"Crimean project" in the context of Soviet national policy and the system of Jewish political projects (1920-1940)

Mogarichev, Konstantin Yuryevich"Crimean project" in the context of Soviet national policy and the system of Jewish political projects (1920-1940): specialty 07.00.03 - universal history (the latest history of the countries of Europe and America): abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of historical sciences / Mogarichev KonstantinYurevich ;Place of protection: FGAOU Belgorod State National Research University.- Belgorod, 2020. -30 p.;21 cm .. -Bibliography: p.27-28 (11 names) and in tuning.Note..-120 copies..I. Belgorod State National Research University 1.People (collection).2. Territory (collection).3. National Policy-Crimea-1920-1940.- Abstracts of dissertations.4. General history (the latest history of the countries of Europe and America).BBK 63.3 (2ros. Clot) -38ya031Source of an electronic copy: NIU "BelSU".Website
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