civilian people (in the Samara province)
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 530. The state of the Moscow Prisoner Company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 531. 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 532. The case of the state of the Chisinau prison company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 533. The case of the state of the Perm prison company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 534. The case of the state of the Smolensk prison company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 535. The case of the condition of the Ryazan prisoner company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 536. The state of the state of the Poltava prison company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 537. The case of the state of the Saratov prisoner company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 538. The state of the Kerch-Yeniko prison company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 539. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and the prisoners of the Tambov province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 54. The case of the wrong order of the Ananyevsky police department of retaining a fine of a third part in favor of a county hare collected from the Society of Consignment
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 540. The case of the shoots and riots of prisoners of the Saratov province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 541. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and the prisoners in the Poltava province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 542. The case of hiring a woman for inspection in the St. Petersburg Prison Castle of visitors and riots allowed by the housekeeper Elizova, the overseer of Emelyanova and the assistant to Nerkhotsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 543. The case of shoots and riots of prisoners in the Moscow province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 544. The case of building in the city of Sterlitamak (Ufa province) of a new prison
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 545. The case at the request of the Mogilev second guild of the merchant Ekhmiel Wolfson about the approval of him for the supply of prison clothing and shoes
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 546. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Kazan province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 547. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Tauride province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 548. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners of the Courland province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 549. The case of the shoots and riots of prisoners in the Grodno province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 55. The case of the opening in the city of Voronezh School of Singing
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 550. The case of the state of the Odessa prison company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 551. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Kherson province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 552. The case of the state of the Vladimir prisoner company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 553. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners of the Ryazan province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 554. The state of the Yekaterinoslav prison company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 555. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Saratov province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 556. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Kursk province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 557. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Kaluga province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 558. The state of the Kaluga prisoner company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 559. The case about the Tula governor about how much money should be demanded from the treasury for the treatment of prisoners in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 56. The case regarding the cessation of the privilege of the German "Riga newspaper"
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 560. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners of the Nizhny Novgorod province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 561. The case of the defendability of the lower ranks of Kyiv No. 27 of the Prisoner company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 562. The case of the state of the Kyiv arresting companies No. 26 and No. 27 for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 563. The case with menstruation about the state of the Kharkov Prisoner company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 564. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Vladimir province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 565. The state of the Stavropol Prisoner company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 566. The case of the state of the Podolsk prisoner company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 567. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners of the Simbirsk province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 568. The state of the Kherson prisoner company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 569. The case of the circular of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the delivery of information to draw up a schedule for 1869 on the benefit of the children of the lower ranks of arresting companies
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 57. The case of the abolition of the lawsuit and criminal offices of the Moscow Countess of Deanery.Here is the correspondence and on the transfer of deanery to the Moscow Commercial Court of Paints on Prosteums
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 570. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Estland province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 571. The case of the state of the Pskov prisoner company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 572. The case of the appointment of a clerk of Kyiv No. 26 of the Prisoner company Vasily Kireev Pension
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 573. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Vilnius province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 574. The case with the monthly sheet on the state of the Tver prison company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 575. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Penza province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 576. The case with menstruation about the state of the Kostroma prisoner company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 577. The case with the monthly sheet on the state of the Tobolsk prisoner company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 578. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Yenisei province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 579. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Oryol province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 58. The case on the preparation of a commission for analyzing archival affairs of police departments (in the Oryol province)
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 580. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners of the Pskov province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 581. The case of the shoots and riots of the prisoners of the Pskov province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 582. The case of the appointment of a real state adviser Galkin by the head of a newly arranged prison in St. Petersburg in the buildings of the former "military town"
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 583. The case with the monthly sheet about the condition of the Simbirsk Prisoner company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 584. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Tula province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 585. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Arkhangelsk province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 586. The case with the monthly sheet on the state of the Oryol prison company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 587. The case of the shoots and riots of the prisoners of the Ryazan province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 588. The case of the allocation of the amount for heating and lighting of the Omsk prison castle and other
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 589. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners of the Olonets province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 59. The case of permitting the Tver Politzmaster travel to fire horses
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 590. The case regarding the distribution between the county zemstvo meetings of the amounts entering the arrested houses of the Oryol province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 591. The case of the shoots and riots of prisoners of the Orenburg province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 592. The case of giving in a row of delivery of heating and lighting materials for prisons in the cities of Proskurov, Letichev and Vinnitsa of the Podolsk province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 593. Case
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 594. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners of the Grodno province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 595. The case with the monthly statements about the state of the Simferopol Prisoner company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 596. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and the number of prisoners in the Smolensk province contained in them
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 597. The case of the transfer of cases of the Chancellery of the President of the Society of the Board of Society about prisons in the jurisdiction of the Department of Police of Executive
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 598. The case of a young prisoner Guzair Khasanov, touching the arson case (Courbatian Wareclier)
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 599. The case on the issue of the Tauride governor about whether to demand from that society, among which Alimov’s father lived and, by death, his son Kurt Ali-Alimov, a sentence of accepting him or failure
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 6. RGIA
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 60. The case at the request of the Department of Common Cases of Local amounts of the Ministry of the Interior
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 600. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Volyn province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 601. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Kostroma province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 602. The case with menstruation about the state of the Tomsk prisoner company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 603. The case with menstruation about the state of the Vyatka prison company
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 604. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Kyiv province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 605. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Yaroslavl province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 606. The case of petty costs on the Osinsky prison castle of the Perm province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 607. The case of covering costs for hiring a premises for a prison caretaker in the city of Mirgorod Poltava province.Immediately correspondence and the appropriation of apartment money to caretakers of other provinces
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 608. The case of covering costs for hiring a premises for a prison caretaker in the city of Mirgorod Poltava province and other provinces
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 609. RGIA
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 61. 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 610. 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 611. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners of the Kharkov province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 612. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Chernigov province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 613. The case of the shoots and riots of prisoners of the Poltava province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 614. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Astrakhan province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 615. The case of the shoots and riots of the prisoners of the Yenisei province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 616. The case of the shoots and riots of the prisoners of the Chernihiv province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 617. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Ufa province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 618. The case of the shoots and riots of prisoners of the Novgorod province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 619. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Voronezh province for 1867
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 62. The case of the establishment of the position of senior and younger medicines at the Zlatoust district doctor
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 620. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Podolsk province for 1867
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 621. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Yakut province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 622. The case of the shoots and riots of the prisoners of the Oryol province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 623. The case of the shoots and riots of prisoners of the Kostroma province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 624. The case of the appointment of a non-commissioned officer of the Kherson prisoner company Spiridon Byzichenko Pension
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 625. The case of the shoots and riots of prisoners in the city of Nikolaev Kherson province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 626. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Vyatka province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 627. The case on the issue of the Tula governor should be accepted to the prison company to correct in behavior and earnings, vicious people under the sentences of the society excluded for non -payments of duties
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 628. The case of the dismissal of Lieutenant General Mukhanov from the post of vice-president of the Committee on the analysis and prosecution of the poor and the determination of the actual state adviser Grozdov
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 629. The case of shoots and riots of prisoners of the Courland province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 63. The case of the extract of mirrors for public places
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 630. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Koven province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 631. The case of shoots and riots of prisoners in the Vladimir province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 632. The case of the appointment of a non-commissioned officer of the Saratov prison company Bartholomew Semenov Pension
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 633. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and the prisoners in the Tver province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 634. Russian
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 635. The case of the shoots and riots of prisoners of the Perm province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 636. The case of the shoots and riots of prisoners of the Bessarabian region for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 637. The state of prisons and the maintenance of prisoners and the rangers of prisons for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 638. The case of the shoots and riots of the prisoners of the Volyn province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 639. The case of shoots and riots of prisoners of the Vologda province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 64. The case of the appointment of a monetary amount for the Polzgensky Politzmaster for the hiring of a writer for border affairs with Prussia.Here and about the strengthening of the Planger police in general
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 640. The case of an increase in the number of guards and the maintenance of him in the Radom and Kalish provinces
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 641. The case of an increase in the number of guards and the content of it in the Plotsky province and other provinces.On an increase in content
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 642. The case of an increase in the number of guards and the content of it in the Warsaw province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 643. The case of increasing the number of guards and the content of him in the Celetsky province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 644. The case of an increase in the number of guards and the content of it in the Suvalka province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 645. RGIA
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 646. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Semipalatinsk region for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 647. Prisons in the Propesles Territory
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 648. The case of the costs of maintaining the prison part in the Plotsky province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 649. The case of the costs of maintaining the prison part in the Warsaw province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 65. The case of the strengthening of the Chancellery of the Warsaw and Lublin governors
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 650. Bryansk worker.1995, No. 24
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 651. The case of the costs of maintaining the prison part in the Radom province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 652. The case of the costs of maintaining the prison part in the Suvalka province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 653. The case of the costs of maintaining the prison part in the Petrokov province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 654. 89 l.
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 655. Bryansk worker.1995, No. 92
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 656. The case of the costs of maintaining the prison part in the Sedlets province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 657. The case of the costs of maintaining the prison part in the Lomzhin province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 658. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Podolsk province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 659. The case of the report of the Moscow Committee for the analysis and charity of those who ask for alms, about his actions for 1867
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 66. The case of the police of the lower ranks of the musketeer team in the city of Moscow and the jurisdiction of their
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 660. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Orenburg province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 661. The case of the shoots and riots of prisoners of the Tauride province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 662. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Bessarabian region for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 663. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Mogilev province 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 664. The case of the auction for the supply of materials, supplies and things for the Tobolsk prison company in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 665. The case of determining in prison, Jacobstat of the Courland province, the second prison overseer and the allocation of the amount.Here is about determining the second overseer to the Baus prison
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 666. The case of the unsatisfactory condition of the Volyn province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 667. The case of the procedure for paying money for the treatment of prisoners in prison hospitals, if the Ministry of Internal Affairs is not approved, the table of fees for the treatment of military ranks by the beginning of the year
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 668. The case of the shoots and riots of prisoners of the Kaluga province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 669. The case of the participation of prisoners of the Moscow prison company during a fire, which was in Mokin's house on June 9, 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 67. The case on the complaint of a survey adviser to the Kyiv police chief, regarding the prohibition of it to post a bibliographic announcements in public places
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 670. The case of remarks on reporting on food expenses in 1865 and 1866 of the Courland province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 671. The case of the destruction of the prison castles in the cities: Saransk, Nizhny Lomov, Chebara and the settlements of the Penza province, black courtyards
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 672. The case of the shoots and riots of the prisoners of the Kharkov province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 673. The case of information about reference prices for flour and cereal existing in 1867-1868, to draw up a table about fodder money to prisoners for 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 674. The case of the shoots and riots of the prisoners of the Odessa mayor of the Kherson province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 675. The case of the appointment of a non-commissioned officer of the Vyatka prisoner company Lavrenty Pinaeva Pension
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 676. The case regarding the passage through rural guards from the county prisons to judicial investigators of prisoners and the decoy of the military convoy
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 677. The case of the appropriation of money for the costs of the maintenance of the Tsarskoye Selo Prison Castle
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 678. Дело об ассигновании денег на лечение арестантов тверской арестантской роты
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 679. The case of the appointment of a military-worker No. 52 of the company Vasily Drobotenko pensions
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 68. The case of the opening in the city of Vlotslavsk of the Warsaw Province of the Public Assembly
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 680. The case of training prisoners contained in the prison companies of the civilian department to the work of brick
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 681. The case on the Kursk governor about reducing the terms of maintenance to prisoners in prisons
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 682. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Kalish province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 683. The case of improving the food of prisoners of the Tver prison company
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 684. The case of shoots and riots of prisoners in the Penza province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 685. The case of the placement of criminals in prison companies (translations, appointment of mouths)
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 686. The case of awarding of peasants: Yakimenko, Baibak, Ornyatsky, Marchenko and Oleshko, commendable sheets for capturing five prisoners who fled from the Zolotonozhskaya prison
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 687. The case of the release of the amount for the correction of a fire tool in the Kazan prison company
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 688. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Voronezh province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 689. The state of the state of the Voronezh prison company for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 69. The case of the construction of the Kuban and Terek regions
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 690. The case of the permitted by Baptized from the Tatars prisoner Savely Essen is to be ranked at the end of the term of maintenance in the prison company in a Christian society
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 691. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Radom province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 692. The case of moving the commander of the Saratov prisoner company Second Lieutenant Carlstein to the Saratov provincial battalion and the determination of the captain of the same battalion Filipov in his place
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 693. The case of the shoots and riots of prisoners in the Tula province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 694. The case of the escape from the Novgorod prison company prisoner Savelyev
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 695. The case of the vacation of the Permian charity of the money due for the maintenance of prison children in the establishments of that order
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 696. The case of the vacation of the Poltava Zemstvo Administration of the money due for the maintenance of prisoner children in the establishments of that council
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 697. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Lomzhin province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 698. The case of Prussian citizen Joogan Haak
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 699. The case of increasing content to the caretaker and overseer of the Yekaterinoslav prison castle
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 7. The case of the papers for information and management
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 70. The case of baking between the Moscow Ober Politzmeister and the local military prosecutor about the jurisdiction of the case of the non-commissioned officer of Nerhev
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 700. The case of not compilation, both in county departments and in the provincial care of prisons of the Committee of the Simbirsk Province, meetings
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 701. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Keletsky province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 702. The case of the escape and riots of prisoners in the Livonia province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 703. The case on the issue of the Minsk governor about where to turn the prisoners of Grigory Zharkov and Vasily Evdokimov, convicted of work in fortresses
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 704. The case on the issue of the economic department of the Ministry of the Interior on how to deal with the people who are excluded from the people who are excluded from the people of bad behavior for lack of non -Russians in the Novorossiysk Territory of Social Houses
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 705. The case of the death of the commander of the Kiev prison company Captain Ungenbauer and the appointment of the headquarters of Ryabchevsky in his place of the Oryol company commander, and the commander of the Oryol company to appoint the headquarters captain Kulesha-Donets
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 706. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Primorsky region for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 707. The case of the appointment of a non-commissioned officer of the Kursk Prisoner company Boris Nikolaev Pensions
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 708. RGIA
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 709. The case of the appropriation of additional content to the caretaker of the Polotsk prison castle to the college registrar Averkovich
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 71. The case of abuse of the existing Jewish funeral fraternities in the northwestern region
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 710. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Tomsk province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 711. The case of money proceeds through the sale of different things in the Tula prison company and stage premises
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 712. The case of the shoots and riots of prisoners in the Coven province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 713. The case of the appointment of the former commander of the Taganrog prisoner semi -rot of Captain Glushanov, Anna Glushanova Pension
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 714. RGIA
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 715. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Warsaw province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 716. The case of the opening of the position of the caretaker of the Melenkovsky prison castle of the Vladimir province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 717. The case of the shoots and riots of prisoners in the Arkhangelsk province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 718. The case of the shoots and riots of prisoners in the Kursk province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 719. The case of shoots and riots of prisoners in the Ufa province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 72. The case of the provision of the district bailiffs of the St. Petersburg suburban police right to carry out before the arrival of the court investigator at the crime scene formal interrogations
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 720. The case on the Ministry of Finance about whether the Saratov Prison Committee is subject to 4788 rubles 95½ kopecks, which was not received by him, against the amount calculated by the estimate for the procurement of clothing, shoes and linen for prisoners in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 721. RGIA
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 722. The case of the establishment at the Kovrovsky prison castle of the position of the caretaker
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 723. The case of the shoots and riots of prisoners in the Samara province for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 724. The case on the issue of the Astrakhan governor about how to do with adult criminals from the Gentiles, who accepted Christianity in places in places of conclusion.(About the minor prisoner Guryev)
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 725. The case on the Tauride Governor on how to do with retired ordinary Leonty Alekseev, not attributed to any society and to resignation of a permanent place of residence
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 726. RGIA
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 727. The case of distribution at the St. Petersburg Hospital of the Hospital
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 728. The case of the procedure for the audit of books on a note of the parish and expenditure of money earned by prisoners in the Novgorod prison company
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 729. The case of the correction of buildings occupied by the Perm prison company (House at Shumilova)
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 73. The case of the permit to the merchant Levencron to open the commission office of the second category in Moscow
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 730. The case of the minister of justice by Count von der Palen's prison in the provinces
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 731. The case of the revision of the economic part and work in an urgent prison, as well as on the St. Petersburg Prison Castle
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 732. The case of the opening in the city of Torzhok (Tver province) for minors subjected to the sentences of justice of the peace, a shelter for donations to the landowner Rokacheva and zemstvo
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 733. The case on the Ministry of Finance on whose expense the food should be carried out by persons subjected to the verdict of justice of the peace of arrest and imprisonment
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 734. The case of the dismissal of the ensign of the Kursk Prisoner company Efimov from the service and the determination of the second lieutenant of Gerasimov (Emeruture) in his place
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 735. The case of the number of places of imprisonment and about the prisoners in the Irkutsk province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 736. Information about the value of the content in the prisoners of each prisoner in 1867 and 1868, as well as how much money is earned by each of them
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 737. The case of the inspection by Mr. Director of the Police Department by the executive state adviser to Kosagovsky places of imprisonment in the Kingdom of Poland
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 738. The case of adaptation in the city of Luga (St. Petersburg province) of the house of the former postal hotel and in the Feofilov desert of the Highway House, for arrested by sentences of peace
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 739. RGIA
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 74. The case of a police team on the Grushev-Rostov Railway
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 740. The case of the number of free places in the Kharkiv prison company
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 741. The case on the Yenisei governor about whether the provincial prosecutor should testify to the amounts released by the committee to the prison career to feed prisoners
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 742. The case of the failure of the Shuisky Zemstvo Administration for its responsibility for hiring the guards under the zemstvo prison room
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 743. The case of the allocation of the amount for maintaining in the Kaluga prisoner half -rot in 1869 super -complex prisoners appointed from the Orenburg and Ufa provinces
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 744. The case in relation to the head of the Vladimir province on the appointment of the Bulgarian Archimandrite Pavel (Kustodiev)
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 745. The case of the appointment of non-commissioned officers of the Kazan prison company Shabiakhmet Amirov and Mikhail Biryukov Pension
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 746. The case of the abolition of the Stavropol Prisoner Company of the Civil Department
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 747. The case of super -estimated costs for the maintenance of the Simferopol prison company
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 748. The case of the work made by prisoners of the prisoners of the civilian department in 1868 and the proceeds
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 749. The case of the renaming of the military-working No. 52 company staff captain Sergeyev and the ensign Bekhter in the relevant civil ranks.Here is the correspondence and death of Sergeyev and Bether
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 75. The case of a pension of the widow of non-commissioned officer Kartashov
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 750. The case of awarding the non-commissioned officer of the Tomsk prisoner company Yakov Busygin, for refusing to produce a class rank with advantages
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 751. The case of the Senate decree on whether it should be terminated by sending the Polish prisoners to the Ryazan prisoner of the Polish prisoners, to apply the resolution, which was highly approved on October 19, 1863 to the prisoners and to enter it under court sentences
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 752. The case of the construction of a new building in Odessa for the prison company and the liberation of the city occupied by this company
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 753. The case of determining the provincial secretary Maslov as an assistant commander of the Voronezh prison company and retired second lieutenant of Batygin, as well as the dismissal of the first
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 754. The case of determining the second lieutenant 130 of the Kherson Infantry Regiment Zinevich in the Podolsk prison company.Here is the correspondence about the headquarters captain Andreev
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 755. The case of moving prisoners from the buildings of the prison company in the city of Kostroma, into the buildings of the same company behind the Kinesham outpost.Here about the apartment allowance of military ranks and the loan for the treatment of prisoners
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 756. The case of the buildings of the abolished Nikolsky arms factory Perm province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 757. RGIA
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 758. The case of determining the retired lieutenant Kulyabko in the Poltava prison company (Monstrovich)
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 759. The case regarding the suspension of sending exile to the Trans -Baikal Region in Eastern Siberia
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 76. Allegri Lottery Case contained in Moscow in the garden by a foreigner Zimmerman
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 760. The case of the cost of maintaining in 1868 of the exile of the Nerchinsky factories
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 761. The case of the payment of money for treatment in the Kerch military hospital of sick prisoners of the Kerch-Senical Prisoner Polorota
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 762. The case of dismissal from the service of the commander of the consolidated prisoner company, consisting of the army of Captain Stepanov and the satisfaction of his maintenance
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 763. The case of papers accepted for information and management
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 764. The case on the question of whether the binding of persons detained by the police and the prisoners they preferred by the police may be allowed
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 765. The case of the assets of the assessor on the private golden crafts of the Minusinsky district of Shiliot when the colony was arranged from exiles of Eastern Siberia
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 766. The case at the request of the soldier Vasilisa Maksimova Zakharova about the permission to marry with the executioner Timothy Nepomnya
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 767. The case of a vacation of 260 rubles to correct damage in the building of the Ural stage (Orenburg province)
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 768. The case of the untimely acceptance by the military authorities of the Mukhanovsky semi -staple building and the payment of 264 rubles 35 rubles in the Oryol province to the account
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 769. The case on the question of who is obliged to supply transit prisoners with clothes, feed money and conduct reporting on this subject in the Smolensk province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 77. The case of allowing a college registrar Nechaev to open an office in Orenburg
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 770. The case of all -mocking permission about the election of the place of residence for the former court adviser Romanov where he wishes, except for capitals and capital provinces, instead of exile to Siberia
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 771. The case of the difficulties found in the placement of exiled prisoners in existing prison establishments in the cities of Achinsk and Krasnoyarsk from the influx of them from the Great Russian provinces.Here and about the riots of the Yenisei provincial authorities by exile and
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 772. The case on the question of whether to assign carts under the VIZ of the privileged class from prison to the railway station along the Tula province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 773. The case, at the request of the peasant Agafon Nasyrov about the increase in the maintenance of the content of the stage on the stage between the village of Shumovka and the city of Buinsky on the occasion of changing stage routes
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 774. The case of the permission of the settler Ivan Apolonov (aka Bartholomew) will return to his homeland to the Ryazan province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 775. The case of the complaint of Count Olizar for refusing to satisfy him for the device and maintenance from 1822 to 1840 of the stage of the Studenitsa estate
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 776. The case on the issue of calculations of the credit of the estimate for 1869 for heating and lighting of the steppe buildings in the Vilnius province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 777. The case of hiring stage premises on the internal roads of the Tver province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 778. RGIA
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 779. The case on the question of whether it is possible in the city of Orel to punish with lashes of a fugitive settler Skvortsov
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 78. The case of the position of state auctionist existing in the city of Riga
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 780. The case of the permitted exile Andrei Abrosimov and his wife will return to his homeland to the Ryazan province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 781. The case by decree of the Governmental Senate on the complaint of the peasant Mikhail Tashlytsev to order the Perm provincial board of the expulsion of his daughter to Siberia and the delivery of information about the Berezovsky and Shiret plants
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 782. The case of the vacation from an extraordinary amount of 1,500 rubles for heating and lighting the building of patients with the Civil Office reserved for the placement in the city of Chita for Eastern Siberia
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 783. 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 784. The case at the request of Alexander Mikhnevich about the satisfaction of the rental money for the hiring of the barn under the scaffold
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 785. The case of the permission of the worker of the Irkutsk salted factory Fedor Alekseev to marry
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 786. The case of the execution of the executioner of the Kaluga prison castle to Alexandrov some advantages
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 787. The case on the question of what estimates are shown in the consumption of 655 rubles 50 verses the following in the return to the Provisa department for the maintenance of the lower ranks with staging buildings in the Simbirsk province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 789. The case of supplying transit prisoners with leather shoes, in the Perm province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 79. The case of transformations in the Privuslyansky Territory (Kingdom of Poland)
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 790. The case on the issue of the issuance of exiles sent to the Vologda province for court sentences to the initial acquisition of a monetary benefit by the farm
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 791. The case of resolving the settler Fedor Kozlovsky remain forever in the Mikhailovsky Monastery in the city of Kyiv
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 792. The case of the estimate of the Zemstvo duties for the three years since 1869 of the annual consumption of 145 rubles for hiring in the Pavlovsky Posad house for the overnight premises of transit prisoners in the Moscow province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 793. The case in relation to the Military Department with a complaint of the former Novgorod police officer Lange about insulting and non-fulfilling his requirements by the non-commissioned officer of the prison company Malakhovich
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 794. The case of allowing the worker of the Irkutsk salted factory Kudabardakov to marry the girl Olga Konstantinova
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 795. 795
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 796. The case of the correction of the Stage buildings of the Yakovlevsky first, Sergievsky and Fatezh in the Kursk province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 797. The case of the transportation of prisoners in the Odessa-Baltic railway and a branch from the Sepa-Divine station to Tiraspol in the Bessarabian region
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 798. The case of the water supply system at the St. Petersburg transit prison
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 799. The case of the allocation of 400 rubles from the spare amount of the Zemstvo fee for the correction of furnaces in the building occupied by transit prisoners in the Yenisei province in the city of Krasnoyarsk
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 8. The case of changing and complementing the charter of the Rzhevsky Club
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 80. Novosibirsk State Museum of Local Lore
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 800. The case of the misunderstandings met by the Saratov provincial authorities in the direction of prisoners from the cities of Petrovsk and Kuznetsk to Volsk along the winter and summer tracts
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 801. The case of the sale of abolished stage buildings of the Tambov province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 802. The case of the maintenance in 1868 of the Perm Central prison and persons employees with it
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 803. The case of difficulties met in the execution of sentences over all the rights of the state in those counties of the Tambov and Yekaterinoslav province, which are ranked to the district courts of the Yelets, Voronezh and Izyumi
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 804. The case of the vacation from the remnants of the Zemsky fee of 1252 rubles 17¼ kopecks for the correction of the Tyne Stage House in the Podolsk province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 805. The case of the appointment of the amount for the coverage of the Building Prison building in the summer months and the return of 120 rubles 24 kopecks to the caretaker of this prison in the St. Petersburg province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 806. The case on the question of removing the blind to both eyes of the peasant Yegor Anisimov for stealing money from the church to Siberia for placement
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 807. The case of the establishment of the transportation of prisoners in the Kozlov-Voronezh and Riga-Morshanskaya railways and the continuation of the Moscow-Kurskaya from Tula to Kursk
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 808. The case regarding the cost of maintaining single -end submarines at all stages of the main path of exiles in Western Siberia
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 809. The case of supplying the inhabitants in kind on the main exiled path of the Poltava province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 81. The case of replacing county hacks in temporary departments of district police
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 810. The case of the unsatisfactory condition of stage buildings in the Kharkov Military District
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 811. The case of changing the procedure for enrolling in the arrears of money allocated to the maintenance of prisoners
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 812. The case of permission to the settler Tobolsk province Alexei Semenov will return to his homeland in the Tver province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 813. 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 814. The case of the content of stage Gonba (Submarine at stages) in the Oryol province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 815. The case on the question: whether to send a prisoner of Kozlovsky to Siberia, deprived of one leg (according to the Livonia province)
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 816. The case on the question: about leaving persons sentenced to remove from societies, until navigation time, under the supervision of societies or under arrest during the volost government in the Tver province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 817. The vacation case of 2038 rubles 30½ kopecks for perestroika re -kitchen with the assembly and a bathhouse for the Casco Stage Team.In the St. Petersburg province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 818. The case on issues that arose on the content of exile and transit prisoners due to a change in the system and methods of movement of prison parties (in the Saratov province)
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 819. The case of approving trading for the supply of clothes and shoes for exiled and transit prisoners in the Tver province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 82. The case of a pension to the ordinary Kyiv firefighter Nikolai Mikhalsky
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 820. The case of the maintenance of stage premises in the Volyn province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 821. Reporting inspectors for sending prisoners for 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 822. The case of leaving the previous procedure for the surrender of prison parties in Perm at the ship’s pier, on the banks of the Kama River (in the Perm province)
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 823. The case of the return of the settler Nikifor Rodionov to his homeland to the Novgorod province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 824. The case of the recovery from the former commander of the Vladimir battalion, Major General Stashevsky 1740 rubles 28½ kopecks for improper consideration of prisoner things from 1847 to 1857
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 825. The case of the construction of the fate of the executioners in the Akmola region
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 826. The case of the establishment of a transfer point in the city of Service, on the Prussian border, for sending prisoners
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 827. The case on the issue excited by the Kaluga Tales Chamber regarding the presentation of the money due to the costs of sending peasants to Siberia, removed by worldly sentences
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 828. The case of allocation from the spare amount of the Zemsky fee 3952 rubles 17½ kopecks for the work and correction of the building of the former disabled team in the Moscow province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 829. The case of the content of stages in the Poltava province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 83. The case of the businessization of officials of the Tomsk provincial rule for the production of consequences instead of officials of special assignments
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 830. The case of the conclusion of a contract with the merchant Shavkunov for the supply of prison things in the Perm province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 831. The Circular case regarding the calls to bidding on the contracts and supply of prisoner things
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 832. The case on the subject of the device, near the Baltic Station of the Railway, a stage building for the placement of transit prisoners in the Podolsk province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 833. The case on the note of the chief inspector for the shipment of prisoners following from the Kovenskaya, Courland and Livonia provinces, about the riots and abuses allowed during the movement of prisoners on railways
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 834. The case of the permitting exile Alexander Gron to go to the civil service in Siberia
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 835. The case of the Yekaterinburg police officer Gerasimov
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 836. The case of riots when sending prisoners
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 837. The case of permitting a settler from Jeparidze exiled to Pancaris to arrive from Siberia to his homeland
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 838. The case of the transfer to the postal department of revolvers who remained too much behind the abolition of some convoy teams
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 839. The case of the assumption of the Moscow governor that the procurement of prison clothing and shoes for exiled and transferred prisoners is calculated by the amount of expenditure of things for one year
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 84. The case of buying furniture of public places: Lomzhinsky and Brezovsky district departments
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 840. The case of building a central transit prison in the city of Tomsk, the maintenance of this prison and persons employees with it
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 841. The case of the transportation of prisoners in navigation time along the Volga River between Astrakhan and Kazan on the steamers of the Swan partnership
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 842. The case of facilitating the fate of the criminal Alexandrov
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 843. The case of adapting the buildings of the Oryol prison company for the central prison, the maintenance of this prison and employees with it in 1868-1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 844. The case of the maintenance of the Moscow Central Crossroads and Employees of Persons with it in 1868-1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 845. The case on the suggestion of the settlement of the Zapechora region by persons sentenced to exile in Siberia
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 846. The case of a change in the stage system in the kingdom of Poland
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 847. The case of the issuance of a cash benefit for the initial acquisition by the farm to the exiles sent to the Vologda province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 848. The case on the question of what time and in what amounts should be made fodder contentment of the families of exile and transit prisoners stopped along the path of illness
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 849. The case regarding the arrest of the straps for the prison shacks
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 85. The case of a change in the charter of the Kyiv noble club
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 850. The case of the top -estimate consumption for hiring premises for stages and overnight points and for maintenance at the stages in the Stavropol province.On the construction of stage buildings in this province in the Terek region
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 851. The case on the question: how to do with the settlers who are allowed to enlist in the inner provinces for non -finding societies that would adopt these exiles in their environment.On the attitude of immigrants to European Russia without the consent of these societies
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 852. Russian
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 853. The case by decree of the government Senate on the question of how to do with persons from a privileged class convicted of imprisonment, with the deprivation of all special and as a state of rights and advantages at the end of the Tuts
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 854. The case of the maintenance of the Nizhny Novgorod central transit prison and persons employees with it in 1868-1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 855. The case of the allocation of 9919 rubles 80 kopecks for the adaptation in the city of Krasnoyarsk buildings for the premises of transit prisoners (in Eastern Siberia)
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 856. The case of returning to the homeland of the highlander Alesker-Kurban Ogly (according to Holy Baptism Alexei Ivanov)
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 857. The case of the expenditure for the transportation of prisoners on railways
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 858. The case on the subject of the appointment of distant provinces, except for Siberian
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 859. The case of the cancellation of the transportation of prisoners on carts, along the tract from Tomsk to Achinsk
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 86. The case of apartment money by the district chiefs in the Kingdom of Poland
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 860. The case of the establishment of a special prison government with newly open central transit prisons in Orel, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Perm, Tyumen and Tomsk, which contains exiled prisoners delayed for the winter
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 861. The case of the adoption of the treasury of the Sosnitsky prison castle, the Chernihiv province, built by the contractor Brook at his own expense, with return to the government
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 862. The case of the production of capital alterations in the Yekaterinburg prison castle of the Perm province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 863. The case of the construction of prisons in Epifani, Efremov, Bogoroditsk and Novosili (Tula province)
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 864. The case of permission to arrange at the Novoladozh prison (St. Petersburg province) Church
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 865. The case of the inspection by the actual state adviser Galkin places of imprisonment in the city of Kazan
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 866. The case of building a new prison in the city of Moscow on Sokolnichye Field
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 867. The case of building in the city of Riga (Livonia province) of a new prison
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 868. The case of the construction of prison castles in the cities of Aleksin and Kashira of the Tula province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 869. The case of the transfer of the contract duties of the graphs of the Chapsky merchant Alapin in the construction of the Telshevsky prison castle of the Kovensky province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 87. The case of the establishment at the Semipalatinsk city police department of the post of translator of the Tatar language
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 870. The case of hiring a building for the premises of prison prisoners in the city of Peterhof (House of the Ainarius Active Councilor)
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 871. The case of the device of prisons according to the new conclusion system.On the introduction of the main provisions of the prison transformation developed by the commission, in ten provinces of the Moscow Judicial District (Moscow, Vladimir, Kaluga, Nizhny Novgorod, RE
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 872. The case of the construction of a water crane in the courtyard of St. Petersburg and the acquisition of a fire pipe
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 873. The case of building a prison in Nizhneudinsk
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 874. The case of the construction of the Church of the Church by the merchant Maltzov in the Novomoskovsky prison castle of the Yekaterinoslav province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 875. The case of the device in the Rostov (on the Don) Prison Castle, the Yekaterinoslav province, Nar
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 876. The case of hiring a private building under the premises of the Samara prison castle and the conclusion of a contract with the Samara first guild by the merchant Bureev
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 877. The case on the report of the prosecutor of the Moscow Judicial Chamber on the assumption of various riots in prisons: Kaluga, Moscow, Ryazan, Tver and Yaroslavl provinces
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 878. The case of the device at the Dmitrov prison of the Oryol province of the well
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 879. The case of the construction of a new prison castle in the city of Novouzensk Samara province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 88. The case of the provision of the police of the right to impose fines for the maintenance of craft institutions guilty of bad handling with students
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 880. The case of the correction of the Kaluga prison castle and the construction of a new prison, as well as the adaptation of the Kaluga corrective prison department for the prison room.Here is the correspondence of the assignment of the prison committee of the old prison castle or about
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 881. The case of Reichman to satisfy the work in the Kalish prison
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 882. The case of the ventilation device in the Saratov Prison Castle
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 883. The case of the unsatisfactory condition of the prison in the Sergievsky Posad of the Moscow province and the hiring of the house of Mrs. Morozova for the premises of the prison
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 884. The case of building in the cities of Orsk, Verkhneuralsk, Troitsk and Chelyaba of the Orenburg province of new prison castles
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 885. The case of hiring in the city of Vologda buildings for premises of urgent prisoners.Here is the correspondence and on the repair capital of the Vologda prison
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 886. The case of hiring a house of the Simbirsk merchant Krasnikov for the premises of military prisoners
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 887. The case of the remnants of the Tauride provincial zemstvo gathering, gathered for the construction of public places and prisons
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 888. The case of the correction of the buildings of the Yekaterinburg district treasury and the court
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 889. The case of recognizing the property of the treasury in the city of Orel of the building called the "General Corps"
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 89. The case at the request of the honorary citizen of Zhuravlev about granting him the right to work in factories and factories on holidays and service days.Here is also correspondence at the request of the Bialystok manufacturers about the same
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 890. The case of the repair of the palace in Vilna
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 891. The case of the construction of premises for new court places in the Smolensk province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 892. The case of the restructuring of the building of the present places in the city of Skvira Kyiv province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 893. The case of the transfer of the Old Russian district treasury of the Novgorod province into the premises of the former district court and the buildings of the former specific department in the city of Old Russa, adopted by the department of the Ministry of the Interior
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 894. The case of the construction in Nizhny Novgorod of the premises for new judicial places
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 895. The case of the transfer of the Mostovsky Palace in Warsaw to the department of the Ministry of the Interior
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 896. The case of hiring a premises for the Kola and Sumetsky district departments of the Kalishi province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 897. The case on the idea of ​​the Plotsky governor about the allocation of money to remove the yard and the arrangement of fences at the Plotsky district administration and to repair the building of this management
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 898. The point in relation to the governor in the Kingdom of Poland, about the allocation of 7048 rubles 43½ kopecks for the correction of the collapsed building of the Sedeletsky provincial rule
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 899. The case of the opening of a super -estimate loan of 8173 rubles for the corrections of the building occupied by the Cherets provincial rule
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 9. The case of entering the police teams obligations to protect the defendants during the court hearings
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 90. The case of resolving the postal department to accept bales weighing up to three pounds (according to Novgorod) from provincial printing houses
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 900. 1909
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 901. The case of the repair of state buildings in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 902. The case in relation to the main engineering department on the transformation of the civil construction part in the Kazan Military District
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 903. The case of the adaptation of the Caputsin building in the city of Lyubartovo for the premises of the county department with an apartment of the county chief, and about the apartments of the county chief in general
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 904. RGIA
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 905. The case of the sale, on the dilapidation, services of the official house built for the premises of the Vyshnevolotsky public places of the Tver province, now occupied by the county treasury and also allegedly assigned part of this building with prisoners
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 906. The assignment case of 746 rubles 2 kopecks for additional work on the Mezensky district treasury of the Arkhangelsk province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 907. The case of the allocation of the amount for the repair of the official building occupied by the Kalishi present places, as well as the apartments of the governor and vice-governor
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 908. The case on the proposal of the Poltava governor about the return to the treasury from the revenues of the city of Piryatin 120 rubles released for the hire of the premises for the Piryatinsky apartment commission
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 909. The case of the adaptation of the first corps of the Tver present places for the premises of various institutions
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 91. The case of the expenditure of delivery to the provincial city of insanity for examination in the provincial board
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 910. The case of the correction of the building of the county treasury in the city of Kamyshlov Perm province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 911. The case of the balance of the amount allocated in 1860 to correct the building of the present places in the city of Cherny-Yara of the Astrakhan province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 912. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Minsk province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 913. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Tver province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 914. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Vladimir province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 915. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Kostroma province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 916. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Vologda province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 917. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Novgorod province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 918. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Kyiv province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 919. The case of the transfer of the zemstvo of the structure of the Mozhaysky present places
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 92. The case of the subordination of the Kyiv city police of the area of ​​the Escaping City Code, on which the Kiev-Baltic Railway station is being built
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 920. The case of the premises of the Sventsian apartment commission of the Vilnius province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 921. The case of the construction of stone services in the case of public places in the city of Kineshma
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 922. The case of the construction of premises for new court places in the Kostroma province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 923. 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 924. The case on the performance of the Tambov governor about the device in the Governor's House stairs
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 925. The case of the satisfaction of the technicians of the Tauride provincial government 4% with money for the work they made in 1866-1867 for the repair of state buildings
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 926. The case of a vacation of 100 rubles for paying for work on the installation of shelves in the archive of the Tambov Chamber of the Criminal Court
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 927. The case of the issuance by the architect Lonsky 500 rubles for drawing up a project for building a building for the placement of the Odessa prison company
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 928. The case of the withdrawal from the building of the Kursk present places of the control chamber
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 929. The case of the addition of the Spassky (Ryazan province) to the Treasury of the arrears of 54 rubles 60 kopecks following the capital for the construction of public places and prisons
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 93. The case of the additional content of the policemaker of the city of Libava.Here are the correspondence about the police of the East-Zeasky Territory
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 930. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Stavropol province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 931. The case of hiring a premises for the Chernihiv Static Committee
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 932. The case of the acquisition for the Yenisei governor of the house of Sazhin
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 933. The case of the papers accepted for
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 934. The case of the assignment of the zemstvo of the upper floor of the building of the Korchevsky present places
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 935. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Volyn province in 1867
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 936. The case of adapting the buildings of the gendarme barracks in the city of Chisinau for the premises of regional government
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 937. The case of the resumption of a charred building occupied by the Rossiy district treasury
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 938. 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 939. The case of the correction of the upper floor of the building of the Obolensky present places
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 94. The case of headquarters and chief officers, consisting of governors and military governors, for special assignments for the civilian part
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 940. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Estland province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 941. 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 942. The case of a treasury recovery of 6380 rubles 46 kopecks from the architect Belyaev for malfunctions in the work in the cities of Totma and Nikolsk
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 943. The case of Stepanov’s complaint about the riots at the Biryulevskaya postal station in the Moscow province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 944. The case of the remuneration of the technicians of the Nizhny Novgorod provincial rule on their observation of the work performed in 1865 and 1866
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 945. The case of improving the premises of the county treasury of the Bratslavl and Mogilev Podolsk province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 946. The case of the ventilation device in the Tver prison castle and the premises of the prison company
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 947. The case of the restructuring of retarded places at the Astrakhan prison castle
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 948. The case of the allocation of the amount for the adaptation in the city of the Open Radom province, the state castle for the premises of the present places, including for county rule
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 949. The case of the correction of a state house in the city of Grubeshov Lublin province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 95. The case of runaway money to the assessment of county vessels from the settlements
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 950. The case on the complaint of the attorney of the heirs of the college registrar of Chaber, the Provincial Secretary of Kolesnikov to the Yekaterinoslav Provincial Board for the suspension of the issuance of his money from the amount, paid by the merchant Troyanovsky for hiring a house under the province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 951. The issue of the vacation of 200 rubles 37 kopecks to satisfy the Reichman for the repair of the Radom Prison Castle, 78 rubles to close the channel and generally about the costs of the content of the prison castle in the serviceability of the prison
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 952. The case of the restructuring of the palace in the city of Tver
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 953. The case of the cost of correcting the Kerensky present places
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 954. The question of Matrena Butskoy about the satisfaction of her money for hiring houses under the premises in the city of Gadyach some of the present places
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 955. The issue of vacation annually 2000 rubles for the repair of the governor's house in the city of Lublin
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 956. The case of the placement of the apartment of the Przemyshlovsky police officer in the building of public places
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 957. The case of the correction of a state -owned house in the city of Olkum Keletsky province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 958. The case of the construction in the building of the Pskov Provincial General Places of Archive Premises
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 959. The case in relation to the economic department on the release of additional money to cover the costs of hiring a premises for the Mlavsky and Sandomirsky district departments of the Plotsky province, as well as on savings according to the current estimate of the internal affairs department in the kingdom
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 96. The case of the use of a fee for testimony of notarial acts for road arrangements
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 960. The case of the furniture of the Ostashkovsky district police department
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 961. The case on the question of whether the premises of the Opochetsk Zemstvo hospital in the building of public places can be dismissed
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 962. The assignment case of 155 rubles 35 kopecks for the repair of the Phyyarsky building in the city of Veluna, occupied by local county administration
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 963. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Minsk province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 964. The case in relation to the economic department of the release of money to cover the costs of maintaining a building occupied by Plotsky district management
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 965. The case in relation to the economic department of the release of money to correct the buildings occupied by the Tsekhanovsky and Plotsky district departments
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 966. The case in relation to the economic department of the release of money for the correction of buildings occupied by Lipnovsky district department
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 967. The case of opening a loan for the construction of sidewalks in the cities of Plotsk and Kalisha
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 968. Дело об исправлении в городе Орле здания смирительно-рабочего дома
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 969. The case of the release of money for the repair of the building occupied by the Court of the Warsaw Correction Police
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 97. The case of the consumption of the archival affairs of the Smolensk provincial rule
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 970. The case of the correction of the building occupied by the Seradz district department
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 971. The case of the introduction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the amounts of premises for the August and Mariampol district departments, as well as the apartment money, county chiefs
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 972. The case of the repair of state buildings in the Livonia province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 973. The case of the appropriation of 114 rubles for the satisfaction of the costs of correcting the furniture of the Seinsky police department of the Suvalka province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 974. The case of the repair of state buildings in Eastern Siberia in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 975. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Podolsk province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 976. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Vyatka province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 977. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Arkhangelsk province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 978. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Arkhangelsk province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 979. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Saratov province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 98. The case of changing the charter of the Tver noble assembly
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 980. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Estland province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 981. The case of the repair correction of the building occupied by the Petrokovsky Provincial Board and the apartment of the governor and the vice-governor
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 982. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Kaluga province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 983. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Grodno province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 984. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Mogilev province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 985. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Penza province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 986. The case of the repair of state buildings in the Orenburg province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 987. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Grodno province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 988. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Kaluga province in 1868
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 989. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Kazan province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 99. The case of laying on police officials obligations to testify to cloth factories
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 990. The case of the correction of the wind furnace in the Pugachevsky tower of the Moscow Prison Castle
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 991. The case of water supply to the Dmitrovsky prison castle of the Oryol province
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 992. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Voronezh province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 993. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Moscow province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 994. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Stavropol province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 995. The case of the repair of state buildings in the Yekaterinoslav province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 996. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Olonets province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 997. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Oryol province in 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 998. The case of the repair of the official buildings of the Vladimir province of 1869
РГИА. 1286 / 29 / 999. The case of the repair of state buildings of the Nizhny Novgorod province in 1869
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